Georgetown Acton Wednesday Aug Smileys house all booked for Popes visit Youve possibly been wondering why I haven been writing about current af fair the fortieth anniversary of DDay the Liberal leadership campaign the Popes projected vuii Ihe Queens pro jected visit the lateness of he strawberries the price of beer and other such trivia I didnt write about the DDay an niversary because it would have been contemptible of me wosnl there My heart bled with the old veterans on TV as they searched the cemeteries of Nor man day for the names of old comrades who had died on the beaches and wept at thewasteor young Canadians I got a lump as big as a golf ball in my throat and wept a little too On Day 1 was playing so ft bail ui Northumberland a god forsaken cold wet ex en in June piece of England up near Scotland Oh wed heard the news on the radio and we were excited and a bit disappointed that we weren in on it But the casualties t started yet and a bunch of us who had been training ana training and training on Spit fired Hurricanes then Typhoons were into a makeshift squadron to repel a counterattack from Norway Just in case There was no counterattack So we played Softball Somebody sprained his ankle That was DDay for me A year later half of us were dead I didnt write about the Liberal leadership campaign because I like inhaling hoi air unless its good for me But I did watch and hear the final speeches and the convention Could have been there if I dbotheredtogetapresspass Ive been to political conventions and Ive seen proud ambitious men swallow their pride ambition and dignity scrambling for a few votes from delegates who don represent the people but The Party It a bit sickening Turner had it made from the beginning because the delegates at least a majority of them wanted a Winner So as some clever man wrote to the Globe and Mail we now have a smart rich goodlooking chap representing one of the major par ties and a smart rich goodlooking chap represcnling the other Both are lawyers Turner had better produce or hes a gone goose Mulroney had better produce he baloney Sliced Take your pick What was interesting about the con vention was the reaction of the losers who knew they were going to lose long ago Mark who even looked like a jackal scampcredto Turner after the first ballot It took some guts to go across to Jean Cretien And some guts were displayed Eugene Whclan looking like an old elephant heading for hat mystic elephant graveyard made It first big green hat and all John Munro about as much like John Turner as I am like Pierre made he long walk to Chretien Then came John Roberts a handsome eloquent cabin minister Hugs and kisses The only thing missing was the ghost of Judy whose famous Weve gotta stop this bas tard did not endear her to Pierre Elliot T at who it was aimed when he donned the crown about 15 years ago Just remember these guys were laying their political future and about a year on the line when they Joined the loser It was a display of loyally and guts and damn the torpedoes which made all the sweaty shrieking boring parts of the convention worthwhile Enough about the leadership campaign Which it wasn t It was really a Liberal campaign for the next election And all the hysteria produced might lost two weeks in a Canadian summer So We wind up wiih a guy on one side who never won an election until after he was leader and another guy who hasnt been office for ten years squaring of lo be P M Lord help us Now lets get back to the Pope Hes coming lo Midland where I live in Sept ember Theres a bit of panic naturally about security traffic and whether the stores can stay open on Sunday after hes left ITn sorry but youre too late Im completely booked up for the Popes volt Ive divided my entire house into two by six feet sleeping spaces and the entire space has been taken by a Pittsburg group called the Holy Moses Maria Polish Society They get kitchen and bathroom privileges There will be only two hundred of them for the weekend I oversold just a tad and will be sleeping myself In the toolshed Two of my closest friends whom I coutdnt refuse will be sleeping In my car With heir wives Well