Nov Eden Mills Groups help celebrate its by Mrs G MicDwfalJ The bdd tbdr November meeting the Sonday School room of the cfanrdb with Juno as hostess MOlaoa we corned the ladles and a new member Barbara Parker The deration was given by Tom in the absence of Betty Snow In the business period Freda Thompson read the minutes and the treasurers report was given by Jean Junes The president thanked all those who helped at the Eden House Nursing Home birthday party The nominating committee is Fuller and Ethel Griggs Christmas pre were planned for senior members and others Donations were made to the Sunday School Bejac Centre and Victor Home A motion was made to buy an artificial Christ mas tree for the church Plans were made for the Bazaar Tea and bake table in the Eden House birthday Community Hall held on November The president closed with prayer and a social time was spent as the hostess served a dell clou lunch gave the tour testes The United Church Women sponsored the November Birthday Party at Eden House Nursing Home Mrs Donna Darby of Rock wood and Mr David Halls provided the pro gram Gerald Barden of Cornwall was a recent visitor with his parents Ted and Barden when be came home to attend the wed ding anniversary party of and Ross Campbell his aunt and uncle There were 16 members present at the Friendly Seniors meeting Their Christmas dinner will be on December in the hall Euchre and refreshments were enjoyed by of North Halton present TV Barry D Timleck AMOUNT Elsie Reed and Santa Clans hit It off Club annual seniors dinner Tuesday evening Over senior citliens enjoyed the dinner entertainment and Santa visit Julie Conroy sold hand made Christmas de corations at lie ST Joseph baiasr Saturday at the Legion Leslie Smith of the Colour Palette In Bur lington conducted the second of three lee tures at the Acton Library entitled Beautiful You Her segment of the series stressed women dressing for their figures The last seminar will feature Trudy Vooght Shopper Drug Mart bcantyadvbor talking about cosmetic on DccemsStfrMEaea lea lure costs to attend roiy am tod raj a Earl ml conn out hang mi Weekdays MAKE YOUR BEST DEAL And well give you up to 500 worth of accessones FREE COUNTRY MART LTD HWYe25 OSPRINQE NORTH OF ACTON 8533901 Reduce Your Heating Bill This Winter with a NAPOLEON FIREPLACE INSERT QUALITY VALUE EFFICIENCY A SMA IN V We also carry other quality inserts fireplaces staves accessories by Selkirk Empress The Decoratnr on ava labia advice lor the handyman thai to lava money Come and see The fmphce Experts 249 QUEEN ST E Corporation of TownofHaJtooHib AppontniBnts to VouusBoanband COfiaflsfttoBS TAKE NtmcC that to rece noon ten from any members who to name considered frxaffttlM- to foaowtnfl Boards and Conv lor A HILLS PUBLIC LBHARYpOARQ On 111 parson until who a tht full age pi IB yaiti of municipality arid no a member of any tha bodies to an appolntmani to Board STANDARDS COMMITTEE One person until December 3lt who a reaidarit of tha municipality It parson until Dacambar 31st IBM who a resident the municipality SAFETY COUNCIL Three 131 persons at who sra residents muntepellty ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ona II parson until who It a resident of tha Two parsons until who are residents of municipality APPUCATI0NS8H0UL0BTATE a The office lor which AppAcailon la lb The address and the Applicant and tht whore the Applicant cart ba reach ed du NOTE lane Application would suffice should tha desirous Of applying frj mora than position however state preference DATED AT THE Hits 30th day November Richardson Clerk Admin tor Town of Helton Him Main Street South Ha on GEORGETOWN Ontario L7G4X1 LOOKING FOR A LOW COST SMALL Longbed S Speed Totally redesigned Ready for work or play IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Room for In a sporty D Wagon FROM Toyota Means Reliability Order Yours Today PLUS PDI TAX LIC Men Your Complete Small Car Transportation Centre LEASING SALES PARTS SERVICE AT THE HOME OF THE PRICE BEATERS GEORGETOWN TOYOTA 8772296 8772297 343 GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN No at Armstrong Avenue