Georget Wednesday Aug 3 B5 DID KNOW That 33 of all cruise passengers are under the age of 35 CAUROOS TRAVEL GEORGETOWN 877 ACTON 8532010 You may now charoa your advartisamam to your Chargax Account tor datails DOORTODOOR DISTRIBUTION We can deliver your FLYERS SAMPLES ENVELOPES Any day any quantity As low as 35 per thousand Don Ryder Bill Cook 2Q10 For Accuracy On The First Georgetown Inde pendent and Aclon free Press can not be reiponnibta for ha coat of mora than Incorrect insert on Any anon in Classified Sections should be called to tha attention of CI fied Department after insertion Ad are made to degree error reduced value ad Cafe 8775266 or 8532010 Monday to Friday Cares ANTHONY Kan- Mary Patted a via at SI Josephs Hospital Hamilton on Thursday July 1983 rtilnteen Mary Beckett of R Llmehouse In year Beloved wife of Joseph Herbert Anthony Dear mother of Frank and Fred bom of I Limehouse Alio survived by John Beckett of Cambridge our grandchildren Kevin Monica Heather and Richard Predeceased day August I at Interment view Cemetery KINGSBURY Ma no on Tuesday July 198 girl Jodie Lynn July And Mrs Mm nee Mitchell anno unci the safe arrival their second son Marl William a lor Shannon Jul 198 weighing lbs on of Georgetown Special thank to MAILENorbert and nee pleated to i child a baby girl Robin Angel July IB 1983 Proud grandparents and Mrs wile ho Gilbert Kingsbury Deaf mother of Edna Mrs Cecil of Oak Loved grand Robert was held at Shoemaker Thursday am Interment Eden Mill July 25 1983 at Midland Ontario Bob of Georgetown Beloved husband of Carol Howard of Mississauge Charlie of Brampton and Mike by hit seven grand children Dear Len of Georgetown Tom New Brun Lorne of and I of of JOmct Col Brampton thanks to baby girl la EH EAGLESP Mr and Mrs Gerard Acton pleated to engagement of I Reginald Mr Mrs Stan Eagles Gi Marriages Edward am in marriage of liter Donna Elaine Retted J Jones Son Funeral Home Edith SI Georgetown where service was held Friday July 29lh Interment to the Ontario Hearl Fund wou be appreciated Jane Patted away at her residence 1 Campbell Wile on Thursday July IB IIS Jane Traas Quartet in her 60th year beloved wile of Mac Traas Dear mother John London Jack of Milton Ellen Mrs Tom Boer of Milton and Joanne Mrs Gary of Also survived by two sisters and three In Holland Three grandchildren Wendy Michael and Yvonne Retted Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton held Bethel Reformed Church on Saturday July at Interment St David s Co me lory Campbell Horn Cremation followed Ms worked lor the Red Crosttor m years Suddenly Sal July 1981 at the Georgetown and Memorial Terry behoved husband Lynda Burns and loved lather of and dear brother of June Snyder Georgetown Muriel McVeigh Bolton Ray Burlington and Adrian Georgetown Laving i ton of Adrian and Kathleen Brampton Relied at thf J Jonas and Son Edith SI Georgetown Monday WHITRED Everett Formerly of Ihe Peterborough Civic Hospital on Wed nesday July Everett beloved husband the late Aglncourl Service was in chapel of Trull Funeral Toronto on Sunday afternoon oclock Interment at SI Johns Norway Cemetery on Tuesday August I lvS If ed donation may adc a charily Carts Thanks THANK YOU Maurice M Dixon Former president to and committal buttons to Society pprKiMcJ would like to tnank everyone who helped Earl and I anyway I I was In the hospital before and after card letter to wen gilt hone calls baking a by friends ft are all deep- predated Ward we would ilka express our sincere appreciation for the kindness shown to my husband I by Mrs Napier and Bob Weaver of Central Cab for the transportation and help they I continuing treatment at Toronto General Hospital Mr and Mrs W Collins WE WOULD like express our sincere appreciation relatives friends and neighbors for their comfort and support during our time of great sadness We would also like to thank Dave Con and Winston for beautiful funeral service and J S Jones a Son Funeral Home for their great help and support Thanks also to the doctors and nurses at Peel Memorial Hotpnal for their Beautiful memories ere wonderful things They last till the longest day They never wear out they never get lost And can never be given away To some you may be forgotlen pail Bui to us who will always last Lovingly remembered by daughters Isabel Sheila and son Sandy and families in memory of our niece Leslie Anne who passed away August She left us quietly Hei thoughts unknown But left us memory We are proud to own So treasure her Lord garden of rest of the For Leslie Ann In memory of our dear granddaughter No farewells were You never said goodbye You were gone before And only God knows Granny and Grandad In loving memory of a dear niece