Gtwrattown Acton Wodnaa Sept MastectnBBflitifK muu CtfttM GOODRfflMTURE IT JUST FADES AWAY and your REHNISHED c4pWwy AMEnhMn HALTONFUMttTURE RBMISHMG Jim Murphy Armstrong Unit 5 raw 8774792 THE HALTON BOARD OF EDUCATION NIGHT SCHOOL COURSES Register by mill Continuing Education Department 2050 Line Burlington Ontario L7R 3Z2 Or in a 30 at the above address For mora information ARE AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING COURSES Men Computers tor ttia McroCMtpfrlHs for adults Amateur RacSo Auto Maintenance men women Bdraern DtncrAQ Cake Decorating Christmas Cralts FunanrlRtneu LOCATION OUT BE Perdue Wed THE IKS ffi 10 Oct 3 Perdue 10 340 Oct Oct Oct 3 0CL3 Oct 3 Oct Oct Thurs Tues Mon Mon Oct Planning Oct 3 Mon Typing condnulng Oct 3 office sides Chinese Cooking Oct 3 Cooking basic Session Two First Cbss November French I Conversational Oct 3 Perdue Mon FrenctilConvenadonal Oct 3 BE Perdue Mon 730930 20 45 Spanish I Conversational Oct 4 Perdue Tires 730- 930 20 45 Chairman of Education 7OO1O00 26 10 730- 930 10 20 7001000 10 30 10 930 18 730- 930 30 900 730- 930 10 10 7001000 7001000 20 HONEYPOT NURSERY SCHOOL NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS MORNIHGS A WEEK AND AFTERNOONS ONLY 5 Call Katharine Simon CHARTERED ACCOUNT 8770109 8770100 5 Street Georgetown Ontario DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC J DT PHONE 8778974 GUELPH ST ON GEORGETOWN Potential disaster averted in apartment fire Sunday Volunteer firefighters averted a poten tial disaster early Sunday morning when they confined a major Tire to one room of an apartment building Deputy flre chief Bob Hyde estimates damage to a living room at a build ing at Lot Con Street near the First Line which houses three other apart men Is Careless smoking is the suspected cause Hyde says as the fire began in a Chester field or chair about The hying room was gutted but the blare was confined to that one room The firefighters did an excellent job in confining There was a definite potential disaster In there the deputy chief noted About that night firefighters return ed to the apartment budding after smelted smoke Hyde says the furnace must have cut in sending toe odor of smoke throughout the building There were no injuries in either call There Is no estimate of damage to a truck which caught fire on Lot Con of Milton lost Tuesday at 50 pm Deputy Fire Chief Bob Hyde also noted no cause was given Police beat Enamel paint and toothpaste was poured over the windshield and one door of a car parked in the lot of Jack Tanner Tabic in Acton last Wednesday The wilful damage occurred sometime between and pm A Lot Concession 1 Moffat man was charged with mischief to private properly on Friday it about An Acton man was driving cast on Mill St after turning off of Main St when a man kicked his right rear fender causing minor damage A set of golf clubs valued at was stolen from a Campbell Crt residence sometime between September and The clubs were removed from an unlocked garden shed Police said they have no suspect in an In cident of vandalism to a Vega station wag on parked on lot 31 concession The back window of the car was smashed out some time last week causing damage Camera equipment jewellery and a set of golf clubs alt valued at were taken from an RR resident sometime during the day last Tuesday A home on Poplar Ave was broken into through a ground floor window which was unlocked between and 1140 a m About in cash and jewellery valued at was stolen A home at Acton was broken into during the day recently through the basement window Stolen was S3 in change CENTENNIAL MALL 277 VODDEN STREET AT KENNEDY 4537063 Mondayjuesday Saturday to 6pm Wednesday to to 9pm ACROSS THE HALL SALE Right to a in MaH aeron had from oar to tor YOU 0w Cattonsrt own iMiiminMirMiJSTCirO TOWN- torarnw DRY GLEANING 8770387 HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE if if fixture ACTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB Registration SATURDAY SEPT 24 ACTON ARENA Skat Coitum Swot 1M3I FullonahourlesaonseachwMk for weeks First Session Oct 14 Second Session Nov Dec FOR MORE INFORMATION Joyce Frahe Richmond ta Deal etas nit eat Mr HIST- Mr Urn MM Me af Man Meat a Jul Mm la ft Mi -rnt- KM Etifrnfl mh MrKH mnmmmiIII coupon T mi Start with our already Low Sale Price v make us an offer strike up a Deal and then receive an additional OFF with this Coupon COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 1983 CI4tWl1a1 w HOME SATELLITE TV DBMOrtSTRATrON NOW ITS AFFORDABLE COMPLETI SYSTEMS Super of and Exerting action padeorudinnaia Of moat up to data and aryJaaMtlm charted on and for thai atiura world a In tttattra and ctaaatcal Your local CENTRAUN SATELLITES MOuaajliStlMII 8774866