Police bare gun butts with new holsters Aware of danger of someone grabbing a police officer gun Police have issued new open security holsters at a cost of about according to administrator Hale The new lightweight plastic repeals the butt of the gun but the officer knows how to release it Ail uniform officers were issued open bolsters last week I la I ton firearms training officer trie Bullock describes the new holster as being the beat damn security holster on the The gun is locked in such a way that there is no way to get it out and a person landing behind can possibly lift it out of the holster he said Bullock mentioned a case in Georgetown about a year ago when a woman in a family dispute grabbed the gun from an officers holster and began waving it Accord to Bullock there have been many I when people have tried to get an officer gun but the officer has been able to them He added the force has had lo accept damaged guns resulting from being dropped from the old style flop holsters There are lots of when an officer is running and the gun has fallen out of the flap holster the f rearms officer He disagreed with idea that the open holster was an in nation to grab the gun If look underneath Ihe butt of the gun there a plastic guard over the trigger and there is no way you can pull it out he The approval b the Ha I ton Board of Lice Commissioners was a result of a year long test of the hholsters by police officers I think about officers had them as an and all of them said they were ion per cent more secure than the others he claimed Mayor Peter a police said he believed the new holster was far superior to the old flap one He disagreed with idea of the new holster underlining the act an officer carries a gun There is no detrimental effect on a image basis the mayor argued knows a police officer carries a gun Police administrator Hale con f rmed the force is contemplating changing the color of the butt of the gun so that it blends with the color of the belt Vie are Constable Bruce Mitchell shows the new open security which reveals the butt of considering changing them from brown to the police of gun issued to officer last week Police officials say it is more black to blend In better he said secure than throldtlapthownontherlghHnthUphoW No change in regions birth control policy Regional council made a decision about the birth control issue which has plagued them for months opting to stay with the same policy which allows people under 16 years of age to acquire contracep tives without their pa rents knowledge Milton councillor Bill Johnson stridently opposed the policy saying It would promote promiscuity among teens Regionalism has many black marks but this deliberate erosion of the family is the region darkest hour Johnson maintained But Oakville councillor Peter Arch pointed out to council that per of the clients who visit the birth control clinics are already sexually active Arch maintained the region program was one of prevention not promotion In a recorded vote council voted IT to in favor of the policy Hilts represen ta lives Mayor Peter Romero Dave Whiting and Mike Armstrong cast their votes In favor of the pot icy John McDonald was absent from the meeting whpe Russ Miller left before the vote was taken At last week health and social services committee meeting about 10 people argued emotionally for and against the current policy as outlined by the Ministry of Health in 1975 Committee voted unanimously in of the policy at that time flt Loathar GeorgetownActon Wednesday July 1983 REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR Tamamara second from tell enjoying her to and Vic Both Vic and Penny are members or and IM1K Here ihe spends an afternoon with member the Urn tow from left Attractive Japanese visitor is here on Lions youth exchange When attractive Tamamura first arrived from Japan last week her impressions of Canada were very large lots of trees green lakes beautiful As a participant in the Lions Inter national Youth Exchange Yoshiml is visiting Georgetown and at the houses of various Lion members When inler viewed last week she was staying at Ron home and visiting at the home of Lion Vic and Lioness Penny at their home on the banks of Fairy Lake She is here for sit weeks and during that time she w 11 be shown all the sights Club members can manage to work in including Niagara Falls and Canada Wonderland two attractions has first on her list Last Wednesday the Bristows and daughter Vicki toured the high points of Hills with took her shop ping In local stores and to Stone Road Mall They lunched at Jack Tanners Restaurant the Olde Hide House in Acton and had a leisurely dinner at the Brislow home Food here said is not much different than what they eat in the area of Japan where her parent live Lunch at home she explained would likely coexist of a hamburger or spaghetti with lots of rice at dinner But she likes apple Juice and Kentucky Chicken Lion Vic launted admitted it was true and more readily available here father manages a health company in Japan and her mother has a coffee shop in her native city of which is across the island from Tokyo She attends a private university with a course for stewardesses in Tokyo English is one of the school requirements has been studying the language for nine years and although she can read English rather well she admits that out side of a coffee shop in Tokyo she where English is mandatory there are few other occasions she can converse in the language The trip to Canada la enriching her capacity for a second language but she also keeps a Japanese English dictionary she dubs her friend nearby Tor awkward occasions the Bristows she was fortunate because is about her age The two struck up an easy friendship which encouraged conversation Yoshimi arrived in Canada just in time to experience the hot humid weather Ontario suffered but II didnl hamper her enjoyment It is hotter here than Japan she said but it is more humid in Japan She was also impressed by the friend I ncss of Canadians The Japanese don t smile as much as the Canadians and she observed We are a shy people Difference in lifestyle bet wen here and Japan