to Artie White who ttcned on Artie wry known aroma town and fa very active wit of tbe Canadian Cancer Society He a former CUixn of tbe Year Happy Birthday Artie FOCUS Arta Magazine pal out by the Hilton Art ha two atortea local arttsu A story by Carole Black about Larry a pot ter atodio two mile north of Actoo The article his work and hia studio and mentioned In Wales and Japan The second story was about Heather writ ten by Heather Heather has fabric and fibre creations In the Artisan Vil lage at tbe Hide House The article explained now Heather finds inspiration In flowers and growth Her work reflects this Also In the magazine is a short article on Doodles Restaurant In After a short precis on the menu the story said owner Maureen is In teretted In hearing from local artists who may wish to show their work at Doodles BUI Coats Young St has been listed among entries in the Motion Big Fish Con lest by the Ontario Uon of Anglers and Hunters Bills fish was caught at Lake and weighed in at six pounds eight ounces and was 22 inches long It was a large mouth bass Ian Sandy Is a recent graduate of Sheridan College with General Engineer Technician Diploma Inns name was released by the college this week Pete took a months tour of Eastern Canada recently and dropped In to see Flo and Louis Chsxleboli In St John New Brunswick Tbe Acton residents send a merry hello and their love to all their friends In town Kay Kavansgh at the school library would appreciate aome parent assistance In the operation of her area Anyone interested In helping out Is asked to call her at Volunteers are also needed In other areas of the school as well This Saturday beginning at the Nassagaweya Womens Institute will hold a craft bake country finds sale and quilting demon stration In the Brookville Hall on the Line Doors close at The CNIB needs your help Because not enough can vassers could be rounded up for a doortodoor campaign campaign chairman Vic Bristow had to resort to a mailin method ately not everyone in town got an envelope and a re sult donations are down by half over what usually are Please give generously Vic still accepting dona tlons He can be reached at 8532237 or at tbe Post Office Had a call from Don last week in response to my comment about the driver who almost killed Betty and myself at the Mill Willow crosswalk Don and rightly so pointed out there are Just as many irresponsible pedestrians as drivers For he record any per observations in my column ore Just that per sonal unless otherwise stated I can only write about my experiences and my experience was the traffic bad come to a complete stop before we entered the Inter section and the second car from the crosswalk out drove down the wrong side of the road and almost hit us Dons complaint was that we never write about the stupid pedestrians only the stupid drivers That may be true but It was not a stupid pedestrian who almost claimed my life or at least could have seriously Injured me But in all fairness to Dons complaint now that I have set the record straight on my own experience there are many pedestrians who do step out loo quickly giving the unsuspecting motorist no time to stop People assume because they are In the crosswalk the motorists should stop Bylaw he must but lets face it he needs more than three seconds notice By pointing your arm or finger out the driver might see you better and know what you intend to do And to further play the Devils Advocate are there any still speak ing to me those who cross the street with a transport truck coming are downright Inconsiderate Some of those trucks have IS gears and it is no easy task to come to a halt Why dont you just wave him on and wait an ex minute or so While Im on my soap box lets go up a block to the Mill Main comer and the flashing green light That flashing light Is NOT for pedestrians ask any police man This is the third or fourth time I have mentioned It in this column and it pro won be the last That lashing light is for drivers heading south to make a safe left hand turn before the oncoming traffic makes It impossible Having to wait for a pedestrian to saunter across the street defeats the entire purpose of the special light and to me is more annoying than people step ping quickly Into crosswalks But back to the cross walks There seems to be a simmering at times boiling feud in this town between motorists and pedestrians This is very evident in the number of letters we receive here at the Free Press from both sides Unfortunately most of these letters signed so we cannot print them But heres a suggestion to both sides compromise Not all motorists ore The majority are considerate careful and Intelligent By the same token not all