Acton Oct C3 TV RADIO EO IEEE noon hour now at EicknUveiy Your off James Downtown Georgetown Construction Safe Were trad of onl MAKE US AN OFFER 1971CONCOROOLldoor rod root automatic power steering radm SiruINo 4540 1I7 ASPEN door red while vinyl root automatic power radio HORNET STATION WAGON door red cylinder power steering Sena No Plua others I CLEMENTS MOTORS 500 Bronte St Milton 8782328 parkUSrI FORD TRUCKS XARWTHEWEEK I LTD WAGON I rebuilt motor I 8531800 A car Ho this Omni the cot ejlven by it own- Equipped and stereo radio With only km Ha a terrific car Lynx OS BO Dodge Diplomat CremeP233B Mustang SO Omni 4 Maroon Escort Gray Mustang Clufa Wagon XL Brown Or Cop- tularemia LS per 79LTO Wagon Sever S3 Mustang While Green Capri Tan Fairmont Dr Red LTD Slhmr 92 Lynx QL Sri verPISB Mazda Wagon Bkie40O4A Honda CBB60 Omni TC4 Brown 90 LIB Whin P207 Cram Whrte Dodge Pkkup Fury Maroon Yellow 77 Mustang 8772261 1fT4 MERCURY Comat auto original mite Engine tires condition PLYMOUTH Fury Sport bucket and console unroof vary nicely finished In black with rod In terior It at Georgetown Chrysler SPORTY 1977 Toyota CelJca cylinder sharp car drives beautifully See It at Georgetown Chrysler STANDARD cyllndar Hornet Sport about good condition I Finished mack on black at Georgetown Chrysler nsto mint door Han auto one owner low mileage Very clean car See Cnrytler SIM FORD Elite condition ai after SPORTY Ford Mustang cylinder nicely equip pad Including am cassette and Mlcfteim tires Call Georgetown Chrysler 877 VOLVO t with overdrive AM good con dition or bett offer evening Monte Carlo auto A real luxury CHARGER cylinder auto p air cruise origins miles Very good condition tilled HMO cylinder auto economical good looking car low mileage Very at Call Georgetown Chyrtier CHEVROLET Station Wagon automatic In good condition certified 1995 JO after I960 CHEVY Monia Vo bucket- and console I A very good looking car and economical to drive See It at Georgetown CHEVY VAN44 ton heavy duty good CHRYSLER imperial Baron fully loaded very Interior Great mutt be driven See It at CITATION auto all Beit offer anytime COLLECTORS Model Dodge Red Exprew truck auto p looks and runs great See It at Georgetown Chrytler MOTORS firI GEORGETOWN HONDA 8776286 IMMACULATE 1978 Plymoutn auto ilr conditioning till power win dow condition an excellent FORD 1 ton Super Cab pi or best offer bad frame 333493 bet STATION wagon Plymouth p bucket radlatt 1774111 UPTOWN COLLISION HALTON HILLS MOST MODERN BODY SHOP TO TO 1977 good condition and fuel economy certified Call 774100 DODGE Atpen Wagon A auto pi Great family car Also Atpen Wagon similarly equipped Both cars in excellent condition Call Georgetown Chrysler 877 1980 DODGE Omni door top ton throughout tone sunroof low mileage Runs on regular gas Call Georgetown Chrysler 1978 FAIRMONT wagon 4 certified ill 7947 FORD Capri stand rd 1 1 en condition No rust very clean am cassette stereo New tires all around Alklng 15000 titled Call John at FORD Fair month e cylinder auto condition throughout I tone A great mlotlie family car Can brakes tow low price SHOO i offer 198 FORD XL door auto new lire MjOOO miles one owner M is FEMALE faculty member of Sheridan College tacks quiet country house or responsible tenants please call RENTAL required Oct or months targe or 3 or home Call TWO BEDROOM apt suitable for parents a girl years old and a boy yean old YOUNG couple looking for apt In Georgetown area YOUNG working couple looking for 1 or bedroom apartment with reasonable rent References available Call anytime needed for November 4031 YOUNG professional couple seeks quiet country home near highway Go BBS after ELt Foh BEAUTIFULLY restored century bedroom home large treed lot quiet area monthly plus utilities available Immediately BEDROOM baths moder nlied end Insulated for rent BEDROOM bungalow per month includes utilities and cable Basement excluded 8770297 WHEN EC SHOWS GOBS cycle overhead cam duel range trantmlsslon eight forward gear electric start CtOUO MONDAY YAMAHA XT Enduro 1478 BEDROOM New Moon mobile home for sale prime location on Gulf to Bay Bivd Clearwater Florida Must Mil to settle estate Call 3431 BE BOAT AND MOTOR STORAGE INSIDE Complete service avail able Book space now MARINE ACTON E HONDA XR75 excellent condition Helmet In eluded 507 BOAT STORAGE INSIDE w top Sarvic Book Now CREDIT BOATS 8465000 REGUM TtJraFORTrC0KTRUCT10l0f CHAWrORDlAH MTHE TOWMOFMLTOII SEALED TENDERS at to con tent wit be received by the General Manager Mr ME Stephen at tut office urn local time TUESDAY OCTOBER for die of an Interpretive Centre at Crawford Lake n the Town of Tender be opened at m on the same