Vc wear shoes in the house said with a smile suggesting there were few differences as Japan assimilates western customs At the university she attends however there is only a two month summer vacation Yoshimi explained a private school so they are different from public sities and they also have two months off in the Spring This visitor thinks the Lions youth ex change is wonderful and she has many more Canadian surprises In store as the Ron and other see she has a good time in Canada Therellbe a reciprocal visit to Japan by a Canadian and is also loosing forward to that Meanwhile she hopes to be more fluent English when returns home Mandatory sex ed in Halton A regional councillor argued successfully Wednesday afternoon to have the Board of Education consider mandatory sex education classes in Halton high schools Oakville councillor Jackie Cutmore said she believed the program was a necessity due to the of teenage pregnancy I must remind you lhat if a leen gets pregnant it is live times riskier for her than an adult claimed We hove to educate our teens I don have lo remind you or the number of babies found in gar bags or in puddles But councillors Joan Little and Ann vale cautioned council against advising the Board of Education It really not up to us to ask the Board to do something said Little Perhaps our health council should speak to the Board suggested But council voted to G in favor of Cut mores recommendation which emerged after Ihe discussion of the region birth con policy Chairman of the Toronto Board of Health Anne Johnston has recenllv gone on retord in favor of family planning programs part of curriculum Approve deer hunt region has approved the annual controlled deer hunt slated for November this year at the council meeting Wednesday despite strong opposition from councillors Bill Johnson and Joan LltUe I not convinced there a a huge deer population said Johnson The MNR objected to environ menial 1st Comfort severance but theyll let an army of people run around with guns It makes you wonder what kind of clown is running things he added He recommended that council must curb annual deer hunt But Hills councillor Russ Miller defended the hunt saying it ia one of the few things farmers ask of council I don know why we can l support farmers more staled Miller They have gone to great pains to document the damage and the loss they have suffered There is no sense is say ing we don care about them Burlington councillor Joan Little was opposed to council supporting the hunt annually charging the Ministry was looking at the deer hunt as a game She referred lo a Ministry report on the hunt recommending the 1983 deer hunt because of expected Increases in the deer population In 1081 Ihere was a concern of diseased herd she said In 1982 there was no men lion of disease but they said we may as well do it In they say there was less deer In 1982 so lhat indicates here will be more in 10S3 It doesn make sense I know logic doesn t necessarily prevail around council tables but the bottom line is that Ihere is no mention of diseased herd and I think his has gone loo far and we should not support the hunt as an annual event she added But councillor Carol Gooding dls agreed with Little and Johnson supporting Miller assertion that region does not support farmers in many things Farmers came and pleaded with us lo support the hunt addressing the damage she main The deer hunt will be In the Cambridge District Including the northern of Region and the townships of Pus I Inch Flam bo rough South Dumfries and Guelph from November 10 inclusive The hunters will be again Identified by their licence plates an issue Johnson and others on council attempted unsuccessfully lo change this year Councillor Ann agreeing with hunt admitted the way of identifying hunters Is ridiculous It absolutely ridiculous to expect people lo walk up to a person holding a gun and ask them where their car is parked so they can get the number she said provok ing laughter from councillors The council s request from the Ministry lo have large numbers on hunters backs Tor easier Identification was denied this year Pomeroy defends dump policy Mayor Pete Pomeroy Jumped the defence of regional council Wednesday after a Burlington man expressed disappointment at the council decision to expand the Burlington dump over four years Halton will nave spent over million by the end of 1986 without taking any real lion claimed Coo me adding that val time was being lost by doing a Mickey Mouse assessment Each municipality should take respon lor its own garbage he said This thing of waste disposal baa been kicked around for years Why not send it to Occidentalits their led Occidental Corporation is an Energy From Waste plant in New York charged that the gentleman solution is to tend it to someone else and not handle it yourself listening to me challenged I was I may not like what you were saying but I listened replied the mayor When Coome added the region must not see bow important the matter is if they are going to wait so long replied Nobody understands better than regional council the urgency I m not happy that our cartage la going to Burlington Pomeroy said It dously expensive but for some reason the province said Site is not the only way to go and we have lo do this Coome then said the government confuses the after Pomeroy advised Coome to take his complaints and present them to the province This is the type or runaround we always get said an angry Coome We go to the municipality who tells us region handles garbage I come here and they say go to the province Maybe we should get rid of regional government Another Sid stood up and said the coat of this Is Just out of this damn world and strongly opposed expand ing the Burlington landfill site as a solution We ve been going on since 197S on and we Just come up with another band aid solution be charged After the delegations spoke Burlington councillor Joan Little said It was council responsibility to find an Interim plan The reason were in this Mod Is we had the rug pulled out from under us stated all fine to say do this but give us an alternative there area I that many choices