Leslie Anne who left us August Forei of us she did Her love was great Her heart was kind Treetured memories Always love you Charlie and Ellen HALLln loving memory of a dear son Kevin who passed away Aug 4th Eleven years ego this So suddenly Kevin you were taken away They say time will II comes back again A silent tear sometimes a smile Your memories stay me all while Always in my thoughts In loving memory of a dear friend Nancy who died August She bade no her last farewell She said good bye to were open A loving voice said I often sit and think of The things you used to say I wonder why you had to die without a chance to of sight Though Youre ever Loved still mine You will five Witt- still Ever remember ad and by loving friend Christine MOSSOP In loving memory of a very dear mother and grandmother who passed away July 23 grandchildren Linda Tom Paul Stephanie Murray and Great grandchildren In Loving memory a dear friend Papenhuyien who August We watched you And a sigh do lust stand by But when Ihe time came we suffered too What you went through God knew you were He knew you could lose you But you didnt go alone For part of all of us went wllh you The day God called Always lovingly remembered by many PAPENHUYZENln loving memory of a Papenhuyien who was called home August 1981 greatest gilt Loving The Ellis Family no TV Sounditage Interviewing now people for Special TV Studio training in TV Commercials Movie Part to KIDS FOR TV CTS TV now seeing beginners 13 for special TV Studio Training act in Commercials Series Places limited Parents call FRIENDS and relatives are cordially Invited to an Open House In honor of the Wedding Anniversary of Edna and Sidney Dance to be held at the home of Helen Dance Broadway St Milton Saturday August 1983 from I 00 Best wishes only KIDSAN day with horse continues Saturdays when school he S There ST JOHN AMBULANCE MILTON BRANCH MILTON DIVISION NO ASSISTANCE REQUESTED Volunteer assistance is requested in the formation of a St John lance Branch and Division to serve HILLS area representing a population of approximately people For the past several years the Milton Branch of the St John Ambulance has served Acton and Georgetown when ever possible With an expanding pop- ulation and distance involved it is be coming increasingly more difficult for the Milton Branch to adequately respond to all requests for service in Halton Hills Persons interested in becoming invalv ed and assisting in forming a new Hal- ton Hills Branch and Division are re quested to contact Colin COUSENS Coordmator at Georgo- Telephone No ART Classes bask weekly sessions starting Saturday August 10 a to pm Seniors and children over years also welcome Further details ring Crookston evenings REGULAR meeting of the Acton Agricultural Society will be held at Acton arena Tuesday August cat with white patches wearing dark flea collar peered from area last Tuesday LOST Small dark striped tabby female white under chin light blue collar bail and disc attached lost Wed July please phone 77SS4 JameaSt affile SMALL brown Short hair female dog Dr BE WANTED Scrap Iron Cars Trucks or Did Machtnery ARTISANS Crafls people new shop unique concept In Milton needs your hand crafted items III or 3190 furniture cupboards am flat backs blanket boxes washstonds tables chairs ice boxes oil lamps crocks Partial Estates EXPERT BICYCLE SKfRFJRS HartMajka Fresh Cut par face cord by 1 cord ENVIRON METAL CONTROL 1 3619 SPECIAL 8 or Hemlock in Ft lengths regularly up per special at 8315 HOURS Mon ail SATURDAYS TAXES what VANGEEST HOUSE OF PIANOS Hwy Just west ol Water down Daily Closed Sundays 6833 RUSK MUSIC Mary St Milton Music by all publishers Instrumental Musical ft Lessons avail able for piano and accordlan urban peat control specializing In household peats carpenter ants cock 8777014 2 Mi litre Bag 229 ACTON JUG CITY Main St North SEANDOR POOL SUPPLIES Cost Leu Mb chlorine 100 lbs regular chlorine lbs Bromine tick 1HJK the Factory Outlets listed In our lew Booklet For the list send IS 35 Jdes tax hen dllngl to Oliver Enterprises A4 Cambridge N3Cyil BURNER propane timer CEDAR spill rails approximately JO hemlock boards Best birch and maple Spill and delivered Kindling quality room carpet IS so yd Shop at home FRIDGE stove in excellent shape Phone 1033 alter S3 FURNITURE French triple blanket automatic chlorine feed 16 cedar deck privacy 1875 Antique corner of Trafalgar Maple Ave In Georgetown Quality relmlshed antique we estimates refmlthlng GIRLS speed CCM bike high rise handle bars banana scat dryer good condition W0 after LARGE fern green couch I chairs good condition asking S350 upright freeier good con ONE way ticket Toronto to Edmonton lor August 10 fllghl