8 GeorgetownActon Wednesday Aug DID YOU KNOW In 1982 an million people CAUHOOSTHAVB jie rBTll ACTON CHURCHES THE CHURCH OF ST ALBAN THE MARTYR Rev Arthur Tribe A MDh Bel iv dike Organs Sun Aug Maty ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH jMnSun and CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Sun Aug 1963 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Gerald Ronnie Organist Choir Mr E a Hansen A Ik tot SALVATION ARMY Sarvice7 Air Condi ore Mm TBINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Mr Andrew J Kino A A M Div MA PhD COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE am August Sep lumber Church Social luncheon fix bat congregations Knot slier I ho service ALL WELCOME GEORGETOWN CHURCHES JOINT SUMMER SERVICES ST GEORGETOWN AND QLEN and KNOX AND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES 9 1100am Si John Georaetowii Rev Peter Barrow Conducting Nuraeiy Servicn i Cenlury Sendee CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rav J Pallor j I every Sundjyli TO GOD HOUR ST ANGLICAN CHURCH 8778044 Rector Rev Sunday August 28 am- Holy EucnaneHNow Rial am Holy Euchiritt Prayer Book MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Mdplu Avonuo Edwin EVERY SUNDAY 4 i Family Bit ft WEEKDAYS Prayer ible Study MONTHLY Adult Fellowship Ladies BAPTIST CHURCH l03MounlnriviuvRd GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH A Sunday School am Evening FelowiNp Wednesday Prayer Service Gospel Temple REV MURRAY GRIFFIN Petto SUNDAYS Phone lor But Transportation 1HaJlL Serve Sunday Night AT Study and Susan Mills wed in June A to New England Cape Cod and New Yort SUte followed tbe exchange of marrfafe of Hills and Mark Janes June Tbe bride lathe daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Mill S3 Roaeford Terrace and is an secretary with Sirocoe Legal Services Clinic in Orilla The groom the son of Mrs Roy Orilla and is a plumber for Mechanical Contracting Ltd Rev Donald Jay of Barrte officiated at tbe candlelight cere at Chapel Horseshoe Valley and Mrs Mona Morton was organist Escorted down the aisle by her father Susan wore a long gown of white crepe with sheer The long sheer sleeves were complemented with lace cuffs and a sheer The long sheer sleeves were FairOpen to the world Did you know that the Acton Fall Fair was advertised in 1913s Acton Fall Fair Open to the World complemented with cuffs and a sheer yoke with a high lace collar and an em- bodice accented the gown On her chiffon trim She earned a bouquet of three orchids pink roses and babys breath Joan Florence of Toronto a friend of tbe bride was maid of honor She wore a two- piece silk dress of dove grey and pale mauve and carried a bouquet of two orchids pink roses and babys breath Groomsman was Robert of Orillia An evening cocktail reception was held at the home of the sister and brotherinlaw of the groom and John The event was catered by Tiber of the Ossawippt Express Orillia Guests attended form Orillia Toronto and Acton Prior to her marriage Susan was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mardi of the groom Guests attended from Toronto and The are living at Mat- St North GEORGETOWN MHO HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE TEAM J TT1VOUTS GORDON ARENA DATI TIME J DIVISION Novice 1100an IHMpm 1OOpm 1OOpm Minor PoeWoe 3OOpn Minor Bantam 410pm Bantam Minor pm Juvenile Stturdty StwntMf3 9O0am Novice 9iam em Minor Atom 1OQpm Minor PaeWae Minor 4OOpm Minor Midget Midget 1000 pm Juvenile AUPLAVERSTOBEATARENA30MIN PRIOR TO TRYOUT TIME SHOWN COSTS- PER TRYOUT 7RflVELLIN Susan Mills and Mark Macliaac were mar in Valley June J the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Mills Acton I Jack Photography Musician MUSIC STORE GUITAR ORGAN PIANO DRUMS BASS INSTfil I All queen st 8770000 rs Hrfll The Regional Municipality of Halton Invites Applications mtaresled residents to si as a volun tary member a Steering Committee whose objective is to study The Transportation Needs of the Physically Disabled in the Regional Municipality of Applicants are requested to provide a letter interest outlining their personal background employment data an indication their personal objectives and interest in serving as a member of this Committee Please submit your application by to Regional Municipality of PO Box Bronte Road Ontario 8E1 ATTN Mr Mohammed Director of Planning and Development Further information and or copies IMc study Terms of Reference may be obtained by contacting Regional Planner at Mrlton Borbngton Hilton Georgetown a Acton on Study Id Ihe Disabled Slurring Vartey Committee Regional Clerk THE Region MUNICIPALITY OF Separate School Board ADVANCE REGISTRATION KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 8 Will take place at each school TUESDAY AUGUST 30th 1983 Between the hours ot and 2 00 noon BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL REGISTRANTS SCHOOL WILL REOPEN FOR STUDENTS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1983 Bus routes are posted at the main entrance ol each school C Byrnes Chairman Director of Education SPECIALS 83 DATSUN KING CAB 4X4 DEMONSTRATOR Complete with cop chrome mna wheels cassette fliii guard bumper sunroof S mirrors COMPARE OUR PRICES 82 STANZA 4dr Ohio 0 81DITSUH610 In 9 80 DATSUN PICK UP lit 9QQE 999 SAT AOO MUSIC LESSONS Starting in September J cAUNow 8774919 piano banjo guitar drums bass guitar organ SALES SERVICE RENTALS REPAIRS SHEET MUSIC ACCESSORIES NEILS MUSIC St Plaza GaorgatOMm Starling Aug 3083 Tu FrIIOam 9pm Sat m JILL MARY EVANS SCHOOL OF DANCE PRINCIPAL JILL EVANS STUDIO MAIN ST GEORGETOWN entrance from Municipal Car