Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1984, p. 21

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Oh to be in Florida now Spring is here Ihatetoftdmitit after what Ive written in the past bat 1m Bitting In Florida writing this column It me fed like a bed knowing that my friends are going through the dying throes of the chancy month of April want In be here I despise myself for sitting Sarasota In my snorts looking out the window at a lot of palm trees and small manmade lake where the ducks come splashing in It literally hurts me inside when I lie on a chaise lounge beside the swimming pool and consider what a rotten traitor I am to my class my friends my way of life and my principles Sometimes a tear rolls down my face 1 never quite sure whether it a selfdisgust or the sun being too strong on my wintry blue eyes However youll be glad to know hat 1 didnt want to come here I fought it as cleverly as a fox trying to outfox the hounds I bad several friends who invited me to come down and stay with them My little brother the Colonel called me up a couple of times and demanded what flight I would be on before I even thought of getting a ticket He was quite peremptory as Is his wont He gave me a great deal of usdess advice as though I had never been outside the country before even though I ve travelled all over the K Europe and most of Canada never missing a con or a flight Then my physiotherapist got on my back He thought a good couple of weeks of that Florida sunshine would be great for my broken shoulder It a worse than when I arrived He just wanted to get rid of me because I groaned to much when be mani my shoulder in and out of its socket I have a low pain In other words I groan and grunt when something hurts No still upper lip for me My friends looking at my depressed dilapidated countenance urged me to go Just to get away from things I want to get away from anything I loved putting out the garbage on Tuesday morning then going back to bed I thoroughly enjoyed my daily trip to the library I d begun to get used to staying awake all night and leaping the crack of noon for a delightful snack of the last of last night Chinese food or fried chicken or pizza Washed down with strong tea its better than many a meal I have eaten An old pilot friend offered to drive me down A complete hedonist and a recent widower like me he really put the pressure on I still stalled He was disgusted worked all his life HARD and he going to enjoy his last years if kills him It was tempting but I hung tough Then came the real pressure My daughter Kim with a recent small after living on welfare and short spurts of work with four degrees and some help from the old folks dedided to head out for Florida on her spring break She and the kids were going to see Uncle Blake in Sarasota and expecting me to scoop them up and take them to Disney world Since I hadnt seen them since Christ mas and I Ike to keep track of my I succumbed gave up gave in and headed south I am thankful to say that my drove my brother almost out of his nut in the two days before I arrived They got a terrible sunburn their first day after ignoring his advice about sun lotion and such goop Kim knocked over and broke his treasures The boys threw a ball against the screen around his pool and dented it thoroughly The walked on his carpets with wet feet They wanted to go to the beach when he wanted to lie down Im used to this but he a not As a result while his hospitality remained impeccable and extremely generous he was smiling more and more through clenched teeth He is used to people jumping when he says Jump I m used to an argument such as Where do we jump to Grandad somehow I got conned into two days at with Kim and the kids My brother had enough sense to stay home Dragging my arthritic old foot around I managed to keep up with them for the first day including rides that even as an old fighter pilot I wouldnt have had the guts to go on by myself I whimpered through all of the rides once but on the many repeats the kids and their mother elected I declined