RE6 GeorgetownActon Wednesday Nov 16 1983 Lepage REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR The name Mends ft of commercial imm Dads do man few room dot u aB properly Only Make an otor 14 I bedroom be in lor intiw lull area targe Cat Joyce VanOeknder It graded rec room with bedroom fame loan breplac heated garage lot Nat yard with for with II Fred a ihe key wo Icwfy home overlooking golf 4 bedrooms Florida roof Cathy the joys of biK Ineptace on iretd Walnut on tower IcwJ ftudn Bond TOMAiefna ly front hardwood and dim taw country Wick den I cat garage own Ailing Sandra Han Cal Fred Harmon I IUBHGHOME Wong 19 rears baths era 15 mm A I 1 apt or ample pa good return mem Fred lnig room nh fireplace and formal nmg room den IK feel and gardens Sandra mortgage Sandra Hurley Ailing II PUT YOURSELF M MY PLACENUN the beauty Iocs Nut in Nursery Detail cm ol IAMADCTACHEO- IAMBROC and on large lot a neigh Bell of I am priced for fan MacKinnon 13 LATEST detached quel Horn leu a fid See Iveplaca l ttrrverwni for Even indulei firfpiaci plm mm fan fcm CUM TO TOWN MrkUi loverf open concept home I A SMALL FARM fenced acres good bdrm home large bam pom lo fury im necdt a none 77JBD bedroom floor and Acton rantd noma gang nam mm fr KUOQ mrf outlay Lrord I Lb or Brown 1 COMMUTE UKi HMKI dnng room room W 11 coummrrflESHiBSOMSOACRES executive lory I year old Cape Cod borne Good wort North Mis land with para tarn and I home fir room and IS FOR FAST HUH lortty ipti Super Carter on quel bed una bedroom rooms tovtfy Luge jr don end mm dec Urge lit Cat Brown today 1 LMKMJE on par ma bant of ha Old Ifatr low down pay lift 8774173 MM