GeorgetownActon Wednesday Aug 8 1984 HONDA INVENTORY CLEARANCE SUMMfflSALE It pay shop around than come home to The Racers Edga for Good Value Good Savings Good Service NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLOIj A HOUSING AUTHORITY I AiHWSMnHOUSMS Invite Sealed Tandera for HHA06JB4 RaShkignng of Hoof ButfinoUinOH12S4 Burtoak Drive Tenders tor above received until 110 a local August 27 by tha Housing Manager Helton Housing Burlrtgton Square 7S0 Brant Street Bui ton Ontario from whom detail and 8 pacification may obtained or quoting numbers shown above Putin Opportunille you think To earn OS a year We train you to fa He be worms in your or garage Odorless Low In Market guaranteed Early Bird Ecology Free information B7I Legal to creditors persona having claims Estate of JANET FULTON tat Town of Helton Kate in Regional MurUclpalrry of Ratirad Sacratary who dlad on or about tha 30th day of May are required to flta undersigned solicitor on or before day of September ISM which data assets may among those persona to having regard only to which been I DATED at harton this day August WILLIAM M and SoBchor 112 Main Halt on HM Georgetown Ontario LTO3E4 Solicitor to Estate Janet Fulton McDougaS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES IVAN LILLYCROP law ot Town of Ha lion lis I Acton I si Municipal Rawed Farmer ALL persons having ctaura ted to tend hit particular such claims to the undersigned on or before day September alter which data tha Estate assets II bo having regard only to mi that have thon boon Ins Christina Moffat On Una by HUTCHINSON THOMPSON HENDERSON MOTT Barrators ft Sol c tots Ma El Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent house In city or country Young couple with no children no pets after 411 me BE STORAGE It amiss SUMMER Specials spacious I bedroom basement appliances or carpeted 3 bedrooms garage IS50 or Country bedroom only MOO Home Locators tee fl Townhouse For Rent LARGE bedroom month heathydro extra available for September lit at Mills Coop located near John St Georgetown Call Fran at tor more information BEDROOM bungalow basement fenced In yard children welcome No pets monthly including utilities Available Sept BEDROOM house Georgetown WOO utilities included alter a p m oik lo M AVAILABLE September new house required utilities LARGE bedroom fenced lot Moore Park plus ulilltles available 1st September Apartments For Rent ACTON one bedroom apt clean quiet building mature adults only all facilities TAYLOR or r aid Doom Free Estimates Roofing soffit etc GEORGETOWN CARPET bedroom apt Walkout to patio 1350 Bachelor apt month available Sept 1 All utilities Included 1 BEDROOM heated drive Acton For Sale 2YEARA1 GUARANTEE WAQON 4 radio PS Brake Only B9K Economy and room for go II clubs too ECONOMY SPECIALS DOG Ben i en rtulJ Im Mi No 1333 RELIANT DOOR ESCORT WAGON AStS 1S32ESCORT4DOOR 19810MNI4DOOR 1977 GRANADA 2 DOOR CAPITAL FORD SALES LTD 381 Gtatph St 8776928 IP I HOURS Ml Stat HEATING Gas Fuinaca MOWBRAY LTD ALUMINUM SIDING II CARPENTRY Specializing In home renovation Expert in kitchens and rec rooms Reasonable prices ELECTRIC WE DO IT ALL Residential Commercial Plant Maintenance Work Industrial Reasonable Prices 24 Hours A Day FREE ESTIMATES KEN 8774095 Res 8464526 Bus RENOVATIONS SR RENOVATIONS CARPENTRY STUCCO PAINTING WALLPAPERING 8777884 REMODELLING REPAIRS ADDITIONS DECKS