agency GEORGETOWN MARKETPLACE GEORGETOWN 8775266 ACTON 2010 You may now charge your classified advertisement to your Chargex Account Ask for details GeorgetownActon Wednesday Nov 16 1983 DOOR TO DOOR DISTRIBUTION We can deliver your FLYERS SAMPLES ENVELOPES Any day any quantity As low as per thousand Don Ryder 5266 BUI Cook 853 and Acton for the cost Any Sections should of the Clesetfted Adjust the the error reduced value of ad Cat 8776266 or pjn Monday to Friday FLEMING Craig and Chris are pleated to announce Oct at Georgetown to Proud grand Mr Mrs A Fleming ana Mr Vest of Georgetown NOLAN John a I Sylvi child Hon Ryan Thorn weaning lbs on Oct A thanks Ford and he OB stall at Georgetown Firs Id or Danny and Rose of ttilrd grandchild for Don ana Ray and Theresa Georgetown and are pleased to announce the safe vaiol ine r second child a n Andrew Wesley born Sunday Nov Iff weghlno7lbs 10 oi Georgetown District Memorial Hospital A brother lor Vicky Special to Ford Liandltieslallonmaternlly CTCoalngUanUots KJ coming Ibntsgn Ml Ron Bridges announce the lor marriage their daughter Merllyn Louise Robert John Lovell son Mr and Mrs Leo The marriage will lake on December 3rd at Westminster St Paul s Church In J5 William Lome at Durham Hospital William Lome of Albert SI South Durham passed away Nov 1911 Beloved husband Joyce Deer lather Fern Mrs Wayne NutbrownJ Shirley Mrs Kent lion Georgetown BUI Durham Christopher Durham Lorna Mrs Frank King Georgetown predeceased by daughter Pamela Loved grandlather of six grandchildren Employee Provincial Paper Service was held Funeral Home Marmora Marmora Sot AND MRS Robert Steen wish Id express their sincere thank to our patients lor their kind understanding and support during the recent loss ol my mother MR and Mrs Bern I wish to and Jeenette lor surprise dinner and dance had lor us on the occasion our wedding anniversary Mom Dad THE ol me late Anne Hamilton would like to express sincere thanks to relatives and neighbors for their kindness during the loss of their beloved mother and grandmother Thanks also to the of Pronto Service Station or their assistance Special thank you to the women the Baptist Church who catered lunch lowing Inner a I services Many thanks to Rev Dean Tate or his comforting words and support Sincere thank you to Jim and Phil Jones and the slall J Jones and Son Funeral Home lor Ihelr aid and support which wen beyond call duly These acts kindness will never be WE wish lo express our sincere lhanks and appreclaton relatives and neigh hours lor many ads of kindness Moral tributes spiritual and cards during recent loss a beloved wlla end mother Special Father R the priests at Holy Rosary Church st Joseph s Women League and all the Doctors In attendance during her Illness Brada and Family 197J Farewell dear lather work Is over Thy willing hands II toll no more A loving lather kind and true No one on earth I II find like you Dearly loved and forever remembered by your daughter Sandra CAMPBELL loving memory my dear husband who passed away Nov IS God saw you getting tired When a cure was not be be So ne closed his arms around And whispered come to me You dldn deserve what you went through Ahd so ho gave you rest God oar den must be beautiful He only keeps best Sadly missed and always loved by wile Peggi FINLAY Treasured husband William J who passed away November Loved granddad Michael Craig Karen Brent and Kim To live In the hearts Of those we loved Sadly missed by Ruth HENDERSON James In loving memory of a dear husband lather and grandfather who passed away November 1V74 Just as you were r You always be Treasured forever In our memory Remembered by wife Amy and children Carol Bill and Pearl and children John Mary John LITTLE In loving memory a dear wile and mother who passed away November II Your memory we treasure Loving you you never Lovingly remembered by Irwin Helen Jean and Jim MR