WHY WAIT Choose a Home NOW SPECIAL TOWN HOMES WOW is all down to move into this little three room bungalow with modern kitchen and bathroom full basement an oil heal One mortgage for the balance that carries for only monthly Its a dandy retirement or starter home Quitk possession WALK TO EVERYTHING room solid brick bungalow with beautifully finished rooms down Grot for the ds and adult parties Plenty of sum fun in the attractively landscaped garden with brick Bar and patio value at Full down for this fine three solid brick bungalow attractively situated on a lot on quiet crescent No mortgage qualification Family sue kitchen and living room Be first call right 23 WHAT A WAY TO START Imagine the excitement family will have when you announce that you have just purchased a brand new three bedroom ranch bungalow for thorn They tan move in in the new year Don t disappoint them the only LETS DRIVE BY this most appealing split level home again and thoroughly inspect it making a note of he many plus features beamed ceiling in the room broad loom in the living room formal dining room kitchen dinette combination vanitv in bathiooro garage beaut fully landscaped and fenced lot Three big big bedrooms and the bonus of all a first mortgage Do call no v for an appo t Us only 2B BE KIND TO YOUR CHILDREN and choose th four bedroom brick split level for the ultimate In zoned living where everyone has privacy window in living room and all to all also n formal dining room front foyer and hills Ultra modem kitchen plus dinette area where the whole family can sit down together iy room and fifth bedroom started on foyer level Built in garage Locitol on a quiet crescent Ileal for raising children Low first mortgage And its only MARVELOUS FIVE bedroom split level home kit nctte combination big formal In room and din room fojer ltrj and built in Beautiful brown range brick old to match Extra large ft lot first mortgage a must to see at EXTRAORDINARY VALUE Five big bedrooms up with door to ma bathroom off master bedroom or sible sixth bedroom on mai formal dining room linns room trend setting kitchen and washroom Plus a splendid room warmly finished Garage and a lot that is big jou would believe You tell us if it is not a grand bu at 900 BUBBLE Over with enthusiasm like d when wc first this one Stylish two storey brick with attached garage four bedrooms two bathrooms formal dining room living roo fan planned an excellent floor plan first mortgage that carries for thly including taxes situated on a quiet court of fine homes Don miss this one at 900 LUXURIOUS COMFORT To a log in the fireplace and watch the snow in the below through the doors in the del fim room Huge formal living room dining room modern kitchen with built in dish and garburitor Three bedrooms all master Two half baths and two car garage A truly fine executive home have Lots to dream on Choose one from our fine select on and make mike the year of action Paved road lOGioOO Tree lined near Ten acres stream area Ten acres Erin J S3 VILLAGE COUNTRY HOMES ASS IT BY If you rt look for good living in a lovely country sett rour room as noil s a pin modern kitchen and colored bathroo with built vanity lot yearly Heals Lev first mortgage Well PICTURESQUE Five room rug brick low with attached garage set well on a beautifully treed and shrubbed lot Huge living room windows on tvo wails Full basement oil licit Marvelous retirement hone AJfng SPACE SPACE Space for you people who never hive been a just good enough things Seven very roons include four bedrooms living room dining room and complete Inthro full Mom built Just two years ago on a one acre lot near Km A convenient com muter home Make a date now to see ihls SNOWMOBILE COUNTRY Conveniently located next to the conservation of trails explore warming loj burning fireplace in future family room area ITiis brand new unler construction split entry home bull garage if a ddndy for lie dining roo living rnom three bedrooms fourth down and second room roughed in 1069 price WINTERTIME IS BEAUTIFUL specially this built six room ranch bungalow with two car garage patio and situated on a one half acre lot on goo paved roa I Brick construction stone front room with bar Nicely finished laundry room with upper and lower cabinets Top quality covered doors on the kitchen cabinets with no shortage of them a built in stove and oven Its a grand buy at COUNTRY SPLENDOUR a crackling fire in the fire place spells a cosy winters evening The foyer entrance is especially inviting it leads up a carpeted stair to the living area or to the family room with washroom oft and patio doors to Also a convenient door to Three very very large bedrooms with double closets in two and door to bathroom off the master Soft music on intercom soothes nerves as you go about enjoying the luxury of this fine home Its situated on a one acre country lot and its a lovely gift at 500 FOBERT Real Etfata Ltd Realtor or Tar Una 30 pm call Milt Rom Patera Ran Dal Halen Atkinson Tripp REAL ESTATE 2nd Mortgage Money Available IOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS NO BONUS Consolidate your bill Cut Monthly Pay ma nit In Half Mad in Privacy of Your Own Horns IMMEDIATE APPROVAL CALL REAL ESTATE LTD MLS Realtor PAT DRAGO CARNEY REAL ESTATE BROKER LTD IB STREET GEORGETOWN 8775261 HOME OF THE WEEK TERRIFIC VALUE for this Immaculate storey a half home Logburning fireplace in the living room Big separate dining room hardwood floors paved drive are just a few of the man extras Well landscaped yard with an abundance of shrubs and trees Located within walking distance of downtown LISTED