Theres a great hoohaw these days about conformity which has became a dirty word Educationist and editors social workers and sob sisters warn us thai one of the great threats to freedom in the modem world is conformity These claim that were turning into a nation a world of confor mists They threaten that the golden age of the real individual the rebel the non conformist is n earing an end and that very soon we shall all be slaves eating what everybody else is eating wearing what everybody else is wearing doing what everybody else is doing and thinking what everybody else is thinking I find myself remarkably calm in face of these prophecies In fact I they are pure poppycock In the first place I see nothing wrong with conformity It merely means To thine own self be true compliance with established forma In short the individual accepts the responsi bilities and the restraints which society imposes on him The vast majority of people have always been conformists If you happened to be a cannibal and the piece de resistance was roasl missionary you sat down with the rest of the boys enjoyed the preacher You didnt say Gee dont know fellas Maybeweremakingamistake Maybe we boiled him No sir You con formed You along with the crowd If you happened to be a Roman legionary happily hacking up Gauls and ancient Britons you didnt stop in the middle of the orgy and ask yourself Is this the real me or am I just doing this because everybody else is If you did you were a dead non conformist Equally if you happen to be a modem man and your kids and wife are putting over the Jumps you conform You dont take a two by four and pound your kids into submission You threaten to cut off their allowance In the second place the deliberate or conscious con form is a simple pain in the arm He is the type who thinks he cant be a painter unless he has a beard who thinks he cant be a poet unless he needs a haircut badly Perhaps the greatest conformists in the world today are teenagers In their desperate attempt to avoid conformity they become the most rigid conformists tn our society They dress alike do their hair alike eat the same food listen to the same music All this in an effort to revolt against society to be conformists Not that there havent been great non conformists Beethoven Tolstoy Gauguin come to mind But they were great not because they were conformists but in spite of it They had talent Mac On the other hand Bach was a church organist music teacher and had children Shakespeare worked atrocious hours lived an exemplary life and never missed getting his hair cut regularly Does this mean eery conformist is a nut Not necessarily though probably tie is usuall an unhappy chap who for some deepburied reason must attract attention Trouble is the people who constantly warn us of the dangers of conformity have confused the conformist and the in- diwdual The former is to be pitied He is seeking firm ground in a quagmire The latter is to be envied He has found a prune himself in the porridge of society and he chews happily after Perhaps old Polonius put it best in Hamlet His son is going away to college The dad gives him a lot of advice about conforming Then in an unexpected and untypical flash ho adds This above all To thine own self be rue thou not then be false to any man GEORGETOWN 8775266 ACTON 8532010 You may now chargs your classified advertisement to your Chargox Account Ask for details GeorgetownActon Wednesday Mar 7 1984 PARK LINCOLN WEST grn 8772261 BAMBER Jim and Nancy Inee Edge are pleased to announce birth of child Adam James on February weighing a IDS or at Humber Memorial Fourth lor Mr and Mr Jack Cathie are thrilled to announce the birth their son Ryan Jacob lb on at A brother for and First for Mr Reginald Gardener Richmond and first rand win or Mr Mrs Louis HILL David and Louanne ly announce the birth of their daughter Lai a Emily on March weighing lbs thanks to and staff Gi General Hospital Frank and Lisa nee announce the birth of their special daughter on February list Heartfelt thanks to Ford and Or the yonder staff at Georgetown Hospital A special thank you alio trie learn doctors nurses who arc caring for at the Hospital lor Children Engagements MR and Mrs Ted Allen wis engagement of their daughter Tracy to Raymond I It George sonol Mrs Melons George and the Arthur Coming Marriages GOODING Mr Mr John Georgetown are happy Id announce forthcoming marriage of their daughter Marilyn Joan to Mr Grant Gooding son Mr ft Mrs Vernon Gooding o Milton on Saturday March at Hlllcrest Untied Church Georgetown Andrew John Scott Suddenly as a result an accident on No 7 on February Andrew of Acton beloved husband Victoria Jayno Thomas Funeral service was held Church Acton on Saturday March at 11 am lowed by cremation Harry William on Friday March Georgetown District Memorial Hospital Harry Judd beloved Olive and loved lather or Gary and Irene Judd ol Brampton and Mrs Robert White Georgetown Dear brother ol Betty Lord Toronto floated