GwxgetownActon Wednesday Jan 4 1964 Tom appeared on a segment of the Fifth Estate with liana Gartner The topic was high peed police chases Hub Clark turned earsold In October Ted Tyler and George Elliott signed the forms giving them the government grant which made the restoration of the town hall pos sible January In the first week of 1983 the air raid or early warning siren walled away for over three hours while Halton Regional Police tried to contact Bell Canada to shut the noisemaker off The Wirth family on Eastern Avenue rang In the near year with a roar when they won the first prize in Ihe weekly Wlnlorio draw The number of people in Hills collecting unemployment benefits this year has skyrocketed to double the amount last year and the manager of the Brampton Employment centre Bruce does not see any improvement In sight Plans to allow Acton to grow by people are back on track after sewage disposal and water supply problems are removed As a result of a meeting between Mayor Pete and Councillor Dave Whiting and the Credit Valley Conservation Authority it was decided the Prospect Park well would supply the needed water with the aid of a SI 3 million water treatment plant A former Miss Acton Fail Fair Victoria is making quite a splash in the Vancouver modelling world Miss spent eight months in Paris after winning the local title and is presently working In Victoria B posing for magazine covers and photo layouts in numerous prominent western magazines In the third week of 1983 regional were laughing uproariously after discussion on the fate of Fairy Lakes swans The swans which were donated to Ihe town in were in danger of dying because of a lack of open water and the council was in a dilemma as to what they were going to do with the birds The birds wings were clipped as part of a federal program to alleviate the dangers of the birds hitting and damaging aircraft a metal galvanizing firm is moving to Acton where they will create 12 Jobs for the area Peter an Acton resident returned from a trip of a lifetime to the holy land Paplllon remarked that he and his fellow tourists were made excruciatingly aware of the middle east tensions because of numerous searches and stops at customs and border offices Council approved a five percent wage increase for almost all of Its collective workers who arent covered by a collective agreement Ottawa and Queens park set February The Halton Board of Education discovered they do not have million in vested with Crown Trust but million Superintendent of business and finance Barb Moore told the board they had two separate investments Crown Trust one for due the end of January and one for US million due the beginning of January The big Job of restoring the Acton Town Hall began as workers hired under the federal Job creation grant through man power began construction Building miniature golf course for Pro Part the handicapped ramp at the Acton arena a tennis In Prospect Park a storage room In the Acton fire hall and a boat bouse and dock at Fairy Lake are among the projects being considered by regional staff as part of a federal provincial make work project for Hills A spectacular Are which destroyed Thompson Pods and damaged two homes on either side of the business Is estimated to have caused about damage to the Remembering 1983 three structures Fifty pound of dynamite considered to be extremely dangerous were stolen from Ltd quarry just south of Acton Police said the thieves entered the magazine by knocking a one foot by four foot hole through a concrete wall A series of articles published In the Acton Free Press has been selected by judges as the second best news story in Ontario community newspapers Helen Murrays id- depth coverage of the August Dominion Hotel fire murder trial was selected from stories across the province It would appear likely few if any new major municipal projects will be launched In this year of restraint If budget com mitted and council approves the Preliminary 1933 capita budget prepared by town staff most projects will only be continuations of works begun in previous years or Items deferred last year The price tag for the or more projects and pur chases is a little over million Actons Chris Wood is packing his parka and mukluks in preparation for a five week trip to Norway Chris a Private with the Lome Scots Regiment was chosen to par tlclpate in a special Military exercise Acton asks the help of MP Otto Jelinek and Georgetown MP John McDermid to push the Department of National Defense to secure the towns air raid siren go vandals cant set it off March One of Actons most prominent citizens Garnet W Pan died Sunday following a two year battle against a rare muscular disease Taxes in Acton on the average home could jump as much as this year An 4 Acton woman and her 10yearold son were forced into their car in Garden Hill near Port Hope by a man with a 38 calibre revolver Regional Police will be reminded to make sure they advise drivers they can have their car towed away to any body shop even to their driveway after accidents In the future Allegations of biased union propaganda being distributed at board of education expense and the teachers using children as pawns get what they