agency evict GEORGETOWN 877S266 ACTON You may now charge ceMfttfisd to your ChtTJi Account for B6 GoorgetownAcion Wednesday Nov 30 1963 Owe Horn Ada Accuracy ft and the Acton for the coot Any C77626ocK32010 pjn Monday to Friday CARNEY Bill and Elaine are happy to an arrival Margaret Chrlitlne on November JO a for David and Sarah Thanks to Or Ford and Dr Landry and OB and Dlttrict STEVENS John and art happy to announce arrival of their tint child Cordon born Saturday November If at pm weighing A special thanks to Dr Fume and the O Matt at Gaorgetown and District Memorial Hospital This is the Mventn grandchild tor both Mr end TROTTIER To nee and Patrick a daughter Llane Shirley on November weighing a Ids or at Hospital Little inter for Dylan and Scan Granddaughter or Shirley Welles Acton and Lloyd and Mary Trotller Sturgeon Falls WILSON Cal and Shir I nee Sunnucks ere proud to announce the birth their first child a son Jeremy James born November 11 19B3 weighing lbs Flnt grandchild for Jim ana Wilton and IMrd grandchild for Jim and Jane Sunnucks Frit great grandson for Francis Wilton Special thanks to Ford and Thorn and the O Staff si Georgetown Memorial Hospital itk MR and Mrs Ronald March of Terra are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Jacqueline Jackie to Ronald Jung ion of Mr and Mrs Erich Jung of wedding to take place Elliot Lake in December Coming MR AND MRS Maurice Gerth of Acton are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage daughter J aye Ashley to Andrew son of Mr and Mrs Mastalerz of Georgetown on Saturday December 3rd at Holy Cross Catholic Church Georgetown November IMS the Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Josephine Kinney beloved wile George Bellevue end dear mother Allan of Bobcaygeon of and Mrs AC Elliott of Georgetown also remembered by her grandchildren and great grandchildren Rested at the J S Jones and Son Funeral Home 34 Edith St Georgetown where funeral and committal Service was held Thurs afternoon at 1 30 Interment Greenwood Cemetery FARRIES Agnes At the Fisher Nursing Home Guelph on Saturday November Agnes formerly of Eramoia Township Sister of the lale Mary Jennet and Robert Rested at Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where funeral service washeldon Tuesday at interment Rock wood Cemetery Cecil his home in on Saturday November la Cecil Tony beloved husband of Lillian Tyler Dear father of Barry of Guelph Brother of Albert Lloyd and Mabel Rested at Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where funeral service was held on Monday at 1 Interment Fa lev lew Cemetery Acton Cards of Thanks HORNBV Coop Nursery School wishes to thank the following contributors our on Nov If Ml lion Sharon Beaumont Chapman Camera Repairs Acorn Tea Room Harbour craft Cathy Potter Cheers Restaurant Muddy Duck The Nut Keg Aquarius Hair salon TV Video Millie Dance Pine Products Sue Hunt of Body Fit Georgetown Road n Track Bike Shop Towel Things Boutique and Salon Scott Chicken villa Fletchers Shoes Toy Magic Lilian Brown of Avon A special thank you to Parker JlmWarrenandSantaClaus WISH to thank all my family relatives and friends or cards flowers end visits while I was a patient in hospital and since returning home Special thanks to a wonderful litter Florence for all her help Thanks age In Shirley Turkosi I WISH to say a sincere man you to my friends and relatives for cards flowers and visits when I was in hospital and since returning home Mary log I would Ilka to thank everyone for their many prayers cards and gifts while I was a patient In Georgetown Hospital Special thanks to B ward nurses arm Kennedy Christina Golden thank to our children Glenn Elaine Diane Brian and also Linda Norma Bin and Dale lor our surprise anniversary party We would also like to thank our relatives friend and neighbour lor making It a special night to remember Special thanks to mock wedding group and Norma and Norm Lockhurst and Bob Tost THANKS to an supporter who cheered them on a win Thanks far bringing all that good rood Thanks for the flowers Jan and thanks to JOSOn Brown or loaning us your colour T V Vail coma Dock again year hear J THE of lata Edison wish to express sincere thanks to rotative friends and neighbours for their kindness floral tributes and cards In the toss of wife mother and grandmother Special thank to Landry and the nurses at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Many thank to Captain and Mr in Acton and many thanks to the staff at J Jonas and Son Funeral Nome always Oswald Edison and family m MB MO BIT In loving memory of Eleglo SortvBikxcowhopassadawayonNov mm fa by son and in law and Uo by daughter Barbara and Lam anal low Wilfred Also mowed by tn loving memory my husband