that takes care of the Pope Unless If he does therell be a Polish massacre Of John Turner As for Ihe Queen weve never been close Shes been ticked off at me ever since I didnt go to the garden party In 1945 for exPrisoners of War She the Queen then of She was Just Princess Elizabeth but apparently she was checking the list and she circled my name in red Red Thats Ihe name of he girl for whom I forsook the garden party GEORGETOWN 8775266 ACTON you may now charge your classified advertisement to your Charge Account Ask for details DAD LINCOLN MERCURY Georgetown Acton Aug SALTS 8772281 Check Ada For Accuracy The Georgetown Independent end the Free cannot be responsible for the cost of more then one incorrect insertion Any errori in the Classified Section thou Id bo called the attention of the Department efw the flret Adjust are mode to the degree the error reduced the the ad Call or 8532219 pjn Monday to Friday ana Lorna nee Metcalfe arc pleased announce the arrival heir daughter Christine Leone on Friday July Parry Sound General Hospital A baby tor Terry Proud grandparents are Lome and Metcalfe Georgetown and Harold and Leone Brown Acton Deaths IRWIN Tuesday July at ihe Georgetown District Memorial Hospital Almas beloved wile Prank Irwin dear mother of John of Montreal Barbara Mrs Roy Johnson of Georgetown Linda Mrs Jim Barclay Georgetown Mrs Fred Engteby of Georgetown and Danny of Hamilton Also survived by three sisters In Chatham and one brother In Chicago Loving grandmother to grandchildren Rested at J Jones Son Funeral Home Edith SI Georgetown Funeral service was held Friday at I at SI Georges Anglican Church intermcnl Greenwood ROBINSON Don Charles General Hospital on Friday July as result of an accident Beloved husband of Shirley Thomson Dear son Gory and June Robinson of Georgetown and Parker Wendy Johnson and Donna Joanne and Robinson Dear grandson of Grace Robinson and Herbert Funeral service held at the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton on Sunday July at m Followed by cremation Ollveon Friday July the Milton District Hospital Olive Christian beloved Frank Ruddell and dear mother Gladys Mrs Hume Milton and Robert of Carglll Loving grandmother Frank and Gordon Hume and Daniel Sister Flossie Mrs Harold Reed of Brampton Roy Christian ol and predeceased by Harry Hamilton Rested at J S Jones and Son Funeral Home Edith Street Georgetown Funeral service was held day July ted Church Interment Greenwood Cemetery In memory contributions The Milton District Hospital Expansion Fund or The Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Foundation would appre John Edward Ted Suddenly area hospital Orangevllle on Friday July im Edward Ted beloved husband of the late Mccormick dear lather Jessie Ambrose Ruth Mrs K Snail Charles John Michael Theresa Cowan Jane Mrs Smith Timothy and Tina Also survived by 14 grandchildren Son of Mrs WlrwJfred of Frances Mrs Leslie and Mrs Emma Andrews Rested at the McNalr Funeral Home First Street and Second Avenue Service was held on Monday at 10 a interment St C Cemetery Donald at it Saturday July Donald Tlmmlngsof aged years husband of late and dear father of in of Kitchener Jim and Paul Rockwood Ken of Hamilton Philip of Vancouver and the Loved son and Irene of and brother of Alton Rested al the Shoemaker Funeral Home Aclon Funeral Mass was celebrated at St Joseph Church Acton on Tuesday at Cemetery Acton WOLF May Annie On Thursday July at the Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital May Gardner beloved wile of Leo id dear mother of Bob of Georgetown Lillian in of Terra Cotto Annie Van Voorl Ot Terra Cotta and Fern of Georgetown Dear siller of Violet of Winona Also lovingly remembered by her Grandchildren Rosea rm Thomas Leone Martin Violet Leslie and Eddie Rested at the J Jones and Son Funeral Home Edith Street Georgetown where funeral service was held Saturday July Interment Greenwood Cemetery I Cards Thanks SPECIAL to the staff at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital for the loving care and attention given to May Wolf the beloved wile of Leo Wolf and to Bob in Annie an Fern WE WOULD to extend a special