You can t please all the people all the time It a exlrsndy difficult as any columnist knows to please all of the people all of the time Infect if this column had done so it would be extinct Half my readers get so mad at roe that they cant wait to read the nest so they can get madder The other ball sort of enjoys it forgives my lapses looks forward to what the silly twit Is going to say next In the last couple weeks I bad some letters both sides A Manitoba editor is of cancelling the column Reason Too many columns dealing with personal matters I quote Mis from his letter While it is understandable that family members are dear to BUI Smiley I feel our readers might lire of how the grand boys are behaving Once or twice a year would be sufficient Isnouldbesolucky You are quite right sir Once or twice year would be fldent for the visit And from Vancouver a young mother writes to say Keep on writing about your family and I love these columns The editor was fair He added Columns other than am elated are I get letters from religious people who accuse me of being the rightband man of the Devil when I Jestingly remark that God must have been out to lunch when he was drawing up the menu for this year winter I get letters from other religious people who send me dreary tracts and letters full of Biblical references with the hope that will print the lot And I get tetters from still other religious people mostly clergy who enjoy quibbling with me over a point but urge me to continue writing as I do to make people think But on the whole it is not exactly a dog a life I remember receiving a fairly vicfous editorial blow from a weekly editor who said I wrote too much about teenagers because I was a school teacher I retorted with a bit of tongue In cheek In high dudgeon he cancelled the column It still going I wonder if he still the editor of that paper what his readers can read Hadanumberof letters from his subscribers supporting me none supporting him I receive letters from places like Baker Lake excoriating me for talking about the tough winters down here which to them is almost the deep south And I get a letter from my kid brother retired and living in Florida with pictures of the house flowers pool and an outline of his day coffee and morning paper walk down the beach with the dog etc The swine Wait till the Florida flies get to him in July and he wants to come north and visit for a month No room at the Smiley inn little Smtley On the whole the letters I get are delightful A typical example came in the other day from Bill Francis Moncton He says such nice things about the column that I blush even to read them and would never put them In print But more to the point his letter is witty informative alive He no chicken a WW I infantry private 111 quote a bit Though obviously a man of sound common sense I wonder how in your youth you got involved in flying a fighter plane let alone risking combat in one Ed note me too I remember during those war years watching a young fellow land bis old Avro Anson like a wounded pelican in the middle of our freight yard and walk away from the wreck looking a tittle sheepish Soon after and nearby another boy flew his Harvard trainer at full speed into a grove of trees one foggy morning He didnt walk away from that Speaking of education be says he at tended five different schools and doesnt think much of today big schools Of the new permissiveness Amisocial behaviour today may be blamed on every thing from sun spots to Grandpa weakness for women and hard liquor which all agree Is a vast improvement on the old concept A strapping school and another at home for being strapped at school His last school was graded superior because It taught to Grade Equipment consisted of a tray of mineral specimens the remains of a cheap chemistry set and a leather strap but managed to turn out a number of people who went Into the Bill Francis says The school s rather good record was due not only to excellent instruction but also to drawing from a radius of five miles around those whose eyes were bred on goals and whose legs were equal to hoofing It back and forth There was nothing wrong with my legs and I lived nearby Just a little light upstairs they said a handicap I re learned to live with Now some years later and little wiser I have become Just an old fellow round whom the wind blows In the laugh of the loon and the caw of the crows and the wind whistles by so dreary and cold In chilling disdain of ways that are old But this feckless old fellow just putters around and heeds not the wind nor Its desolate sound