day in the office of the ConaervBtion Authority Man Street Plan and form of lender may be obtained at office of the upon payment of M0 CO made payable to the Architect which la refundable to those submitting bona fide under A cheque the amount specified the Bond form accompany each bid Lowest or any tender not n ce acc AflCHITECTS North Service Road PO Bon Ontario L7R3Y2 BEDROOM cottage Georgetown Avail able November lit per month hydro and water In eluded Prefer couple Interested In horses Reply to box 701 Georgetown Indep endont Main St Georgetown Ontario L7G3G4 BEDROOM broad loomed house for rent 423 per month all utilities Included First and months rent required Available November 1st 8778745 after NOTICE SEE AUCTION SALES under Ctesstfkstnn No For Rant OFFICE HanopRd BOO q ft d Wooed dispatch of fie 300 q ft Will Call 8782331 BEDROOM country bungalow nearly new family room double garage patio per month References 877 3 BEDROOM house for rent In per month Utilities extra workshop or storage heated evenings FOR potential for store Zoned light Industrial Lots of parking Rent month HALL for rent Newfoundland Club Contact Lane ONE bedroom In Acton access to whole house 120000 for Dan STORAGElndoor outdoor cars STORAGE spate indoor outdoor for boat car trailers etc Apprax monthly Trsfalga Hornby Call collect WINTER Storage Supervised campers trailers boars Oct May 1 KOA Milton YOUNG woman hat house to shore with responsible person Own living and bedroom Share kit Phi half hydro water and telephone Heal In- APARTMENT for rent four large rooms utilities Included Call 9833 BEDROOM apartment liable November BEDROOM apt In monthly or 2078 BEDROOM opart mwilj heat hydro appliances included or CHERRY St apart ment quiet adult building bedroom available December 1st 5773 a I labia apt 878- ONE bedroom apartment for rent older building 3rd floor References month 2207 ONE BEDROOM apartment fridge stove and utilities Adults only No after ONE bedroom fur lined apartment quiet mature person or couple All utilities Included after SMALL apartment also TV BEDROOM apart tastefully decorated full top floor of Century old home tun porch everylhlng Included BO ROOM for rent private bath Terra Gotta nonsmoker abstainer 8383573 if REASONABLE Industrial units for rant from aq ft ft up Secretarial ft or OPP enforcing seat belt law Trie Ontario Provincial Folic or crack ing down on people who buckle up Studies conducted in Ontario have found that the Dumber of people wearing seat belts has declined drastically When Iheir use was made mandatory in the usage rate was per cent but recent studies by Transport Canada show the rate Is down to per cent a decrease of 27 per cent There are two ways of getting more people to wear seat belts said Commis sioner James enforcement and education He promised the OPP officers will be more vigilant in laying charges against he people who ignore seat belts Need horse farming policy A major equestrian group is considering locating in Hal ton Hills Councillor Sheldon revealed al a recent meeting dropped this bit of news while pitching the need for a horse farm policy for Hills She told her coll that horse farming is becoming a big inoustry Milton with assistance from an group is currently conducting a Stud of the industry as it relates to planning Part or the examination will entail looking at horse farming operations in Halton Hills Sheldon said region is also looking at coming up with a position on horse farming INDUSTRIAL suite wholesale retail workshop i mile East of Loblaws on 1350 monthly Georgetown Li rent everything eluded OFFICE space semi open concept Prima In Georgetown below going rate all COMMERCIAL space store etc Mill St W Available anytime BEDROOM pool fenced basement all pi lances No agents please a S3 Hi a 70 block building 18ft celling Quanset building room brick ranch and fireplace IS 34 round pool Call Wells or representing A E LePage Real Estate Services Ltd FOR bed room home In Hills burgh Extra large lot detached garage No Agents 855 4428 PRIVATE SALE Post Victorian buck house Completely bedrooms 1 twihi largo living room formal now dock and polio Goo got own Asking 000 TOWNHOUSE Georgetown 861LO0 Newly decorated 3 bedrooms attached garage basement broad loom Mortgage till Jan 1386 Monthly payment S433 PIT Near GO train GO for more Info Conturv21GoldonRoalEstateUd 117 Wilson Drive 8788495 HOBBY FARMS 1 trc QCK Ik US tun Ur In JO no I new rVxr nr IT We Mroom I rntng ji cm ADD 01 reviiM home ton bull rrunugt on A REALTOR immmmrt awnum Off DRIVE BY 2S4 MCDONALD BLVD ACTON and phone to view this Immaculate home being offered for GEORGE GRAY REAL ESTATE LTD ROC