agency GEORGETOWN 8775266 ACTON 8532010 You may now your to your Charoox Account for DOORTODOOR DISTRIBUTION We can deliver your SAMPLES ENVELOPES Any day any quantity As low as 35 per thousand Don Ryder Bill Cook For Accuracy On The Href The Georgetown Inde pendent and the Acton Free can not be tor of mot than on Incorrect Ins ton Any errors In the CteaeWled Section attention of the Ctaeal- fled Department after the first Ad justment are made to the degree the error reduced the value of the ad Cat or 8532010 Monday to Friday announce the safe arrival of second daughter Krystal District Memorial Hospital Monday September 11 9 0S YOUNG Ryan the laupn Dorothy Em are pleased announce safe the lint grandchild Lisa Shannon weighing lb 2 on Sunday September Proud pa rant ate Laura Danny Lacaprara of Toronto Proud uncles Gregory Grim and Glen BROOKS Joe Mary nee Anderson welcome a daughter Eleanor May Sep CONNOR Ken nee Newman A I Acton thank the Lord lor the safi arrival their firs child a daughter Sarah Connor IDs Mr Mn Russell Connor and grandchild or to Mrs Norm Both of 4 Act CUNNINGHA Dale are happy daughter Heather Dale born lit welching on Medic Centre Hamilton Collett are to I heir Megan bom at Guelph General Hospital September weighing A lbs A little sister tar Kenny David granddaughter lor and Vivian Collet Acton third granddaughter lor tor John tot Conn el I of Acton Million of 1 My grand daughter Sarah In lbs on September lM at 17 a m at University Medical Centre a was very privileged to watch her being along wlin her Daddy Alan who helped Mommy Karen with such love and support We praise God lor her safe arrival fir Terl bom September weighing grandparents arc Mrs Theresa Lawrence and Mrs Reynolds Special I hanks to stall and Or Richards at SCHOLZBernhard a Theresa welcome with love iheir son Peter Christopher born Sunday Sep weighing lbs IS on Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton A brother tor Hubert and Barbara Donna Hatcher of Ontario are to an the birth child a ion Sean William bom Wednesday August lbs on First grandchild for and Mrs- Harold Hatcher and Mr and Mrs Bert Simpson all Thursday September IS weighing lbs IS at General Hospital Proud parents are Kim Wayne Young Second grandchild for Philip Joan of Acton th grandchild lor Jim a Jocclyn Young of great grandchild lor Catherine grandchild for Theresa of Fredcrlcton New Brunswick Et MR Mrs I George own are the engagement daughter Agnes son Mr Mrs Montreal MR and Mrs William Kent are pleased to announce engogement their John to Pro use daughter of Ihe Mr and Mrs J A Wedding lo ton a Sac Georgetown Wish to announce the of daughter Vickie Jane Rlvel son of Mr and Mrs Boucher Ottawa Coning daughter Mlnli on Mrs Carl Marriage October SI Williams their ler Audrey Ronald Bruce Owen Sound on Friday evening September id The couple rj Death SWALES David John suddenly on Sunday September IB 1943 al Georgetown f District Memorial Hospital Dave Sharon Mrs David Graham of Ottawa son late Kenneth and Irene Swales Rested me Jones Son Funeral Home 34 Edith SI Georgetown was held Wednesday alternoon at clock Greenwood Cemetery In memory i but ions to the Oakland Regional Parents Bond St Oak would be ap WALKER George Pud it Is with deep ho sudden passing on Thursday September at Port George Georgetown Beloved husband Curtis and dear lather to Jim and his wife Pat Peter and wife Valerie and grandfather of Jason Dear Brother of Ted Arnold and the late Alice and Elliabeth Bess Harrison Rested the J Jones Son Funeral Home Edith George town until a Saturday then to George Anglican Church where funeral was Saturday am inter Greenwood Cemetery May al her George I own May Brown Patterson of Georgetown In her year Wile of the late Clarence and dear mother Mane Mrs William Alma Mrs Jim of Milton Also lovingly ureal grandchildren Rested at the J Jones Son Funeral Home 34 Edith St Georgetown service Carlyle Henry on Tuesday September 13 1983 al Peel Memorial Carl Karn Ion formerly of Glen husband Marie brother Vera Mrs Burt Montreal Alvln London Harold of Mamtoulln Island Mrs Agar of Brampton Manltoulln Island and Ethel cased by Floyd and Russell at the J Jones Son Funeral Home SI Georgetown where funeral and held Thursday at oclock Glen Cemetery In Arthur would to Ihc of Ward A for while he was a patient mere Thank you Bourns Special hanks Reverend Sally Boylos or her com lor ling words JS Jones Son Funeral Home also the Ladles SI Georges Anglican Church all