with regrets Second day I spent most of It in the shade reading a pocket navel and people watching I saw tiny kids run on the con trip fall on their noses and bleed and wall profusely I saw many oldsters charging around on and off rides in and out of exhibits with incredible stamina and a young mother with none left standing In a stupor with liny babe draped over her shoulder and two other tykes clutching at her skirts and fussing at her through exhaustion Disneyworld is a masterpiece of pup pets electronic and visual marvels and exhibits It is also very clean something like a giant EXPO a wonderland for children See it if you can Nov I must think about the real things in life like my income tax forms lurking at home frozen chicken pies galoshes Ifl linger here I II be raced with a host of blossoms whose names I cant spell oleander hibiscus etc No redblooded Canadian should be faced with such a choice drive you nun- holiday GEORGETOWN 877 ACTON 853 2010 You may now charga your classified to your Charge Account Ask for Georgetown Acton Wednesday May 2 1984 PARK LINCOLN GBM0ETOW1I SALES SERVICE 8772261 CtMCk Your Ads For Accuracy On Tha Fatal action Georgetown Independent and the Acton Praia cannot responsible for th con of mora man on Incorrect Insertion Any in th Classified Section should cased to attention of tha Classified Department after tha first Adjust merit to error reduced the value f he ad CoH or 8632010 pan Monday to Friday Births CLARKE Bruce and Anne nee to announce the birth of their first child Eric Gordon born April 19th weighing lt at Geo roe Town and District Memorial Hospital Proud grand parents are Mr and Mrs Eric Clarke and Mr and Mrs Bolivenue Special thanks to Trant and nursing staff DURING A BOAT inspection in a cabbage patch near Portage La Prairie Manitoba Pie Vaughn Cole and His wile Cindy found Ih sir very own cabbage patch Kid Her name Is Ashley Margaret Elizabeth her hair Is red and was presented at esse on Wed April weighing In at lb 3 on Alter counting fingers and Toes father proclaimed her just perfect Delighted grandparents are Betty Williamson Cole Forbes Cole Martvne Brain of Guelph and Norm Brain of Calgary Great grandmothers Mrs Sylvia Williamson dMrs Beatrice HENDERSON Brian and Susan are happy to announce ihe safe arrival of Nicole a wee sister or proud Billy Born Monday April Fifth grandchild for Bert and Jones and eighth grandchild for Bern Ice Hurgelt Mother and baby do fine Special thanks to GelD McWilllams and Van der Bent also special thanks to the nurses on 4 LAWRENCE and Cindy nee I Kerr My sister Klra could hardly wait to have a baby brother My name Is Alexander Jay Mom and dad will call me Jay and Alexander Is a Lawrence family tradition that extends generations goodness I a boy My Jot at SI a April In Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital She months It a long My dad Is so proud and happy that we are both doing so well He loves us both I a the second grandchild and Sue Lawrence of Toronto Audrey and Allan Baker and Jass Kerr of Calgary I Ihe second great grandchild of Mr and Mrs J Kerr and the fifth of Mrs Douglas all of Winnipeg Id just like I glad to be here My special hanks to Drs Ford and Bourns and all the super nurses In the malernlty ward you run a nice hotel Jenny is pleased to announce the arrival of her baby sister Marie lbs born on April at General Hospital Proud parents are Henry and Doris Special thanks to Dr and nursing staff and Susan are pleased to announce the sate art vat of their son Bradley Ryan on 15 1364 Proud grandparents are Mr and Mm Jack of Georgetown and Mr and Mrs of Spec thanks goes to Doctor and Zen Doc Of and the O Staff of Georgetown and Memorial Hospital WRIGHT Mike and Ann are thrilled to an the birth of their daughter Elizabeth a little sister lor Robert and Christopher on Tueday April 1964 at Weighing lbs Georgetown til ANTHONY Gable Mr and Mrs Ronald Cable Georgetown are proud to announce the engagement of daughter Catherine Elaine to Randy Stuart Anthony son of Mr Anthony and the late Mr Charles Anthony of