want were levelled by Miltons Gerry McAuliffe at the Halton Board of Education meeting The first area of Acton where Neigh borhood Watch will hopefully be bom will be Lakevfew subdivision Spring swept Into town March bring with it 13 15centimetres of snow that caused long lines of slithering cars and between Acton and Georgetown was the worst In at least years commuters said After a neighbor wrote down the license plate number of a car belonging to men seen trying to pull down a television antenna police have arrested two Halton Hills men Damage was estimated at dollars after a Maze levelled a barn owned by Harvey Payne on Highway 25 and destroyed several vintage cars stored in side At least parents are willing to pay higher taxes to lower classroom size and hire more teachers in Halton Regional schools Two thousand homes In Acton were left without electricity after a van plowed Into a hydro pole on Eastern Ave The accused killer of a 22yearold Acton woman has been sentenced to life im prisonment with eligibility for parole after years Eric Howard KeDar had been charged with the murder of Colleen Dates after her body was found in her Bower Ate borne by her husband In October ISO April There were burglaries in the Acton area in 1982 and police and groups of Interested citizens are convinced that Neighborhood Watches around town could significantly reduce that figure far 1983 Hence the first Neighborhood Watch meeting in Acton was held at the high school A blaze at Harris Farm Machinery in caused damage The cause of the fire was determined to be faulty wiring An Eden Mills man Is a lot richer after winning a Bonus prize of Harold To ml In son of Main St East said he was going to bank the money until he decided what to spend it on Halton Region Police Constable Tom was Interviewed by Fifth Estates Gartner for a segment the program was doing on police pursuits in Canada The20minutesegmentwasalredln May A 43 million dollar 53000 square foot municipal building with 180 parking spots on seven to eight acres is needed by the Town to fill Its requirements until the year 1992 according to a space needs study veiled at an April 12 Hills council meeting The seven to eight acres would accommodate an expansion until and the 43 million does not include the cost of the land Another acres could be added to Acton stock of industrial land if technical hurdles are cleared and Hills proves a new Industrial pork running from the north edge of the existing industrial area to the northern town boundary The muchtoulcd new aggregate policy from Minister of Natural Resources Alan Pope Is Just as devastating as the old policy according to Hills Councillor Pam Sheldon Sheldon heads up a committee of Halton Hills council called the Aggregate Task Force and has been at the forefront of the aggregate issue battle since Joining the council as well as before entering politics when she fought the aggregate threat as a Speyslde area resident The accident car compound still hasnt been settled but some progress was made at a meeting involving auto body and truck operators in the area local politicians and Halton Regional Police officials Earlier in the year complaints about the lack of a car compound prompted council to consider bringing one to Acton Hills councillors decided not to give themselves any raise for at a general committee meeting and Tavern on Mill St will have to do more renovations to heir establishment after a car crashed Into the front doorway Halton Hills councillors ore considering adopting a stoop and scoop bylaw alter several residents complained of dog owners allowing their pets to answer natures call wherever and whenever they want The people running picnics at the Cana dian Yugoslav recreation centre south of town on Highway have been given one more chance by the Town to behave and keep the noise down to an acceptable level Council has endured two summers of com plaints from neighbors about noise from the centre since it began operations in The Acton Library is and some what cramped according to a report sent to council The library was one of public buildings in Halton inspected by the Public Institutions Inspection Panel over a four day period earlier this month A new industry for Canada a radiation processing plant wants to establish in Acton on rural land north of town The International Peace Camp IPC ran Into one of the first of their many problems with Ihe Niagara Escarpment Commission NEC when they were ordered to remove a construction trailer from their property or face legal action Acton businessman Ted Tyler has been named the Citizen of the Year by the local Chamber of Commerce A dramatic police operation in the Cameron St area ended quietly with the arrest of Edwin Cole Regional police said Cole pointed a rifle at his wife and a friend of the family causing both the wife and the friend to flee the residence Police were called and were evacuated from their homes when police set up a tactical unit outside thehome until Cole surrendered and his weapon was seized Beach The beach will be enclosed and no picnic tables will be allowed on the beach during summer There a no place like home as 17 yearold discovered when she returned home after