B4 GeorgetOMm Acton Wednesday Aug 17 1963 DID YOU KNOW In an estimated 1 5 million people took a cruise CALL ROOS TRAVEL GEORGETOWN 8775266 ACTON 8534010 You may now charge your classified advertisement to your Chargex Account Ask for DOORTO DOOR DISTRIBUTION We can your SAMPLES ENVELOPES Any day any quantity As low as per thousand Don Ryder Bill Cook 853 Chech Your Ada For Accuracy On The First The Georgetown Inda pendent and ha Acton Free Press can not taa tor coal of mora than Incorrect Insert ton Any errors In Classified Section be catted to tha attention of tha Class Department after tha first insertion Ad ar mad to tha degree error of ad Ca or flam6un Monday to Friday to the at of thi Id we Ibl 3 born Monday July lath A for Todd A very special not and maternity stall at Georgetown strict daughter Terry Lynn weighing lib oil born on August 1 A baby s iter lor Karen Ann Special thanks to Ford Thompson and Richards and all the Bind me r daugnter Karen Anne on August I at General a to Kelly and a grand daughter or Rose of and Grant and Mary Allan Mrs Foil Of Terra are the engagement daughter Clare Mar to W II am Scott ion of Mr and i Corning LAYTON YATES- Jason Shannon an pleased mother Nancy to Paul Kevin Yates son of Beth and the late Jim Yates all Georgetown to take place Satur day In Georgetown COLEM proudly announce that she Is now a big siller Her brother on August at 40 p Georgetown 8 strict Memorial Hospital weighing lbs Mots Mommy and Daddy Donna nee and Dan are Inr Med and Wish to the r new bundle He s the si grandchild tor Donald ghth lor Kay Cole Scarborough Began I ford a second time around En Barbara happy to the safe val their daughter Melissa Anne day Augui Hit at Georgetown District Memorial Hospital Special thanks to Ford and the O stall MCLELLANMke Wendy nee announce the Michael we gh ng on on August Peel Hospital The happy grandparents are Or and Mrs Solomon Tancoo Georgetown and Mr and Mrs Wesley MeLelian Burling MASTALERZPau Monica would like it announce the sate daughter Cheryl Anne born August 3rd let at George own a strict Hospital She weighed lbs a on Proud A Pollock both Georgetown Thanks to and the OB stall Helen have a rl They re happy as can The very I rlt to Her nam Weighing in at lbs on born Georgetown strict al Hospital July grandchild for Bob Nellie and tourth grandchild for and Stan Many than hi TO Or Thompson and Kumar and ail the OB staff and brief Illness Milton Hospital on Sunday August II Tom Crowe Milton loving mother and Cindy at At Brill Toronto Margaret Georgetown John Bruce of Don Bruce Predeceased by Miry Funeral August 17 from Funeral Evergreen Cemetery GATHOF Karl At Margaret Toronto on Thursday August 11 Karl I Rock d form Acton Trudy Wilson Sic Mar Shoemaker Saturday August 13 August 1981 Eihel Brampton beloved wife Alfred dear Jewel IMrs John Lyons Chellenham Gerry Brampton James Ruth Anna Dave Edmunds Georgetown and Robert Georgetown Fondly remembered her If grand en idren and were held deli Funeral Home Main SI Norm Brampton on Wed August at interment ion Union Cemetery Bernard peacefully away on Augcv at Toronto General Hospital relieved weeks suffering Me was dearly loved by parents Fred and brother Glen iter grandparents Paula George of Brampton and Ohio Cermet icut many and Austria Funeral services were held on Sunday Augusl 14th to fallow Charle Andrew at St Ham Iton on Tnursday August II Charles Andrew aged years Son of late Robert and Jane Brother of of Toronto Belle Ellen Mrs Les Lowe Chesley Swam to and Mary Rested at Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where private service was m Interment Cemetery the r support and end ship throughout past years Magaty I WISH express my to all my ends relatives and neighbours lor their generous donations and support during my express a special and Fire Depart menls for the prompt attention they gave and On and Nurses Georgetown Memorial Hospital A special thank you to Rev Ronnie lor his comforting words and Mr and Mrs Gerry Broulllard for their support and com or ting words and Id express our sympathy wo could not hove dona haul And last never least my dying my Carol ne Laver for her very hero act of saving Stephanie Gloria daughter Her and I WISH Cynthia Green and Ihe volunteer drivers the Georgetown Cancer Society lor their helpfulness to me during my period treatments at Prln cess Margaret Hospital I Leene Patterson SINCERE to n who signed to alert party who struck my car In Loblaws parking lot Friday Augusl Your In formation and concern i greatly appreciated THE FAMILY the late Mrs Wlnnllred Rosicll wishes to express their sincere