Georgetown Wedding plans are Indefinite LEONARD RICHARDSON Mr and Mrs Fred Green way are pleased announce engagement of their daughter Diane Leonard to Gary son of Mr and Mrs Frank Richard Weddngtotakaplate September IMS MR AND MRS Frank Moore Park Georgetown are happy to announce engagement of their daughter Gail to Geoffrey Taylor son of Mrs Eliiabeth Taylor Rice Lake Ontario and Mr Percy Taylor of Toronto MR AND MRS Phil Carney are pleased to announce engagement their daughter Mary Louise to Bruce son Mr and Mrs N A Coming VUKWSsonMr Mrs Paul Wueon and Mr fc Mrs Vuk announce the forthcoming marriageofthtlrchildren Sherry Lynn Wilton and Matthew Marriage to lake place In Acton on June J Joseph Catholic MRS Margaret Anderson Is pleased to an- forth coming marriage of her daughter Margaret Agnes to Hans Trevlranus on Saturday May if at crock United Church Trafalgar Road Hornby Frederick Suddenly on Friday April 1984 at the residence of hit daughter in Acton Frederick in his year Beloved of Mrs Harold Morris Predeceased by wile Ellen and son Frederick John Mr Babbldge will be sadly missed by eight grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren Mr Babbldge was a lite member SI Stephen s Anglican Church Hamilion and a charter member of Lodge Acacia Lodge and St John Royal Arch and a resident of Mount Hamilton since Rested at A Clark Funeral Home Upper Wellington St Mount Hamilion where service was held at 3 Interment Burkhofder Cemetery Safely landed on his final trip Earl Passed away his residence on Monday April Earl Brown In his year of Rock wood Ontario Beloved husband Mary Jane Jean Gordon Dear fattier of Arthur Henry Brown and his Lynne Loving grandfather of Sarah David and Heather Predeceased by brothers Orem and Henry and sisters Olive Caroline and Elsie Dear brother In law of Elsie Sinclair Rested at the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where service was held Wednesday today Interment Rock wood Cemetery MATTHEWS Ada On Sunday the Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Ada Matthews George own Ihe late Oliver Matthews and dear mother Llllie Mrs Rex Cock Georgetown Mary Pennsylvania and sister of Stephen H In South Africa and loved grandmother Patricia Anderson Barry Cock Cathy and Judy Bullen Rested at the J Jones and Son Funeral Homo Edith St Georgetown from Monday evening where a private family funeral and service was held Tuesday morning at clock Cremotlon followed In memory contributions to Ihe Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Foundation would be appreciated STRICKLAND Brent Suddenly at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital on Saturday April IB I9B4 Brent Strickland of Acton aged 49 years Beloved husband of Barbara Fortune and dear father of Sharon Heather Acton Kevin Reggie and Frank Strickland of Son of Lillian Atkinson and brother of Marie Walls and Pauline Dicks Rested the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where funeral service was hold Monday Interment a Cards of Thanhs A VERY sincere thank you to all my friends and reiat for the lovely flowers cards frull and many while I in the hospital and since coming homo Your kindness was most appreciated Isabel Murray GEORGETOWN Skatng Club would Iks to thank Sheridan Nurseries and Vanderburgh Flowers for the and on hosted the Central Sect on of he Canadian Figure Ska rig Assoclat on 1 WOULD like to monk the neighbors and friends for cards and support extended to Norma and I during the passing of my DonReid MeKENZIE Smith Student Council wish to thank for their support of our Fun Fair on April Their are greatly appreciated Glenlea Drug Mart Ac Ion Travel Acton Acion and Camera Ed in Out Pantry Crafts Aclon Yarn Barn Hide House Nielsens Clothing Tyler Travel Bread Basket Bakery Aquatic Enterprises Royal Variety Book Nook J T Spoils Lake view Centre Hills Furniture Mary Kay Cosmetics and oil our parents and friends thanks to my lam friends neighbours for their Masses prayers flowers plants gilts cards and Inquiries while I was in SI Joseph Hospital and since