jiorgetownActon Wednesday Feb 151084 Fine Arts Hie Hilton Fine AruFGaHery Is pleased to announce their Back to the Wilds show Paid Duff and Mark Strutt will be featured In the snow which runs Feb At Main St Milton HAND A BBC Dim entitled lite War Game banned In Britain for years will be shown at the next meeting of Action for Nuclear Disarmament on Tuesday Feb at St Johns United Church Guelph St Georgetown All welcome Income The Information Centre is sponsoring an Income Securities Information Evening on Thursday Feb Information Centre For information coll Child Psychology You are invited to an enlightening speech on Understanding Psychological child psychologist of Child Therapy Credit Valley Treatment Centre In Miaslssauga The speech will be at Georgetown Christian School Library Monday Feb at a Fashion Show Carlln Enterprises presents a fashion show and sale Monday Feb at 7 at St Georges Anglican Church hall Music will be provided by Bill and Rublna Nancy Harwell will be the guest speaker Cost Is Sponsored by Hal ton Hills Women Fellowship Call for tlons Native People Extended Learning Opportunities Is presenting its six of eight lectures commencing Thursday Feb 23 at 10 in Canadian Legion Erin The topic is Canadas Native People by Prof Linda Gerber Fee for the series is Coffee and cookies provided Survival Series Come learn about the Cooperative Problem Solving Process ideas on reclaiming personal power In order to make satisfying changes In relation to self and others At the Georgetown library Tuesday Feb 21 at Fee for the lecture Is and for the whole Survival Series Field Naturalists The Hilton Field Naturalists will have a trip to the waterfront on Sunday Feb Meet at at the NEC parking lot Terra Cotta There will be an open house at the Terra Cotta Conservation Area on Sunday Feb 19 from 4 Mr Garrard will give winter survival instruction at 30 and Newcomers On Tuesday Feb at to 15 am the Georgetown Newcomers will have a guest speaker from the Contact Centre Meet at the on Mountalnview For information call Euchre Womens Institute will sponsor at Webbs Flower Showroom in Winston Churchill on March Admission Lunch and a lucky draw Community Calendar Milton Choristers The Milton Choristers invite you to shake off those raid winter blahs with a touch of spring Sunday March at JO pjn The choristers will present a con cert at St Pauls United Church on Main St Milton and will feature works by Mozart Brahms For tickets call WW I Veterans The Canadian Corps Association will hold its Anniversary celebration Monday April to Sunday May 19S4 in Toronto We are looking for World War One veterans to celebrate this auspicious occasion so let us know where you are In your reply state your active service number regiment and other service details as well as your name and address including postal code Send this in formation to Mrs Shirley Wood Hecsaker Dominion Secre tary Canadian Corps Association Niagara St Toronto M5V Peace Council The Brampton area Peace Council will meet Feb at 7 at Cardinal School Annex Room at the corner of Guest and Mary St Brampton EuchreCnbbage Plan to attend the Acton Legion Euchre and Crlbbage on Friday Feb 17 in the Legion auditorium at 7 30 m All welcome Soccer The 1984 registration for the Soccer Club will be Saturday Feb from ajn 1 pjn at Hillcrest United Church on Trafalgar Rd opposite Pine view School For information call Mike Mcdcments or Nanda Tilstra Microwaves There will be a microwave cooking demonstration for persons who want to purchase or have bought a microwave oven To be held Feb or 9 30 Babysitting available in the morning Sponsored by United Church Women corner of Trafalgar and Regional There will be door prties and refreshments served Contact Elizabeth Wlllson 877 or Mary Jane 8778718 for reserved tickets Cost Vision June Robertson will speak about children vision at the second Focus on Children lecture on Wednesday Feb 15 at In the Georgetown library Fee is S3 Booksl The University Womens dub of Georgetown needs donations of used books and current for our Spring Book Sale Your donation helps to raise money for scholarship and other community projects Call or 3755 for pick up or drop them off at McDonalds DOORTODOOR DISTRIBUTION We can deliver your FLYERS SAMPLES ENVELOPES ETC AnyDay AnyQuanhty As low as 35 par thousand CALL TODAY Don B10 Cook The Georgetown Independent Acton Freo Pratt HORSES 10 acres bam and stone 1100 square foot bungalow WHAT A BUY Attractive treed property fenced paddocks year old bam Home features foot Irvtng room finished basement double garage and more ROCKWOOD BUNGALOW double lot square feet long Irving room with fireplace Excellent area Won t last long at thb CalJemtfarBaf ROYAL CITY REALTY St Summer Canada84 Lets put tomorrows work force on the job today knows ihatu jobs to edmatiiin pari Summer employ incut is jtsothi way in Kit that innkcs iasiiT to evi find a full job sludt Ju Ip to iltvi skills wilt bent fit tlum in ihi future hi lovcrnmint of Canada will jsstit sponsors Sum nit Canada Works projet Is with a contribution towards student and job YOU CAN Hi- IP I Air JOBS FOR NTS THROUGH SUM CANADA WORKS Summer Canada Works employment for Itxal Jtudentw employ al least th ret local nts and should Roods or sir vues fit ft I community All jobs must bt full ami and must last between nix and tin or iiluynient Development and Immigration Canada for information and a cation Community and vol until r professional and it h nit in us I lot piviTiimi and u lor employer an Tor Sun r Canada Works fund irk HOW da Works itmlai I Caiuda Employment Staff at Canada rmpIiiyimntCintn tan also you information about other Summer Canada pniRrams and services ACCESS a student subsidy program CANADA FMIIOYMFNT N FOR S NTS a placement OF NATIONAI DEFENCE employment programs Canada