GeorgetownActon Wednesday Dec 3 Santa Claua gal good on Acton Sunday by attending Branch annual chlldrana Chrltlmas party With tha of Bill Cook Jams and otters handed out tarrlflc gilts to aoma area young tar a holding court In hall while proud mums and dads looked on Legion Christmas party a treat for 250 children Members are reminded of the euchre this coming Friday at m There will be no music the lounge but dancing in the auditorium alter the euchre with no charge We had the usual Christmas party last Sunday with approximately children to see Santa The Presidents Levy is New Years Day from to Tickets are running low for New Years Eve Better hurry The Wednesday Bridge Club will not meet Dec or Jan but will resume Jan From the executive a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and a reminder lo drive safely Maybe next year It was all hometown winners in the re- tent Club of Guclph car draw Claudclte won the 19B4 Magic Wagon Leslie Marshall 1000 cash Deborah a food voucher McLean a voucher and Am a voucher All are residents much to the consternation of Acton ticket buyers Joan McKnlghl May and Ruth Courtney were the Ladles Auxiliary members who organized Santas gala recap tion Sunday They not only helped dole the gilts but prepared hot and other ref for tha bundled who attended throughout the afternoon The light touch ALL YOUR LIGHTING a ELECTRICAL NEEDS UNDER ELECTRIC Lighting Centre 8772264 ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN WATER SLIDE It of twisting Family Rates Party Packages white water Shoppers World Brampton Witness and xKitis Come In and Visit For Men Women WEIGHT PROGRAM EXERCISE CLASSES SAUNA- POOL WHIRLPOOL- EQUIPMENT ROOM- UNIVERSAL GYM AEROBIC CLASSES BR DISCOUNT ON HAH a Christinas Sit CertiScafs AnMi JANUARY Parents frTots Swinming Lessons by Cathy Tost Esthetics by Antoniette Electrolysis by ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICES AVAILABLE TILL DEC W ENTRANCE OFF JAMES ST Wells drilled but water insufficient Hal ton Region has yet to find an adequate water supply to meet Acton s future needs despite having drilled three wells along the Fourth Line Public works director Bob Moore told the planning and public works committee last week that a contractor had been authorized to drill two wells into the water table north east of Acton but subsequent pumping tests proved that neither well can Individually meet the water supply shortfall that already exists A third well was drilled Moore said but it too turned out to l low Water quality samples have been taken from all three wells and are now being by the ministry of environment Moore said the ministry is considering the Regions request for permission to take more substantial quantities of water from the three ells Once permission Is given he said council will be asked to consider a course of action probably by next March Acton firm wins sidewalk snowplowing tender Bobcat or Acton has been awarded the bide walk snow clearing lender by the Town for the 1964 1985 winter season Ivan owner of Dempseys Bobcat prepared the lowest bid at the hourly rate of per hour He will clear the Acton Georgetown and sidewalks although Georgetown walks particularly Main and Sis will receive first priority Acton will be second in priority According to Town engineer Bob Austin the traffic volume of Hwy 7 In Georgetown is five times greater than through Acton therefore from a traffic safety point it should get first priority Any additional critical sidewalk areas will be cleared of snow Town staff on a time and equipment available basis had worked 1983 for the Acton He beat out L Paulln of Lynden Circle Georgetown who bid CO per hour and of I Georgetown a new snow plowing company whose bid did not specify an hourly rate Sidewalk snow clearing is expected to cost approximately for the first three months of 1905 The Town is already over Its 1984 budget by SI and this does not include any sidewalk clearing for Decern- New behavior code for AHS students Town drops plan for OMB appeal over Mill severance When Cecil of 163 Mill St West wanted to separate a piece of land to add to his sons lot he had no idea the Town would want a 17 foot strip of land in return for road widening purposes When a new lot Is created dedication of land Is mandatory but Gordon Chapman solicitor for argued that when no new lot is created there should be no land taken for roads Chapman pointed out at Monday s council meeting that the addition of the piece of land to the sons lot brings it up to the proper size Within a few days Actons high school school clean wellgroomed and modestly students will have a clearer Idea of what and suitably dressed they can and cannot do in school The dress code prohibits wearing clothing According to principal Hard Sury the that is offensive new Acton High School student behavior code wont be much different than regula tions already in effect out the rules will be clarified and the consequences of misbehavior will be more clearly dictated We also want to create a more consistent form or discipline A student cant expect to break the rules and get away with it In one class and then break the same rule in another class and be punished ex plained To draw up the new behavior code which will be put together as the student parent handbook and given to students each school rule was modified to suit the expectations teachers have of their students remarked that before any changes were made students parents teaching staff and school trustees were polled for their opinions We the discipline committee wanted to reach a happy medium with the code to please the majority of the people at the school Sury said Every aspect of the rules have been reviewed and weve even looked at the relationship between students and their peers Ruth Wilson chairperson for the schools discipline committee told the Free Press We want to develop mature responsible and self disciplined members of society Its been shown that students are very Those who didnt gel lo enjoy the talents of responsible when given responsibility the Acton Citizens Band in concert Sunday for their age group have another chance tonight Wednesday Students were invited to a meeting Dec Band members will be treating merchants to discuss the new code and Sury has invited and shoppers and more than a few passers- parents to preview the code before It is in- by to Christmas carols on a stroll around Jan town early this evening No discipline in schools is a myth Sundays annual Christmas concert at said There arc obviously some students McKcnzic Smith School saw the band in top who act up but they are a very small per- form with bandmaster George Elliott and code guidelines will include leading the players through two sets of failure to complete assigned work where carefully selected music that amply students can eat or smoke attendance demonstrated the bands versatility punctuality and respect for property Included were timeless Christmas pieces The dress code will also be included Sury Worship the King and said and students will be asked lo come to contemporary thrillers like J W Wilson said that the reaction from parents and staff has been generally positive and the fact that there has been considerable public input will add value to the code to conform to bylaw The described taking land for the Town expropriation without tion but suggested it may be justifiable where the creation of a new lot brings financial gain He found it inappropriate where there Is no new lot and the land was being given to a son though Councillor Dave Whiting backed Chap mans and termed proposal ludicrous Council agreed and refused to proceed with an appeal to the so that will not have to give the land to the Town Sing along highlights Citizens Band concert crashing score from Return of the Jedi Hardys popular bit of Canadiana The Homecoming ended the first segment of the show which also featured Do You Hear What I Hear and Green- sleeves In the second half the band thundered Into The Dam Busters by Eric Coates before settling into more seasonal tunes Including a medley of carols called The Warmth of Christmas Highlight of the evening was the audiences participation in a Christmas sing along which left few spectators quiet particularly when the band followed up with Let It Snow The evening closed with Canada GEORGETOWN PHOTO GEORGETOWNS ONLY i POLAROID AMATEUR and PROFESSIONAL DEALERI LORNE PRESIDENT LEN VICEPRESIDENT WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS L L FORD WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR MAKING OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR EVER