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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1984, p. 10

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GeorgetownActon Wednesday Nov 7 SPORTS SCOREBOARD BSOUGHTTO YOU BY REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN 8770173 McKenzie Smith sports The McKenzie Smith girls volleyball squad were victorious once again as they defeated Dick 15 13 and 159 this week On Oct girls played on home courts and with little trouble they downed their opposition by identical 1511 scores On Thursday the Smith boys played some outs an ding volleyball to defeat two games to one Acton opened the three game set with a be travelling to Sam Sherralt Nov Youth bowling results 15 13 win and then Stewarttown dominated the second game or a 153 win Then after falling behind the McKenzie- Smith boys came back to win Excellent plays were made by Tim Briggs Mike Brown Dave Leslie and David Thorpe The McKenzleSmith Mustangs will host this week and then they 11 by Michelle Pierce Pee The Super Stars were on a hot streak this week taking two games and totals from the Ghost Busters The Bears took the first game and totals leav the Gremlins to capture one game The Rabbits did Ihe same leaving the Go Getters with one game Team standings Super Stars Go Getters 12 Bears 12 Rabbits Gremlins eight Ghost Busters six Top five doubles RyanDuf field Nick Skevmgton 219 Chris Carr Brad Hammond 192 Andrew 181 Bantams TheSmurfs took the firit game and totals leaving the Man two games The Tigers were hot taking two games and totals from the Bob Cats The Rolling Stones did the same leaving the Hot Shots with one point Team standings Hot Shots Tigers 18 Rolling Stones 14 Pac Mans 13 Bob Cats seven Bantams second shim The Blue Jays took the first game but Dec Strikers came back taking two games and totals The Go Getters did the same leaving the A Team with one point The Bombers took two games and totals leiving the to take one game Team dings Go Getters Blue Jays IB Dees Strikers 13 A Team 13 Bombers 12 Cameros eight Top 10 tnplcs C W9 J Lee K Carter 8 C E Good win K Willmott J Scarangeila Juniors Dec Stikers were on a hot streak taking all three games and totals from the Warriors Judas Priest took two games and totals leaving the Losers with one point The Hot Shots did the same leaving the Pin Busters with one game Team standings Decs Sinkers Judas Pnest 19 Hot Shots The War Losers nine Pin Busters seven and a half Top five triples J Lewis 565 2 535 D Paley532 A Dunn Seniors The Ratts were hot taking three games and totals from Akimbo The Strikers and Ihe Aces tied the first game The Strikers then cap tured one game leaving the Aces with one game and totals Team standings 18 Aces 154 Strikers Akimbo 11 Top five triples Simon tie Teresa Dunn Barb Dunn Lisa Grant Smith rtldtn Top on Indies June HI For Genu Ted led Other good were handed In by 11 Given SI Don Smart JIB Edna Daley While SI Team are 13 and nine nd Pear la leven Mod Squad are one hall point out of place after the Incrtdibl for three lour TepUdtn roller was GeorglnaBeermanacoiinlboth and triple Drat Cam II roll Other lop ainglea wen Brian 111 Agnes McGnnla III liar and George ndoi MS Killing Ihe IrolerDlumnwereUaveLnliUS Brian SO M0 and Bowling News id j and Alley Can anda half on their lead taking Ihrce of fa taking Ihn rot ng both and I or ihe led the way roll ng a Other good a were handed In by Jackie I Charl Ml Cord Loll Clarke and Carol Jordan KM it lllag In pit heel were Jackie I at Belly STI Cord Loll and Ga 1 Stan are Acton IGA 19 The Looking IB Jug Nor kept Lhdr hold on even polnti with Ihe Sly Six Top of the Dunn roUIng both high 111 and triple On the men tide Wo lopped them all with hia 343 to Bob Maria Join Knight Ml Jackie Marlon Storey and under Penciling Wunde Marg White Marlon Storey Graham White COT and Joan Knight Standings are GoboU Sly Six 16 andGLT Hi their hold on three of four nta from the Woodchucka Top tingle went to Pal and Mary White tripled out good tingle went a Gall Sutherland McFadden and Marg White Nancy Roach 111 Jam and Shirley Sutherland Hitting Kevin right leaps to meet a Stewarttown players volley In volleyball action Thursday The McKenzltSmlth squad displayed considerable skill on the courts deleallng Stewarttown two games to one Wjjj MM J M Georgetown Youth Soccer ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TuMdrNoOTbi131M4 upstaM ACTON SOCCER CLUB dance- acton RuuvmnBaaiM Tickets KM MurJc by Clark ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Acton Monday PLEASE NOTE TRAFFIC INTERRUPTIONS we will be working at the OLD ACADEMY in up to December 1984 Between NOVEMBER and DECEMBERS the OPP will be controlling traffic for to 3 minutes at a time between the hours of a m to 6 m on Highway at the East of Rockwood Your operation in this matter will be greatly appreciated PRODUCTIONS INC A McKenzleSmlth player I at I looks like he pushing ball over the net The McKsnzla- Smith Mustangs faced some tough competition against Stewarttown but they came out ahead with Identical victories HONDA I Beard more bowling The Rollers rolled Into top spot in the Bowling league this week as they sent Welters tumbling to second and the shippers held onto third The Tanners Buffers and are holding down fourth fifth and sixth respec thely Brcnda for the third week in a row dominated the ladies triple and single scores pinning down singles and a triple Jim Gibson claimed this week top men s single rolling a and Dee Deforest pegged the top men triple with a score Other top scores in the men a division came from Dee Deforest 261 Fred Glsby Wally Ella Glen and Richard Cripps Bowling welt on the ladies side were Susan with Gloria Jennings with Gayle Butler with and Atkinson with 192 NO HUNTING IN HALTON REGION 1250 PEOPLE OPPOSE THIS ANNUAL EVENT WHEN WILL OUR LOCAL COONCIL REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS HRHOG it fcntiag in SKI BUS NEEDED The Hills Recreation and Parks Department is looking for Ski Bus Supervisors for the Saturday afternoon Junior Ski Program which starts January 5 lses Applicants must enjoy working with children and skiing Job butties Include supervising the children on the bus to Glen Eden assisting the skiers with their equipment and get ting the children to their lesson on time Ski bus supervisors ore required from both tbe Acton and Georgetown areas Application forms can be picked up at either Recreation Street Cast Acton or James Street Georgetown Dead line for applications is November 30th A OHA Senior A HOCKEY WOODSTOCK Georgetown Chrysler Raiders FRIDAY NOVEMBER 81 PM GORDON ALCOTT MEMORIAL ARENA Senior Student Children 240 Senior A 30 over now and support this years Rakton time to come out ADVANCE AVAILABLE AT H VUamt WINTER VALUES I brake special FRONT DISC BRAKES Replace Pads Turn Rotors Repack Bearings REAR DRUM BRAKES Replace Shoes Turn Drums Check Hydraulic System GOOD YEAR GEORGETOWN TIRE SALES LTD 345 St Georgetown or 1606

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