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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1984, p. 9

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thruway GeorgetownActon Wednesday May Local BMX track will be ultimate in Canada That me say Tamed racer Brian Patterson third from left I and rack developers Gary Morrison and Roy The new BMX track being built near Acton being designed by one of the greats of this young sport Brian Patterson A racer for the past eight years and number one national pro he past two years Patterson has designed IS to tracks In the United States The quarter mile track built on an acre of land at a secret North Nassagaweya loca should be ready for the first of a season of Saturday races on June It Patterson Job to design the Jumps and angles of turns on the track His aim Is to design a completely fair track one in a rider has an equal chance of win regardless of which of eight lanes he or she starts from In an interview last week Patterson observed he can only think of 15 tracks out of about GOO south of the border that are fair Work on the track expected cost about is to begin this week Besides the rack there will be bleachers a concession booth picn and parking areas The developers of this track Gary Morrison and Roy Hatgb both of Milton noted this is a real family sport the kids race dad the mechanic and mom Is the cheerleader both of these men who are Involved with the track in Drumquin became hooked on the sport through their children rac Is the same as mo to cross racing except without the engine bicycles differ from other bikes because they are stronger lighter and designed for racing AMIIA President Ron Robinson right a cheque Tor donated by BUI Knight left to be used to help pay costs for attending hockey tournaments It was presented at the meeting Thursday Joan Herb back row and Ron Knight Bitting received Life Membership wards at the Acton Minor Hockey Association meeting last Thursday Robinson right and his wife Carol donated a plaque on which Life Members names will be written to hang In the Acton Arena BUI Knight the clubs first lite member accepted It at the meeting last Thursday Fread dumps bears to remain on top After defeating the Bears remains alone in top spot In the Industrial Fastball League The stayed In second place after they dumped the Bears 120 and the Acton A are third Fourth place Is held by lis Furniture fifth Is maintained by oncer Gas Bar sixth Is Canadian Tire and Bears are seventh The As opened this weeks Industrial action pitted against Pioneer Gas Bar and after nine innings the two squads drew to a tie Dave scored for Pioneer in the first and fifth Innings while Andy Broadbent and Ian Campbell notched a run each for the He E Mai I by notched one run Tor the A a in first inning and for the next three innings Ihc A muster another point In the top of the fifth Inning however the As bats started swinging and B and S notched a point each Maltby tied up the match with his second run of the day after being singled home by Hills Furniture dumped the Royals on Sunday as M ran the bases twice for the Furniture squad B Shannon B Utile M Morris J and S Malcolm recorded singles Scoring for In their romp over the Bears was Baker in the first and Spear In sixth Inning Halton Hills Furniture bombed Canadian Tire in game 17 of the season 130 in four and a half Innings of play Scott Malcolm B Andrews M Morris A recorded a point each In the Roadrunner s 120 blitzing of the Rears Don Richards roamed around the bases three limes while Jerry Marshall and Glen McKeniie scored twice each Single points were earned by Keith FendQey B J Legate Mike Coffey Bruce McPherson and Terry Winter Frank Coda drew this neck lucky number at Hockey Draw at Heady an Saturday Hedge of Georgetown won the prize with a ticket sold by Diane Preston Next week draw will be held at A and Patterson who also manufactures bikes and Is considered a 19yearold millionaire says BMX racers up here can generally achieve speeds of 35 to 40 miles on hour for At downhill tracks he seen in California Patterson said tops speeds reach miles an hour In the track here he planned to use the toughest turns and jumps at other tracks and combine them Into one super track This track will be run by a nonprofit organization called Acton BMX Racing Club and the season featuring races every Saturday will run from May to October Because of Patterson involvement In this project Morrison says they expect to draw riders ram all over Ontario and the northern United Saltes They are patl crowds of ZOO to people at the track Morrison notes there are a number of good riders in this area and they are building the ultimate Canadian track for the use of local too In fact the number one pr of this track will be for the enjoy of Acton and area people racing appeals to all ages Morrison seen racers who were In their There are separate classes Tor girls too The main function of the sport Is to get kids off the streets and onto Ihe track It mean they have to race they can Just r Ihe track Instead of racing or set up their own challenge races Morrison ex plained Besides the regular Saturday races youngsters can also get together and set up other races This August the Acton track will host riders from all over for a national qualifying event Dave Bo veil one of two sponsored Canadian racers says the kind of track Patterson Is designing is needed here because Canadian youngsters ore at a real disadvantage when they go up against Americans since they race on Mickey Mouse tracks and dont develop necessary skills George Gldman led the pack In the Senior Boys metre event also placed In the metre event and he too will be running at the Peel meet Redmen qualify eight at Halton track meet The Redmen track squad made an im show ng at the Halton champion ships at Centennial Stadium in obi coke on Friday The team qualified eight people for the Peel Holtons to be held this Friday Doreen look two firsts and one third at the Hal tons In Senior Girls metre and she was second to none and In the she placed third Firestone batter Mardfe awing and feats ihe ball off the first March Parker Left Paterae middle and Kim ah braved coal an exhibition game against a and ram compete la Ik McKentle8mt team on at Prospect Park Doreen was ta lop form at the Regional Track and Field meet held last weekend the Centennial Park placed first In he Senior Girls and metre and third in he metre event The two qualify her for Peel meet coming this week George also recorded two firsts He placed in the Senior Boys metre and the metre Teresa Dunn threw a discus to take first place n that event and she was number one in the shopput with a distance of 10 54 metres Darryle Bart let took second In the M dget Boys 100 metre hurdles fifth In the metre and sixth In the 400 metre for midget boys Sandy Munro also qualified for the Peel his thirdplace high Jump of metres In the Senior Boys division Lathrope took third In the Junior Girls throw and sixth in the shot put Maria finished fourth in the Midget Girls metre and Ihe 1500 metre Pam Mahal placed sixth In the Senior Girls metre I think we can get three or four of Ihose people to go on to the Reg Ion a said coach Bruce Andrews The coach pleased with the team showing especially considering Ihe team is so small he said The Junior Redmen rugby team downed the squad from General Wolfe last Monday The Senior team was scheduled for a game last Thursday but Lord Elgin for Junior and Senior learn win lose records to date arc They meet M M Robinson tonight Wednesday at Acton places at Nationals Competing against wrestlers in the Canadian National Bantam Wrestling championships in Missisuuga on Saturday local wrestler Brie Matson came away with a silver medal In the 24 kilogram class It was one of the largest and toughest competitions coach Wayne Sumber said but the local squad competed extremely well Julian and Greg Wagner who are both McKeniie Smith students ranked eighth in their division after several tough rounds Steve Sheppard managed an eighth place finish In a field of 18 and Jim Wheeler who didnt place unfortunately as well lost both his matches by one point remarked Sumbler The meet held at Secondary School saw competitors from all over Canada competing

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