on to their neighbours who came In so many kind ways during their I me Special thanks to the Shoemaker Funeral Home and Mr Gerald Tom and Roti WE WOULD like to appreciation and lor the r comfort and support during our A spec al thanks to the wonderful neighbours Tra Park Midland tor their help when t was needed moil Abo Canadian tog on and Ladies A mil Products to kRev Peter Barrow Rev Lewis and J Jones Son Funeral Home tor their great help and comfort Peggy 8- LAMBERT With lav memories a dear wife and mother Myrtle A Lambert who left us on August IS The world changes from year to year And ends from day to day But never II one From memory pats Fondly remembered by husband Earl daughters Joyce Betty May Marie and PETTY memory a dear who pasted away August WO Kim To friend emo can never be replaced Always remembered try Nancy loving memory our dear parents Percy Henry who passed away and Ellen Barbara Nell Chaplin who passed away August A page In our book is gently turned today Sadly missed and ever remembered by Doris Eleanor and the nam lies 1 Amvieiianes AN invitation is I fiends neighbours lo an Open House in honour of Mil tor and Annabel Birds Wedding Anniversary Saturday August at Knox Presbyterian Church Halt from m Best W shes Only Please ACTORS FOR TV TV Sou rid tag is now nlerv ng now lor Special TV Sludio Iran no to TV SeriesTV Movies Part All ages For your Studo CAB dial 1 KIDS FOR TV CTS TV now sooing beginners 13 lor special TV Train to n CommefCiataMoviesTV Series Places Imlod Parents can 964 3603 ACTON Baptist Church Vacation Bible School Augusl am am Ages ill Everyone LOOKING lor when school starts In September Well look to Maple Nursery School We open ngs In 3 day or formation call Lyn or Maureen Bewley Mil OPEN AIR dance at Becker Plata Acton Augusl 37 Tim Sky ttance PUBLIC open bowling from Augusl even ngs from Saturdays from m and Sundays 1 pm League executive get together August Georgetown Bowl Mount a In view Road South VACATION Bible School Knox Church Church Main Streets Georgetown Augusl 37nd lo daily 00 until 45 a m All children welcome ages years 755 or ll Fee S3 00 per child 15 per family Registration August mm I am 1 noons August I 30 a Iffl loo The Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Notice to hereby given pursuant to Section and 301 of Municipal Act being Chapter 302 Revised Statutes of Ontario that Council of Town Halton at Its meeting to be held In the Council Chamber Municipal Administra tion Trafalgar Road at on Tuesday Septembers will consider passing of a by taw for the road reconatruc Hon project aet out Temps Road and Duffarin Street Reconstruction of Temple Road and Street in their entirety Plane detailing this protect and the proposed by law available tor viewing during normal business hour at the Engineering Department Office Trafalgar Road Any Inquiries should be directed to the Engineering Department at The Council will hear in person or by his Counsel any parson who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by said by law and who applies to be heard Persona wishing to be heard should notify the office of the undersigned DATED at the Town of Hills this day August 1983 K R Richardson Clerk Administrator Town HUH 36 Main Street South Hills Georgetown Ontario L7Q4X1 REMINDER NOME OWNERS IN THE TOWN OF HILLS ELDERLY PENSIONERS- TAX ASSISTANCE Applications must be made each year by September 1st for a credit of up to 00 for those Ratepayers whose property taxes in excess of 00 TO QUALIFY THE OWNER OR SPOUSE MUST A Be years of age or more by Sept ember 1 1983 which is the last day for filing applications B Be in receipt of the monthly GUAR INCOME SUPPLEMENT provided under the OLD AGE SE CURITY ACT CANADA C Occupy the property on which the Municipal Taxes are imposed and Have been continuously assessed as the owner of residential real property in the Town of Halton Hills for not less than years immediately preced ing September 1st 1983 APPLICATION FORMS AVAILABLE IN THE DEPARTMENT TAX COLLECTOR FOR INFORMATION CALL TAX OFFICE ANYONE WHO APPLIED IN 1982 WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE AN APPLICATION IN THE MAIL HAMMOND SEWING tor school CERAMICS Custom firing in my home WANTED Scrap Iron Cars Truck or Old Macrwwry Phont WANTED Items for community Garage Sale and Auction at Market Saturday August Will sell on com mission basis Also donated Items Call Yvonne Stella or Market Office NTEOantique furniture cupboards fiat backs blanket sbits ANTCDAlto good condition suitable for Pleas phone CLEAN till war Limchouse area 3510 BE mtu R AUGUST SPECIALS Hemlock at 1 at 