Founded In 1B76 Wadnaadn by a Ltd at Acton Onttno Tafephone S9 SutMoipuma Snow coptai 3D- Ken Bellamy Don Ryder Director of Ad net Hartley Coles Managing Editor EDITORIAL DARTMENT Mao Hewn Murray a mail Numb TIM Acton ana of M la Printing and Ltd group of which Indudas Tha Nana Auras Baonar Tha Guardian Tha Port Tha Etobtcofc Tha GaonjatCMm Indapandent Post MaVMismThornnar Economist and Sun Tha Mlun Champion Tha Mesnaauga Now Tha Era Tha Nortn York OafcvBa Fndav Osnawe Weed This Tha Richmond Scarborough Man Tha eon Pundteca ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Cook SaJMK Kirk Susan SandnWSton Carolyn Aitaw BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Hold byelection Should a be held or a member of the present council appointed to fill the impending vacancy in the mayors office Thats the question council lors are wrestling with these days Councillors dont have that long to contemplate their decision and citizens dont have much time to let councillors know their pre ference We can appreciate coun cillors reluctance to spend or more to hold one possibly two byelections to solve this problem We also understand their desire not to disrupt and delay the pressing work of council over the next few months with a byelection At the same time the roughly two years remain ing in this councils term and there fore the time an appointed mayor would serve is about the same as the time councils formerly were in office before the province decided to tack a third year onto the term starting with last years election Also Halton Hills councils have generally fil led vacancies through by- elections except when there has only been a short time left in a council term Undoubtedly there will be taxpayers who will com plain if theres a winter by- election therms a chance the voter turnout wouldnt be as strong as it should be considering the important position which is being fil led It is just as certain there will be taxpayers who will be greatly annoyed if councillors decide to deny them the right to vote for who will head their munici pality the rest of this term Most of the comments from voters this news papers staff has been hear ing in the past week have favored a byelection People seem to feel the est imated cost of a byelection is a small price to pay to allow the democratic pro cess to take place after all they note its their money and it only amounts to about 150 per head in Halton Hills Voters elected Peter Pomeroy to serve as mayor and while we dont think he should be faulted for grab bing the opportunity to ad vance his career and serve the public in a higher posi tion we dont feel the tax payers should be penalized and denied the democratic right to name his replace ment Its the peoples council and they should always have the right to decide who will head that council or serve as a councillor when ever feasible We strongly urge council lors permit the voters to third mayorGM From the editor sdes Goodbye Pete Youd think from the headline thnl Peter was leaving politics Instead of simply moving up notch to regional chairman Well ever since I watched him win the big job at the green monster last Wednesday afternoon I rethought of him as gone though I know Ill see him from time to time out on the job the next few years and I expect 111 type his name many many more times before one or both of us retires Bui after youve seen someone for a few hours at least once a week for seven years Petes been mayor for five years and also sat as a councillor for two years talk ed to that person I figure an aver age of three limes a week over the same lime period run into them at countless community events and then they wont be around nearly so much you cant help but think of them as gone 1 was pleased to see him win the promotion I think hell do lot for region solve our long running garbage dilemma as well as make the region run smoother and more efficiently fie should also be able to push through growth for Acton with Queens Park In his new more powerful post In the long run I suspect hell do a lot to Improve the regions image up here Part of the hatred for the region in Acton has been the result of the system and what the council lors have done with it In the past years But at least part of the bad feelings between the region and Acton has been the result of its bigness and remoteness with his ready smile and personable ways should make people In the north trust the big machine and the green monster appear a llttte less distrustful a little more human Peter will give the regional government a familiar friendly face this sounds a bit Use a testim onial well guess it to This may surprise tome people the way Ive nipped at the the mayor columns and editorial over the municipal complex and few other issue I may not have agreed with Urn on bat I still Brink be was a good mayor and good for For someone coming from the east side of HUH ban always had a sympathetic ear to Actons concerns In net issue many from Us seek of woods he had a dear stsBdwg of what town awl none are an snoot and why weve rocked the boat so much Maybe hat wis his roots showing Lately as the war of words has heated up some readers have not iced and mentioned to me that theyve noticed the mayor taking uncomplimentary broadsides at the press and myself In particular at council meetings and public gatherings A number have noted they were surprised by his com ments a couple were even more surprised when we printed them That kind of stuff doesnt bother a reporter a bit or at least it shouldnt Heck politician have got to get their licks In too you know And one thing you knew for sure with Pete was that no matter how annoyed be might be with you and your stance on one Issue he wouldnt hold a grudge or let it effect his relationship with a scribe on that Issue or any other Thats a somewhat rare human trait con sidering what is at stake for someone in