le Acton Mug A pHipwt5r WANTED far broodmare farm experi enced In mare and foal car I and preparation alary and accommodation saamiltpasattra INSIDE PERSON Mutt have i Plane reply requirements to PA BOX 121 EXPSWICa SECRETARY PartTme Laboratory Patient Technician MDS laboratory an opening for a part time Laboratory Patient Technician to work part hour In th Milton area Venepuncture and ECO experience i call Marian Hester 8445503 TYPISTSECHETARIAL Proficient typing ability essential Bookkeeping HE1B Er Ca IHTB 129 McDonald Blvd Acton Ontario L7J2V7 AMBITIOUS People needed for sales Earn plus commission plus bonus Will train shirts available students fa welcome CALL 8731671 for an appointment Production Maintenance New Project Scheduling Clerk Reliable person required with some typing skills Computer and calculator would be helpful Day shift 30 am to 30 p m Apply In person to Maple Lodge Farms Limited Winston Churchill V mile north ot GERMAN LANGUAGE SCHOOLS SCHILLER Classes every Saturday 9 30 a to 12 beginning September to June 15 Registration September 1981 lte school day Gordon Guyo on Secondary School Ave South WeslotDme We small classes lor individual attention Proles language teachers to Grade Grade 10 included Specialized classes or students who have no command the German language A Special class lor adults only For information please call 45M7S4 Electronic Technician Applicant to have 5 years proven Industrial experience and to be able to perform the repair and Installation of electronic motor drive boards scales telephone repair and Installation and other electronic equipment throughout the plant Shift to 3 30 p m Pleaseendapplicattonresumeto Box The Brampton Guardian 3145 Wolfedale Road L5C3A9 EXPERIENCED tractor mechanic required Musi have ability to overhaul engine and hydraulic Good working conditions Year round employment Milton Equipment Co Ltd Steele Ave Milton Daycare FULL TIME and part lime position available handy man counter help plnchesers super visor personnel daytime evening and weekend work Mature responsible help only with previous working experience accepted FULL TIME position Is available In our pie baking section A neat responsible courteous person Is required days a week assume the duties of preparing end baking our apple and fruit pies Applicant please apply The Apple Factory Hwy and Mississauga Thursday August p end Friday August JOB training and placement help In heavy trucks thru Toronto Branch PART TIME morning help and working students wanted to help In dressage stable starting September 5196S44809 STEADY part time for light factory work approximately hours per week phone 877 STRONG reliable person needed for wood working shop Experience in lathe work helpful but not necessary Will train wad Atsday between tarn and Ham Thursday Between em and II am STUDENT pert time Wed Sat Heavy work General teens In parson McKenri B77 KIDDIES KORNER DAYCARE Teacher readme and cal activities indoor outdoor Ideal tor of parents FuU day Bam to and day openings September Una South of Erin Baliinafad area Phone in home WANTED Mature person in my home children flexible hours appro days week 15 per hour Employment Wanted cleaning lady Please million ONTARIO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC now acceptans for music In Guitar Organ and Plana for information call or 8774688 PIANO LESSONS Private lessons In my home evenings and Saturdays only Mrs Sunnucks PIANO lessons a storting September Personal DOG Days Gotcha Never Mind for District Kennel Club all breed Dog Show Obedience trials Place Milton Fairgrounds Milton Time September 1964 See further on September tor details THE Alexis Modelling Agency offers professional training In agency pro mo lion to work In fashion shows and personal evaluation 1 RIDE from Georgetown to Dominion Centre in Toronio starting September for a m tc Will share expenses RIDE wanted dally from Acton Guelph Preferably University of Guelph Will share expenses 2665 SHERIDAN College In Brampton Leaving Georgetown end returning Georgetown alter Students call Linda fall Vehicle For Sale rHntx MERCURY FORD TRUCKS Hwy No 7 West Between Gaorgetown Acton 2261 CAR OF THE WEEK 1978 DODGE RAM CHARGER Its an ideal family unit