More money for police programs Italian police prefer to prevent crime and highway accidents from happening in the first place rather than to react to them once they have the region chief of police Putting some more muscle into prevents policing accounts for part of the 3 per cent Increase in the 1964 Ha 11 on Regional Pol budget said Chief James Harding at Wednesdays meeting of the regions Administration and Finance Committee Regional police want pump Into new programs this year out of a total budget of B90 and this creates a 3 per cent budget hike over lost year Salary increases account for the remaining per cent budget increase Over will be allocated to a five man traffic bureau that will aim to reduce traffic fatal ties and drinking drivers in That is imperative said Harding because the region s road fatalities in Jumped l per cent over 1982 figures While per cent fewer drivers were charged with impair alcohol was still involved per cent of all accidents Harding also noted that charges and caution for drivers exceeding the speed limit were up over per cent Over will pay for a community relations officer to traffic safety and crime prevention programs and go towards additional school safety pro grams in Hal ton Hills and Milton The remaining funds for new programs will go Into computer servicing new duty personnel at Ihc Milton detachment and a stores clerk The Halton force is stressing preventative policing partly out of necessity Ontario Police Commission statistics cats the force is undermanned in son toother regional police forces in the pro with a ratio of one officer every citizens Other forces average a ratio of 1701 In order to concentrate on the more vital areas of policing like crime prevention detection and traffic surveillance the Halton force has tried to steer calls of a minor nature to other agencies As on example Chief Hording cited bark ing dog complaints and parking violations which are referred to municipal officers for enforcement We been successful In diverting oils that previously would be dealt with initially police he explained and this resulted in a per cent workload reduction last year Halton taxpayers arc paying less for police than their other regional neighbours Chief Harding was pleased to note Ontario Police Commission figures cate that Halton Regional Police coat the region taxpayers KS 36 per capita com pared to in Metro Toronto in Peel and 42 in Hamilton Regional council must approve the police budget today ASSE needs rep here Local area representatives are being sought for a nonprofit high school exchange program said Cindy a director or the organization Area Representatives are needed to recruit SCREEN HOST FAMILIES AND Canadian high school students to study in Sweden Denmark Norway Finland West many Switzerland and Great Britain ASSE has over Area Representatives in North America continued Boyce who cons working with outstanding ASSE Canadian and European young adults a rewarding and enriching Area Representatives establish tasting friend ships in their community throughout Canada and in Europe Area Represents lives are reimbursed for their expenses and have the opportunity to travel overseas The exchange program enables qualified students to live with Canadian or European hast families while attending local schools in order to learn from cultures other than their own For more information please contact Boyce Canadian Director Please call collect Deerbag best in 83 Last Novembers fourday shotgun for deer In the Ministry of Natural Resources Cambridge District yielded the highest vest yet with a total of deer taken The deer hunt was part of the Cambridge District hunt Harvests in 1982 1981 and 1980 were 179 and respectively The hunter in creasing familiarity with local deer habits and their habitat the occurrence of the rut a prebrceding stage when male deer are less cautious during the hunt and the mild sunny weather all contributed lo this in creased harvest Approximately of the 1 hunters who received validation tags for their deer licences participated in the hunt generating a total of recreation days Far mer landowners and residents accounted for per cent of the harvest with the remaining per cent taken by non residents of the hunt zones Average fielddressed weights of the deer were kilograms pounds for female fawns and 33 kilograms pounds for male fawns Male and female adults averaged kilograms 167 pounds and kilograms 110 pounds respectively The fawn weights were slightly higher than in previous years probably due to last winter mild weather which resulted In the does coming through the winter in good con The largest deer harvested was an point kilograms pound buck taken in Flamborough Township Very few trespass complaints were received from landowners and no trespass charges were laid There were few In however of hunters with perm is slon observing other hunters presumably without permission on their areas Hunters are encouraged to get as much Information as possible about such trespassers and re port these incidents as soon as possible This will benefit the hunters who have taken the time to gel permission and especially the landowners who have given permission for access to their property Aerial surveys are being conducted this winter to obtain more detailed information on the areas which deer use for winter habitat The Ministry Is planning to follow this up with a deer pellet survey in the spring to confirm the status or the deer population REPAIRS to all Stereos Tape Decks Turntables Portables Honw or Auto Big or Small 877 2425 GETTING MARRIED Bridal Show 84 Smtay March 18th Speed drying To speed drying of sweaters roll collar Into place and insert crumpled white tissue paper under collar says Margaret clothing and textiles specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Foods rural organizations and services branch RECIPE OF THE WEEK DADS COOKIES makaa about docan Icupwhftaiugar cup brown sugar cup burnt or margarine 1Hcupoatmal 1 tap vanilla 1 ttp baking 1 tap baking IK cup flour Cratm butter and augar add egg and remaining Form In bafts flat at 350 till browned Retiring Turn your RRSP into income with a Mutual Life payout annuity fees no Compc ivc a Full of The safely and I of Cjnidjj Id I a when you I Fo del Jicol