Region fends off criticism over land filling Halton were told last week to amid any delay m their efforts to select and prepare a regional landfill alia tat they werent about to accept any criticism Presented on behalf of the Chambers of Commerce Association a tea minute address by Chamber presi dent Seraflnl prompted an hourlong debate which councillors had the speaker backpedalling on remarks hed made Now I know bow Daniel felt said In reference to the biblical tale of Daniel In the lions den Its a political reality that there baa to be a fall guy and we accept that youre laboring under the requirements of provincial legislation Burlington Chamber president Tom Sutherland a former regional councillor finally stepped to the microphone to acknowledge that he bad initiated cuation about landfill issues at a recent meeting of the Halloo Chambers Associa tloo which includes representatives from the Acton Georgetown Milton Oakville and Burlington chambers Saying hed like to see the Province streamline its legislation and provide wees ca c tor Energy From Waste EFW program Sutherland quoted an Ontario Supreme Court judges findings on another regions landfill quandary in dicating there could be no harder decision for a municipality to make But you have to take some of the responsibility he added You con only pass the buck so far I realize youre on a timetable but theres a lot of money in volved here well over a million dollars in consultants fees alone Its consultants studying other consultants reports The Association agreed unanimously to approach council with their concerns Serafin said in the hope that it might prompt llalton to expedite the site selection process I want to know who it is whos saying the Region isnt doing everything its power to expedite the process Burlington Council lor Steve Toth demanded firing the fust volley That certainly not the impression we want to give answered We are not saying the Region is at all slow In his address had acknowledged the onerous obligations Halton faces in selecting a landfill site in accordance with the terms of the province Environmental Protection Act and Environmental Assess Act been going on since the early 70s he said We want you to find a solution to the solid waste problem properly and make a as expeditiously as possible 1 be very interested In hearing what your specific proposal is to expedite the situation Burlington Councillor Waller Mulkewich asked Seraflnl The Chamber speaker pointed out that his group has not made a technical study of the issue and said it would be improper for the chambers to tell the Region specifically what to do As one suggestion however he recommended that focus on landfill site selection for now and worry about its concurrent lions later Serafinl told Mulkewich he was prepared to ask the Chambers member We ve been witness to a process thats businesses to try and reduce the amount of lion process waste theyre producing in an effort to the Region I really thought the Chambers were better Informed than you indicate Milton Councillor Bill Johnson said asking Serafinl if be could obtain a commitment from the Halton chambers that they wont oppose any landfill site selected by the Region Serafinl answered that he could not Then what are you doing here Johnson retorted Weve made no implication that someone is not doing his Job Serafinl said We are not here to criticize In response to another challenge from Burlington Mayor Bird Seraflnl said he was prepared to take he same sub mission to the Province in an effort to have Queens Park help speed up the site iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiilllllll a e Lepage HEM ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR STREET GEORGETOWN A METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER GEORGETOWN GMC TRUCKS 8770149 One Hundred and Tenth Year Issue 3 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY 1984 TwentyEight Pages Thirty Cents Miller wont WHATS GOING ON give up on VIA service Mayor Miller said he hopes to return to negotiations with VIA Rail officials with the support of BramptonGeorgetown MP John McDermld and MP Otto Miller is requesting VTA to once again allow passenger trains to stop In Acton A meeting earlier this month Involving Miller Councillor Rick Chamber of Commerce president Steve Town clerk Ken Richardson and VIA Rail officials saw VIA opposed to the Idea Miller will be setting up a meeting with and sometime next month The mayor said negotiations thus far have been good although in the vein of this Is what we want and this is what we wont give you I dont feel weve had enough negotiation Miller said I would like to pursue the mailer to make sure thai we have approached it from every angle There are ten VIA trains running through Acton every day five each way but officials sold stopping in Acton would mean a five- minute disruption of the schedule The mayor said the need and the passengers are in Acton They VIA would probably have to operate at a loss for a time but with new development in Acton it would bo very profitable for them VIA he said- Miller said he Is optimistic Parade and carnival The recreation and parks department s childrens summer activity program holds Its annual parade and penny In Ac ton for all program participants their families and friends Aug The parade will begin at 7 p and activities will be held at thearenaat7 30pm Cheers Patrons of the Miss Acton Fair Contest Sept 14 can enjoy a wine and cheese party after the event and the beer lent known as The Spot to the Park returns during the fair Sept 14 IS and Town council approved a request Monday from the Acton cultural Societys John Rowe Cedar Rd homes Developer wins policy reprieve SEE PAGE A3 Bacteria count still high in Eden Mills area water Numerous water samples taken in Eden Mills have shown unacceptably high boct counts according to a report before gramoaa council Monday night The readings taken from the Ash Street Town Line Main St and York St areas are the main concerns the report said The bacterial counts are well over the acceptable limits said Roy director of public health inspection with the Wellington DufferinGuclph Health Unit Well testing has shown the fecal aliform count is acceptable noted that most of the residents In the affected area are supplied with water from private wells and because of the shallow soil in the area contaminated ground water can reach the wells before being properly filtered The health unit will notify each resident or the results of testing on their drinking water and recommendations will be made on an individual basis Similar tests were conducted a year ago it was reported to council with similar results obtained A Canadian manufacturing firm may locale In Township bringing with It an estimated jobs for area residents Canada Inc has requested coun cils permission to build a factory on Lot Concession of the township which will manufacture refrigerator