1 at 30c each x 5 10 at SI each x7 x at 17c per It Cedar 1 x rough lull wo or four at per I Pressure 1 x x at per lineal It It each I 1 at per lineal I or each HOURS Man Hill SAumDArsaii TAXES eras where rai 2 Mi litre Bag 229 JUG CITY ATARI TV two tapes Combat I 15000 Ilk new boys IT bicycle BO Pianos New Used others HOUSE OF PIANOS Hwy 6 Just west Dairy Closed Sundays urban pest control specie In household pests wasps Ileal carpenter ants Ish cock roaches rodents Call 8777014 RUSK MUSIC Maty St Milton 8764198 Music by all vole piano Musical gifts ft series Lessons avail able for piano organ and ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE LTD Portland Cement mm Concrete Mix 0kg MortarMIx 8531529 Chock our low puces on slabs curb and lower bed FOR SALE SURPLUS STREET LIGHTING EQUIPMENT MrcuryVapourFiKture306W Mercury Vapour Ballasts Incandescent Fixtures 200W Fixture Arms Miscellaneous Equipment Enquiries H D Patterson TRAFAL6AR VILLAGE SUNDAY MARKET 12S Crow Avenue Grand Sunday 11 to Craft Flea Market Vendor advance booking cat 8781801 cedar fence rails and used fence posts Call BICYCLE mans i speed never used Elite wheels CHESTERFIELD and chair Ideal for room or cottage excellent condition also chrome wheels Phone CONCAVE water ski crib white with ma mess Tandem stroller high chair COOPER hockey pants boys medium excellent condition Bauer Supreme II hockey skates excel lent Condition size new asking It CU whit SI 51V DRAWER dresser mirror dryer needs bearings Whirlpool heavy rty washer wsd only months targe perfect working order Call anytime the 300 Factory Outlets listed In our New 178314 Booklet Forth list send Includes tax to Oliver Enterprises Box Cambridge FIREWOOD birch Split and delivered Kindling 853 115 FIRST Quality room carpet yd Commercial carpet yd installed Shop home service call Georgetown Carpet FOUR drawer large tiling cabinet desk and chairs snare drum antique desk FREE You Haul turkey manor available regularly- In larg quantities 414 FRIDGE and both in excellent condition Asking for both Call FRIDGE washer and dryer all In good condition Phone PRINTING FIREWOOD wood and tnrTatiort For prompt delivery call Waliy Waning Acton 8511481 GUITAR case etc perfect condition new asking Credent solid wood HO MAPLE colonial bunk beds complete with Tresses Excellent condition One double dresser with mirror One exercise bike Call amp and the Doth tor ONE North Colt Country Club Class A preferred share with one com on share Phone or 373 ONE Yamaha Elec tone organ excellent condition or bait offer 45 PERFECTION Gibson washer dryer while ike new PIECE walnut dining room set 1930s refinishing 877 POOL tabic lop for ping pong Pool and snooker balls cues good condition 873 1109 VACUUM cleaner TV stand coflee tables chesterfield umbrella table combination player GARAG BE NOVATION Sale kitchen cupboards vent bathroom RIDING tractor twin blade mower electric start wth headlights ex condition 8795 ROTOTILLER used Co p a- St ration engine tits 77 9934 SEWING Machines for reconditioned so per cent off Ail i chines guaranteed Sewing Ser e STOVE and fridge four years old Ken I SWIMMING pool heater for round pool Like new 1191 alter 1 dining table UPRIGHT piano one inllque loveseat Phone ISEO CARPETING sate assorted lies rid colours Saturday 33 Wallace SI Acton WHITE electric stove clean il clock SALES FREE SIGNS RECEIVE A FREE SIGN WHEN YOU PRE PAY FOR YOUR AD GEORGETOWNACTON AND AREA GARAGE GARAGE SALE SALE Sat Aug 20 26 Greenora Cr Acton Georgetown Aug 20 9 a Rain date Sun Baby carnage no Aug 21 furniture and house Furniture she games books etc GARAGE GARAGE SALE SALE Moving Sale Stewarttown Aug 20 Stewarttown Georgetown Sat Aug 20th Dishes lamps clocks knack No Early Birds some antique dishes and Odds ends some YARD SALE Sat August 20 82 Lyndon Circle 147 Mill St Georgetown Sat Aug 20 8 A M 30 No Early rdil Moving stove clothe portable table toilet ving wooden barrel bike single bed and plus many more terns macellaneout In groat shape LARGE Sat Aug 20 YARD SALE Augutt 20th Rd Clan Williams 177 Elmore Acton AM 3 PM air con Crafts d lionet electric dishes wood tables der assorted house ores and much more GARAGE Sal Sat family yard Aug Main SI sale Saturday Aug 30 N Acton am Something for Something GARAGE August 10 a p m Rd Acton Pool round cucumbers yellow and green beans ready for picking now at Windy Book now to have your Knoll Farm It Harris SI tor wheat custom availability cleaned on your farm TOP quality nay and clean treat bag or Draw tor tale offer etrmmaiion delivered to CMeafatt Cleaning Ltd more Cellar now and get delivery direct no