Cares not a whit for what the winds say just listens for echoes of things far away I think that Is wise and honest and real May I feci the same 111 be in touch Bill Francis You re a literate man with some brains in your head An unusual menon SQgSS88fl GEORGETOWN 5266 ACTON 8632219 You may now charge your classified advertisement to your Chargex Account Ask for details IDA If LINC MERCURY SALES SERVKELEASUIG 8772261 Chacfc Your Ada For Accuracy The Georgetown Independent and the Acton Free Prase cannot be lor the cost of more than on incorrect Insertion Any errors the Secuone should be cased to the attention of the Classified Department after the Ant Insertion Adjust menu are made to the degree the error reduced the value of the ad Call 8775266 or Monday to Friday Birth COXE At St Joseph Hospital Hamilton on Wednesday July IB at p Bill Marilyn Heather Barbara end Janice Coxa Milton shared In the Joy of welcoming Stuart Harvey Burton 3H nto their family circle of love Special thanks to Shea Aunt and Sally tar their support Twelfth Grandchild tor Mrs Coxe Milton and Mr and Mrs Acton ADAMS Tom and are pleased to announce the of their child Jason Daniel born at Peel Memorial Hospital July Bibs Jeffrey Gene and Kelly nee are thrilled to announce arrival of their first child Matthew Eugene born at General Hospital Saturday July at am weighing lbs Eighth grandchild for Mrs of and eighth great grandchild tor Mr Eugene Bra Ida Queen St Acton Both of us give special thanks to Mum Mr and Mrs Douglas of friends Dr and nurses on floor for support FRANK Jamie and Anne nee Cozens are pleased to announce safe arrival of their daughter Korl Anne Catherine at Georgetown July 1984 at a weighing In at lbs 3 Proud grandparent are George and Molly Cozens of Byron St and Jim and Maureen Frank of Ontario St A great granddaughter for Nanny Minnie and Boo SpecleMhonkstoOr Ford and all nurses Involved Jerry and Deborah are pleased to announce the arrival of their son Jason Lome on July weighing lbs A baby brolher for Tara Proud grand parents are Evelyn end McKlnstry and Ray and Fern How son Special thanks to Nurse and OB staff at General Hospital and Heather nee McConaghy are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child a boy Manhew Christopher on Jury 18 weighing lbs 10 at Peel Memorial Hospital Proud grandparent are Barry and Gale Menhir Cy and Linda Water and Dave and Moyra McConeghy Barf BURGESS FORTNEY Mr and Mrs Ralph Burgess are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Jill Katherine to Steven Charles son of Mr and Mrs Karl I Coming Marritgti MICHAEL and Mildred Cummlngs of Georgetown are pleased to announce the for Incoming marriage of their daughter Lorraine to Gary son of John and Amy Hole also of Georgetown Wedding to take place November MR AND MRS Jake Hwy Acton ere pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage their daughter Barbara Ann to Stephen Kenneth Vos son of Mr and Mrs George Acton Wedding to take place August at clock at the Bethel Christian Reformed Church Acton Ont SCHWAB SCAROZZAAI and Sch are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their son Rod to daughter of Felice and Maria Scaroiza of 19S4 JosephaChuTchlnGuelph Ontario SIMPSON Minnie Guelph General Hospital on Friday July Minnie Tripp the tat George Simpson years Dear mother of Helen Mrs Henry Bltforf of Acton and Lome Simpson of Burlington survived by five grand children and three Prede ceased by one eon Harold end one granddaughter Funeral was held at the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton on Monday at JO Interment FaMew Cemetery Acton SINCLAIR Verier Friday July a the Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Lane wife of the lata Fred Sinclair Dear sister of Ada Mrs Harold of Helen ArbuckJa of Georgetown and John Lane of Rested Jonas and Son Funeral Home Edith Street Georgetown where funeral and committal service was Sunday afternoon Interment Greenwood Cemetery In memory contributions to Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Foundation would be ap preciate CO owner of Tree Man Ltd I Suddenly as a result of an accident on Friday July 1984 at Georgetown Mauno In his 45lh year of R Beloved husband of PIrkko Tokola loving lather of Heidi Ken and Tina all home Dearest son of Elma and of late Armas Resting at the Graham A Giddy Funeral Home St Davids Street South Tuesday Servlccfor loe Mauno Marttala will be held at James Anglican Church Queen Street East Fergus on Thursday July at p m Pastor G of The Faith Lutheran Church FergmElora officiating at the funeral interment