whs panes away November If prasonca t mm IB In Mamortami DAWSON Albert In loving memory of a dear father and Grandpa who passed away November itoo Youll always be Treasured forever In our Memory Sadly missed by Brenda Derek k and Grandson DAWSON Albert in loving memory at a dear husband who passed away November 30 190 Those we love we never lose For always they will be loved remembered treasured Always in our memory Sadly missed by Wife Ida im Just as you were Youll always be Treasured forever In my memory Lovi remembered by sister Myrtle of a 2nd 1917 The year has come and gone Since he was called to rest I think of God and reallie That God knew what was best Forever remembered forever missed by wile Helen SCOTLAND in loving memory a dear wife Anne who passed away Mar Sadly missed by nieces and sister in Canada Also nieces and old friends In Scotland Always remembered by husband George WALKER loving memory of my Alexander Sandy who passed away December Although I cannot see you We re night and day For the love that was us Death cannot take away My thoughts are always you Your place no one can fill in life I loved you dearly In death love you still Coming Eire nil CHRISTMAS CRAFT BAKE SALE Saturday December to Noon Joaaph lb bans School Moora Park Craacent Georgetown Draw for weekend for two at Harbour Cwtio Hotel CTSTV now beginners for special TV Studio Training to act In Series Places limited THE SALVATION ARMY IODE ACTON ROTARY CLUB IN COOPERATION WILL SUPPLY CHRISTMAS HAMPERS TO FAMILIES IN NEED Applications An Available At Trot Station Amy Thrift Bon Tha Acton Son IM HALTON COUNTY FARM SAFETY COUNCIL FRIDAY DECEMBER 130430 pm Chain Saw Safe operating maintenance sharpening Harvesting of Tree lirnbmg The will in the cafeteria of Leaver Mushroom end move from there weather permitting to a nearby wood lot where safe tiee harvesting technique be demonstrated Admission FREE Enrolment will limited to resident on a fust col first serve ben To regular can Gerry at from CHRISTMAS craft Show and Sale Bake Sale in Ihe Gallery the Hill Library and Cultural Centre Georgetown Saturday December a m4 m Free Ad mis Ion A charming array unique Sifts In pottery batik sliver stained glass weaving wood quilling silk flowers patchwork and cloth etc Rotary Annes Bake Sale a noon and Ashgrove Womens Institute Bake Sale 3 CHRISTMAS luncheon craft and bake sale Sat Dec am at Bethel Church Hwy Acton sponsored by Ladies Society and Share our famous soups buns with meat or cheese and beverages and dessert Whit elephant table and plants Something for everyone GEORGETOWN Jaycatte Call i Santa suit Rental fee at Deposit Call WW IMPORTANT date to remember Saturday December Christmas THE and Hal Si Georgetown from 10 to featuring Christmas baking Penny Sale Sewing Country Kitchen Draw White Elephant Books Hot Lunch served from 11 JO to Menu Hoi meat two vegetable Cole slow beverage Dessert available OIL paintings by Kathleen Tyler are on and tor sale in the Gallery at John Centra until December 3rd A Christ mat gin idea for someone special further Information call THE ACTON Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society win won packing It annual Christmas Bala for patient at Princes Margaret Loop Toronto of coffee tt wear creamer baking and handmade articles would be most appreciated Donations con dropped oft at me Carpet Comer Acton before December J mo If is required call THE Ota Time Gdtpet Broadcast Room Dial on ajn Oat Monday night IOjO brought to you by Traven A mm chtti THE CORPORATION WTHETOMMOfMLTON Administrator Clark for a to the following BoardsfCotnmrtuea Tvro 2 required for a three year Board conduct bueinaas of the Mil ton PubOe Library LOCAL vnonYcoMwna Two Individual required for a three year This Cotnmrns act In an capacity for tha of isolating Council any concerning designation of significant In tha Town as per Port of Tha Ontario Heritage Ad AD Appointments take affect January 1st Alt Application mutt In writing preferably tatting out your qualifications for tha and accepted until p on Thuraday December Bth Further detail con obtained by con tacting tha undersigned at a Main Town Administrator Clark Main Street East P O BcoolOOS Ontario TV la now Interviewing new people lor Special TV Studio training to act in TV SenasTV Part lime All age For you Sludlo can dial Hill Centre Milton available lor wedding Christmas New Years and Graduation parties Inquire Admin Office 70S SANTA CLAUS suit for rent Call THE SALVATION ARMY pickup of appliances In working order and good used furniture Phone Tuesday to Saturday from 10 for arrangement TO the persons leaving chickens at ALS Custom Meats due to a freezer breakdown please pick up within two weeks or they will be