at J Jones and Son Funeral Home Edith SI Georgetown Funeral service was hold Monday afternoon at at St Johns Church Interment Greenwood Cemetery In memory con trlbutlon to the Salvation Army would be appreciated MORRISON Christina Al North York General Hospital on Tuesday ire Christina Morrison Toronto in her Dear sister of Stanley Morrison Acton and the laic Cole Aunt of Margaret Hannah great aunt Jessica Julia and Nelson Rested at the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where funeral service was held i Saturday at m followed by cremation ROY Theresa Rose nee Josephs Hospital on Tuesday February Theresa Rose Tlilbeault In her Mth year Beloved wife of Norman Roy of Acton dear mother of Jacqueline of Vancouver Norma Trinidad and Byrne Of Loved grand of Ken Nell Terry and Jeffrey Mark Robin Cheryl and Kelly Byrne grandmother Adam Mumby Rested Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton Funeral service was held the Chapel on Friday at followed by cremation Cirds ol Thanhs GARVIN Sincere to neighbours and friends for their cards flowers and donations Special to Rev Graham Blind J Jones Son Funeral Home SI Albans Ladles Guild the nursing stall Georgetown Family of laic Varna Garvin I WANT to express my sincere thanks to all wonder friend who showed so much kind nets to me at the time of my accident and while a patient In Hospital The prayers and visits flowers and fruit cards and letters while there and since returning home brought SO much cheer to me To those who so kindly brought communion to me and to those who trough In delicious meals I am very grateful Phyllis THE FAMILY he late Gerry Eggleton sincere thanks to all Ihelr friends and neighbours for their support and caring friendship during Gerry Illness and their I sad bereavement Special thanks to Kennedy and Browning the nursing Ward Georgetown Hospital The Rev Or T Bandy St Andrew Church and J S Jones and Son Funeral Home Our lave and lhanks to Georgetown Little Theatre Georgetown Globe Product Ions and Ferguson for all their help and Support Your many kindnesses will never be forgotten Margaret and Nicola WE WISH express our sincere thanks relatives neighbours and friends for their our recent Your Donations to cancer and heart funds the beautiful floral arrangements and all who called at mistime Is greatly appreciated Our sincere thanks to Rev Bandy lor his press message To the Jones Funeral horn and the people at Centennial Manor your kindness will always be remember Hetan Sinclair and InMemorlams In loving memory son and brother Kevin who March Sadly missed along life way Quietly remembered every day No longer In our tile to share Sadly IN memory of Kevins friends John McHugh John Scott MeTavlsh Lynn Marshall and Tim Brusanowskl who March 197 while Iheyr ThcBroostadlamllj I N memory of Johns friends Kevin Scott John Oudesluys Tim and Lynn Marshall who died with MALCOLM Gil In loving memory of a very dear husband and father who passed away March 197B Gone but not forgotten Memories linger every da Lovingly remempcted by Doreen HUGH and Jr- by Mom Dad Gall and Karen Sweet memories will linger forever Time cannot change them Us true Years that may come cannot sever My loving remembrance of you Ever remembered by his Ann Talbot MORGAN In memory Father Vincent Morgan who passed away March 10th Eternal rest give to him Lord And let light shine upon him Prayerfully reme Godfrey Dearly loved father and Da memories are wonderful things They last till the longest day They never wear they never lost And can never be given away To some you may be forgotten To others a pari ol the past But its us who loved and lost you Your memory will always last Sadly missed Tom a Shelley Loving memory of a dear wife mother and grandmother Nora Elizabeth who passed away March 11 Though her smile is gone forever And the hand wo cannot touch Still we have so many memories one we loved so much Her memory Is our keepsake With which well never pari God has her In his Keeping We have her In our Sadly missed and ever remembered by husband Theo daughters Joyce and Donna and Dennis and PRUCYK Josephine March Time may heal the broken Years may make the wound less sore But it cannot fill the longing For the loved one gone before Who shall say the grief Is lessened Though the smile may hide Memories keep the wound still open the passing of Ihe years Sadly missed by her Mae Rowe VAN In loving memory my dear husband John who was taken suddenly eight ago 1976 What I would give to clasp his hand His happy lace to see To hear his voice end see his smile That meant so much to me Sadly missed and always remembered by wile VAN OOSTEN in loving memory our dear son John who passed away on March Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Mom and TE Margaret Catherine In loving ife and who passed Always a smile Instead a frown Always a hand when one was down Always irue thoughtful and hind Wonderlul memories she behind Lovingly remembered by husband Sam