RE10 GeorgetownActon Wednesday May 16 1984 30000000 BLOW OUT 3023 Colour TV 20 portable tuning 3veatsporti IN STOCK SPECIAL Magnavox 8416 VHS load 17funcioniomoio 200 IN STOCK JUNE SPECIAL 00 3033 Colour TV 50INSTOCK SPECIAL 51 9 Magnavox 8405 VHS f rant load 14 day 7 unction IN STOCK SPECIAL 549 00 SYotWanntyoiiVCa fEE Midi Mag Mmteshp SBL4 98Movfes ffirKriMom Id Mne WW- 995 Sanyo Beta I load 14dayprogam 25 IN STOCK SPECIAL 499 738CBeta in fro tod 20 IN STOCK SPECIAL 659 8430 VHS Dolby day oven 9 IN STOCK SPECIAL 00 Colour TV portable SPECIAL 299 SPECIAL RENT A VCR FROM MON THUR UNLIMITED FREE MOVIES DAYS Sm us at BangARama BIG CaMmrtJon and Fall Fain PRESTO 8779688 8531590 5419251 6536233 HOROSCOPE ARIES II HI Jawal bate puMc CAPRICORN DfMmlw 22JanuarY AQUARIUS January jt It cafc DID YOU KNOW THAT OF CRUISE PASSENGERS ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 35 CALL TRAVEL RECIPE OF THE WEEK RHUBARB CRISP FLOUR TOPPING cup augar cup chopped rhubarb ROLUDOATTOPPINQ cup flour cup brown sugar Iff lampoon Mil cup bvttar 1 tattpoon cinnamon or For flour topping flour and augar cut crumb la formad Mix about K crumb fruit Spread In baking covar remaining crumba SprfnUa gratad rind If In 360 dag 30 to mlnutaa or until Sarva craam if daairad For oat topping comblna and for flour topping Baking ramalna umi NOTE If you may mora rhubarb on your Foodstuff St a 8776669 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Quick Rotod OATS fllV PRUNES Community Calendar Chicken barbecue United Church holds its an chicken barbecue May 26 from to the public school Chukcn salads and pics arc the tempt fare for an advance admission prict of for adult S3 for children Call Wheelchair clinic The March of Dimes and the handicapped Citizens clinic May from 10 to Capital St Georgetown Victoria Wheelchair will hive a demonstration van on hand a well as mechanics to do free minor repairs Pre- regis rati on is necessary by May Call Box plant sale Help keep Georgetown beautiful by supporting the fifth annual Box Plant and Perennial Sale May 19 and at Jakes Garage Sales start at a All proceeds go to the Toronto District Christian School School open house General Wolfe High School holds its 13th annual open house tonight May 16 from to 30 featuring a plant and bake sale door prizes and displays of student work hi mi must urn open Tht Ontario Agricultural Museum is now open for its season taking a 12 hectare indoor outdoor look it the province farming history from to 19o0 The Milton museum is open daily 10a m to5pm New at House Sol New pastel and color print land scapes by Sharon and designs in wood by Pom are on dis at Georgetown House Sol Charles St May 19 through June Visitors are come to meet tht artists Saturday from French immersion Continuing education at Sheridan Col lege offers French for beginners and intermediates May through June weekdays Coll Yankees coming The Peel branch of the On Historical Society presents The Yankees are Coming May 17 IB and at College featuring a host of guest speakers from the United Empire Loyalists and other historical groups Weather permuting a military display takes place May For further information write Seminar OHS Box 373 5A8