GwrgarawnActon MdVat Joys Peacocfcwfe Beauty fiafon I Pastor John is heading out Cuada has been good to Pastor John sad Cooper and he enters the couple hopes to remain la this country Pastor John and his wife Bra came to Acton from New Jersey years ago to head the Bethel Christian Reformed Church Now many friends later a are forcing him to seek an mmd Hm easier life Some years ago Pastor John spent a few years to Sarnia and was introduced to Canadian warmth and congeniality His return to this country did not disappoint him They want to be reposted in this preferably Ontario In their time here the Coopers have seen many new organisations start up within the church Bea Introduced the choir and the ladies Share group and the Young at Heart the seniors group both were born in the past few years At Pastor John suggestion the church with a new entrance being built and insulation put to the roof gables These moves have helped reduce the heating bill considerably The departing minister has also been most appreciative of the close relationship of all the Acton churches He has served as president and treasurer the Acton Clergy Association In his semiretirement Pastor John hopes for one of three options either a small congregation a counselling Job or an assistant at a large church However he likes the atmosphere of a small church as he feds the congregation Is closer to each other and to their minister But right now no decision has been made as to his future After the new year the couple will be heading to Florida for a months vacation In the meantime a replacement for him Acton has not been named but he he points out there was almost a year between Rev Corvera and himself During the past five and a half years of gospel ministry to the Acton congregation we have made many good friends and enjoyed the Dutch hospitality traditions and customs and have had many Interesting and memorable experiences Pastor John noted of peace and winder id joy Chrutmoi May be you Eds InNOut Variety hours Chrironaa Eva 10 ChrtMmn 1 4 Best Wishes For A Blessed Christmas And A Happy and Prosperous New Year YOUR PROFESSIONAL CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS 824M03 JOHN DEERE SNOWMOBILE or Buyanew John Deere Snowmobile now and SAVE BIG DOLLARS on all models PLUS GET UP TO A 300 CREDIT Toward the purchase of a wide range of John Deere products COUNTRY MART LTD OSPR1NQE NORTH OF ACTON 8533901 BEST WISHES fottrte HOLIDAY SEASON and in COMING NEW heartily Extended FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU The Mayor Council and Employees of Hills river and through woods bringing with us lidings of true Christmas spirit It our to you COMPLETE COLLISION 8778885 1 in the ait scent pine the feeling love and warmth May the and joyous tradition of the Christmas season embrace you end yours Accept our heartfelt thanks for ycut special kindness MANAGEMENT AND STAFF HOLIDAY STORE HOURS- CkMdat4J0 Dacambor Christmas Eva I Dacambar Boxing Day Closed at da TrandayfrFridr START1NQ APRIL 1st REGULAR HOURS Ft tan MURRAY LAWTON LIMITED GEORGETOWN From ivory on At JONES ft SON FUNERAL HOME na Mo Dm A