GeogetownActon Wednesday Aug 3 Custom Car Sound REPAIRS to all Stereos Tape Decks Turntables Portables or Auto NOTICE ACTON PHARMACY LTD is now located in temporary quarters at 29 Mill St E ACTON Beside the Bank of Commerce PUBLIC NOTICE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION The Council of the Regional Municipality Hilton has given first and second reading to a bylaw which seta out the process both for access to meetings Regional Council its committees and the availability of information appearing on the Agenda Regional Council and lis committees A Public Awareness Committee has been established and It has been directed by Regional Council to obtain the views of the public regarding this by law Copies of this by law may be obtained by calling the undersigned Written comments are requested Irom members of the public and be received prior to Augusts A meeting will be held on Wednesday September pm at the Regional Administration Building to review and discuss the comments received prior to making a final submission to Council Burlington OakrlDe tf ta Regional Clerk THE OF mum Our Biggest Ever Extorter Acrylic Rat CYW Evwyfey Low Exterior Oil Stain Evwyday Low Premium Quality DrtpUss Ctfltng Paint CYW Law M Mors Paint Saving ok Pa G OSS Inches ScikIHiOoo Lad 1zOfi Every roll every pattern is on sale Choose from thousands of rolls in Canada Largest Selection of Instore Wallpaper Beautiful designer styled wallcoverings and ready to go at savings of 1 Off our everyday low price or oft mo regular price elsewhere Prices M lasl Color Mm 19mlMHftfrLtmp Town hall These truces will be reinforced with fix channel iron and Inch steel plate to meet today standards for roof loads With all the bracing and scaffolding the building shouldnt come down while the work is being done All the old mouldings and roof dec orations on the second floor have been taken down some in pretty good shape Patterns and moulds have been made and many of these features will be reproduced In the new hall Also all the interior walls have been stripped to the brick there s evidence of anoldflreononewal The old walls were wood latheandplasterand the wood was set into the brick and had shrunk Where possible this wood has been removed and replaced with brick Wall studs of by pieces have been put up and Insulation will be put In to help with heating in winter and cooling In summer of the great hall Specially fabricated steel for the top floor Is being made now Another safety feature Is that the in side scaffolding has been connected or tied to the exterior When we re done there no reason last another lOOyears It will probably be in better shape than It was when it was built Tyler said There isn a lot of evidence of things being accomplished yet because we done a lot of tearing down and fixing that people can see Besides the many time consuming jobs which had to be done Tyler noted there have been delays awaiting drawings and specs as well as various approvals There are days you wonder what you got Into But after all this tearing down we are starting to put things back and when you see that It makes you feel Continued from page 11 good While the project two to three weeks behind schedule Tyler expects everything to be back on track soon Because the project is under budget crew sizes will be larger the next little while so a few more people will have a job thanks to this project The addition hasnt been dropped either Tyler feels they arc close to an agreement with the fire department about how large an access alley they should have at the side the building The first floor former council chamb will be a meeting room while the old There will be a kitchen and serving area on both the first and second floors There are plans for a nostalgia corner and an old jail cell will be another Acton history play area Washrooms on bath floors will have handicapped facilities there a sen I circular ramp planned to the first floor from the addition and an elevator to the second withanoldfashlonedlight and park bench contemplated A small com unity information office Is also shown on the revised architect drawings This addition Is smaller than the one first proposed by Heritage Acton and Tyler said If the firefighters go along with this plan hey feel hey can get a make work grant to help fund it But the addition is no pressing matter yet they wont to keep plugging away at the old hall first It really like building a new build ing except doing It the hard way Tyler said of the restoration project It a sort of like when you restore an old car Tyler feels they are about half way done the job We can start to see what the end result will be like and It some thing we can be proud of BUM PRICES SLASHED ON RCA MODELS They re factory fresh 1383 models with magnificflM RCA color end all the features you need but because the are coming In soon they got to That why RCA has given us a special line allowance which wa are going to pass on to our customers and we ve added an extra discount of our own to make the deal more attractive So come In now for big savings because when they re gone they re gonef 26 RCA Remote Control Console control Automatic con I color landed I In Chi RCA20COLORTRAK REMOTE CONTROL Digital remote Automatic Eiltnded 598 SHES T V SPECIAL PACKAGE 20 RCA COLOR PORTABLE a Automatic color control Automatic contrastcolor tracking solid state x tended life chassis MS LP on TV M S LP op Stand 3600 Total MILUERE T SPECIA I PRICE 00 HOUR TAPE SPECIAL T2SB