GaorgetownActoo Wedrwaday Dec 7 If Tyler can restore the town hall Town can fixup offices CasftiMat council Watson charged it can happen people are fed up mm things secretly ps He added the municipal complex ant tbe only case he know of three In stances of council covering up for staff errors but be wouldnt elaborate at Un cause of their Improper actions said be goto to sit there and listen to charges which be backed up by facts Watson replied that council a actions were being thoroughly investigated and every thing would cometoaheadaooa Hecon that councils supposed be buying land for development and that two other municipalities got in a lot of trouble doing lust that The Town lawyer says It legal for Halloo Hills to buy land and later declare it surplus and sell it re torted With Georgetown possibly going to face the same kinds of water supply problems as Acton the Town might not be able to sell or so acres of the Stevens property for a bousing development Watson warned tbe was thought tbe Town money on deal though be admitted It was sb opinion and not a fact Town Kan was criticized by and be said ft was council made its servants get to work instead of holding meetings and dis cussions all the time Watson de was time to worry about today problems and take The administration makes the bullets and you councillors Ore them Wataoo charged Denny pointed out coundUors hired the staff sad Jack Ridley another taxpayer also complained about he Town staff Knechtel said people might think bod made a mistake in voting lor tbe Stevens land purchase but he hadnt covered any thing up and was ashamed of nothing he has done Use HaO If the Town needs more office space they could use the old Stewarttown Hall Denny suggested and Miller said that was con but rejected as would be too far from other offices Denny said sarcastically thing the matter with Stew Han was it was too far from Georgetown Chcndl was baying land and planing to a complex yet roads to were tbe most deplorable to all Ontario de said be pay high taxes yet the road in front of his borne was paid far by him and oner purchasers of Boris homes and now ho has to help pay lor Dennys road too Everything is being put in Georgetown Denny complained Thats wrong Knechtel said pttiwg that fat tbe past five years municipal spendtag in each ward has been proportionate to taxes collected In Georgetown and Adon Also be observed only cents of each tax dollar is kept by Halloo tbe balance goes to the region and school boards One reason taxes have been going up so much be concluded was because tbe province keeps cutting grants Wilf said be too was opposed to the land purchase and complex but something will bedone by this gang coun til Sell Stevens land Knechtel asked what the people want council to do about the complex issue and Watson replied build an addition to the and get rid of the Stevens land Watson continued that there was no need for a Toronto City Hall type However KDechtd said there room for expansion at the Trafalgar Rd property unless part of the works depart meat was moved from Trafalgar Bonnette interjected that part of the works depart could be moved to the Acton works yard which Is now being used to store picnic tables He supporting building a mil lion building because the Town wont be able to afford It said However the present administration building on fire and health regulations Ed said facetiously if that was the case then council should quit using it because they could be hurt or killed said frankly that what should be done Another problem with the Trafalgar building was that more people work there with Just a septic system and the pro petty be serviced with a sewer line without the region Official Plan being changed This was completely wrong Her argued the region would allow the Trafal gar building to be hooked to a sewer line But Knechtel said would be more expensive to service with a sewer line the Trafalgar land than the Stevens pro perty down street Also if Georgetown south serviced with sewers first tbe Town would be sued and servicing the Tra Rd land would result in neighbor wanting sewer senice too Wet sm bay alee addlUs Bonnette said would have put nice on tbe Trafalgar Rd building and if the staff needs space so much they would bad it a lot sooner with an tion than lhe will waiting three to five cars for a complex to be built down the street Citizens don t want to see the town build another green elephant Ridley said The council building committee which chose the Stevens land was hand picked by Mayor Peter for obvious reasons M said besides Councillors Dave ting Pam Sheldon Finn and Marilyn Serjeant son were on the com m He objects to councillors now run down the Trafalgar building which only 20yearsoId and calling it a mess Competitive Prices Soft Drinks ML 39 Mm on sauna am KMny or Van Camp Bawns Facial Tissue assorted varieties Potato Chips Biscuits Monarch Flour A CI Size Tomatoes 39 j PRODUCT OF FLORIDA Oranges PRODUCT OF Cranberries is Red DelicfcHis Apples 199 Red or White Grapefruit 10 199 Green Peppers 218 99 Endive orEscarole Cooking Onions Jumbo Walnuts MhoShell Mixed Nuts InTheShell 2sr99 99 351 159 Tide Detergent SI BOX SMOOTH OR Kraft Peanut Butter I JAR 79 Shrimp 259 Habitant Soups a 59 CatFood Dog Food 3s1 Raspberry or Strawberry Jam is 99 Nestle Syrup Canada Dry Soft ST 649 OK ED Bounce Com Rakes 299 119 Whole Wheat Bread 89 Alisons EST 149 Raisins or Peanuts 89 Brick or Cheese Extra Cheddar Soft Margarine Crtaco ShorienlnQ 69 jHomrnmr Cake Ught Bulbs WITH OR WITHOUT OR OOORKI Dill Pickles 159 ASSORTED FRUIT FLAVORS DEUSLE Swiss Spun Yogurt IS RIB PORTION pork Loin Roasts Pork Chops 306 139 TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts kg SfeAVa 284 129 NEW ZEALAND SPRING LAMB 199 Side Bacon Cooked Ham SI 129 Breakfast Sausages 139 Si 41 18 129 4 39 Smoked Hams ML 99 Loin Chop 5 2 Meal Pies Wieners 527 328 Sausage 149 Canadas Pride SelfBasted T 505 Smoked Hams Bologna Grade A Turkeys i Smoked Sausage Dinner Hams 494 49 3067 139 149 2641 129 6 37 289 527 FWCES EFFECTIVE TO SAT DECEMBER WE RESERVE THE RIOHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES People Come First at 160 STREET GEORGETOWN HILLS btora Hours Sam 9pm Saturday 8am 6 ERIN AID CENTRE 78 Main St S Georgetown 8773765 Goebelle Wagner Goo own 3 Dtm Mwrr Chrfabna Happy to On and HOT LUNCHEON BUFFET Household Hints From Puno a lily I mi if him sunlit a at led iA ail din wii fi lithtti tojoei fUy no On fferi diiti lor 9lSamnltvf