Miracle of life reflected in book by dying woman RU Kronen REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR 170 STREET GEORGETOWN 8774173 Ibis is the story of a miracle not a Christmas miracle with the tale being banded down from generation to generation but a modem day real life miracle Kroezen was given two to six months to live By the time her cancer was discovered it bad eaten away at seven vital organs and she was in the fourth stage of a four disease That was three years ago Today this brave young woman is still tormented daily with the pain as the disease ravages her body but things are different now on and laughed in its face She should be dead She knows that But shes not ready yet She has handed her problem over to God taken it out of the doctors hands and she feels better tor it she told this newspaper A Kepworth resident now lived in Acton most of her life the daughter of Mary and the late Bert Huisman of the Holland Shop fame Twenty years ago when only 17 she married Gary Kroexen and they eventually settled on their farm near Beach All her life Rib felt the need to leave her mark in the world her three children they were not enough Even before she got sick she knew she wanted people to remember her after she was dead and gone Since she was Ria ha written down her innermost thoughts in poems and meditations The writings dealt with from her love tor her bro ther and sisters and parents to her feelings on the Cuban Missile crisis In the past few years her work has dealt with her feelings throughout her long ordeal the depression the acceptance of death her husband acceptance of her fate etc As part of her legacy had a book or her work printed lines of life There were copies printed which sold out in two weeks in Owen Sound book stores A second printing is due any day now and in Acton will be on sale at the Holland Shop There will be a sequel coming out at Easter Quality not quantity Rib 5 battle with cancer has been long and hard She had been ill for a year before It was Doctors told her the pain was all in her head but she knew it wasnt Finally she recalls she got a second opinion and was told there was something wrong but it was very minor nothing to worry about An operation revealed the worst Doctors wanted to put her on chemotherapy right away but she refused She wanted quality life not necessarily quantity the former Actocuan said With two to six months to live she was told to put her bouse in order believes her objection to chemotherapy was the beat decision she ever made But she admits it was an agonizing one Her husband backed her up but she knew family in Acton was upset Her father never said anything to her but she could sense his disappointment In the end she said she felt as if the doc tor was offering a straw and giving her one last chance to grab It but still she refused and Gary sat down with their three children then ages and and told them what was happening to their mother They did not want any secrets and now the three know every day their mother lives is a bonus Soon after her release from the hospital returned to her birthplace Rotterdam Holland and visited with an 80yearold doctor who specializes in nutrition vitamins and diet to combat cancer He alio did not offer any hope because of the advanced stage of the disease but put her on a special diet with anyway The entire family went on the diet but It only lasted six months found herself mentally depressed and her disease dom inated the family Every conversation was about her health or the pills or diet or cancer It had taken over their lives and they were totally consumed by death Much to her childrens relief she discontinued the diet But at the same lime she also stopped going to doctors and Princess Margaret Hospital for her scans to see how far the disease had progressed was going to flght on her own she determined Throughout all mis admits she would never have made it had It not been for her husband and their love for each other He was always a Christian Ria says but not a practising one Now he has given his life to Christ In addition to keeping up hi own business he also does all the shopping and housework Ironies of life To deny she went through a self pity stage would be a lie says But there was one particular incident which has made her realise how lucky she is Ria met a young woman aged who had just been married and adopted a baby She was full of plans for the future and was excited about her life Ria recalls for the first time in her life she wanted to change positions with this young vibrant alive person Why t it be with the future why couldnt they change lives A month later got a phone call The Continued on page I A COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER GEORGETOWN PONTUC BUICK GMC TRUCKS GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN 8770149 One Hundred and Ninth Year lssue22 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1963 Pages Thirty Cents Citizens probing municipal complex issue report theyve identified number of areas of concern The citizens group probing the municipal complex issue has iden tified a great number of areas of concern regarding councils actions over the past or so months and plan to unveil their findings on December examine Elliott said there are now over citizens on Ken Key and Craig Copeland of Glen their committee and there is broad Williams who are working on the aspect of from Georgetown Acton and public awareness of the issue say there are There are many other citizens irregiilaritieswithuepurchasebothlegal involved in handling tasks like petitioning too An indication of the depth of concern In the community about this issue Elliott said Is the fact there have been at least six other citizens who have offered to contribute financially should the group decide they and moral They explained the ethics of public officials are being questioned