trucks trailers tanks and stainless steel equipment A letter presented at council Monday night stated that the company would initial ly hire people to run the light manufactur ing business and within five years the firm could employ as many as BO people Councillor Jackson remarked that the land on which the firm has asked to build the facility isnt designated for industrial use and council should try to encourage the business to locate in an established in park in the area Paul Nielsen does not want to pay the Town five per cent cash in lieu of parkland and in addition be forced to give or sell a block of land to the Credit Valley Conserva Authority Nielsen president of Cedar Road Developments which plans a 13Iot on Churchill North near Acton High School claimed It is unfair and said the amount of land which Town and the said should be conveyed to a public authority far exceeded the five per cent mandatory under the Planning Act The 12 lots are on tableland but the lot while out of the floodplain Is part of a section of land described by the CVCA as susceptible to flooding It Is this section which the CVCA says it wilt require be conveyed to a public authority as a condition of development Nielsen told Town council Monday night that conveyance would mean he was giving away per cent of the land Councillor Sheldon maintained that either the five per cent cash or Block A should be acceptable but not both Asked by Councillor Mike Armstrong to explain the Towns position planning director Ian Keith said the Town wanted the five per cent cash because the recreation director sold he other land is not suitable for parkland Keith said he Town was not asking that Block A be given but should be in public ownership It can be sold to any public authority he added Nielsen interjected Of course In that case make me an offer Armstrong backed the five per cent cash but saidheforone didnt want the land but was doubtful Nielsen could find anyone to buy it He noted there is a lot of private land in the floodplain which the cant af ford to buy He doubted they would find the money to buy parcel Councillor Phil Carney termed the condi tions harsh He said it was too much to ex pect Nielsen to pay the cash and have the land taken away from his as well Were saying he must sell lo a public body but theres no public body to sell It to commented Carney Nielsen who has been seeking approval for the subdivision for at least six years said the plan had gone down from lots to 12 then the one lot was added He said he la willing to dedicate Block A but doesnt want to pay the cash as well Councillor Ross Knechtel could see no reason to have the land in public ownership when the CVCA controls floodprone land anyway regardless of who owns it Carney suggested Ihe five per cent requirement be deleted Instead of the land conveyance but the remainder of council voted to take out the clause demanding the land be conveyed into public ownership The five per cent cash in lieu of parkland will re main as a condition Falling tree kills man 45 An RR 3 Rockwood man was killed in an accident in Georgetown shortly after noon Friday while cutting down a tree 45 and owner of the Tree Man Limited was pronounced dead on arrival at Georgetown Hospital He had been cutting down a large tree at Lot 7 on Main St S when as It was being winched down It struck a large branch on another tree which fell and hit Martalla knocking him to the ground Martalla who has been in the tree cutting business for 11 years was married and the father of three children He will be burled In Fergus on Thursday Acton Rock Rising fresh from duet with Diddley Vlktstra Paul and Kelly Hartley In the were hard at work but week reconstruction of Headvale and WesteoU Rd In the subdivision got underway shook be completed by September Construction completion slated for September Residents of and road in the Gknka subdivision win bare to put up with at least six more weeks of dust and before reconstruction of their street la completed The reconstruction which started last Tuesday will bring the two roads up to full urban standards said deputy town engineer TedBauutgcr During the reconstruction a new road- base asphalt curbs and gutters be installed and some sidewalks and sodded boulevards will be added as well Balllnger said ftork crews ore grading the streets and some storm sewers are being Installed Upon completion of the project streetlights win be relocated The project tendered by Cox Construct km of Gudph for should be completed weather permitting by the first week of September Ballmger said Tickets continue to sell steadily Tor the Acton Rock 84 Aug 4 at Prospect Park featuring head- liners Bo Diddley Ronnie Hawkins and Long John Baldry In this se cond in a series of profiles of the Individual performers the Free Press meets Canadian singer is one of those singers who leaves you wondering There are plenty of them around buy everyone knows only a few will make It big She attractive and talented and has the attention of a lot of show business movers and shakers including Rock star Rom- pin Ronnie Hawkins who was reportedly bowled over by her singing at his an niversary showcase last year at the CNEs Carisberg pavilion Another listener who turned into an im mediate fan was a young television marketing company president After bear one of Jannetta s Independently re leased singles on a major Toronto radio sta tion he called her with an of fer of a TV cam The resulting album repackaging of the previouslyshelved debut Patti and a topquality commercial to promote it promise to spread the word coast to coast Can national fame be far behind Its not like Patti cam out of nowhere She bad a starring role a Toron to production of Jesus Christ Superstar and has headlined the Royal Yorks prestigious Imperial Room Her hosting duties at anniversary in show business bash lost year at the saw her sharing the stage with Bo Diddley and other hit groups from 50s like the Crystals and the Belmonts And because of that shimmering introduc to her fellow artists from Backstage Productions plans developed for a recorded duct with Diddley this past spring Jannetta and her band capped the year off by opening the new Zodiac Room at the Inn in Toronto and a series of TV appearances are in the works Jannettas debut album on the Jonta label has produced two topselling singles Youve Got No One and Ready for Your Love each of which spent more than ten weeks on magazines record charts Ironic for an LP rejected by the Canadian record industry but already has a reputation for perservering Shes got good reason to shesgottalent Thanks to some good friends she alms to show fans that talent Aug in Acton Carom iMthtrland Ron RoMnton and Vine Room tori to right are soma of local hockey whos to Norway thanks to fund raised at the Aug Rock Pictured whh Part Jannetta who be pertortw at the Prospect Park concert the hockey players era hoping ma day bo an success