PRINTING invoices forms tickets books posters envelopes invitations etc Complete service Printing Acton REFRIGERATOR Viking cu It frost free harvest gold SEWING Machines for sale reconditioned per cent off All machines guaranteed J R Sewing Scr UPRIGHT vacuum air Moffat Phone BMW CARPETING and colours Saturday Wallace Acton WOODEN table choirs suitable or opt best offer ZENITH console color TV Large walnut dining room suite with buffet and hutch large antique heavily carved cupId walnut oval table antique Walnut drum table legs antique Solid cherry Mahogany full bedroom suite an tlquc Indian run hard blue pattern pine deacon bench I set kitchen table and 4 chairs solid dark pine all excellent condition call llrilir ARAGE Sale Sal a Sherman Court Georgetown GARAGE Sale Aug from a m P m Baby Hems clothes etc It Langtlone Crescent George garage Sale Sat Aug by Acton A Ball Club am I Mill St Acton Household items clothing and putties GARAGE Sate Sat Sun Aug 8 No Slderoad west of Guetph Line to Townlme Watch for signs replace windows furniture household 1 ret lawn tractor tub sink and toilet and Van Sale at Defrai Georgetown am m Sal ft Sun Aug and Hove washer dryer clothing hoi plants and new Tupptnvar Brno damaged fare and have it re placed free Lotie Gamble hay and YARD Sale Bicycles Sal Aug at 45 King Si Georgetown RASPBERRIES PfCkVOTOWT1 Open I ajn- ft Una of 8775582 PICK YOUR OWN RASPBERRIES AT CHAS GRQG FARM 1 Ml tracks 80 CALL FOR AVAILABILITY PICKUNG CUCUMBERS ALSO AVAILABLE FARMERS We clean bag or bulk oiler germ lion Canadian Mobile Seed Cleaning Ltd 14167766994 MIXED Grain for harvest delivery BEANS Beans Green and yet low ready for picking reasonably priced Zucchini to ma Iocs cucumbers beets ready soon Pick from a m 8 m Mon Sat Sun Windy Knoll Farm Harris St SOD NO I nursery grown Pickup or deliver Tuilmans Garden Centre Firm INT tractor baler rake con dltloncr Dual wheel wagon furrow plough BLACKSMITH Steve Deforest Normal and corrective shoeing RR Georgetown CHANCE to acquire pure and grade Nubian goats at very reasonable prices Prices negotiable HORSES boarded barn new Karen El Pet Slock BOXER pure bred spayed female nine monlhs old excellent children GERMAN Shepherd six years old good guard dog needs loving family Dog house available lour pigeons CO Includes coop IRISH from registered 877 Lab mix Free FREE to Kllten male litter trained 877 after En Vciunlaers Brothers Association of Volunteers urgently needed In Acton Little brother waiting Coll Wanted CAREER In trucking Transport driven needed Now the lime to train for your Class A licence For pre screening and lob placement assistance call Orfs Toronto branch month eld boy on Churchill Acton Phone after i NATIONAL Appliance Company requires persons service customers in the Milton a Georgetown time potitions Milton Halton Hills Para Med 5584 department Good telephone manner and experience an asset Apply In writing to Company Ltd Mac Dona Id Blvd Acton Ontario L7J POSITION available for seasonal and pari lime employment Production in sales MANAGEMENT TMBWe POSITION Earn to or more a year your vary first year We will send you to school for thrw weeks train you in the end accounts ill total Send brief resume and tetophone number to- Combined Core Ttiilt0BtlMW3C7 Farm Help Wanted Farm oriented Must be able to and have extensive experience In breaking yearlings Good accommodation provided Send resume to Box 3274 The Mlsslssauga News 3145 Bold Ontario SALES TEMPORAHY Enjoy using your mature outgoing per sociality to promote a nation wkfe retail partment store service In our clients beautiful Milton Mall store Training provided Guaranteed salary plus commission our staff earns per hour Call MS 8530048 FULL TIME cooks Apply in per son former applicants may also Jack Tanners 49 Eastern Avenue Acton wanted for thorough farm Must be reliable have foaling ability to prepare sales yearlings and of mares Apply to Box The Independent 30 Main St Georgetown Onl L7G SENIOR occasional work i handyman 853069 MATURE nanny babysitter for four month old child in our home Live out To provide a simulating learning environment with lots of loving care Some light housework Weekdays 45 am to mid September Salary negotiable References please PRIVATE HOME CARE Certified Nurses Aid with Ugh I available by hour or day CARPENTER years experience Free Estimate 8774394 CONCRETE work FOR all repairs to an of retrtgeratlon air conditioning and appliances such as refngtrnlors dryert dishwashers and ranges Call 877 EEC rwnojv ANNOUNCER TRAINING fortuJo pan On The Air News Spots Weather In I entews CattNlBI DRUM lessons Home studio teacher with ten years teaching experience per i hour Call Terry ate