8 GatygatownActon Wednesday Nov 30 GEORGETOWN UONS CmZENoftheYEAR Th CU as for Cttttsn erf Year someons who has gtvan to the Commiailty The bona Club wants help from you picking our most deserving citizen or group for 1983 Nominations are now being received for Georgetown Citizen of the Year Ptease mail nominations with supporting resume post marked not later than January 31 to Georgetown Lions Club Citizen of the Year 0 Box 73 Georgetown Ontano L7G WOOD STOVES FIREPLACE INSERTS SAVE UPTO COME TO OUR FACTORY SHOWROOM Models on Display ail Certified to ULC CSAUL Standards year written SHOWROOM OPEN 9 in DYNASTARstove DIVISION ARGUS 221 Advance BramplH L6T Videotape trial Dec The trial of three Georgetown people charged with circulating material has postponed to December so Crown and defense lawyers could have a chance to preview the movies in question Last May 25 Randy HumenlsU of Elena Court Georgetown and Millie Adams of Circle were charged with operating and doing business under the having in their pass for the purpose of circulation of ob scene material video tapes unlawfully having in their possession for the purpose of circulation of obscene material videotapes of Up Cherry Naughty Vic torians and a aim liar charge for circulating the movie Tara An employee Boulton of Park Ave is charged with unlawfully circulating obscene material the video tape Tara The charges were laid after Regional police attended the Acton and Georgetown stores and found the tapes A trial date had been set for November but was adjourned by Provincial Court Judge John Robinson until December This Newspaper Can Be RECYCLED For Mora TIM Ontario Recycling IntortMtion Service TOLLFREE 1000 307 Clark Pat Jones and Sally sold Christmas menu at the Meaellci at the V boll ding Saturday dollars going up in smoke I hen lake lew minutes nun how adding cur rhccosrohcitingjour home ljccjs in good condition but to a dual energy stem combining oil and I be just the answer In fact depending on I much electric heat andhou could use as Utile as one tank of oil Jor an enure heatings example an electric plenum heater or heat pump will reduce the amount ill oil furnace uses up to tion a heat pump provides air conditioning the round cum In II our docs need replacing an electric furnace or men the other electric systems can heal and illy II like to know more dual energy and a fi2i University Me ah floor and ask r our Heating Options lor The lev minutes ou take now add up to savings Go Electric We Are Your Only Dual Line FordMercury Dealer His Crown Victoria Grand Marquis Complete of Ford Pick Ups Including the Renger SAVE GAS TIME AND MONEY VISIT THE ONLY DUAL LINE FORD MERCURY DEALER IN HALTON HILLS WE FIX IT with expert workmanship we strip rr hand no dipping fa with modern spraying finish FURNITURE RERNISHING 8774792 21 ARMSTRONG AVE UNIT BUY StU VISIT OUH SHOWROOM WINTER it easier Pressure teat entire system and check hoses belts radiator cap Includeapowcr lush of entire coaling system and up to litres or antifreeze Most cars 1 20day or InsUll new pad pack wiled In complitt md hardy in KID kill 79 ill new in Mrnvhcks ly ins Snow filter All t l7jndXi And II refund all pari of jour iilimi if hi snowfall is below I IWJamlMaslI or mim how pay no if it doe snow sec jnur Fircslonc Sinn hi And ikiMhi guesswork snow nit wit HARVEYS TIRE CENTRE 68A Main Street North Moore Park Plaza GEORGETOWN 8775110