our lends neighbors and relatives A very special hanks Valerie of North lor her concern and comforting words Thank you all Mrs Jean WOULD like to relatives for their kindness shown to me white I was a patient In Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton and since returning Spencer Wilson MY daughter would like thank the Georgetown Fire Depart Family Restaurant owner and my grandson Jim McDowell who so kindly helped In when I was taken ill on Saturday night A sfneere Thank You D M THE FAMILY th- Mary Tyers like express lends and neigh or cards mass floral tributes shown us at this Special thanks the priest o Holy Cross Church W and Georgetown Your thought fulness wilt support received during recent loss of Craig Special I hanks to Ladies UCW Reverend nomas Bandy and J Jones a Son Funeral Home Your ihoughilutneis will always be remembered by us McGUIGANln of our brother Arthur who died as a result an accident September a little but means loving memory of a dear daughter and away September lefl tweet days that are gone Lovingly remembered By Mum brothers and Someday earthly a Please God n BE In ving memory of a dear as a result of an September SI Your memory treasure you never Sadly missed and always remembered EI THE Family Thy- ntversary on Saturday Sept m 37 Mowbray Best THE Family of Howard and Swltier of wish to invite relatives and neigh bars to celebrate their parents 40th wedding ilversary m Best wishes only Coming TURKEY SHOOT SUNDAYS OCT 2 16 NOV 20 Georgetown Hunters Anglers 8th Line Erin tit road of Ballinafad it ore THE DAUGHTERS OF ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH MONTHLY LUNCHEON at St George Hal OPEN HOUSE Were Off Again Wat to fan ta November 20 Friday niehl For information call COACH HOUSE 8S40216 or 8540257 CHURCH September a Guetl The Rev Steven Smith Knox Grand Valley FMISUPPEKW ACTORS FOR TV TV is now interviewing new people tor Special TV Stuaa training to TV SonesTV Commercials Movies Pari time For your dial 964 Of AUTUMN FASHION SHOW Ban lean at KkUforTVI CTeVTV now hx TV Studio Training to act CCrrrfTtandrtsvlwovtttt TV Senas Piece TratUg 129 Cms Aft 1BU4pJB at your house Its time to cat your Welcome Wagon hostess She will bring congratu lations and lifts for the new family and the NEW BABY Georgetown ATTENTION and children Super Sunday Sen 83 Tickets on tale John Elliott Theatre Box lice on Thursday Sept ember 22 Stan at p for 3 shown I 3Qand33U performances avail able Sponsored by Unlvonity Woman FASHION Show by Enterprises Wednesday October at m at Knox Church Georgetown Admission Is IS dessert door prizes Advance tickets call or FOR Fun Friendly Com pel ion there Is still time Youth Bowling Leagues years Mined Adult Ladles and evening leagues Men s League Golden Age Leagues French League Phone Rose Bill at 877 Georgetown Bowl Georgetown Sou Turkey Supper Wea October Ticket available from Wilson Ham I iron Mary Anne 70O4 Margaret KRAFTS ft Open House Sep lumber i P rrajCo la MAPLE Nursery School has opened a second three day morning class by popular demand Some spaces still available Contact Lyn 877 lor i MORNING Yoga Classes starting October I IS a 45 a For n gospel ser Band Hall Wallace St Sept IS Oct No collection SALE OF Cralts and Baking Soup and Santa ST United Church Show Sale Saturday October 1st 10 Admission THURSDAY Thimble Club Saturday 1st Terra Community Han Quilts crafts baking candy etc THE ACTON Figure Skating Club In troduces Power Skating Coaches Clinic with an Independent Inslru Cynthia Bower be held 1983 at the Acton Arena on ice Registration is Sept am at the Acton Arcno I served Contact J Ann THE ACTON unit the Canadian Cancer vitos all volunteers to Attend Ihc annual meeting and pot luck supper to be held Tuesday September fi p m at Church Hall Mrs Marilyn of speaking about the program lor cancer THE GOLDEN Triangle Miniature village October 4th Tuesday members O store Georgetown will bo closed Monday September lor ONE ONONE If an hour weekly am the on mom t a In In a 8533502 weekend or after weekday PIANO THEORY FLUTE OR RECORDER LESSONS CandlcaP Smith BJL HE II Centre J available for wed dings Christ mas Hew Yean and Gradual km parties Inquire Admin Office ME LIMA Bakery Mill St Acton opening Thursday September Homemade bread pier and pastry coffee ample ION FOR AUCTION SALE FOR KERWIN at the farm on 25 HIGHWAY V mile North on FRIDAY SEPT 30 at PM CATTLEBEEF about CD Herefordlew are crossed have carve bom 1st May calf Calves