MRS STEWART of We and Jones invite to a Tea of their parent to M held at Trinity Church Mill St Acton Tom pm It lfSJ CongEMntt TURKEY SHOOT Georgetown Hunters Anglers Sunday Nov 20 12 Noon 1st road east of store gth tine Township mars at ffwWL own house We provide and things for you Functional and decorative ham for all NOVEMBER 26 9 tun to 5 Ctssl Georgetown fa lam School CHRISTMAS BAZAAR RAFFLE Snetos Ave Trafalgar Chtiatma decoration crafts baked good elephant sale fishpond CTSTV now seeing beginners 1 lor special TV Studio Training act in Series Places limtled Parana call ANNUAL sale of hand crafted items stained glass dolls wreaths and much more Something for everyone Friday Nov lBth 1 pm Saturday Nov 10 J Park Avenue Georgetown BAZAAR and Craft Market United Church South Georgetown Sat Nov 10 a and tea room pottery annual fall happening A special display pottery by Grace and weaving by Pat Bell are featured Nov 19 In Glen Williams a Activities play lor children CHRISTMAS Show and Sale Bake Sales In the Gallery the Hallon Hills Library and Cultural Centre Georgetown Saturday December a Free Admission A charming array unique gilts In pottery ballk silver stained glass weaving wood quilting silk lowers patchwork and cloth etc Rotary Anne s Bake Sale a noon and Women Institute Bake Sale p m 3 CLOTHING presenting lop designers Gloria Chagall Mister Leonard Hang Ten at JO per cent per cent oil Expensive look for reasonable price Suits blouses pants dresses skirts Contact Mel 78 GEORGETOWN Jayceltes Call now to rent Santa suit Rental fee Deposit Call WW IODE Annual at the Royal Canadian Legion Acton on November Tea bake table cralts lots Christmas LEGION Ladies Annual Bazaar Penny Sale Saturday November a m to p Something lor everyone For the kiddles Santa will arrive at noon I Legion 137 Mill St Georgetown ST S Annual Glen Williams Sat Nov am sawing baking free decorations bottle stall card reading lunch white elephant table plants etc ST GEORGE Church Sat Nov Gueiph St Georgetown 10 to Draws 2 30 Sewing end knitting tables decora and bake table country kitchen books and grocery tables While elephant and good used clothing Fun Fair for 10 a to 30 Lunchroom BE BE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS PUBLIC NOTICE STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council or The Corporation the Town Mills imends pass a by law stop up close and convey a portion road allowance luiown as Emery located in former Town as follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel of land and premises situate lying and being Town of The Regional of Hafton the Town of Georgetown in Province of and being composed 1 that pan 1 Emery Sum lying north of King Street between the Canadian Manorial Railway track and King Street and shown as Pan on a Ran Reference reentered in the Registry Office at Alton as Ran Hit The or a Council will hear in person or by their counsel solicitor or agent any pet son who claims thai their land will be by trie by taw and who applies to be beard at to be held in Council Chambers at the Trafalgar Road on the day November 1983 at the hour the even The notice was first pubtshed on the day ol October It tT ADMINISTRATOR TOWN Of HILLS HAMMONDS SEWING Longftold RcU Acton BE in- Attrition Farmers Large Farm Wanted Cash 200350 watt slush possession ftarjUa If you Intarsated in Belting call within the next few days I nt a Mike Troacy 1232 2322 Ras 16214882 ReMax Renown Realty Ltd TV Soundstage now interview ng new lor Special TV Sludo act Part imo ago For you Studio call 1 3393 PUBUC NOTICE SENIORS The Regional Halion a currently ng a study the Region role in the provision Health and Social Services for Forums are bo ng hold public input from seniors ce providora and persons on alternatives and recommendations regard service needs The Pubic Forum is scheduled for November at p at Baptist Church 1 an