agency GEOROETOWHIUAXKFTPtACe 4H girls receive WI scholarships Auditions for children teens The president of Halton District Women Institute announced the winners of the Womens Institute Ethel Chapman Scholarship and the Womens Institute Bursary to representatives of the 12 district branches on Monday evening Kalhryn Johns of Milton accepted the Ethel Chapman Scholarship of Kathryn has entered University to study the Agricultural Diploma course specializing in ture this fall Jennifer McLean of Acton the other deserving SUPER JACKPOT NIGHT IN DESIGNATED CONSOLATION n PRIZES Sunday BINGO MINI MACHINE BINGO RICE BUSINESS CENTRE I Your Regional RAVEL Travel Agency mil AIR CANADA S TOURAM presents Great Britain Night TUESDAY OCTOBER 23 Appetizers beer null and served In a large Yorkshire pud dim English Bread Pudding with col fee or lea Audio presentation by Dr Prizes TicLcU Each Tax and Extra Retervahon Required Call Rick or Elaine ACTON TRAVEL 8533580 File Your Travel Needs with Acton Travel Grand Bahamas Island TMMlriiaKMM CtMTtoy Tour dtb la Horn Acton Tkwvct Another Altai recipient of the Women Institute awards received a Bursary towards her University degree in Family and Consumer Studies Congratulations are extended to both girls who have been members and are both daughters of leaders The gathering the Branch representatives provided an opportunity to coordinate District activities for the year District will celebrate Ontario s Bicentennial year with an old fashioned Ladles provide dance at Hall on the Guelph Line This evening will take place on November 30 It is expected many younger members will enjoy sharing in the en tertainment of earlier Women Institute days For the first lime in the past years Ontario will be hosting he Women Institute National Convention in Many members from will travel to London to join this week of sharing learning and fellowship The District Women Institute looks ahead to as a year of growth and will celebr ate this Year of Ihe Youth by attracting many new members to the organization Georgetown little Theatre will be holding audilionstocast The WiiardofOi 15 youngsters to 13 years of age are required to fill the Munchkin roles There ore also several roles for teens Casting tor this younger group of people will be held on Sunday October at Jill Mary Evans School of Dance entrance to the premises from the downtown parking lot behind Main Street Auditions for the mature members of the cast will be held on Monday October at Armstrong Avenue Casting is not restricted to mem bcrs only so all are welcome We do ask that the parents of children l akin part in the show be responsible for their childrens safe arrival and departure when they are attending rehearsals The majority of rehearsals for younger cast members will be held on Sunday However during the week prior to the opening of the show and the run of the show Ihere will be some late nights to contend with The show which is intended for the entire family opens on Friday December There will be two shows on Saturday December and Sunday December at 1 pjn and All tickets are with group rates available for or more To order tickets coll At UCO camp Debbie Dccnik RR3Norvalwasonoof39 young people between the ages of and selected to attend the Young Leaders Camp sponsored by United Cooperatives of Ontario this IMS WEEKS PRIME RIB with Pudding DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS BANQUET HALL AVAILABLE Book Now tor Chrlntrrn QEORQETOWNS FINEST DINING GFTCOmnUTESAVAKABU for Reservations Call 8777811 232 Guelph St THURSDAY IKIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY from m HOT COLD BUFFET a- OCTOBER Hie Hits lust KeepOn COIIIIIKJ TO ORDER TODAY CALL Halton Cable 8631270 from every Big Macsold will go to the Ronald McDonald House WED OCT 24 WIN A FREE SOUVENIR CARTIER DOLLAR LOOK INSIDE YOUR BIG MAC CONTAINER IF IT HAS A STAR YOU WIN EVERY MAC SOLD WINS Day Thats the day when everyone pitches in to help Local sports heroes business people and celebrities put on their aprons and go to work at the counter Come on in Have a Big Mac and hae a McHappy Day I McDonald ST the Chateau Restaurant St Georgetown In front of the Georgetown Motor Inn THIS WEEKS SPECIAL OCTOBER 1 to OCTOBER SUNDAYTHURSDAY BB a CHICKEN MONDAY- mi DAY TRY OUR BUSINESSMANS LUNCHEON 8777629 PIANO LESSONS NaTsMinlc Tuee Frl 10 BARRY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Carrels GEORGETOWN 3 GH4ST BUSTERS The Optimist Clubs of North Helton BINGO EvaryTimdiy on CaflfcH HELDOVEH Sally Fluid In Places In The Heart EiwTflLtlS MO RUB ft HELD OVER 2ND BK3WEEKI III MO ml Sol m HO UB CALL THEATRE FOR CONFIRMATION 235 GUELPH STREET Goe belle Wagner Mac A dam CHARTERED ACCQLINTANIS AUDIT ING ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING PERSONAL El CORPORATE INCOME TAX Omnia ITT BIB Aran Hi Own if Croat A from Brltlth Youre J