C2 GeorgetownActon Wednesday Mar ANTIQUE Book Cast mahogany Jolt sideboard wardrobe table and more excellent excellent condition BALDWIN Encore electric organ solo voces Le speakers fun rhythm action 7711 IBM COMPACT Baby Swing wingmachn n Chester eld ISO baby clothes is each change table IIS rANCE tickets lor at the Legion Aclon Jack Country Band 111 per couple Proceeds tor Arche Auxilary or the Menially Hand DRUMS Percussion drum set piece set TAMA and pearl hardware new tod nam skins cymbabi included firm duty excellent and chair table let ski boon Hie sue figure immond organ model automatic rhythm PIANOS approved by John Lilllco registered Tuner Technician tor performance and tonal quality or a the only pianos sold by Lillico I Pianos s One block East Kerr lie Open weekdays until Organs and key board alio available PRINTING books invitations etc Complete nnglon Printing Acton Save on quality hand Slar Ml Ge SEWING machine lor sale rocondmc All machines guaranteed Sew Ser TOOL TWO Amp AC garden sheds built to your at Acton High School Example Phone n FRAME CLEARANCE SALE a to from Lowest prices In Canada Our eighth year Thursday March 8 LIONS HALL GEORGETOWN behind old Aran g INDOOR GARAGE SALE SATURDAY MARCH Main St Gln Williams Scoops BASEMENT SALE Saturday March Weber to FARMERS ROOK NOW To have your spring pram and bam dean treat bags or ml wt offer CANADIAN MOBILE SEED CLEANING LTD 14167756994 A DMboo of Aoman Llva Block QUARTERAMA84 eHMltts too Dont miss it ORDER your Chicks now day old meat birds egg layers and turkeys available Full line or Iced and equipment Brampton Chick Hatchery Animals Boarded PETER Crawford Dog Obedience Training Classes starling April 4 In Milton Over years In Milton area Specialists In lar a small br ISM BIG Brotnert Association Ha I ton HUH Volunteer urgently needed in Acton brothers wa Help Wanted EXPERIENCED sale clerk and wanted Box The Independent St Georgetown ON Hip Wanted CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Enofoeering Department requires a SURVEY E TECHNICIAN to perform survey duties generally relating to the construction of municipal storm sewers and roads Applicants snail possess a Certified Survey Technician S nation and a minimum of three years related experience is desirable Salary to be commensurate with experience Written applications will be received by the undetsjgnod until 30 p Tuesday March 13 1984 Mr C Austin P Town Engineer Town of Harton Hills Main Street South Hills Georgetown Ontario Make new friends and cam money soiling quality AVON products hours Lilian Brown ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH GEORGETOWN Requires organist and choir director commencing manual and Bright pipe organ farther In forma Hon may ComrntttM Ge Ont PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Wo are a progressiva electrical wiring davlca Industry requiring a production supervisor tor our assembly apartment Applicant should several lance a production supervisor in an MRP Manufacturing environment Shift work PERSONNEL SMITH STONEt18tMNC ONTARIO BOOKKEEPER The Credit Valley Authority hat a vacancy aval tab Fa for the position of Book keeper who will assume responsibility tor a full of books to trial balance and will assist In the preparation of various financial and management reports Formal accounting training required along with accounting experience In a com puts Experience in Conservation Authority accounting would ba an asset Own transportation required Competitive salary and fringe benefit package ileal tons Including references should submitted to the undersigned by March 1384 V Barron Co Authority MMGtreet MEADOWVALE Ontario RECEPTIONIST Wilh good typing fling and billing or a dental office Full smoker own nspo rial ion Salary depend ng on Also dental assistant lull me or part lima own transportation Reply to Box No do The Indapen dent 3D Main St Georgetown AUTOMOflWSALES I We requite a career indtvidudi io i out professional safes staff You should an a set and be able id sen We offer salary and i commission a company car plan j employes benefits senior sales and a with I earnings For a confidential interview L Manager local out town CAPITAL SUES i PART TIME Applications taken Thursday March from Racsany Badunnrtcft PERMANENT PART TIME WORK Canadas largest in store tion company requires out going personable people to demonstrate and promote the sale of food pro ducts in major supermarkets Regular part time employment at a live wage available immoduitefy Must have use of a car CALL EXPERIENCED BUTCHERS 1 time and 1 part time required in Milton Good wages INC Industrial Engineer An internal promotion has led to a vacancy in our BramaJea plant for a results one n ted Industrial Engineer with 3 years of in a environment The mandate is to provide engineering services in production methods materials and equipment The successful candidate will join a staff ot 3 and will be expected to demonstrate advancement potential while honing his or her engineering skills We a challenging work environment promising advancement potential very competitive salary and benefits package RG Connolly Personnel Manager 100 West Drive Bramalea L6T PLEASE NO CALLS OR TVHADI0 News Shows PartTime Merchandiser Mature aggressive self motivated