HALTON Mill Centre IS Milton available lor weddings Christmas New Years Inquire Admin OIIIcc 70s Auction Sales Auction Sales HALTON HILLS AUCTION SALES LTD will bo holding an Auction Sola lor BUD AND JOYCE HARD MAN on SATURDAY NOVEMBER at 1100am 29 Market St Georgetown Mr and Mrs I bo moving a FURNITURE bedroom sulio with harp Upright oak grama phono working Cecil Black leatherette davenport Cape Cod piece Chans round and end table plus to bio Rust colon rod reel nor drawer sioreo matching end tables 2 chairs rock ma pie I Occasional Cord to bio APPLIANCES Match Westing house rolngoraio and stove about years old Motorola portable TV 20 Viking col TV ficr a tioner MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTABLES PRIMITIVES etc Sealer collection consisting of T Eaton Co Hail Crown Gem Queens Collection boor ties Base station aerial or Gorman cuckoo clock 3 school maps lot a brae n Bench Boss conns ling of saw Drill press Lathe J saw sender Bench grinder ft brush Early key cutter for house car keys String of nuts brass brass coupl Scythetta weed cutter old rad working set Gasoline heater lor Volkswagen Fire dogs sound projector working Strongarm ton floor Cross cut saw push Lawn mowers utility ler Wooden picnic table Electric Debugger Records Brats cast parlour The Rochester Lamp Co 18801 5 Coleman lanterns ft lamps Buggy lantern Records Window an Assortment of garden tools Collapsible Eaton box tin up buckets Wooden doors Cast iron Dutch oven pot Electric mulcher lawn mower Drapery sheers oil lamp Depression glass labour I Assortment kitchen utensils 2 matching electric table The above merchandise be offered tor sale is immaculate condition On day of sate smalt items will be sold on rude dress warmly 1 and fur lure and appliances inside of home Canteen available Owner Auctioneer ate not rrjspornrbte lor accidents or lost articles TERMS OF SALE Cash or Cheque with pro per I AUCTIONEER JIMMY FORBES ifa Stray AUCTION SALE For Betty and Dave Sat Nov at 11 AM Location In Mtion at the Fairgrounds in ihe Agricultural Hall on Robert St Sale Consisting Antique refmtshed and as furniture glass Lamps collect prim Nostalgia items Remark Ladies and Gentlemen Dave Betty always provide an excellent offering plan to el Preview From a on Sale Lunch lable Terms Cash or cheque with proper I Owners Hall Board or Auctioneer not re sponsible for accidents Auctioneer Chris A Schouten Phone ANTIQUE AUCTION in Hall Milton on Wed Even tng Nov at Pre Wardrobe Blur Bo isl su Tubes Chi Lie or I 1 Pi Col duel si Sljii Oil its tic A FIREWOOD ENVIHON METAL CONTROL EI WANTED Scrap lion Cars Trucks Old Machinery on CASH CASH CASH FOR USED APPLIANCES 8632093 WANTED to measurement and lair prices Park I WANTED used BO PRICE CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 3995 Includes Room Dining Room end Soil reterdent also available Free EitJmetes on Upholstery Work Guaranteed Cell the Professionals 8533512 WOOD FOR SALE Seasoned Hardwood lengths WHEELER HAULAGE 8773267 or 8770889 FREE Adelaide St Toronto cautom RJt 6168243619 TO CLEAR All round cedar fenco posts In stock at 25 cents Cedar poles top 20 It long SI per lineal It Special prices on pine IF OUR PRODUCTS PteASE YOU TELL OTHERS IFNOTTELL US 2 Milk Bag 249 Monday to Friday sun to 0 mm ACTON JUG CITY SSMafciBt North MILTON MALL FLEA MARKET Every Snxbty Spjn VandortWrntad MILTON FIREWOOD Strain Ave between Martin 12 IB available All hardwood drv Now Er Uteri Kawai others VANGEESTHotMofpfsni Hwy Just went of Dally til Closed Sundays Computers ATARI SPECTP0 VIDEO APPLE COMPI TOSHIBA SOFTWARE COUNTRY COMPUTRONICS 878 The Convenience Food Store that has it when you need it Assorted Varieties Canada Dry soft drinks Plus 30- Deposit Par Ml Good To 36 F washer Assorted Varieties HOSTESS potato chips XOqPKQ a French Onion or CalHomia Style chip dips Wednesday StturtttY ACTON JUG CITY Main Street North