politics Also with you were sure in your heart that he held his convictions Just as sincerely you did it was all Just a difference of opinion I dont even think Peter thought a difference in opinion was all that bad a situation anyway It certainly wasnt anything personal between us After victory we chatted briefly and Joked a bit about not being able to carry on our fight over the complex issue further It might have been fun Im glad to see him go think a big battle over the complex issue which seems to be brewing away among taxpayers have left him at the centre of controversy I really feared even before he decided to seek the post that if he became the focal point of the controver there was a danger that It would produce such a blemish on bis career in pontic life that it wind up all the good hes done for Halton HUIs and Ac ton over the year That would have been regrettable On balance hi record as mayor warrants his having a bright spot history and the beam of youre readmg Pate bat always be dossal read the local papers a be I s since be always seems to can tell us were sag left be sure and drop NEVER FATHER YOUR FOOTBALL WHEN HES THE CUP- I Letters Future hinges on complex Dear Sirs Congratulation to Finn strup for his letter setting out the facts and reasons for the action taken by the Town of Hills Council In the matter of purchasing the lands associated with the Stevens Estate Congratulations also to Mayor and members of Council for the fine Job of bringing the first stage of the proposed Municipal Memorial Hospitals position In this matter is clearthe project is supported completely for the reasons stated publicly by Judge Kenneth Chairman of the Board of the hospital and myself What is perhaps not well under stood about the Hospitals position is that 1 Now that the Town of Halton Hills has an official plan the hospital has been able to complete its long term planning The Hospitals long term plan accom modates the anticipated needs in providing a continuum of health care for the community over the next years Over one million dollars has been committed to provide adequate water mains sewers roads electricity emergency power and a Heliport to properly serve the Hospitals expansion The planning is for the whole Community of Halton not Just Georgetown Surplus hospital land has been identified and established through this planning process The purpose of developing the surplus land Is specifically to offset the costs of the more than required and committed to the building of the Nursing Home The need for a facility to care for the elderly of this Community has been firmly established and Indeed la long overdue 5 No capital funds are being provided by Government to build the Nursing Home nor for the improvements to the Hospital site in order to accommodate the new building How Is it going to be paid for Mortgage financing baa to be arranged and amortised as a long- term debt Nursing Home Care Is an insured program under the Provinces Health insurance Plan therefore by having obtain ed an authorized licence to provide a specific number of bedsa per diem cost per patient will be paid to the Nursing Home on behalf of each patient occupying a bed Out of this revenue wages overhead and debt servicing will be paid However fortyseven licenced Nursing Home beds not provide adequate revenue to support the cost An additional thirty units are at the same time The care is not -sop- ported fas any w by the Provinces Health Insurance Plan Tnerenre individuals occupying selfcare will have to support the full per cast lands and ensure a second access road to the enlarged hospital complex through support of the Towns development plan One or the most persuasive arguments influencing the Hospital Boards decision to pro ceed with the Nursing Home was the forced separation of the elderly from home friends and family as Is the case when a person from this community has to seek Nursing Home Care at outside locations I feel that the to this matter Is so negative that It Is becoming destructive and divisive so lets put the cards on the table and have some plain talk Both the Town and the Hospital are two of the largest employers in this community From the Hospitals point of view we employ a good many people from Acton and will probably employ more when the Nursing Home opens Approx imately sixty GO new Jobs are be ing created Im sure that Town employees are pretty well distrib uted throughout Halton Hills The Hospital deplores the negative comments and debate that goes on concerning the in terests of Acton and Georgetown ft Is evident that Council members do so as well The Hospital views It as a nonissue I was particularly Impressed with Ross Knechtels views and comments about the need to bring the Community to gether With respect to the businessmen and women of the Community surely the ramifications of job creation and some well planned expansion is not lost on you Does it much matter where the planned expansion begins Surely the predominant rationale should be the best interests of the com munity With regard to those citizen signing the following items should be An outside consultants report clearly establishes that Town employees do not have an ap propriate environment in which to work Secondly the reorganization of the Towns activities would yield efficient and therefore lower cost administration Thirdly explained above the development is critical to the Hospital expansion and to the provision of services to our elderly citizens It would also appear obvious from the examination of all the facts that the development is nec essary for the efficient function of the town It would appear that the approach being taken by Council is the most efficient way that future development con be accomplished From a personal viewpoint having been the Administrator of the Georgetown Hospital for the past ten years I have had the op portunity