Wednesday June 13 Out by George Duk and EUlobvwt Bush plana are noted for setting ad venture fishermen down on Isolated gtoryhotes deep in the wilderness The enclosed showing Bud and Glen Glbbs proves the saying Vince the third member of the party snapped the picture The first two days in camp was a no strike deal but the bottom hugging rainbow trout were found the third day and smiling faces shooed away the look of frustration A cheerful trio celebrated under canvas that night And no doubt Air Services based ai Billie Bear Lodge was given thanks between sins Its unusual but this company has four planes choose from The popular Cessna IBS is one and Its available wilh wheels skis or floats Number two is Ihe Beaver with floats Three is a Piper Artec available with wheels skis or floats Four is a Hughes Heli copter with wheels skis or floats that will set brook trout fisherman down near fast water or small ponds there trophy- brookies lurk For the experience of a lifetime contact Huntsvllle Air Services Hun la ville Now its scramble So enjoy the Outdoors Safe Journey and Tight Lines BillLefeuvreis Father of the Sport Tips from the Golf Doctor by Terry Miskolc In discussing the take away backs wing 111 look at various keys to use while the arms are moving back In next few weeks III be looking at the the takeaway heroic of the right side in the backswfng main taining the posture position throughout takeaway The takeaway is a product of our ad dress position If we have taken care In our prerequisites our takeaway has the opportunity to be strong and effective Its strength comes from the movement or the arms as the Initial start The front motion Is from the upper arm and shoulder area Because of our correct grip on the golf club both arms are necessary lo enhance Ihe correct move ment of the body as it travels throughout the swing We use the arms as the initial move because they arc of a larger muscle group able to pull the entire body back Into a position of strength and authority The following are your checkpoints as the swing starts back The first check Is the half way point As Ihe arms reach waist height on the way back the lead arm and the golf club are parallel to target line and body has moved very But as the arms and shoulders continue to lift back Ihey will pull the body into a position behind the back and the weight of the body supported on the right side Learn the correct initial motion first for il will enable you to set up for thai drive forward Next week III discuss the importance of the right side as the arms move back JT downed by Hammonds ball action this week Hammonds buried JT Sports Good hits for Hammond were credited Jennifer Carr with a single Brad Ham mond with a double and Katie Holmes another single Big bats for Hammonds were welded by Alison Coe and Steven HolUsU with four runs each and Chris Carr with three runs Power hilling for were Jennifer and Lee Ann Robinson with singles and Homer with a double Scoring big for were Brett three Jamie with two and one drew Uds weeks tacky number tot hockey letter draw at Eds In and Oat mi JT RR I Ac ts ihe with seM fcy Kyk Nell weeks draw will be held Draft Mart pm weeks tacky was lis of one of Canadas most experienced offroad racers years tenure he takes much good kidding about being of the Sport Yet a land surveyor by trade still charges enthusiastically every tune he races his C Racing T A High Tech Radial equipped buggy Lefeuvre got a fast start to the 19M season winning Class heat races and Class feature races the season opening Score Canada event in Tampa Last year he in Class tin the Score Canada Champion ship It was the first time in three years that Lefeuvrehadnot won a championship But winning isnt all important to me says who still considers being voted Most Sportsmanlike Driver by his peers Ballinafad buries Curling Club Despite rain the Acton Ladies Softball league managed to get two games in that saw the Marauders dump the Black Brigade and Ballinafad bury the Curling Club Donna Jeffrey Sharon Hamilton and Belly Cox led the Marauders attack against Black Brigade with three runs each Karen Smith Penny Harris Laurie Jackson Claire Leveille Sabina Stephens Cathy Buckingham and Maine Clark chalked up two runs each Kim Young and Lynn Harris recorded single points Colleen Cadger led the Black Brigade cause with three runs and Dawn Broad- bent scored twice Diane Vicky Cun ningham Debbie McQuade Pal Boycroft Linda Russell and Richard crossed home plate once each Thursdays match between and Curling Club saw Vivian Bremner rack up five runs to lead Ballinafad lo victory and Vera Longstreet followed with four runs Martha Lewis scored three times Bev Sojka and Sandy Lander son had two and Bonnie Walker and June rounded Ihe bases once each Curling Club runs were earned by Sheila Martin Donna Cnpps Heather Ferguson Janice Bell Sandi Collins Kris Bruce and Krys Pawlak Rural Atoms record 146 win The Aclon Rural Atom Girls Softball learn stretched their record to after a convincing 146 win over Glen Williams on Friday Led by Tammy Joe Richard who scored three runs including a base clearing home run the Tyler Tedbits pounded out 14 hits Tracey Cripps Shorthill Tracey and Kelly Ambrose had two hits apiece and singles went out to Kim Corkum Wendy Graham Shannon McAfee and Kelly AW TRENTON DENTURE THERAPIST MAIN ST GEORGETOWN 8772359 Shannon Wendy Graham and Tracey mode several fine plays on defense in sup port or he starting pitcher Cripps Relief help was supplied by Hagan Kim Corkum and and Tammy Richard The team has made Iremendous im provement since the beginning of the season and have kepi their opponents under an average of seven runs per game in 1981 and 13S2 as a career highlights This past winter a new racing vehicle based on a manufactured chassis and gave it numerous hours of painstaking attention to details Particular care and expertise went into the highly modified Volkswagen engine that generates about horsepower Lefeuvre will campaign the 1984 season sponsored by and Correction Last week the Free Press reported that J- T sports beat Glenlea in the Grass hopper league In fact it was Glenlea which defeated J T by thai score The Free Press regrets the error Willow Lane dumps Glenlea On June 7 at McDonald Mann Park Willow Lane Natural Foods defeated 2012 in Grasshopper league action Wielding big bats for Willow Lane were Suzanne Deforest and Matthew Smith who banged home runs each to lead their squad to a win Also recording home runs were Rachel Chris Sargent Devon Ambrose Jason Lowrle and Trow Christopher GUImgham Corey Hayter Kevin Paisley and Chris Woudslra crossed home plate as well Home runs for Glenlea were by Shelby DaPonle Adam Hackey Scott Glass Mall Andrews and Bobby Andrews Kent Stuart Ginn and Keilh Corkum tallied singles for Bill Lefeuvre racer Madels take season opener On May the Madels Atom learn their first game of the girls soccer season against Milton Muddy Duck Goals were scored by Milkn Catic and Slrclec On May The Acton Madels beat Aclon II 40 Goals were scored by Kelly McGcragle Diana and Michelle Manuel The Partners of are pleased to announce that DAVID ASHBEE has become a partner in the firm and that has joined the firm in the practice of law at 132 Mill Street Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario Telephone 8775206 Spectacles are not all created equal Georgetown Optical Unequalled for eyewear anywhere Georgetown Optical 8773562 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Georgetown Market Place COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF Barber Henley Ltd Main Si S Downtown Georgetown 8772214 SSi TRANSMISSION JUNE TUNEUP SPECIAL 15 WE ALSO DO DIFFERENTIALS AND BRAKES OFFER EXP1HES JUNE 301M4 I FREE TOWING SERVICE CALL Well Pay 12 Your Deductible On Any Windshield Insurance Claim This Ad Off pirn 1 gu Vinyl Roofs Windshields Replaced Sunroofs p u Sliders CALL US AND COMPARE PRICES 315 ARMSTRONG AVE