4H awards are presented The Ctob protect Great Feeling Gnat day the School In to evening of ber There were SUts bad an exhibit of the caring of finger and toe nail Lyon Sinclair was tbe commentator and pouted out tbe basic care of which part of good County and provincial booon were awarded to time who won awards advanced honor certificates were giren to two girts Anne Norton of Distrkt Women In was present to present toe bursary and award gtvm each year by the Halton There were many girts pre sented with crests who had taken tbe course for first time SUnr spoons and were given to all members who had completed tbe dub Spring club will be Fitness Fare In tbe fail it will be Quilting To dose tbe meeting everyone repeated tbe pledge and O Canada OF COLUMBUS BINGO Holy Cross Chutcf EVERY THURSDAY 54 numbers 56 numbers 400 numbers numbers 200 numbers 100 mln WELCOME TO OUR JOIN US FOR THE MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR BRING THIS GET YOUR OFF OVER FOR EAT INon TAKE OUT Winter Wonderland Heavy snow Monday sight and Tliesy turned Hilb lata a veritable Whiter Wonderland foe a few rain started to fall and the fairy cattle now flakes asMooed on trees Ha these Ttw weatherman la predicting cold weather for the rest of the wees ClHMki0rli Heres your chance Always wanted to have one of those I beautiful wildlife paintings for your home Here a your chancel The Public Library Acton and Georgetown is of an original painting by a talented local artist Reg For each donation you receive a chance to be a lucky winner Support the library Come on In and one day toon you may be taking more than just your books Library hours Effective January I 1964 the Halton Hills Libraries will be open to the public during the following hours Tuesday day Thursday Friday Saturday The library will remain closed on Sun day and Monday No decision has been reached as to Sunday hours The library will be closed on the foil owing days for statutory holidays Friday April for Good Friday Saturday April 31 for Easter Monday Saturday May 19 1984- Closed for Victoria Day Saturday June Closed for Canada Day Saturday August for Civic Holiday Saturday September l Closed for Labour Day Saturday October 1984 Closed for Thanks giving Tuesday December Closed for Christmas Day Wednesday December 20 for Boxing Day MXIME g EtaS E3E3 J andthapricalilUalrtll 336QUMOSLE ft Backat a Plaza J Acton J RECREATION RBTJRT Thank you Georgetown Optimtts for the free On Friday November and Monday November over 200 people enjoyed an after noon of free skating Call your Recrea tion Department for more information on upcoming free Christmas skating Santa Elves will also be visiting ibe Acton and Georgetown Indoor Pooh over tbe Christinas Holidays Call Pools for more Information on the times and days of free swimming opportunities BroQtnball Moating Anyone interested in knowing more about or joining the mixed adult recreational BroombaU League this winter is reminded to attend the first league meeting on THURSDAY DECEMBER 1933 30 M at the COMMUNITY CENTRE Call for more information Cross Country Skiing Outdoor Instructional Workshop These workshops for the beginner skier offer instruction of uptodate tech niques to increase ones confidence comfort and enjoyment of the sport The first workshop v ill focus on skill progression and safety The second workshop is continuation of the first and offers further detection and lion of skiing techniques Refreshments and handouts on safety trail etiquette and ski locations will Beginner I Saturday Jan 14 19S4 Beginner IlSaturday Jan 1984 This program Is designed for persons at least years or age to ADULTS Class size is limited so register NOW FOR INFORMATION CALL EXT EXT 260 Wednesday C6 GEORGETOWN Give lb Christmas IMPACT BREATHLESS Starring RicrtardGwr Ens at Ml Sat to Mat ml FLASHDANCE GREASE HOT nUDK M pa STREET FUTURE ISLAND NOW OPEN AND SUES US RENTALS ssdi MOVIE RENTAL night DISCPUYERRBITAL MondayThursday DISC PLAYER RENTAL FridaySunday ON PRESENTATION OF THIS AD OFF ANY VIDEO DISC PLAYER 8771993 TMi Newspaper Can Be RECYCLED For Mora Cat Ontario Santca TOUnEE 1 Food for thought Canada FARM TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM GET BACK MORE IN 84 The Ontario Farm Tax Reduction Program designed to assist owners of farm properties by rebating a portion of their property taxes has been greatly improved for 1984 As in past years residences farmland and outbuildings will continue to be assessed together But the farm tax rebate will increase from 50 to 60 And while the gross production value for eligibility will remain at 8000 for the majority of the province it will be reduced to 5000 for northern and eastern Ontario northern Ontario is denned as that area north of the southern boundaries of Haliburton and Muskoka And eastern Ontario is the area east of the western boundary of Northumberland Victoria and Peterborough counties hear more about these and the many additional pro gram improvements contact your local Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office Application forms for the Farm Tax Reduction Program will be mailed during the summer of 1984 and will be accompanied by a brochure outlining the new program in more detail Ministry of Agriculture andFbod Ontario Dennis TimbreR Minister William Davis Premier SENIOR CITIZENS Tour of The Christmas Lights Wednesday December 700 pm Carolling Refreshments Door Prizes To RtMarva A Or Mora Information Call Evanlnst Dava smart PEOPLExpress TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE from agency 8774138 GEORGETOWN MARKETPLACE Festivities At ibUa 364 1983l Christmas Day Dec Our Annual Christmas Day Selected Menu From noon Onwards Adults per person Children16QQUnder12 Boxing Day Dec Open Lunch Dinner Afternoon Tea 2 Regular Menu New Years Eve Dec 31st A Special Menu Adults 00 per person Gala Dinner Festivities Closing Adults 00 per person Tea House New Years Eve A Buffet From JO m Closing Dancing Balloons Hats Fun Adults 00 per person New Years Day 1st 1984 All Day From 1200 Noon Tabic Dhote Menu For Your Pleasure Adult W per person New Years Day Brunch Adults per person The Man mi Wish You A Merry Christmas A Happy We Are Closed Dec 24 1983 4538283