and pride to observe the tremendous amount of work contributed to the Community by elected officials and responsible citizens of this Town of Halton also tell you tax payers If you had to pay for It In dollars you couldnt afford It Lets look at a few of the organizations and groups making these Contributions- Volunteer Ser vices Volunteer Ambulance Services Red Cross Blood Donor Ser vices and other activities Hospital Volunteers The Service Clubs The Actlvan Service Hospital Library and School Boards The Crises Centre The Churches and the related activities And Ive left out the many more of the activities by private ind ividuals businesses etc who contribute money and time to this Community As a taxpayer in the Halton Region I truly appreciate every hour of service contributed by the organizations and Individuals because their contribution rep resents millions of dollars I am very strongly convinced that the two projects the Nursing Home and the Municipal Centre are critical In the future development and direction of this Community Furthermore if the projects could go forward without capital debt the overall cost to the Com munity would be minimized substantially To achieve debtfree funding will require a broad based sustained campaign In the Community I would be more than pleased to meet with representatives of the various organization to help structure a campaign strategy I also personally pledge to each of the two projects to get the campaign started Perhaps I could urge those circulating petitions to make a similar contribution and put their efforts to fundraising rather than criticism A Fred Morris Administrator Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Lions send thanks marginally viable tiki need to offset capital costs to the Byldanttlkssiootfsiaisisted two can be to soma extant try lbs tote of base Dear Sir The Lions dob of Acton would like to thank all those who helped nuke the Santa Clans parade a success especially the manage ment of Farm and Eddy Thatcher and Leo Gallagher Guatpb and those who gave their personal time and effort to bnnVlliienoemthoialtnehelpof people me lions who dm SUMO have of Acton has coiitrttxited In conations aver for various projects to help the community If there are citizens in Acton who are interested In serving the com munity and would Us to Join a service club the lions dob of Acton would be pleased to have you For former please call Peter pretttrtalBvtUarUanlUg secretary at MS- Peter 10 years ago November It has been a long time but Acton Sabres are finally back in first place all alone Regional chairman Allan feels confident headquarters for the new Region can be estab lished in Burlington or Eight top appointments for the new town of Halton Hills were recommended by the council last week They are Clerk- Administrator Doug deputy clerkadmlnlstrator French Treasurer Lloyd Peterson Deputy Treasurer Grant Usher Town Engineer Peter Morris Deputy Town Engineer Ben Pitonl Chief Building Inspector Douglas Sargent Purchasing Agent Hugh Patterson Con Roy Wood is leaving the OPP for the Peel Region force He will be working in Mr and Mrs Wood and daughter Kim live on Jeffrey Ave The site of the new Legion hall is a sea of mud today and work of block laying is down to stop It Trucks have been mired In the sloppy ground 20 years ago November Acton Council approved an agree ment to supply Beardmore and Co with water from the Main Street South spring According to the terms of the agreement the town will in stall the and provide the equipment necessary On comple tion of the work Beardmore agreed to pay the cost of the work up to William received a brokennose arm and leg when he was struck by a car while crossing Main St Mr Maddox was taken to Guelph was expected to fully recover Fate seemed to play a large part in the misfortune of an Acton area motorist when his vehicle sustained over damage In two separate accidents on two separate nights years ago November The annual meeting of Acton Citizens Band was held in the band hail at the arena Bandmaster Charles Mason thanked the boys for their cooperation J McGeachle Is past president Parkinson presi dent K Williams vicepresident N Gibson secretarytreasurer Moore assistant band leader B librarian T assist ant G Simpson caretaker The Inspection of D Company of Lome Rifles was held at the Legion on Frederick St Capt Early and Lieut Buchanan and Early were In charge One of the largest crowds to attend a farm stock sole In the district In some time took In the auction at the farm of Melvin Burns east of Rock- wood Prices were satisfactory with cows averaging around The sale was conducted by Roy Hlndley years ago November a The general Impression that the financial depression gone and that good times have really put In an appearance again Nearly every man take a hopeful view the future An Important new Industry at Milton Is the Robertson Manu facturing Co for the manufacture of the Robertson Patentbead screw The company already bas a large trade in this novel invention This new screw has a square recess in the head obviating all chance of the driver slipping The members of Acton Lodge A O their ladles banquet at the Station Hotel After the ban quel the parlors were thrown open and a most enjoyable enter tainment was provided by the and Arthurs Orchestra 100 years ago November Its On Saturday morning a well dressed young man visited the Livery Stable of Mr Edward and hired a horse and as be stated visit friends About five oclock Mr Matthews received a telegram from the Guelph Chief of Police asking him bis property a a young man bad been arrested on suspicion tor the buggy to sale at ridiculously low price It was later found that the man was really a woman tn mans clothing The woman who was a sewertbad tried to sen the buggy because aba had no money The woman was bailed out of Jail by her mother and is to appear court face