C4 Acton Mar 21 aflfi TraBera Motor FOR tat IMS frailer 77U70 after HOLIDAY traitor excellent con canopy stove sleep A J7M7 MfTOMOnVE GEORGETOWN Idaal For Auunnotlv atMr martiat MppNat Electrical ft Service Shop or 1723302 TURN SIM investment Into annual income Entiling business opportunity marketing new revolutionary and related Full or part time Phone Huron Leal NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE ESTATE OF THOMAS JEFFERSON HIU pereona hairing tha Estate of Thomaa deceased of Town Halton tha Regional MunlclpaUty who on day of August are hereby notified to send particular of Him on or before 11th day of April 1WH aftar which data tha Eatste dhtrfeutad regard to tha of which tha anal than have notice DATED at HaHon day of March MARY ELEANOR Street Ontario Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent Garage suitable tor n motorcycles Hairier son Bikes run Call KM For Rent Far kMIrVNaliKMNt Bedrooms baths basement room carport backyard wills out lenoti something for everyone in the playground to GO Kitchener minutes horn BIBB 1 PERSON to share accommodation in female preferred use of kitchen washer and dryer a month including utilities weekdays weekends J BEDROOM house for rent Finished apartment BEDROOM house monthly all utilities included Available April EXECUTIVE home with oil extras located in exclusive area of Georgetown per month Call Diana Arnold Arthur F Johnionll Assoc Realtor HOU5ESI Carpeted bedroom baths or large bedroom included or bedroom appliances Many others fee OP living for you and your family bedroom in Mills Available for June 1st per Gas and hydro extra Near wand River Rd Georgetown 7795 iE Apartments For Rent Cozy or 1 bedroom balcony 1315 or country bedroom or bedroom lee 1 BEDROOM included als television for mature rst and last ONE bedroom apartment Fridge arid stove p Included ONE bedroom Separate entrance close to GO station Apply in person to 174 Mounts I lew Rd Georgetown Immediately Call alter Rooms Available ONE BEDROOM a Rooms REFINED mature gentleman non smoker seeks room In quiet home Phono Thank you Vacation Resorts and GATEWAY TO SOUND Discovm the beauty Georgian Bay and 30 Islands or the inland lades Seated lot living Accommodation lor ill budgets Simply relax play tends hike swim boat Of fish Writ fit frit mi Man tend CLEARWATER available Suitable B77 toduttrtal CoHtmtrctal Properties LAWYER ACCOUNTANT NEED SPACE could be d Professional building well maintained low all Inclusive rent Good place to locate Call Ann a E Real Services Ltd fjflj Business Space Raal ACTON centre 154 two Storey king 3 cars walk to centre open vacant 856 spotless plus one SAVE DOLLARS garage agents p kitchen Unshed i schools and shopping large Ask ng No TERRA Close t Open Terra Colta Inn to mo with in 14pm signs room la walkouts Hills Carson v room ha lull b Croc overlooking ton Really dining Call Mr TIME TO QUIT SMOKING Contact Canadian Cancer Society EXPERT INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARATIONS OWN HOME V PERSONAL INCOME TAX SERVICE ORANGEVILLE cct BANJO LESSONS a 8774919 CATHY DODDS Lid to lhat in V Man and rial gig ho 10 pin a I at rut trait with AE on alt You On on Real Estate Senrices ltd 17 DRY CLEANINC 8770387 GENERAL MEETING WedMsdayNwrli 7t3t Carina PUBLIC NOTICE ROAD CONSTRUCTION REGIONAL ROAD 15 The Regional Municipality Public Works Depart merit will be carrying out minor road construction on Regional Road 1 5 locally known as 5 Side Road in the Town Milton The works involve the removal of a knoll 1 km The works will commence on or about April 1 1 984 and is to be completed by June 30 1984 the road will be open lor vehicular at all times For further information please contact David J Ext Regional Clerk THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF spume session CLASSES DISTRICT SCHOOL send your name address telephone no class name and lea to The Continuing Education Department 2050 Guolph Una Burlington Aid 5 weeks p Begins May 1 Fee Fitness Recreation A Swim 8 weeks Begins Tues Apr 1 0 7 30 9 30pm Fee 18 00 20 hours 79 30 n Begins Tues Apr 24 Fae Green Fees Extra Gourmet BarBQue Cooking B weeks Begins Tues Apr 30 p Fee Microcomputers 6 weeks 7 10pm Begins Tues Apr 10 Fee 35 00 Driver Education weeks 6 9pm Begins Tues Apr 3 OR Wed Apr Fee 00 For further Information please call 8278403 or 2tone roll bar sunroof rear bumper chrome pak power sb tilt AMFM and more 1983 TOYOTA SR5 x ONE ONL Y 9995 DEMO STOCK 1181 00 1981 CHRYSLER CORDOBA LS Powar power brake Super Six Stock 20611 1982 DODGE OMNI Door Automatic Only 17000 kms Stock 3284 month or 10000 km Power- train Guarantee RABBIT stock Automatic only exceptional condition 6 montlJ or 10000 km Guarantee FREE SERVICE CLINIC ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION il PLYMOUTH TURISMO Only 33000 kms Automatic Stock 8024 6 month or 10000 km Guarantee HONDA CIVIC Door speed excellent family car Stock 20661 6 month or 10000 km Powartrain Guarantee 1977 FURY SPORT BUCKETS POWER SB 695 COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES FOR IMPORT AND DOMESTIC CARS LOW CHARGES SERVICE ft PARTS OPEN 8 anv6 tun M0NFRI 8 ajit8 pun THURSDAY AT THE HOME OF THE PRICE BEATERS TOYOTA LEASE RATES ON REQUEST GEORGETOWN TOYOTA 343 GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN Hwyr Avenue 8772297