RE4 GeorgetownActon Wednesday July 27 1983 Pilot q 8532086 a MILL ST E ACTON SUPER LISTING For 900 gat 130 ft lot with mature 3 bad rooms living dining room IK bathe and a completely walkout with loom new bedroom and IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME Loci tad in a prima area and on a lovely lot this spacious bedroom homo alio dining room oat in kitchen and rec room Priced to tell at 77 CONDO SPECIAL An Ideal home featuring 3 bedrooms kitchen living and dining room with walkout hardwood floors end major Thla property In excellent condition and can ba your at an a fords bio price only with low down payment PRIME LOCATION Located on a quiet tree lined close to and ping Set on a targe lot with mature home faaturea 4 bedrooms dining room eat In kitchen ipse lout living room and carport Call today for further detail Haul I OWNER ANXIOUS REDUCED Lovely bungalow to lake and down town Faetue include dining room eat kitchen garage and the lower level la finiahad with a rec room and a one apt with walkout REDUCED TO MO FAMILY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Located in plctureeque of thi charming country general store ice cream parlour and residence would be Ideal for an enthusiastic family looking for the challenge of owning their own Set on a lovely large landacapad tot property la in immaculate condition Great potential asking CaUAIMcKeettoTethedertsui A VERY SPECIAL OFFERING TWERE IS LIKE A NEW HOME WHERE THE LIVING IS EASY GENTLEMEN ONLY PLEASE LOVE THAT COUNTRY rr ATTENTION SINGLES OR FIRSTS BRING THE FRY PAN AunlrMrmimtyhsmawMhinuctittant tth Al DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL SPACE MAYBE YOU COULD SHARE J COULD nothing Thtn tab a look lor col Rents Bate rkeasttdMrti aMDaaken Jake Cart mm 274S7f tat MM Realtor V LOTS OF PRIVACY Great country acre lot a lew from Georgetown with year brick bungalow Often car garage fireplace paved circular drive and peaceful Irving Owner retiring and asking only 105 Call Ron Cooper EXECUTIVESTYLE HOME Large bedroom two Moray Capo Cod custom home on a village lot mm Eai in kitchen aeparate dining room ma floor family room with an imp f replace end patio Two car garage A beautiful homo I Mod at For more information call STARTER DELIGHT Want mething cheap but con tort able It in Georgetown bedroom bungalow w hud bar GOOD STARTER HOME aluminum home in Alton large gaidan FAMILY HOME Vendor tell ha wants to tee an off or Sda with full bete ment bathrooms 1 car garage All lor Call lie SwiUBf GOOD LOCATION bedroom townhoute in Mil ton Akrng47 For more details call Swilier MEET THE UNEXPECTED Real bungalow kitchen paved drive lamiry room area of Brampton Beautiful A steal et 900 Cell Reg garden extremely well kept Large Cooper REG NORM ILA COOPER SINCLAIR