Johnson Cemetery Family will receive their friends at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church FAULKNER Margaret at Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton on Tuesday July 17 IW4 Born I Clarrldge beloved wife of Stanley Faulkner dear mother of Ken of Georgetown Howard of Brampton Nancy Mrs Jim Bland Brampton Fondly remembered by her eight grandchildren and one great grandchild Survived by her brother Vernon of Seattle Resting at the Leo Archdeacon Funeral Home Main St North 101 Brampton Service was held on Thursday July 19 at clock Interment Brampton Cemetery FRYER Kathleen at Lapointe Fisher Nursing Home on Sunday July Kathleen Dennis wife of the late Alfred Fryer and the late Earl aged years Dear mother of Harvey of Guelph end loved grandmolher of Jim Sprowl Resting at Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where funeral service will be held on Wednesday at Interment Fair view Cemetery Acton Bernard At the General on Sunday July 1984 Bernard Met here I of Beloved husband of Patricia Metherel and loving step son of Harriet of Loving falher of Bill of Oakvllle Brian of Milton Bernard Jr Robert Beverly of and Bonnie Mrs Tom Rondeau of Richmond Hill Loved by 3 grandchildren Bradley Howard Also loved by brothers Allan Don Howard George Lloyd and sisters Mrs Walter Mrs Betty Elliot Mrs Keith Rogers Funeral Service was held on Tuesday July Cremation Followed Arrangements were mode through the Funeral Home Milton Elizabeth Isabella Bessie at Guelph General Hospital on Saturday July 1984 Elizabeth Isabella Bessie wife of the late George Mussel I of Acton aged S3 yean Dear mother of George C and Olive Mrs Allan Her by both of Acton and John of Also survived by eight grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren Funeral service was held at the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton on Tuesday at m Interment Fair view Cemetery Acton In Mrs Mary In memory of a dear mother who passed away July 24 nor do we In tend We think of you often and will to the end Gone and forgotten by some you may be But dear to our memory you ever will be Lovingly remembered by George Mae Mary Frits and families JENNINGS In loving memory of my husband Edwin George who passed away July It broke my heart to lose you But you t go alone For part of me went with you The day God called you home Edith InCfovIng memory of a dear husband father and grandfather who passed away July As lime unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever Sadly missed by wife Peggy and family Robert Inlovlngmamoryof lather who passed July Pops you re still tops Love and miss ya Love Charlie and Joyce ROSS in loving memory of a dear husband Cecil Ross who passed away July To me he was someone special And I miss him more each day The saddest day In my life was the day he passed away I think him in silence And I often speak his name And all I have are memories And his picture in a frame Still Kay ROSS Treasured memories of a dear father Cecil Ross who passed away July My thoughts are always with you Your place no one can till In life I loved you dearly In death I tare you still I know you walk beside me And when my life Is through I pray thai God will take my hand And take me straight you Lovingly remembered by daughter Sandra and i In ANTHONY In loving memory of mother and grandmother Mary Anthony Katie who passed away July 1993 You will always be Treasured forever In our memory Sadly missed by Fred Heather and Richard In our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender fond end true There not a single day That we do not think of you Ever remembered by wife a Mark and Michael TALBOT Loving memories of Wllllai Talbot who passed away July Sunshine passes shadows fall Love S a outlast all WW KERB and Eileen nclalr will celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary with open house at Ihe United Church from July Best wishes only Mr and Mrs Sinclair were married at the Me In Georgetown August IE FAMILY of George and Pearl Burl ex tend an Invitation to their parents relallves and friends to help them celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday August 4 AilernoonTeafrom300to400pm at the family arm Trafalgar Road and Side Road Evening at So ere Hall Street Georgetown after p m for an evening of Best wishes only please ftl Coming SNELGR0VE FARMERS MARKET moat an tsj Me AT THE BRAMPTON LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE INC KIDS All day with a horse membership non members lessons and ran sportatlon available Georgetown Ml 0PMGSMIUB1E