persons required or demonstrating new food products Must have reliable means of transportation Thursday and p m Saturday am to m Hourly rate plus Apply In person Maple Lodge Farms Line West of Brampton Winston Churchill Blvd mile north of Steele Avenue FULL lime Immediately person experience woodworking repairs spray in asset Call for GENERAL libor tor greenhouse SUPERINTENDENT required lor apartment building nrViilton Reply Limited Suite 70S Toronto Ont or call TRAINING Careers Abo average drivers arrange pre screening tor on Ira lob placement help call Toronto Daycare BABYSITTER needed I old Monday to Pleas lablrj in lime near Harrison set EXCELLENT tor month LIVE IN nanny required or boys ages and years beg in June Reply to Box No references etc Bon No The Independent Ma St Georgetown ON QUALITY home day Registered Ontario Ministry Social Services Sargent area Space limited Employment Wanted INCOME TAX PREPARATION REPEAT RETURNS NEW RETURNS ST200 Ron 3423 8788251 INCOME Tax personal Business Financial statements Will pick up a deliver alter weekends Tax Returns completed and pick up and deliver Betty after Hairitylng LADIES March at Georgetown Fashion Trend Main St only Lois a perm special for only March Phone Lois at for appointment Mil Personal Fitness Ladles Men and Co hours and month memberships Gill OH James SI downtown Georgetown PROFESSIONAL counselling for personal problems Marital family parent child personal ad lustment problems 1 Auto Pari For Sale For Sale BUY OF THE WEEK DODGE ARIES automatic power brakes power steering radio ate Serial No MOTORS Bronte St Milton 8782328 pickup truck good body rebuilt engine as it 1976 CHEVY some body work Mult No reason able otter nail finished needs or best offer a dr Newport custom nal miles ar conditioned rear window power trunk condition nsde out Certified asking S77M00 Firebird formula 350 factory hood with scoops fresh body and paint new exhaust Mull be seen certified or Call Mark El VMcJtsForSalj rttnix MERCURY 1981 CHEV MAUBU DOOR A family car built with today family sure in mind Powered by angina plus nice thing like air conditioning power steer power brakes and automatic trans mission Flnlsted In maroon with tan cloth Interior Zephyr Door Brown 83 Lynx OS Black P209 S3 Escort Door Lynx Door Blue P285 S3 Escort 3 Door Cavalier Wagon Toyota OT 81 Century Door Tan4063B Chuvelta 80 Crome 4008A Volar Door CiemeP231A Capri Silver 4060A Mustang Wh la P196 Black P2S4 Buick Door Brown Toyota Corolla S river 8772261 75 FORD one ton CAB on motor and transmission 1976 FORD LTD wagon Recondllloi 978 Sierra pw sliding window VB engine 305 body In good hapc interior 5300000 as Is or 250 certified 853 Georgetown SPRING SPECIALS 1982 RELIANT CAR Stock No 8035 Af PLYMOUTH DUSTER sck 1 1978 RABBIT Auto Stock 3995 1979 PLYMOUTH TC3SPORT Stock 1 1980 SPIRIT Stock I 93 1979THUNDERBIRD Slock I 1981 RELIANT CAR 1982 ROYAL SPORTSMAN VAN 1979 LITTLE RED EXPRESS Stock 1 1981 DODGE COLT Stock HONDA CIVIC Stock5062 1 1982 DODGE OMNI Stock5025 It buy from ua mar par Mtxanm rot JON MUS1U fflUITT JACK JONES 15 N GEORGETOWN Toronto Una EI For Sale good car WANT to buy 1970 Barracuda or Dodge Challenger reasonable and 930 after Recreation Vehlcla Mil Opporiunlllts 877 70S or 1723302 TENDER TOWN OF HILLS No 31JX0 GVW Cab Chaonie Dump Box and Snow Plow No 84E2 om 8800 Door Craw Cab with 8 Box No one Compact Station Wagon Tractor Loader HP No one Diesel Typa Tree Chipper S salad tenders clearly marked on the envelope provided wit be received at the Clerk a Building Trafalgar Rd Georgetown until Noon local time Wed March 2B Tender documents may bo obtained from H D Patterson Purchasing Agent at Main St South Georgetown Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted HD Patterson Purchasing Agent Town of Hafton Htto 41M7761I6 t NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of DON AID CAMPBEU lata of the Town of Hel ton HUta Acton the Regional Muntcl- of Hafton Farmer deceased ALL PARTIES having claims against the aforesaid Estate Donald Campbell who died on or about day of May 1882 ore required to file proof thereof with the undersigned Solicitors for the Executors on or before the day of March 1984 after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then died DATED at Hills Acton Ontario this day of February iLBnktm Banister HALTON HILLS Acton Ontario L7J1H4 for the WWsm McCtuekay end earner French EXECUTIVE home with all extras localed In exclusive area Georgetown 5850 per monlh Call Dlano Arnold Arthur Johnsons Asso Realtor 87 5165 HALL for rcnl Newfoundland Club Contact LAND For Rent 75 acres workable land In lols Con 4 Es I St Marys SPACE lor rcnl suitable or professional Ikes reasonabl priced USED Car Lot outdoor sign office ower downlown Lou 7472 mJJYM For Rant I BEDROOM furnished also bachelor Weekly television luxury 1 jedroom saw room sublcl at In dud inn i GEORGETOWN 7 bedroom apartment main of house with fully fenced hack yard parking and utilities included per month ONE bachelor Apt near GO stove monthly parking Included 9591 SHOP COMPARE then you Will Buy the NO 1 Motorcycle WEBUS SAVE MM The Racer Edge Is NO 1 1n lowest MO 1 1nServtceyouarea somebody MO in Pen Accessaries customer satisfaction- The Racer Edge never undersold RACERSEDGE