Al Custom Meat HI Auction Salts CHRISTMAS AUCTION SALE Sun Dec 4th at 12 NOON Location In the Pool Junior Form Hall on Elhott Si Brampton Ont Excellent Hie of all quality antique Including many pes of pine oak good gloss chins oil lamps crock clock primitives collectable Lunch available Several Christmas Drowo Term are Coh or Cheque proper ID only Auctioneer Don Colling Milton 8783185 S AUCTION SALE For Mrs Elaine Bray Sat Dec 3 at 11AM Location In MHton at the Fairground In the Agricultural Hail on Robert St Good removed from her large modem home in the country Property told Mrs Bray I moving to smaller quarter Sale ConatstJng Of mostly modern furniture Zenith floor model colour TV excellent con china appliances picture frame garden tool etc etc good of various depression glass drawer filing cabinets Lawn Gordon Tools Etc Lawn weeper heavy duty wheel barrow bench vise garden lawn tool bug killer mall Sunbeam el mow blower assort book cookbook summer heed on IBIgoodonesI pot pen etc Not A good sale with opportunity to do some Christmas shopping Term era cash or chequaa with proper I D Lunch available Preview from Sola Day Owner Kail Board or Auctioneer not for Auctioneer Chris A- Schouten Phone 8782578 AUCTION SALE First Annual Sale For Antiques By The Wed Eve Dec 7th at 630 PM Location In Milton at the Fairgrounds In the Agricultural Han on Robert St Sale Consisting Of Raflnfehad other antique chine irver bra pictures prima crock Jug primitives other coeoctablea Not A ful wttfi qualify collectable pieces ex talent for Chrittmg Fwnfturo Ash aldeboerd carved beck footed I Oak buffet Jacques Hayes walnut table 3 laavaa long I pine blanket box I matching Jacques ft Hove tide chon ref oak pedestal art table ml leaves the fumrtuni mentioned o far I out of old Estates 2 3 sectional book cases wickot char rocker matchaia large rocker marble top c maple HoosMr cupboards pins cup board bin pins ktsai for from old Norton farm estate matching French Auctioneer Chris A Phone MORTGAGE SALE- CONDOMINIUM 216 KINGHAM RD ACTON Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale there will be offered for tola by AUCTION ON FRIDAY DECEMBER ISO AT AT ACTON ONTARIO In the Town of Helton Hills bong Unit Level shown on Condominium Plan No 29 The said property offered for ub to reserve bid and conditions of Mia TERMS A of by cash or car cheque to be paid at the time of sole and the balance within thirty days thereafter SALES 19711 LTD FINCH AVE ONTARIO 41UMS341 AUCTION SALE Georgetown Estate Sunday November 2083 at p at Meadowviaw Auctions Rockvvood Ont AuctioneerBrian Hill Guelph NoteSales are held the first and third Sun day of each month at m until 3rd Sunday or Strayed hlteesl DBlrex and Mil Scrap Iron Metal wrs Trucks or Old Machinery iBaH CASH CASH CASH FOR USED APPUANCES PRICE CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL R Includes Living Room Dining Room and Had SoH retardent also available Free Estimates on Work Guaranteed Call the Professionals 8533512 Trsfslgsr and Mapk Ave W Qoorgotown Christmas Memorial Wreath and Door Wreath Low Price mux a COUNT CWfJTOIIM MOOUCTS one of Laraan and Whoaies is having the cratch and dent of discontinued ones and dent models and show model Larva e4acrJon to choose from at wholesale prices ONE DAY ONLY from to Saturday Dec 10 CASH AMD CAMtV ONLY VISA ACCEPTED W ore In from Qod Club on and 17 masa Look for signs POINSETTIAS Grown in our green house 5 White Red Marble Urflo Basket Pomtetua Tree CALL NOW TO PLACE YOUR CHRISTMAS ORDER This Year Plantation Grown CHRISTMAS TREES Pine Sprue Balsam 4t to ft WREATHS f CEDAR ROPING DECEMBER HOURS Mon FriSot Ml Bun IM DOUBLE NURSERY 3MHeWtOf 7 WOOD FOR SALE Seasoned Hardwood lengths HAULAGE 8773267 or Pianos Used Kavnt others VANGEESTfemtfPhw Hwy Just wast Dally til 9 Closed Sunday CHAINSAWSALEI PIONEER Sava Up To MARINE ACTON MILTON FIREWOOD Ave 12 IB available A hardwood seasoned dry ridrMvsrad IrMldndBrsj FIREWOOD DRY SPUT SOD Nursery grown RAILWAY TIES Good Used Turtrnans Garden Centre WE DELIVER Hwy 2 miles south of Acton 2 Milk litre Bag 249 Monday to Friday to 10 am ACTON JUG CITY North ML B1M AVAILABLE NOW ran dom length Special price on random lengths IF OUR PRODUCTS PLEASE YOU TELL OTHERS IF NOT TELL US FIREWOOD Dry hardwood tod Inch langthi Pick up of Wood ANY TWO ROOMS PLUS ONLY INCLUDES FREE DEODORIZING fVOW AND SPOT REMOVAL WEMOVETHEFURNITUnE WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK AND ARE FULLY INSURED COMPUTE CARS fabric an oka as row to aorub Which la M taaMonstl rnadnd of that today Tha dry foam to out ia on your DONT DO IT YOURSELF PLUS PAY FOR GUARANTEED CLEANING BY 791ft71 THE PROFESSIONALS CALL NOW ID I ABOUT OUR CcmpteteKarpetCare AND UPHOLSTERY