thank you to Ford and Bulger and the nurses on the OB ward Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital tor their excellent Linda and Daniel Hayes Cards of Thanks TOM Donna Manes wish to express their sincere thanks for all wonderful people who helped make our Wedding Anniversary such a memorable occasion A special our children parents friends relatives for all the lovely gifts flowers cards etc Also to the Church Ladles lor helping with the lunch Mayor for his kind words and lovely certificate and Diane Jen for the beautiful cake she decorated IrtMemorlama Terrence William Money In memory the greatest dad In the world who went to heaven on July 1933 MISS YOU DADDY Love Donovan Terrence William In lovng memory of a darling husband who passed away suddenly July The gilt love is precious And although you arc now gone That love will forever be with me In my and In my thoughts Tender are the memories silently kept by your Always In memory seem to find a way To wander back and meet you on the roads yesterday If we could have one lifetime wish Or a dream that could come true We pray to God all our hearts For those yesterdays you Davies Aunts and Uncles Leslie Anne In loving memory of a dear cousin Leslie Anne who passed away August No more a thought away Quietly remembered everyday No need for words except to say SUM loved and missed In every way Kim and Bruce vile GRAY Alexander In loving memory of a dear lather and grandfather who passed away August 1 1974 Beautiful memories are wonderful They lost till the longest day They To some you may be To others a part of the past But to us who loved and lost you Your memory will always last Lovingly remembered by daughters Isabel and Sheila families HENRY In loving memory a dear father and grandfather Gerry Henry who passed away August I Bill Joy Tanya and Todd IN LOVING memory of a dear granddaughter Leslie who passed away August 1979 Things feel most deeply Are hardest things to say Granny and Grandad He Is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year in our lonely hours of thinking Thoughls him are always near Days of sadness will come oer us Many think the wound is healed But they Utile know the sorrow That lies In the heart concealed Lovingly remembered by his wife Marion and THE family George and Pearl Burt extend an Invitation their parents relatives and friends to help them their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday August Afternoon Tea at the family farm Trafalgar Road and 30 Side Road Evening at Sacre Hall Guolph Street Georgetown alter for an evening andteilowship Best wlshesonlyplease 111 Coming Ewnti FARMERS MARKET winy enowaoAT tsu m AT infant bucket love seats from Georgetown J ace ties rental plus deposit tor I month THE SALVATION Army pick up of appliances in working order and good used furniture Phone Tuesday to Saturday from to for arrangements TV now interviewing new people tor Special TV Studio treating to Oct in TV SenesTV Commercial Movie A age For your Stud Ml Nolle CAN YOU BELIEVE SHES 18 AUGUST HAPPY BIRTHDAY Love Mom Dad SJ Auction Sales AUCTION SALE FOR Mcculloch his homo on thocomorof 5Siderood County the 1st lino Rock wood go straight out Horns St W m las or from Acton for miles turn led for WED EVG 8 AUG AT PM APPLIANCES G Dishwasher good one H Washer Suds Savor Viking Dry or Washer Spin Singer Sowing Machine discs Tread lo Sowing Machine FURNITURE 2 piece Chesterfield Suite wing back newly covered lit floral design Dining Room Suite Fiuitwood drop leaf to bio open hutch chairs a captain char extra captains chair bedroom suito Continental bod single desk mahogany round table on pedestal 2 small bookcases typing desk MISC houso wooden ex ladder 30 lb or row garden work bench 2 crocks cook ware iron pots 3 kitchen chairs black awn chaise This is a small solo Houso sold Owners moving B C TERMS Coshorchoquowithl Not lor accident Max Storey Auctioneer UnrcMnred AUCTION AUGUST DUNCAN ROAD TWRNHLUONT tab Ave East across from crwt Mall to Maple Ave South to Dun can watch tor sfgrisl ON BEHALF OF MILLER PAPER PRO DUCTS LIMITED AS INSTRUCTED BY COLLINS BARROW LMfTED RECEIVER MANAGER GMC