Built tough for rough going built with a family In mind Powered by a VB engine automatic transmission power steering and brakes It a vehicle you llonjoy to own Cougar Cromo Calico Grand Marquis S3 Door Gray416lA VW Rabbit Reliant Blue p3 BO Dodge Diplomat Lincoln Town Car Door Lynx OS Black SO Whim Mazda 82 Ford Granada 4 Fairmont Door Door Blue Blurt COOSA Phoenix Door Explorer Silver C016B Copper Explorer Monarch Door TuTono4239A 81 Cargo Van Cab Et Chai- White 81 Pickup Dodga Omni Blown 8772261 BUY OF THE WEEK ISra CHEVROLET sedan sliver with blue Interior cylinder automatic power sloe ring power brakes Serial No 45185 See Jerry dementi Motors 50 daycare available and Ontario si re Georgetown Excellent care tor WE FIX IT BEST Collision Paint Repairs All Fully Guaranteed RontalCarsAtLowRates Most Modem Body Shop UPTOWN COLLISION FREE ESTIMATES Corrnrtftntty located at 53 Mountslnview Rd N 1 Georgetown AMC Hornet power steering power brakes If ted Pontlec Venture power steering power brakes needs body work or best oiler as Is 878 7405 or condition Call CHRYSLER Now Yorker w P blue seats AM cassetle stereo power sunrool new white paint new For Sale I EARLY FALL SPECIAL LUBE OIL FILTER Motorcraft Fitter for most cars Eight trucks 13 Oltar M 1 sin 8532370 St North Acton COLLECTORS SPECIAL all original cylinder automatic bucket scats many new pans Runs perfect certified COLT new exhaust battery as Is or best olfer Moving 1961 CORVETTE gun metal grey immaculate condition only km air spoilers automatic T bar sunroof Bruce Hood 676 GREMLIN X 3 speed fair running con Good radian AM cassette Is Also214snowtlrest50 LOOKING tor an A 1 certified used car Be sure to see Bai Motors 677 MERCURY villager wagon excellent condition Certified S3 MUST SELL Returning to school Omni automatic Km certified Please call or TOYOTA Corolla white door speed 1 km over m AM CdlSCUB IBM I m TRUCK camper with fridge stove sink etc Sleeps firm Cadillac engine original miles as Is days evenings HI Recreation Vehicles CB750 HONDA mags header fairing electronic Ignition kit and more 519 Andy KAWASAKI black LTD for sale km rarely used Asking Call evenings HONDA INVENTORY CLEARANCE SUMMER SALE It pays to shop around then come home to The Racers Edge for Value Good Savings Good Service Haters edge NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD 32 Bronte St Milon 1981 YAMAHA Special new tires and transmission Some minor repairs necessary As is best offer altera p m Boat Motors Bmlneti OpporlunlUet money- making moneysaving tax course The Block Income Tax Course teaches you how to save money on your return PLUS shows you how to apply your ntw skills to prepare returns for family and Qual tiled course graduates may be offend job interviews for employment This popular course is taught by HR Block instructor Classes begin 12 Register now me free HR BLOCK- THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS IS ST GEORGETOWN ITS easier than you think to earn a year train you to raise big bait worms In your basement or garage Odorless Low in vestment Market guaranteed Early Bird Ecology Free information of TitHtefPO6984 10 Plain Vehicles One Compact Sealed tenders dearly marked to content be received by the Office Clerk una 2 DO Local Time Tuesday Sep tember Tender may bo obtained from the Office the Purchasing SI Bronte Road OakviBe Ontario Tenders wit be opened at M Local Time Tuesday September 18 1S84 In the Regional Committee Room No 2 1151 Bronto Ftoad Oakvfae Those lenders are Invited to attend any tender NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Estate of SUSAN COLLINS bt da Hub in ft Ettoitvt ited on or my Ftbruaty 1964 ft with on or before As In I SB dan suits may ttiaa hiving regard to chose which iho Augufi Hall for rent Banquets weddings dances Call J Bus on HALL for rent Newfoundland Club Contact Lynda Cummlngs 5788 alter rr Townhouse For Rent HOUSES Cozylbedroom lull basement or larger bedroom appliances or executive country home acre double garage Many others 454 Ho m el Fee SHORT term rental Furnished or unfurnished executive home In Georgetown bedrooms baths car garage well equipped walk to CO available Immediately References GEORGETOWN bedroom home furnished or partial