and daughlers Nancy and Linda coming Eirtnf HILLS TOASTMASTERCLUB Invite you to be guest on MONDAY MARCH 12 mooting TOWM HALL fcM Toastmastars International a a way to team effective public speaking If you cannot attend thai guest and would le morn Information 8770558 MANOR RANCH tYa Ti A 8774852 111 Coming Events iiaitillllllf PICTURE FRAME CLEARANCE SALE IOOOi to cheats from Lowest price In Canada Our eighth year Otfdmyontyl Thursday March 8 IfrOOaurttoOOpjn HALL GEORGETOWN behind old Arena GREAT GETAWAY May 5 6th Swim Dine Shop Outlet Centre Relax enjoy at the Buffalo Marriott For information call COACH HOUSE TRAVEL 8540216 A MEETING the Plot owners or families of Churchill Cemetery will be held on March al I p m In Churchill Community Church FOCUS on Children Series last lecture on Wednesday March at Sandy Kemp will speak on Normal Growth and Development Children Public Library lecture fee PETER Crawford Dog Obedience Training Classes April 198 in Milton Over years training In Milton area Specialists In largeB small breeds US PRACTICAL PARENTING This small group Is designed lor parents who want to Improve awareness and effectiveness In a sup atmosphere wo will sharing and learning Section I Parenting preschoolers Section I Parenting school age children J Parenting teenagers Within each section wc will look at learning listen so children will talk dealing emotions power struggles rules and Sharing parenting Times Tuesday to Dates March section April 3rd section 3 April 17lh section Foe Three sections WO or per sec tlon Registration essential For registration or further Information call IBM Marilyn THE British Club monthly meeting and social evening will be held on Friday March In the Town Hall Glen Williams at m Visitors welcome For Information call or 853 THE Survival Series second lecture In Tuesday March at p Wendy will speak on New Perspectives tor Survival In Traditional Areas Georgetown Public Library lecture fee Of ORG E TOWN DOORTODOOR DISTRIBUTION We can your FLYERS SAMPLES ENVELOPES ETC Any Day Any Quantity As fows par thousand CALL TODAY Don Rydar Cook Georgetown Acton TV Sound stags is now interviewing now or Special TV Studio training act in TV SonosTV Commercials Pari A age For you Sludio dial THE SALVATION ARMY pickup In working order good used Phono Tuesday Saturday for arrangements AUCTION SALE Wed Mar at 630 PM Location In Milton at Agricultural Had on Robert Street Salo Constating Of Gold and starting silver plus regular oils to jewellery Royal FiQunnes Mt of Royal china dishes Came bury Pat Collector plates good glass china chest on chest of drawers tea wagon pine harvest table blanket box am cupboard platform rocker pie crust table wicker head boards oak intension table ash Ice box rocking chairs hosier cupboard quilts rugs duck decoys copper boiler and mac Partial listing due to lata haling This I a Full Sals with many Items from a Pickering Eltat Plea and date Preview From JO pm Good lunch available for yogi enjoyment pleas show I D when registering Termi or cheque I Auctioneer Don Coifing Milton AUCTION SALE Sat Mar 10th at 1030 AM location In Milton at Fairgrounds in Agricultural Hall on Robot St Piece walnut dining room suite oak das- china cabinet pine flalback cupboard with glassed doors pine blanket boxes a lull I ne of house hold furniture clock glass china table linen gardener hand tools Auctioneer Ward Brownndge Phone or Strtyad old male golden nearly and deaf Answers to Lost In I A Tuesday Feb ion Cats Trucks or Old RAIL FENCING PIECES WANTED BABY item wanted Cash offered for play pens car seats carriages strollers high chairs wagons etc Kids World Recycled Main St Milton WANTED Furniture old and new glass chine nostalgia primitive miscellaneous old postcards crockery clocks guni lamps EH For Sale GARDEN EQUIPMENT It having their SPAING CLEARANCE Wa ara making room tor our now Spring and Summar lawn It Garden Equipment 8770768 Stawarttown USED kitchen includes swivel chairs tabic new wall Hills Furniture Appliances Queen SI VIKING stove and Harvest red pair Inglls washer and dryer DO pair barrels or CARPENTER ANTS WRECKING YOURHOUSE7 ft ir Sim Timbois up to cut to your specifications Cherry birch and leys in stock Custom saw i custom post KILN DRYING IF OUR PLEASE YOU OTHERS IF NOT TELL US Piano Sale See over planus Annual Scratch Dent Salo Rental returns Floor models Demonstrators from MOO to off VAN GEESTHousooi Pianos Staffed by Piano Technicians West of closed Sundays FREE QRANTON INSTITUTE Adelaide St Toronto II THE inutaclutar of Show Sale MM DISCOUNT PINE or OAK TABLES CHAIRS 8534420 HOURS Mon8at maple Split and FIRST quality room carpel IS yd Commercial carpet PS so yd Installed Shop at home service call Carpel one all wood velvet brass velvet smoked top casters weeks old 877 LARGE True Camper sleeps J loaded 87S1I LARGE selection bedroom lamps as low a IS table lamps as low as a pair table set tin Boston rockers AS Helion Hills Furniture Appliances Queen St