nearly a year In Sweden on a Rotary exchange program Hills Hydro Commission received a petition signed by Acton and residents protesting changes in staff and bill paying arrangements at the Alice St office After waiting almost a year for results of a research experiment it has now been decided further testing will be needed to determine whether three members of a Hills family are being affected by the urea foam Insulation in their 2 Acton home The Hiltons and especially their son Gordon are suffering respiratory problems that are likely caused by the insulation Rockwood residents are up in arms over he ever evolving rainbow of colors of siding being put on the new senior citizens apart ments complex When Actons Stephen left on a one year Rotary exchange program little did he know he would be accused of being a spy by an East German border patrol while on a school trip to Czechoslovakia July June May Acton residents may have to endure another summer with the threat of water rationing but the fault doesnt lie with the public works department Bob Moore director of public works for the region explained Acton had dug a well at Fairy Lake that should meet Actons future water requirements but the well is not producing because or a higher than acceptable level of manganese In the water The final tax levies for Hills education and the region are in and the bad news is the average bul In Acton and Georgetown Is up Another ethnic and cultural recreation centre starting up in Hills as the International Peace Camp IPC revealed plans to bold picnics and develop various facilities on the land formerly known Twin Lakes ITCcJlklate reported they plan to start holding weekend picnics tor 1500 to 2000 people on weekends The owners of the St N Bull Restaurant The Town and Hills Hydro Com is were going to work out a system before September which would permit Acton and area residents to pay their electrical bills the same as they pay their water bills and taxes at the Town office in the build- fng Hydro is considering closing its Acton billing office Halton Regional Police were investigating a confrontation between a group of about 30 campers and a group of youths at the Breezes Trailer Park in which at least three youths were injured and one shot was fired Halton Hills Milton and north Burlington are expected to be welded together into a new federal riding In the future Last November the Electoral Boundaries Commission hatched a plan to merge Halton Hills and part of west Brampton into a new seat called Halton but hat plan has now been dropped At the same time urban Milton and North Burlington were to Join Township to form new seat of Halton Went worth now hat seats been rejected too An addition Is planned for the small Glen- lea Plaza The 120 member strong Speyslde Rate payers Association Is attacking the Inter national Peace Camp issue Spokesman for the 10 yearold ratepayers group Colin revealed In an interview that their group is taking on the proposal to develop the old Twin Lakes property bet ween Highway and the Town Line Just south of Speyslde lightning struck twice In Acton the second week of June when two local residents won brand new cars courtesy of Canada John and Mrs Ed were the lucky winners There will be a fence erected between the road at Prospect Park and the Fairy Lake Six firefighters were rushed to George- town hospital Sunday evening and two families left homeless during Actons hardest fire In almost four years Halton Hills fire chief Bill Cunningham admitted he did not know if the building which housed Thomas Home Video Smithson Distribut ing and two apartments could be rebuilt He estimates total damage at Dahlia Peterson topped a list of potential Ontario schools at Acton High School with an overall percentage of Other scholars were Adam Thomas Harold Kothler Brad Tony Wright Andrea Sandra Cord Springle Karen Coats Tammy Hunter Nancy Allan Tany Mokrytzki and Dave residents were shocked and angry when unexpectedly members of the Mori Profit Housing Corporation got up and left a public meeting called to discuss the multicolored siding and appear ance of the new senior citizens apartment building in the village Despite five weeks of predominantly dry weather the regions water department is delighted to report theres still no hint of water rationing in Acton on the yet In fact the threat of rationing looks to be a long way off even If this extremely hot and dry weather persists A longtime Acton industry Engineers Ltd will close its door here and move to by midSeptember The confirmation papers are still on the way but Cheryl Greenly of RR 1 Acton readily confirms that her destination for a Rotary Club exchange will be Brazil Hills baa called en the Niagara Escarpment Commission and Milton to take action against the International Peace Camp for building roads on the property August Hans for a new municipal building on the Stevens property on Hank Ave are still very much auve and Town could end up paying much leas for It than the price stated eight months ago About IS truck caps at Littles alter World on St ware blown over and damaged to a small tornado which ripped through town about Monday morning Three Acton youths and an unknown