Nov 1 May 1 Reasonable No pels Tenders TOWN OF HILLS Campers Trailers Motor Homea GOLDEN Falcon full site piece bath new hot water system 20x8 add a room tool shed at Breezes Trailer Park LIONEL hard top sleeps 6 3 way fridge propane stove and heater canopy new tires firm 1978 VENTURE hard top camper way fridge burner furnace port a potti canopy excellent condition 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF IDA GERTRUDE ALL persons having claims the estate of Ida Gertrude Hotktrt Ontario who dad March ire required to proof of same with the undersigned on or before October after which data the estate will be da tnbuted regard to the claim of which the undersigned shaft then have notice and the undersigned not be sable to any person of clam he shaft not then have no Dated at Halton HE this day of August GRAHAM FARNELL ARTHUR Executors by than- Sopeika Ken MM Street Georgetown ma 1USED SALTSAND SPREADER ApproxSCu Yds Spreader used for roads and parking lots Offered for sale as is where is Can be seen at our Yard on Trafalgar Road Contact the Purchasing Agent for appointment Bids will be received until 12 noon Friday August 31st 1984 by the Pur chasing Agent at 36 Main St S Georgetown L7G4X1 on plain paper in a sealed envelope clearly marked Sander Bid Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted TOWN OF MILTON TENDERS 1 Snowplowlng Equipment Rentals 2 Sanding Truck Rentals 3 Municipal Parking Lot Plowing PW584 Sealed Tenders CLEARLY MARKED AS TO CONTENTS will be received by the Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada MUton Malt Ontario Street South Milton Ontario until 200 p Local Tlma TUESDAY 1 for the above tenders for the Town of Milton Tender forms may be obtained from the of the Director of Public Works at the Town Han Main Street East Milton Ten der will be opened at Local Time TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11th at the Town Hall Those submitting tenders are invited to attend Lowest or any lander not necessarily ac MAY0R HOUSE for rent bedroom bungalow quiet crescent Georgetown Call after p m ask for James TOWNHOUSE wanted Family moving Georgetown and would like rent a or 3 bedroom townhouso for Oct 1984 Please contact Rick Apartment For Rent APARTMENTS Carpeted 1 bedroom fireplace or larger 2 bedroom kids okay or 3 bedroom parking only S400 Many others Fee BEDROOM basement apartment Glen Williams Available Oct Newly renovated all utilities included per month 3BEDROOMapartmentlnActonforrent per monlh Cell B Prior at Century Golden Real Estate Limited BED ROOM apartments hydro parking Included NearGO Train BEDROOM apartment very quiet no pets AvailableSeptember LARGE one bedroom heat water Included absolutely no pets monthly ONE bedroom apartment In 4 close to Go Train available Sept per month 9142 A Commercial Properties REASONABLE industrial Units for rent from 1050 ft Ik up Secretarial answering or OUtce flualneii Space PRIME OFFICE SPACE Excellent location in modern building Ample convenient parking facilities Enquire Sid Sliver or Real Wanted to Rent YOUNG couple with small Infant and friendly dog seek apartment or house with two or three bedrooms and small yard Reasonable rent 4794 j OFFICE SPACE building Phone 53 or apply at Steamers store HOUSE FOR SALE 14 EDITH ST Brick bungalow In perk area 3 bedrooms large famDy room with walkout Wll consider any reasonable offer I Qood mortgage rates 1 8778466 LARGE bedroom family home main floor laundry room and family room with fireplace double garage central air conditioning PRIVATE REDUCED from Owner must sell Sect Ion 3 bedroom detached semi professionally finished apartment with own kltcnen and bath down stairs No agents pleat Evenings Milton 78- PRIVATE 3 year old storey brick end aluminum construction ft home fireplace In main floor family room fully back yard PRiVATEMle3bdroombungaiowplus This bungalow is nestled on a guiet street Milton Mall Go train and Schools extras include central vacuum hook up large fenced yard end sheds Foryourapporntmenf view cell or PRIVATE SALE Three Link home on let crescent Two bathrooms Etf kitchen LR OR Finished Ret with and sliding glow doors private rear yard Upgraded broad loom Kitchen cup boards Phone for appointment