Hillsburgh Rest Home For Senior MAM HIUSBURQH TV Is now Interviewing new people for Special TV Studio to act TV SeriesTV CommercialsMavies Part time AD age For your Studio call 3393 HAMMONDS SEWING 126 Acton SALVATION Army pick up Of appliances In working order and good used furniture Phone Tuesday to Saturday from am to for arrangements dJ LOST One medium sized female brown colored cat Spayed and declawed shy very friendly Answers to Lucky Lost Sunday July irwln Cres Georgetown area 33 reward Jf fcfcJJ Auction Sties AUCTION SALE CHARLES HAMILTON at his home in which off 24 Hwy midway between Guelph Erin ON SAT JUL 28 AT 10 AM FURNITURE no Buffet Gallery top for Flat Back Glass poms bottom for Flat Back 50 no chest excel Ex bio leaves tenon chats Hooeer Ham Hon I Pine flour cook Dosser W chost Drop front Secretary Old couch Cherry rocker W leather Prgssod back leather inert Boston rocker Sat 3 pes Wasteland towel rack cabinet Jam cupboard old trunks good Slant top desk Quebec hosier Newcom bo piano Piano stool tool box Raymond sewing Pressed back rocket Sm corner shelf Oak bed dresser matched Pine table board top tapered logs small tables Westinghouso stove Figldaleoloc stove GLASS CHINA Partial Rose plates 7 cups 11 saucers nappies 4 Tea plates soups gravy tray planers Fruit bowl etc stand To lot Set Greener a pes Sev chambers etc good Ink Welle Sev good water p chars Glass Chna 3 0 lamps dot goodextra Sat Glass Ross bowl cook be Goblets Notched Bull Eyo compotaoxcel Glass lamp font Prisms for hanging lamp Painted shade for hong ng lamp Flo Blue plates cups saucers Depression pes Pink 6 Green Sot of Individual sailors sot of glass cups handles tumblers 7 good Teapots Cranberry bottom or dish Travellers cup In wig case GLASS CHINA Contd Shaving mug In of a sleigh very rare also one other a moustache cup Nor take ppon pieces 16 matching glass a set of 2 cruets a sugar shaker Cornflower pit 5 glasses cream El sugar 2 baskets CLOCKS New Haven We grit clock Thomas Weight Clock bread 2 Mantel clocks CROCKS Blue Flower Jackson Ho let Blue Flower WE Woldng Blue Flower F Gould other crocks jugs MIC Oblong butter bowl Butter chum wagon wire wheels Violin Jacdus Stalner Ige picture frames Git edge Stevens Utile Seoul Rem Ington 22 Pat 1901 Temple Radio Toronto old 2eotsof handle a Tnvet About 100 old licence plates 1923 to 36 Inclusive etc Miniature bucksaw large ones selection of tools wrenches hand tools garden tools Sm Gesengnes Motor small lathe Bench vises leg Vise Block tackle CARS TRUCK GARDEN TRACTORS John Deere Garden tractor Troclor made from Model A car Fargo 19562ton truck w platform racks CarsFord 1951 Chev 1962 Maverick 1970 Impala 1970 2 Model A engine wheels shroud Sev Ant que car wheel lawn mowers Block for a G ay Garden cultivator Iron Firing mowers I no Garden cultivator Go engine Garden plows mower Gas engines PROPERTY At 3 p m wo offer the Property for saleNo Reserve Bid ll consist of a double lotapprox In a frame dwell room beck kitchen Hydro only 2 small frame Id handy mansdeughl No Preview until Sale Day TERMS are par cent day of Sale balance on closing in 30 days when possession will be granted For further information call Auctioneer at TERMS on Chanel Cash or cheque with I Not responsible tor Please Note An excellent offer of mostly Mr Hamilton has been a I fe long resident He is now ei a Nursing Home Lunch avslable MAX STOREY AUCTIONEER El una Scrap Iron Metal or Midway HARDWOOD timber phono us for free estimate on your J W Robinson Ltd Days call evenings WANTED Furniture old and new glass china nostalgia prlmlllves miscellaneous old post cards crockery clocks guns lamps B77 fa For Sale SUMO POOL LESS Example I SU0 BliMati Equfeownt on 8778741 B Sherman Court Piano Sale Sea over pie no Annual Scratch Dent Sale Rental returns Floor models Demonstrators from to off Kawsi rttrti man VAN GEEST House of Pianos Staffed by Piano Technician No Just Dally closed Sunday a OUTLETS Lingerie Fabric Tricot knit yd Lingerie Spends S2B7 yd Lycra Mill Store Barton Hamilton Cross St Guelph CHERRIES Sweet and Sour Fresh pitted all sizes ORDER NOW Acton 8531960 Acton Jug City HIIMow Heights Farm 15194332282 tut Ontario Hardwoods Softwoods Stock or cut to your specifications at each 1 at per lineal foot IS EARLY BIRD MILK SPECIAL 2 Milk uo Bag 249 Monday to lOajn ACTON JUG CITY It North POOL SALE Manufacturer is an Inventory clearance on aB 1964 brand new above ground pool In eluded a fBier motor pump skimmer deck and fence Regular now supply lasts NOBODY BEATS OUR PRICE CaSM1u234467fordetsas FREE Mai side HID