on this issue They added council has misread public feelings on this issue There is a serious split in Hills Key said noting some citiiens are very aware of the Issue and extremely must pursue legal avenues The committee concerned but Ihere are some taxpayers t been soliciting financial aid either this has been voluntary and unexpected sup port Elliott explained In addition they have been encouraged by the countless number of Halton Hills tax payers who have contacted various com members urging them on and voicing support for the cause Six members of the group representing all areas of Hills plan to go to ell December 19 and moke a lengthy and detailed presentation of their findings based on extensive research in the last month They have been delving into the purchase of the Stevens property and council s plans to build a municipal complex in the future on that property as well as arrange for of a subdivision on the land for Just over a month Elliott said in the remaining days before December there are a few more areas of concern they want to who really know nothing about the issue Money spent to buy the Stevens property etc many citizens believe would have been better spent on greater municipal needs they say There are matters of greater priority in Hills Key explained Also Key said they have concluded that some members of council aren t really sure what they have based their decisions on There was information available which somecouncillorsweren tawareof They are aiming to collect all the petitions from stores and from neighborhood can vossers by December They are aware that some citizens want to sign petitions but dont know where to find one or havent had someone at their door yet For that reason they have included in their advertisement a coupon which people can fill out and mail to a box number if they are concerned about this issue tar Canaan Be star Pag Inside todays Free Press told councillors Its undemo cratic to appoint the Town next mayor at Fridays drop in Turn to page The same taxpayers voiced concerns a boot the Stevens property at drop- In Councillors bid farewell to Peter roy Monday night Seepage The Post Office celebrated 110 years of service to the community Thnrs day A local lady who dogs the chair person for a bow lab weekend More on page Hatton Hills ana nun out pledged always keep an office open In Acton whet people can pay their taxes Monday night Mere on page I Planning a Ymle season sing song Then need the pedal section todays paper crossword Cal endar reek of Estate Mctkm Sabmtaokl turn to page 10 merry bat It the spot check season and the Regional Police four- man traffic unit Is roaming around with an eye to nabbing drink ing drhers They arc alio conducting vehicle safety inspection and doing Real belt and traffic enforcement Last year over a five received warnings 33 drivers received 12hour driving suspen sions were charged with impaired driving and three were charged with refusing to supply a breath sample A total of 399 seat belt charges were laid Armstrong in for mayor Mike Armstrong is making a bid for the mayors chair whether the Beat is Tilled by ap pointment or election This brings to Tour the number of candidates for the spot to be vacated by Mayor Pete if his regional chairmanship is ratified today Announced candidates are Councillors Rust Miller Ross Knechtel and former Hills councillor and Regional Chairman Morrow has made it known he wilt be a candidate only if the position is filled by appoint Armstrong wants to see the completion of the secondary plans which will form part of the Official Plan He pointed out the Town still has to deal with the Ontario Municipal Board the Ministry of Housing and Munlci pal Affairs and the Region Armstrong contends the water problems in Acton and Georgetown have to be solved and warns the Town will stagnate and have R or appointment Big decision next Monday HaHon Hills councillors will make the big decision or appointment next Monday night December If Ibey opt to fill the mayors post by of council that choice Pan TamMya was an lend of tang and ton at the ntrSaadsy evening tan abOQldnt delay outing lank put In the event that has nee or Acton It art en Jointly ay Us a Chore For more pictures Urn In That Week Thrn taw Urn Page bylaw caOJag byejection or fuuag one or special council iDeedng hi to tin innfting no widened tax base until all the plans are completed Switching to the controversial proposed municipal complex stated No body out there should worry about a pal complex going up on the Stevens pro perty Unless development comes here there is no money to build it He said the Town had acted responsibly by putting money away for the land over the years Just like a couple planning to buy a house We have saved for the property but we cant afford to build the house yet He maintained nobody in the area had lost money by buying land for the past 30 years and recalled he was involved In the deal when the Town bought acres from Bruce McLaughlin for the arena site ten years ago We paid 000 for the land sold 1 acres for and ended up with 13 acres Tor nothing and a profit of to boot He said taxes wouldn go up to pay for the complex because by the time the surplus land is sold not only will the complex be paid for but there will be a profit Armstrong said he was happy some citi zens had formed a committee to review the land purchase and maintained if they find deficiencies in the reports and have tiona he would be happy to listen to then He said he is prepared to give the time required into the If its hours day thats what 111 put in On toe Croatian Centre pointed out decision was made but week The decision was made to take no legal action He claimed prosecution Jot confrontation and solves nothing The only way to solve the problem in to proceed win the site plan which moan nothing cm be done without lb approval of tot at Plan Committee