pedestrians ore idiots who step out into the street without looking Motorists slow down a lit tle Use that few seconds while waiting for them to ad Just a mirror or get com fortable Pedestrians look before you step and let driver know what you doing And please dawdle let com as look let the I you are I I HANDs group at Ottawa conference by Eldoa Comfort Boon and Betty Comfort of Acton and Linda Bobor of Georgetown attended Operation Dismantle annual conference on Nuclear Disarmament at Ottawa University recently Comfort and Mrs are members of Halloa Hills new Action for Nuclear moment group HAND and were active In last Vote Yes for Disarmament reeren- campaign which was be gan by Operation Dismantle Tbe Comforts combined attendance at theOperatioo Dismantle conference with a to daughter and fan la North sad stayed with biUct at from across and from m tar away as Australia On man walked people attended the sessions on Friday evening and Satur day and attended tbe Satur day evening banquet Noted speakers and panelists Included such internationally known ug as James Stark Founder of Operation Dismantle Tom Gervasl former counter Intel officer and author Mike Zendryejayk Director of Disarmament and coordinator of he Nuclear Weapons Fac ilities Project Bonnie Greene Staff Officer on human rights for United CHurch of Canada Father Director of tbe Social Action Diocese of Hull Clyde Sanger International affairs Journalist and author Mel Hurtlg Book Publisher of the Year mil Fabian Deputy High Commissioner of tafia Pauline Jcwett MP Met noted economy professor at of Toronto and actress ladder Sheridan College A Step Ahead Skill DOTtiopfntfiVApprwiticwship Division Shavkton raw number of programs to proper you to return to thai work force Microcomputer Operator Introduction to Occupations program M woman to select and gam antry to occupation are not Woman Into Trades A Technology That program provides woman ma to tw carer Mmor further akM apcrwitfcasNpa training on or into fore Academic Upgrading Oners math EnokUi and science at any level program on paced boat may wan any Monday Want to find out more about these programs An Information Session will be held Wednesday October 12 1983 130 to 300pm Or to 830 pm at the Queen Elizabeth Campus Oakvlile For further information can Of Georgetown Acton Wednesday Oct Dont miss it Bring Town Friends for the Ultimate Fall Shopping Experience Glen Gift Save2575 In order to make room for our Christmas merchandise thai will be I Childrens end Adults Hats Mm Mm Sets Sweaters Wooden Toys Stuffed Animals Candles Jewellery Pottery and Much More THE PLACE TO SA DIRECT FACTORY OUTLET Our Showroo to 9 6 Sat friendly WEALSO INSTALL Mountain view GEORGETOWN PHONE 8771186 OCTOBER SALE Dominion Wood or Clad SAVE ON AND All CUSTOM ORDERS U SEES WAUBU ORDER CHECK THESE CURVED Km IHSULGLAHD xr FITS OPENINd S3 WOOD PATIO 00 SEE LIST 4S2 doomc sunn tana WOOD LIST LIST and S1ZEUST73315 SAVING REPLACEMENT WINDOWS COTRBCVn Tuaia 1 1 DOORS I ALUM STORM DOORS Ladies fox trimmed Suede coats from Luxurious NarWgtmti Fox Also Ladles from lambsuede Bombers Sheepskin Suede Coats Mans Bombers Bombers Motorcycle Jackets 99 Sheepskin Leather 249 Accessories Leather Belts 4JS Leather Wallets Leather Handbags 1C95 Leather Gloves 2196 leather Briefcases MJM Canadas Largest Leather Goods Store MIDWEEK BONUS Bring In tNa coupon tor PRIME RIB DINNER 11 jj Pnmeflib a fib Drive to Acton FREE Vrtd October or My or A German engineered sports sedan for 30000 is a thing of beauty A German engineered sports sedan for 8925 is an affordable thing of beauty For decades German engineer ing has been the acknowledged gold standard for the automotive industry This is especially true in the sports sedan category Regrettably however the tag for those cars usually ends up equalling the cars weight in gold One notable exception is the Jetta Because it is built by it is not ust an automobile that many knowledgeable people would like to own it is an automobile many knowl edgeable people can afford to Despite its low the Jetta offers the respected virtues of rack and pinion steering and a inde pendent suspension with MocPherson struts up front And while Jetta s fuel injected engine with a fivespeed manual transmission makes it fun to it also delivers typical efficiency feople who wish to make their even more economical to run can choose the fuel efficient engine And the remarkable news is that there is no extra cost for this engine The Jetta by vblkswagen Is it any wonder then that the word vblkswagen loosely translated means people wagon The Jetta an Bn hi VOLKSWAGEN THE PLA CE TO SA Baz Motors Ltd GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN