Acton Wednesday Dec 1963 CS RODS agency MARKET 7701 GEORGETOWN 8775266 ACTON You now charg your to your Chargax Account for GeorgetownActon Wednesday Dec 1983 reduced the wafers of the ad or Monday to FrUay HUB REN Ken end Aielle are pleased to announce the of their ion Ryan James December ItU weighing lbs loo at General Hospital Proud grandparent vrMr and Mr Glen of and Mr and MM Ken Acton AIM grandparents Mr and Mrs Norman Robert son Acton and Mr Mrs Georgetown and Mr Mrs Walter Crossman Nova Scotia and Mrs Addison Nova Lorraine and Bruno are pleased to announce the sate arrival their son Shawn Todd born Sunday December it IMS at and District Memorial Hospital Special thanks to and and the OB Half of the Georgetown Hwpltal LA LA Kenneth and Muriel are proud to announce the birth of their first child Gordon Robert WOum born November at and Finch Hospital Proud grandparents are Frank and Yvonne LiFerle of and Roderick and Ivy King of Georgetown LANTZ- and are proud to an me at first child a son Richard Scott born December lyfO weighing I lbs at Toronto East General Hospital First grandchild for Boyd and Miriam of Georgetown third grandchild tor CI 1 1 lord end Gibson Scarborough Steve Eva of Acton are pleased to announce the birth of thtlr ion Dust In Steven lbs on Milton District Hospital on December Baby brother lor Amy grandparents Lloyd Eleanor Acton ONEIL Verne and Mavis would like to an the birth of their third son Graeme Nell brother lor Kyle and Craig 9 lbs December IS at Georgetown and Memorial Hospital and Julie art pleased to an the arrival Ihelr first grandchild Laura Ashley born November 30 weighing I lbs IS ounces Proud parents are Bill and flirt Cambridge Ontario and Janet nee Greenslade are thrilled to announce the sate arrival of their daughter Leigh weighing lbs Born at McMaster Medical Centre Dec 17 First grandchild for Pauline and Cec Greenttsde of Georgetown end second grand d Mrs Harold Brentford ANDMRS announce the engagement of their eldest son John to Or Maria eldest Mrs Antonio and the late Joseph of Ontario The wedding and reception to take place at the Chlnguacouly Goll and Country Club on December Rev Walter Ridley of United Church officiating Tar a Louise- Suddenly on December iniat Georgetown Tara beloved infant daughter of Stephanie and Eric Bassll and loved orandaughter of Margaret and Frank I li and Max in and Jack Bassll all Ottawa Funeral service was held Saturday morning at clock at St Georges Anglican Church Georgetown Cremation to I lowed BEST Nell Sydney on Saturday December 17 at Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton Nell Glen Williams beloved husband of Joan Chamberlain and loved father Sydney Austin and Kenneth Ross at home Dear son of Cayuga Rested at J Jones and Son Funeral Home 34 Edith St Georgetown where funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon Interment Glen Williams Cemetery in memory contributions to Canadian Cancer Society or charity of your choke would be appreciated Laura Ruth formerly of Norval at Owen Sound on Sal Dec 193 Laura Runham beloved wile ot Fred Cooiay of Lions Head Dear mother of Norman of Allltton Cheryl Mrs and Diane Mrs Frank Sample Grandmother of Steven and Rick Danny Bill and Vicky Sample A memorial service was held on Sunday Dec at p In the chapel of the and Funeral Home First Street and Second Ave As expressions of sympathy donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated OBRIEN Viola Helen On Monday December Trafalgar Memorial Hospital viola Burns wife of the late Charles OBrien and loved mother of Charles of Philadelphia Pa Thomas of Waukesha Wise and Mary Mrs R Wands of Georgetown Alto lovingly remembered by grandchildren and one great grandchild Rested at the J Jones and Son Funeral Home Christian burial mass was hed soay morning at clock at Holy Cross Church interment Cote des Cemetery Montreal PERRY St Joseph s Hospital on Thursday December ltd Samuel Perry of Acton in hi year Husbandof the late Jane Green and dear father Lillian Mrs Claude Cook at Acton Grandfather Carolyn and Donald Cook Also survived by 4 greatgrandchildren Funeral service was held al the Shoemaker Home Acton on Saturday December Interment Fa lew Cemetery I WOULD ilk to thank me members Georgetown Rotary Club Enter seals Society Act van Don Red Cross Drivers Georgetown Little Theatre Globe Product torts Or A Hebart Or Trent teachers staff and students of Georgetown High School friends and neighbours tor their hetp and caring attitude Have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Rob Ferguson THANK you special friend for mailing our Christmas happier May yew be richly blessed Year Love ahnys Fred Craig Andrew and David to the success which we hare entered dear many year we with yew Merry cnrhtfmM and a Happy Hew Year of Thafc WISH to express my lincere thanks to all my friends and relatives for their support during my stay In Ge Hospital Also thanks to all the nursing staff In OB and special thanks to Dr Kumar and Dr Thompson Diana I WISH to express my sincere thanks to Browning and Richards and the nurses and staff Ward A of Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital lor their excellent care during myrecent stay Thanks also to my family and friends who visited me and sent flowers fruit and cards Special thanks to Rev Dean Tate of Mountalnvlew Baptist k Harris THE family the late Rose express sincere thanks to our friends and relatives for the many floral tributes memorial tributes cards baking and all those who offered their sympathy to us at the loss of our dear wife and mother We will remember your thought fulness Thank you to Or J and Dr Rattan Special thanks to the nursing staff of coronary care unit and third floor east Guelph General Hospital Thank you to Reverend lor his spiritual message and Rhode and Bruce Shoemaker of Shoemaker Funeral Home for their kindness and support JlmOekes Ruth Murray and Donald McLaren THE FAMILY of the late Jean Graham wish to express Sincere thanks to relatives friends and neighbours tor their kindness shown during recent bereavement Special thank you to Landry nursing staff Of Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Rev Peter Barrow J S Jones and Son Funeral Home for their kind efficiency WE would like to thank our family Valerie Ken Maureen Gerald Bobby Karen John Patsy and Grandma Raynor and grand children friends from and Acton on the occasion of our 40th Wedding Anniversary We would also like to thank them for the beautiful gifts and wonderful evening at the Mandarin Restaurant In Guelph Irene Tom Leien by EI InMamorUmrj Peg In loving memory a dear mother and grandmolher who passed away December ft God took her home It was His win But In our hearts we love her still Her memory is as dear today As In the hour she passed away We often sit and think of her When we are all alone For memory Is the only friend That grief can call Its own Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Rod Doug and Pauline Jack and Anne and grandchildren IN LOVING memory Agnes Peg passed away Dec 1976 if tear drops could build a stairway And memory a lane I would walk the road to heaven And bring her home again Sadly misled by husband LAWSON loving n husband and father who passed away December U Gone are the days we used to share But In our hearts you are always there The gates of memory will never close We miss you more than anyone knows With tender love and deep regret We who love you will never forget Lovingly remembered by wife Kathleen daughter Carol LM quel derm and petty hi December 17 lot Ion of HA Acton aid rammed ifw laughters home for coming NEW DANCE GEORGETOWN CUM 200ooup TV Studo framing to act CommercWsAtovlaaTV Serie ChrittmaaEvaSarvIca 7J0pjm EvaryonaWaacoma AN OPEN HOUSE will be bald honour of Ethel Brownrldgestath birthday on January 1f4 from at Know Presbyterian Church Hall Georgetown Everyone welcome Best withes only CHICKEN Club nu Bring your mem card to the Optimist tree skating on tree hot CHRISTMAS IN WALES Croat family entertainment Dec pm John Elliott Theatre Georgetown Tickets by HUH Public Libra SLEIQHR1DES orteyiMM wants Si86a014 TV a now inlerviewmg new people for Special TV Studio aci i TV Commercials Mows Part time age For you Studio col I 964 ACTON JUG CITY MAaitTMrr north will be OPEN Christmas Day and New Years Day 11 am to 6 pm BURGHGRAEF Construction Plastering repairs alterations and tile work Work guaranteed Estimates given THE SALVATION ARMY pickup of appliances In working order and good used furniture Phone Tuesday to Saturday from arrangements Auction SaH BOXING DAY SPECIAL Hill AUCTIONS WILL BE HOLDma THEIR ANNUAL BOXING DAY SALE High QuaHty Antiques such as flat to wait cornet cupboard press back chairs maple chest of drawers blanket boxes excellent selection of Royal Nippon vaseline glass satin glssa cranberry glass Clolasone art glass grand father clock clock selection of good oddities and collet tablet loader and muula loader pistols BE WAMIH Scrap lion Metal Cats Trucks Old Machinery nam 1632014 ww CASH CASH CASH FOR USED APPLIANCES Seasons t Greetings W Mifi Best lolWBMt Doug Pnce a vehymerhy christmas and a happy NEW YEAR Don Annette Pains ft Randy Van Fleet a rat Boots and Audrey SEASONS GREETINGS Besl Wakes in he New Year Jack Ann Et Staff SP Mings 11 Witt GREETINGS Special delivery wishes for a holiday all wrap up with love and la Lighter Tom Re nee Mary ft John w turn Warm wishes for a Christmas Janice Thornhlll Holiday rings A would la her en and la lhanu worm is Manage mi and Sun of tin Seasons Greetings and neighbours Vary Chnstmei Happy New Mrs Mane Gordon PEACE To our many friend and loyal patrons go our sincere I hank John and family Speysldo General Store Relatives friends and neighbors SEASONS GREETINGS GOD BLESS YOU ALL Eileen and Tmnie males WisfT the ire mar cd neqrMn Ae MIST Btny flow st me tea ri Christmas rvbcun A tot t4good Andftw PEACE our fntnds ntigtibovii and atlhabattforthB stolon Frank Andrea Scotland KorrlAnne Van ds Christmas Happy Now Year Mug Bus Chris Hale HOLIDAY GREETINGS May this bright Christmas be filled with To All My Frlendaand Relatives MAGGIE CRAWFORD El- 2 Milk Ba 249 Monday to Friday Jn to acton jug cm TOPQUAUTV CHRISTMAS TREES Fresh cut pine spruce balsam ACTON JUQ CITY Main St North