Park BALLET JAZZ TAP Children Adults REGISTER NOW 8771187 Fall Term commences Sept 10th Enquire about our Junior Student Course SJtMJST nun m t a 20 to 30 OFF Register Now For FALL CLASSES Santera a- Chidran a Available BRUSH STROKES junos ceramics 8771101 Clergy Comment In the tenth chapter of Lukes Gospel Jesus dispatches of the disciples to precede Him into the villages He planned to visit and to prepare the people for His coming Their mission is to explain to the people that Jesus was of God Cure the lick there and tell the people the reign of God Is at hand Jesus instructs them Later jubilation Theyare anxious to tell Jesus about their success Master even the demons arc subject to us in Your Name they triumphantly Jesus answers Do not rejoice so much in the fact that the devils arc subject to you as that your names are inscribed in heaven lie wanted hem to understand that they would miss the whole meaning of their discipfeship if they saw it in terms of thetr glorification He did not send them out in pursuit of power and prestige He was saying in effect Do not rejoice in your newly found exalted status as miracle workers Do not rejoice over the big made on the townspeople by your healing and curing and power over devils Ifjoudependonlhesepassuigthlngs for jour life fulfillment you arc heading for fall They willlct Thereason names arc inscribed In heaven is that you arc following Me In doing Cods will Obedience to Gods will Is the only genuine source of jour lifes fulfillment as human persons Obedience to Gods will is the only genuine source of the abundant life that I am offering to those who follow Me In The Sere ape Letters by C S Lewis Satan is giving instruction to his demon followers preparing them for their hellish mission to the world He says Our cause Is never more in danger than when a human no longer desiring but still intending to do Gods will looks around upon a universe from which every trace of Cod seems to have vanished and why he has been forsaken and still obeys 111 ere is one basic concept in our under standing of what Is all about that has profound implications for our lives today The fact of the matter Is that all through His life Jesus understood His own ministry of obedience to the Father will primarily in terms of loving service to other persons He was what the later Church came to call The Servant Leader But His disciples never understood this Out in the wilderness you remember when Jesus fed of His followers the loaves and fishes tried to make Him their King but He refused and the people didnt understand When He rode Into Jerusalem on a little donkey the crowds welcomed Him as their King But He certainly didnt act like a king and the people didn under stand On the night before His death when He knelt down on the floor of the upper room and in a servant role washed the disciples reel they didn t want to accept Him in that role They didnt understand Finally on the Cross the culmination of the Servants Role He revealed to them the depth of His willingness to suffer even to die for others and they didnt understand And now twothousandyearslaterit is evident that many of us do not understand And for this reason we arc kept from getting close to Jesus and what He was doing for us Instead of coming into the world as a great King Messiah Jesus was born in a stable After His Baptism He went out into the wilderness where He was tempted with the very things that Kings possess economic power milltnrj power political power personal charismatic power And one byone He rejected the temptation to use these powers Several years ago Leo of baseball fame gave an interview to a reporter from Sports Illustrated magazine The reporter asked about the famous statement attributed to the fiery Nice gujs never win Leo replied I never said that at all What Isold wai that if were playing third base and my mother come tearing around the bases and was about to score the winning run I would trip her up Its thcone who wins the game it s the one who ends up on top its the one with the high salary Its the one who is In a position to manipulate and dominate whom we admire But it Is not through this kind of power and it is not through this kind leadership that God primarily works His will among us and reveals the fullness of His Rule Rather it is through obedient servant leaders His servant people Eden Mills Mrs A reminder that karate registration for the coming season will be held at Eden Mills Community Hall on Sunday August from Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson enjoyed a recent weekend with friends in Miss Kelly Bruce of Winnipeg was a recent visitor with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Harold Tomlinson Mr and Mrs Russell and daughter Linda were hosts to members of the families who gathered to honour Jim Blacklock and his bride elect The happy couple were showered with gifts and good wishes and this community also extends congratulations and best wishes to them in their upcoming marriage on Sep ember Jim is the only son of Wllda and Lloyd Blacklock Guelph The second game of league playoffs with saw the hometown team emerge winners again by score Still seek representative for parking authority Acton still doesnt have a representative on Hills parking authority The vacancy has existed since the spring after Paul OBrien resigned for business reasons and nobody applied for he vacancy Acton councillor have been seeking a replacement but are having trouble getting in ouch with candidates they have in mind because of vacations nope to name an Acton representative for the park ing authority appointed by council to Sept ember