SA Van 77 SA Von SA Van Yale lb Forklitt2Eloc Pallet Trucks Climax Baling Press Oswego Paper Shear Platform Scale Pallet Trucks Hand Carts Lad dots Firo Extinguishers Sec tions of RedRock Shelving Desks Chairs Filing Cabinet Typewriters Calculators Burroughs TD830J Com Board Room Table Stationery Cabinets Punch Clocks Office Safe Crodente Pallets etc WORTH OF NEW PAPER IN VENTORY Pin Stipe Craft 12 to TOWELS TAPE CARTONSOFPLATES CUPS SERVIETTESNAPKINS TRAYS ETC TERMS CASH OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE PERSONAL OR COMPANY CHEQUES MUST BE ACCOM PANIED BY A LETTER OF CRE DT FROM YOUR BANK FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CON TACT LTD or Strayed LOST Bank books containing money lost tly single mother Money needed desperately Finder please return to bonk shown In books or call In Is newspaper LOST Siamese Persian mix answers to Benny around Caroline Nursery area 7 West Friday July LOST month old grey black and striped kitten In area of Main and Ontario St Georgetown mi FOUND Line one small kitten Anyone who has lost this or give a good home please phoneBSJ WANTED Scrap Iron Cora Trucks PIANO Want to buy old up tig Coll Mike HARDWOOD timber phone us for free estimate on your bush J Robinson Ltd Days call 3290 evenings WANTED Furniture old and new glass china primitives mlscetlaneo is old postcards crockery clocks guns lamps WANTEDRide to and from Sheridan College storting September 4th Duncan and Weber 74 EH For Sale pool FOB IBS Example 2000 HTrlZUkt nd Equip nt on CAUronemuusT II Shannon Court FACTORY OUTLET Acton Praam Concrete Ltd Septic tanks well sewer drain pipe trttinfl8 Precast concrete steps porches Sidewalk patio slabs Curbs parking blocks 8531529 CLOSED HOUDA WEEKEND tut SPtctAU Ontario Hardwoods Softwoods Stock alias or cut to your 1 fool IF OUR PRODUCTS PLEASE YOU TELL OTHERS IF NOT TELL US BOW MILK SPCCIAL 2 Milk Bag JUG CITY North SWIMMING POOL SALE Monufscturer having en inventory on brand new above ground pools In a fitter motor pump skimmer deck and fence now supply lasts NOBODY BEATS OUR PRICE MMie234407imdataf party and pan INSTITUTE Adelaide St Toronto Piano Sale See over 65 pianos Annual Scratch Dent Sale Rental returns Floor models Demonstrators from WOO to eft Km rWntz nun S to Miming VAN GEESTHOJS8 of Pianos Staffed by Piano Technicians till 9pm closed Sundays FACTORY OUTLETS FOAM SLABS 8JCt4BX72Xt 3 Plus other aizai Lens Mill Store Barton Hamilton Cross St and marble top BEST Offer Come and Bet It Moving piece living room set piece dining room suite piece dinette oeaullful year old apiece bedroom Old oak antiques Items week Holiday weekend only 1 No dealers accepted Wilson Most 4B in stock Larger by order Seconds when Grating tor trenches walk ways and Ireads steel anchor bolts 12 appro 400 in stock Several sizes In stainless steel also In stock Phone 4W1 heavy duly plastic pound pressure tike new tanks gallon 1 gallon a crane like new stove Call ON SALEI Coffee tables end tables book cases wall units entertainment centres upholstered and tilting chairs Free flower stand or cigarette table with every purchase and H Furniture Ltd Arm strong QUEEN site box spring headboard mens dresser ladles dresser swag lights kitchen table and 4 chairs dishwasher Id drapes Sesame Slreet bedding OTIS RENOVATION SALE Basement windows new casement window recessed celling lights new electric baseboard heater doors ping pong table new furnace motor child desk and chair exercise equipment electronic games ROYAL figurines collectors Items and Royal Athens pal tern charm bracelet ladies diamond watch RUM and whiskey I wet Or 1 SET left hand Gary Player clubs bag cart MO set of antique right hand clubs bag iEWING Machines for sale reconditioned per cent off All machines guaranteed J R Sewing Services DING glass doors ft SWEDISH upholstered sofa In soft blue velvet removable cushions excellent con Refrigerator and other Items Best offers I WHY PAY more lor long piece of wood when you only need a snort at a very cheap Dimensions available widths 12 inches lengths Inches up to All kiln dried fur grade pine Wooden Manufacturing Armstrong Unit Georgetown