coming home To Leplanc and Campolongo nursesonthesecond floor Father Pastoral Care stall Special thank you to Father and Dave and Delia Harris lor their numerous kinrtnesses These are ell deeply THE FAMILY of the late Mary wish to thank all relatives neighbors and friends for Ihelr kindness metsaoes of sympathy for the beautiful flowers and contributions made to the Canadian Cancer Society received in bereavement Special thanks to Rev Peter Barrow for his help and comfort Macln torn and the nurses and staff ward A Georgetown and strict Memorial Hospital for their kind and devoted attention thanks also to Sons Scotland McDonnell Canada alto the J S Jones and Son Funeral Home lor the sympathetic and helpful manner In which conducted the funeral arrangements 11 any omissions have been made please accept our apologies and our most sincere thanks THE family of the late Joseph Molnar wish to thank ends and neighbors for floral tributes donations to Heart Fund and other acts kindness and help A special thank you to Bruce Shoemaker Christine and Father Steven Cslsiar your thought fulness shall always be remembered Margaret Cathy Freda Family DODGE Stove Butch In loving memory a dear friend who passed away April 1983 It sad ride the roads atone Instead of side by side But to all there comes a moment When the ways life divide Butch you gave ma laughter and happiness but loft me beautiful Sadly missed Chris Peggy In loving memory dear sister sister In law and aunt who passed away May Memories ere like threads of gold They never tarnish or grow old Silent memories are true and tender That will last forever Always remembered and sadly missed By Dorothy Alfredand Brian Charles In loving memory of a dear husband father and grandfather who passed away May Every day In some small way Memories of you come our way Though absent you are ever near missed loved a way dear Lovingly remembered by his wife Mary and SIMPSON Lucille Who passed away May Your presence here Is sadly missed Also your smile we resist Your love animals flowers too We know that God will be good to you Sadly missed by husband Bill daughter Susan Coming Evanti St Johns United Church Sunday May GuestSpeakor Rev Ann Rots SPECIAL MUSE MO Htm tttgtmni IS mod TV a M9ton Gymnastics Sprig Rant Sato Nursery Stock At Bargain Prices Saturday May 129 Ode Hal Parting Lot Mat Strut FRIENDS and neighbours of Bill and Helen Mlddleton are Invited to Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium Acton on Saturday May share In Billy 901h Ihday Happy Birthday only MOTHERS Day Sale Saturday May 1000am Weber Drive George jo us for coffee and tragi NASSAGAWEYA Presbyterian Church Women Association Is lis Soup end Sandwich Luncheon Wednesday May9 am Everyone welcome Just east of Line on Siderood THE GENERAL meeting of the Agricultural Society will be held at the Acton Arena on Tuesday May I984at830pm B- Ran tab Church Centarpiecee Shower Umbrattas BASKET Laurie Cook ACTORS TV TV now interviewing new for Special TV Studio training SeresTV Commercials Movies Part time age For you Studio coll dial WANTED CallK KaftyforfulllnformatJon 8533790 eel HALTON Hill Centre available for weddings Christmas New Years inoulraAjlmrn Office H HAMMONDS SEWING Acton 8O015 Dressmaking Repairs and THE SALVATION ARMY pickup of appliances In working order and good used furniture Phone Tuesday to Saturday from id arrangements Auction Salea AUCTION SALE FOR MRS ANGEL1NE RAMSEY situated on the GUELPH LINE opposite Electric Railway Museum Town of Mil ton formerly Twp miles of Mohawk Raceway ON WEDEVQ 9MAYATEO0PM APPLIANCES Westlnghouno large Moffat Slovo fl Humidrfer small radios- 1 new Other small appliances Tapered togs good but In the Wooden bed dresser stand Hooslor cupboard chair Sat of chairs Bathroom Johnny Pole Hall Day Bod hassock Pressed back commode chair H ghcha MISC 2 crocks sealant Wicker clothes basket Coleman Counter scales poles Tub siond Kitchen Magician Oval To lot Bowl Pit chsrD Pine bake board Paining on Glass Sot of Now Educator Encyclopedia Gun Rack Hall mirror Chroma coot rack