Nov 1983 End in sight for town hall restoration need to raise funds Tbe end of mu town ball project fa sow Is tight Heritage AcUn spokesman Ted says There are only snail bits and pieces of work aiding on the roof and walls he reported to an fadenriew this Alio now bat temporary beat half of the electrical work baa been com Dieted moat of ha is to and dry is being done now The new chimney Is per cent completed Our biggest problem now is while we have lots of money left to pay for labor we could use some more funds for materials The materials budget is really tight explained Some changes made along the way by the architect and engineer have resulted In some extra costs which werent expected such as the peed far much more steel for reinforcing Tyler said Unexpected changes in plans hare put a big dent in the materials portion of the project budget Well accept dona to fact weve re ceived some lately There was in donations fa one week recently Tyler said They are also eager to see the community help us go the last mile on project by buying tickets Bringing the Town Hall lottery back to life been easy There only a handful of people on the Heritage Acton committee and to make a draw go you need lots of ticket sellers Tyler explained the first two years of Actario community organizations sold tickets and earned commissions But they havent climbed on the bandwagon this time around They are looking for ticket sellers as well as lots of The Actario draws at the town hall start again on December and there will be four weeks of draws ending December 31 Tic are just for four weeks and there will be three cash prizes drawn weekly As well the Anal weeks draw wiH feat ore not Just the cash prizes but a trip draw too valued at between and or the winner can take cash After they see bow first month draw sells theyll decide if should run more We it easier selling tickets at for a year than It is selling 110 tickets for a month Weve got to make money on this Tyler declared Ticket are available from committee members or at stores displaying Actario posters If we can raise lis to things would look really great Then we could do her the town hall up good I dont want people thinking we are falling on our faces Well finish the project for sure I think we done really well We only had a bud get of Just over compared to the estimates of over MOO to restore the hall If and when an addition on tbe south side of tbe building can go ahead the plans are all drawn up Heritage Acton has a line on a new grant to fund this addition but have to raise funds for that too There are also signs theyll be successful in securing a small provincial grant which would pay for materials and labor not covered to previous grants This Is an on going grant Tyler explained and tbey re ceive funds tor as well as the next three years However to secure this grant tbey d again have to raise some funds because it is a matching dollars type of grant The maximum they can receive yearly would be 12000 have just been patched tor now As for New Years Eve at the town Tyler says still a good chance have a dance an orchestra has bean booked However it wont be a big grand opening affair They still plan a gala formal opening for restored hall but that have to wait until next year Tyler explained all they have to do is com the second floor auditorium and have the washrooms finished and can a dance The town says we can occupy the parts of the building which are completed as as the hall is structurally sound which is now he said If there is an event at the town ball New Year Eve Tyler says it will simply be a fundraising event He added he should have definite word on plans for the night of December very soon THE LEGEND IMPROVED MAZDA Legon happenings Drop charges Tbeleswjtdbeesttlnthesprlnflpf Today aJjeAcfmnkfertltebreed For Z313- refined ivtary engine more and more torque with a mere 1 In Increased a Induction system computer fuel efficiency Ota kWpMaaidertt frighten the alloy wheels low profile Pirelli tires and a suspension system complement the new performance the new hightech command post before you and the steering wheel shifter It a smoother qui chef I Tttenltstentothencwcomponenttypc concert sound system All as body and Track Youlldlscoveraharmony The legend Improved AchHIes Motors Ltd Intake porn 6 Torque Heavy dutch COME IN TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY THE RX IS AN EXCITING ATTRACTIVE SPORTS CAB WITH A RACING HERITAGE POWERED BY AN EXCLUSIVE ROTARY ENGINE Mazda sets the standard AcMIIm Motors Ltd QUEEN ST EAST ACTON by The Acton and District Poppy Campaign covers the area serviced by Branch 197 includ tag Acton Eden Mills and Brookvllie Poppy boxes were placed in most stores and businesses in the dis net and doortodoor can was carried out In Acton on November Many local industries also operated by allowing volunteers o sell popples on their ises Collections increased by 10 per cent over last year and the Branch executive and membership wish to thank the citizens and businesses of the Acton and District Community for their cooperation and generosity The main purpose of the campaign is to provide immediate assistance to ex service people in need The poppy chairman Comrade Harry Norton also would like to thank the many volunteers for their help It takes the dedication of our vol and the cooperation of the community at large to accomplish such a successful campaign On Tuesday November about were served at the Senior Citizens dinner Thanks to Comrade Doug Mason and all volunteers who helped make the evening a success Comrade Fred Allen advises us that the Kids Christmas Party will be held on Sunday December IB Doors will open at and Santa should arrive at about to depending on traffic and weather conditions Final Christmas name list will be posted In the games room by November Children or in fonts to 9 years of age Inclusive are eligible parent has paid 1983 dues Grandchildren are not eligible For Saturday December Singer a country and western group will be providing entertainment in Ihe gomes room Rockwood by Barb Font This coming Saturday mom is the bazaar al Rockwood Centre There will be tea tables a penny table and many craft tables This will be a good opportunity to get those stock stutters and add a few more presents to your lists Five charges recently laid against Cameron St resident Edwin Red Cole were dropped in Milton Provincial Court Wednesday when police admitted they did not find any firearms in his possession On October Cole was charged with pointing a firearm dangerous weapons possession of a firearm while prohibited from doing so threatening death and breach of probation Crown Attorney Anthony Vale told Judge William Sharpe the charges were laid after an altercation with Burton North However the Crown said no firearm was ever found There was involved in tbe alter cation Vale reported Cole had signed a peace bond stating he would have nothing to do with North for 12 months Breach of this order will result in him having to pay to the courts Driver passenger hurt Gary Dunn 18 of Lot Concession Wellington County received minor injuries in a crash on Ihe Ninth Line Friday night and the passenger of his car Neil Sinclair 18 of Lot 10 Concession Acton suffered minimal injuries As It was approaching a sharp curve which lacked a warning sign the car la Police say the road was wet and the driver lost control and hit a tree stump The 1982 Ford had about damage done to it Both driver and passenger were taken to Georgetown hospital This Weeks Speda litre bag 70 MIX MILK PLUS VARIETY Downtown Acton 1100 For Alt Your Sundry Needs CARPETMS FLOORING SOCIALISTS IS AT THE NEWLY RENOVATED GEORGETOWN FRUIT MARKET All Specials Start Thursday Dec 1st till Sunday Dec RED GRAPES MOW APPLES ONTARIO Mfrt9t8pDaftM visit us for MAMYMOKOI STORE SPECIALS 140 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN BANANAS Regular MOW 25 TOMATOES