Work KJ ENTERPRISES Ran trjf home r IMPROVEMENTS FnaEi VRAN SIDING LTDI For Aluminum aiding soffit trough doors windows AS materials A can Reynold For Maintenance Free Home Improvement Call For A Free Estimate 8777773 haaDBKaa RoiSMnB MARCH Cooing 785 MAIN ST EAST MILTON 8781908 PARTS SALES- SERVICE All Makes Models Washers Dryers Ranges Freaiari Microwave Refrigerators Dish washers Air Conditioners Cfff Cords Carpetttry Residential Commercial Farm Restorations No JOB too big or too 8773265 MnHl MULT CONCRETE MARKETING SfMdaSzkygln Customer Sa FLOORS DRIVEWAYS WALKS POOL DECKS PATIOS HOME IMPROVEMENTS For Free Es Cat 8532726 All Work Guaranteed EXCAVATING II EXCAVATING II EXCAVATING II EXCAVATING II FARM SERVICES SERVICES VMC AND CLAY FREE ESTIMATES CALL 8633826 WIN OS M If ID banc Claims M0B1U SERVICE HARRY BROWN 8778207 CONSTRUCTION Pole Bams Unl Stone Pool Decks Concrete Work 8771702 OVERHEAD DOORS OVERHEAD DOORS 8771764 HALTON DOOR SYSTEMS LTD Sales to all types Overhead Doors Openers wiriATum fctlIJIIil AUTOMATIC MM aRJay Contractors far excavating grading and all granular materials 877 day 8770689 nights ftSnEETIttALaOR Steam ft Hot WetarBoSers on us cm rum UtrWUtOOAATlID ESTIMATES cea or Erin Sect VOrtAbmnunSdng f not TELEVISIONS II TREE VfLSERVKX Plctw Tube Repairs In Line Reuier Wananty OTHER REPAIRS Of WITH THIS AD I MANS Tree Cunmg and Acton CAMMAR CONSTRUCTION Interlock on Rota Well Cone role Work Dock 8776000 M GRANGER Intsrior Extarlor PAINTING PAPER HANGING 8774237 Al types flat roofing JIMS AND TRUCKING Also Track Loader septic systems pool snow plowing 877 IRONWORK RAILINGS GATES ROOM DIVIDERS 8775928 DAVES HOME SERVICES Carpentry Papering Airless Spray Painting Interior Er Exterior FREE ESTIMATES BUTLER 8531617 Enterprise We Dig You truck loader top soil and fill sand and revel 8534708 8534038 FARM SERVICES Custom combining Reasonable rates for grain beans and corn ALLTYPESOF FENCE SUPPLIED INSTALLED Taping Milton Appliance Refrigeration Cooling Heating Sal Service Ik 786 Main St 9 LOU MASONR CONSTRUCTION HILLS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LIMITED Serves Prop wmEMtma firfflHrrn HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION LTD General Contractor Renovations Er BRAMPTON GEORGETOWN 8779396 TO REMOVE UJ FJ Insurance 17MILLST Personal Residential OFFICE HOURS Thurs98 FridaySa AFTER HOURS CALL 8530150 B Personal Service At TUITMANS 2B2Km South Acton Exterior Paper Vinyl Hang QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED For Free Estimates RUDY HANOUSEK 8530679 KING CREST PAVING YEARS EXPERIENCE OF SERVING YOUR AREA ANY PAVING WORK SPECIAL RATE 124405S BAfumnuMeiNQ Wtda range of fabrics affordable price at Is taction teed Wa serve all upholstery nee fot frmm C Wad KM Ajicacttiiini WMowSLCL Acton Open arm sewing machine start at Free Delivery Reps J to I makes ful y guaranteed We epa alio NO SERVICE CHARGE I home cam 8786497 BELWORTH Pump Service Ltd Setae ft Service Gould Member PDA fob SOFT THE WAV IT SHOULD OPTIONS STTneastP 6771821 HENKSLAWN GARDEN EQUIPMENT Soto Sorvico Dealer for Cenadsana Pioneer Snapper IISPOPITING GOODS I FLETCHER SPORTS 8770768 tackle On the Fourth of Halton H lis north of No BS31S07 WEED PEST CONTROL Govmnrnt BILL VAN RYIM Weed Spraying FertJKiIng Insect Control Industrie Ask Us About The Dutchtough Featuring Nature a Touch Products Lose 17 to In