are from Bull below Reentered Polled Herelord Bull no Paper from Downey Bolton Cow But Heifers over months be Blood Tested YOUNG Hereford Sloan from 900 lbs en lbs From JACK HOMESActonCharoUts cow yrs old Item open with her carve both heifers bom Sept and Aug 83 B f cow bred Aug Hereford Her Heifer bom May TO Her other born April 82 bred Aug Bull From HOWARD CRAIG Simmon Limousin Duo in Oct teent lb Hotel heifers lb PLEASE NOTETha is an opportunity to obtain home raised In clean conditions Plan to attend Mr has no feed to must disperse ha herd TERMS Cashorchequewithl Not responsible for accidents MAX STOREY AUCTIONEER E8 AUCTION SALE FOR D R ENTERPRISES INC the premise on No 7 Highway midway between Acton Rockwood ON SAT 24 SEPT at AM VEHICLES Ford automatic ex School Bug Mobile Home 52 fully furnished Crow Cob Pickup Truck will Certify Lincoln Car Hem from C a 1975 Hornet rs All is Chalmers Fork mastruns good Motor Cycle IGemml needs work trailer Flat Docks Tent Trailer Small Box Utility Trailer Small Flat Bed Trailer Tandem Axle Trailer 30 Alt over Hydraulic lb Fibeglas Trailer Shell some materials finish SHOP EQUIPMENT Et TOOLS electric Waldar Rockwell Radial Arm Saw 10 Craftsman 14 Band Saw Craftsman Table Sow Eazia T Sheerer Metal hand Brake 8 Wood Lathe Compressor HP Rockwell Tablo Saw 10 Mala Crimping Machine Skill Saw A HP 8 Disc Grinder 2 way Cut off Sow Generator Battery Charger lie Body Jack Hydraulic Jack Reversible Drills 38 Drills Battery Drill 3B Router Staple Guns etc MISC Cab or Dodge D600 1977 soma Fire damage Mobile Home aula with wheels El tire Fifth wheel for semi tractors Fifth wheel for pickup truck Aluminum camper ladder Trailer accessories Yard scraper Sliding windows for Vans Molar Homes Single double sinks for Vans Motor Homes Vonous wheels tires Cabinet doors Various Plywood shoots 58 316 Steel lacks Shelving Woodwork benches Lawn mower FURNITURE OFFICE EQUIP door like new Antique Dresser Antique Book esse China Cabinet Kitchen table 4 chairs Love Seat makes bed I new Wood Office Desk Metal type Office Desk chair Old Manual Typo wilier Sanyo color T V Stareo Tape Dock House type Air Conditioner Vacuum Cleaner picnic tables or Natural Gas Stove Propane or Natural Gas Stove Quebec Heater Pot Betty Antique Oil stand gal drum Oil lank pump Gas heated water heater Propane or Natural Many more small ha expired Owner moving TERMS Cash or cheque with I Not responsible tor accidents MAX STOREY Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Wednesday Evening Sept 28th at PM Location Merchanduo removed from targe older home to be sold In Milton at the the Agricultural Hall on Robert St Sale Co mining Of Some good old antique b other furniture la china mc Royal crystal depression cornflower etc solid walnut tea wagon round oak pedestal table coloured TV other etc etc old tool and Note This a full sole with a lot of good merchandise TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER Lunch available PREVIEW Owner Hall board or Auctioneer not re sponsible for accident Auctioneer Chris A Schouten Phone8782576 AUCTION SALE For Gordon Barbara Rank Sun Sept 25th at Noon Location At their home in the Village of Chelien ham north west of Brampton Take No north from Brampton to Victoria go west on King St to Creditview then north or mMe age CtakMitissauaaRd north to King Street then east to go north for mile into Village from the Country Store for suction sign on King St REMARKS Lad the Rank always put up a duality off Plan to spend this Sunday aflemrioon with us in TERMS CASH OR CHEQUES WITH Auctioneer Chris A Schouten Phone WANT ads IS AUCTION SALE For Jim Brenda Sutherland Sat Sept at AM Location At 111 Mil St dining suite 3 cushion chesterfield char teakwood bedroom suite sue tied Indian rug 8X10 ft wool line of largo appliances nearly an these items new since 1981 antique furniture gloss ladders power b hand tools Auctioneer Ward EI 8772033 WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Can Trucks or Old Machinery oil space healer to 30 In good condition For Sal Pianos New Used KawaL Hehitiman other VANGST HOUSE OF PIANOS Just of SALE Pioneer 00 HEIMKS LAWN GARDEN EQUIPMENT IS NOW OFFERING A PIONEER SPECIAL A SEMI PROFESSIONAL CHAIN SAW Rflut2nM NOW ONLY with bar or with optional 18 bar ONLY TOO WITH THE PURCHASE OF THIS OR ANY ONE OF OUR LOW PRICED PIONEER SAWS iexciuoino model YOU WILL RECEIVE 2 FREE CHAINS This Is a limited time offer For more information phone HENKat 2 GEORGETOWN