Card Quilling frames Frames for hooking mats tree stand Few old Books Copper Tin Flour n round Wanhboard 2 Girls Bicycles GARDEN EQUIP TOOLS Etc MTD Chan dnvo 3 HP Rotary Tiller now IHC Cadet R Mower Precision Garden seeder never used Remington Saw Sump Pump Wheel barrow now Lawn Boy push mower 32 wooden ex ladder ex ladder Wooden ox ladder Cant hook animal traps Chans Cha lawn roller Sprayor Gordon tootareal good ones Saws Handyman tools cords Scythe Bam Jack Sold State fencer Food barrel Steal Si Sow Horsesnew work bench visa Few cement blocks Steel car ramps new Large Iron Sugar Kettle Mrs Ramsay going to Apt TERMS Cosh or in I Not responsible for ace dents Lunch available For informal on call or MAX STOREY Rockwood Auctioneer AUCTION SALE rvMfsRanAouaf Sat May Mil It AM Location Merchandise removed from her former homo country store In Etoblcoke to be sold In M Iron at Fa in the cultural Hall on Robert St NOTE Lades Gentlemen the Aquanno family lived operated country store for years Mrs Aquannolsln year and now residing In a nursing home This Sola Consists of some antique turn lure in Jam Cupboard store counter display other mkc furniture National Cash Register brass collectable ind old toys using item ok calendars from etc Glass China which was aU packed time of listing and has been packed for some years also large Appliances This could be a vary Interesting Sal Auctioneer ha not any glass china atn for ft packed at tim of tilting Dealers Collector plan to attend Term Cash or Cheque prop 1 D Lunch Trust Hall Board or Auction not ra- or Preview- From I Chris A Scho Prion AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE Thur May at Rockwood Station by CNR Tracks Lunch booth Rockwood Manager Johnston IB Auction Halton Hills Auction Sales bo hotdang a sola Sat May at 1 noon Rd North Acton and Georgetown pieces Canadian Stoneware Wood lock C W Stone beer qua te oak round pedestal table 5 loaves rof set 1895 press back chars good ones now oriental rug old tin toys horns assort mo of brand now sockets end wenches electrician tools Ifrom Orangey lo estate baits spurs clam pi set pipe thread era voltage reader different knock outs for meters of glass and chna Auctioneer Jimmy For be Owner auctioneer ate not responsible for accidents or lost articles AUCTION SALE WBdMaYSthstSJOPM Location In the n Agricultural Hatl on Robert St Partial Listing Only Oak bow f no cabinet good Vctornn bod harvest table and s match opicaf table pressbock ma bio aahwoshstand lovo and two Colonial maps Cap bad rocker of drawers rugs bread clock cuckoo clock Forcstv I clock plus collect on of another or so good docks docker clock shell 1BK god mansi 10K gold lady a ch no portablo tor quo gramophone push lawn mower IS bo lots m NOTE oat sale of vor and useful terns and the II be for Terms Cash or Cheque with Proper I Only Auctioneer Don Colling Milton 878 AUCTION SALE FortfwBtatflofthalBta Frank and Am Workman Set MsV at Noon Location P St St lo Oppo the Presbyter an Church St Ho Antiques Hall soot rock desk sot I ronstonol washstonds day mantel clock w clothes hamper lamp S sew no ng room to buffet table end good Lyon brood to school bo I HOUSEHOLD ha vest gold 15 door I harvest gold k tenon tabs and Wos ng house wi nger washer Wosl I apartment io fc n stand room bod rock lamps and cleaner pa lour table nut too labia Cranberry candy d si cook Jar blue flower pattern teapot earn sugar salt candy Nor lake candy on soap stool chestort old din s Clocks ton too Of and bun mor amber butter d pots tit pans etc MISCELLANEOUS ft ladder quant of tools 3 coal scuillos ft step ladder forks shovels garden quant of quart and plnl berry boxes m Ik can and Term Cash or Cheque with proper Exacutora or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale Lunch booth Auctioneer Alx Phono 4168789188 Lie No 2039 AUCTION SALE For the Estate of Gordon Bqgi Sat May at 12 Noon Location- At tin lata residence 30 Mary St I Modern antique turn appliances no fawn pmeni power hand CAESAR PLEASE COMEHOMEI

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