AT REDUCED TO SELL PAST bedroom brick bungalow close to schools and shopping Spacious living an 1 dining rooms along uith room make this a buy Photo MLS PRICE 22 TERRIFIC VALUE in a beautiful treecovered older district of Georgetown Twostorey 3 bedroom home Com redecorated Large deep lot Immediate pos session Photo MLS ASKING DUPLEX excellent condition modern apartments self contained in quiet shaded residential area close to downtown very good potential For financial details call now Onlj 22 OWNERS MOVING so move right into beaut three bedroom brick bungalow a perfect kitchen for Mom room plaj centre keeps the rest of the house neat 24 GLEN WILLIAMS Spacious four bedroom home in Immaculate condition Lots or cupboards plus cedar lined closets for Mom Built ins in living room for Dad The lot is a massive complete with a rage A good home for a growing family Photo MLS PRICED AT ONLY LARGE HOME AND GARAGE 3 bedrooms Two storey home Separate dm room living room and kitchen Garage has potential for good return from renting Main St North Photo MLS 25 SIDE SPLIT New brick and frame bedroom Attached garage Large country lot Located in village mln utes from town PRICED AT PROPERTY Brick and stone bungalow Attached onecar garage Living room with floor tocellli re place kitchen Re room ASKLNG 27 900 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION for this new three bedroom bungalow Custom built kitchen separate dining Plush In llvinj in dm ro 2x132 lot enhanced by large stalely spruce trees Glen Williams PRICED TO AT YES Everywhere jou look in and around tils solid masonry bungalow can sec that the pros owners have spared no expense to complete this house in a manner that will whet the appetite of any potential home owner Twocar attached girage in entrance to three room with panelled walls beamed ceiling Vail to- vail indoor outdoor carpeting Town lot with 140 frontage Photo MLS Ajklng 27 YOU LIKE the convenient location of this spacious old side split home family room on main floor keeps tie rest of the house neat Construe ted of brick and cedar siding with attached garage and drive mortgage PRICED AT RETIRE IN THE PARK Beautiful 2 bedroom bungalow formal dining that puts into entertain Charming living room with fireplace and door to room Decorators dream kite en that makes a pleasure pc bath Full basement rcc room started piece colour bath Comfort all win tor with automatic oil hot viler heating last word in economy Treed 132 lot PRICED TO SELL BRICK BUNGALOW with carport Two years old three bedroom living room dining room combination plus spacious kitchen Large mortgage m for easy carrying Act fast Photo MLS ASKING 28 TOWN CENTRE Is where this beautiful one bun is located Formal dining room and living room Rec Room Attached garage professionally land scaped grounds I MLS 1 IN THE PARK Older beautiful Storey brick homo in the park area J bedrooms rustic dining living vood beams Unique fireplace the and alls Modern kitchen where tht whole family can sit down and eat together leidint to second storey Master bedroom 17 x Sun deck one One car garage Treed lot Photo MLS FULL PRICE ONLY 900 LUXURY LIVING in thii one yearold level home with the added feature of a contained one bedroom apartment in basement Plush wall to wall hroadloon in livlngdinlng rooms Three huge bedrooms with large Separate entrance to the lover Photo MIA A REAL FIND Ar 31 RAMBLING RANCH BUNGALOW featuring family kitchen three large bedrooms Two car garage breeze waj Laundry room off I MIA A MUST TO SEE AT YOU LL BE PROUD to live in this new bedroom red brick and stone rancher Attached heated garage for dining room cheery living room beau wooded country side All en for twin beds piece 1 nil basement Lot on paved road disc to town The price is flexible Photo MLS ACRE hard bush lot Is the perfect setting for this fl room two storey three year old home Built one of most renowned builders Treat family by Inspecting this fine homo today Photo MIA REDUCED TO SELL AT FARMS AND ACREAGES Erin 60 Erin 10 Acres Acre South Georgetown acres wooded lot x 243 Acres 500 900 MINI FARM acres house and barn Four bedroom brick farm house has been newly decorated Large bank barn Ideal for liorso enthusiasts Price Is flex MLS ASKING 31 900 HirrliOfi Paarl Murray Smith Acton CALL UI TODAY Harb Don Hinds Named St Churchwardens and ladies guild by Mrs rector announced would be the rec tors warden people s warden I en Hindi treasurer lav delegate Peter i Norton alternate Cordon ham Discussion on the business One item as a suggestion that the men be approached to act sidesmen A hour lowel lunch served by the ladies Mr and Mm Helm and girls Christine and Carol have returned from a holiday in Germany where they spent Christmas with relatives Turklnoton burled here Monday Ilia wife predeceased him man years ago He had no family but nieces and nephews live in the district On Sunday evening Jan St Albans Church held their annual vestry meeting in the parish hall Rev Ruggle op ened the meeting Mrs Len was elected vestry clerk Minutes of the last Word was received last meeting were read Rev Thursday of the death of gave the rectors of Vancouver Herb Preston gave the WM the brother of ens report The financial of and of given by Sylvia Norton and Stanley of the treasurer The bachelor and report by Herb Preston ln Vancouver for many place We extend sympathy to Myrlo Held in the death of nisi father Arthur in THI HERALD THURSDAY JAN PAGE Airs Hall and Danny and Debbie from Brampton into our community We wish to extend congratu latlons to Mr and Mrs Roy of Prince St on the rival of their fiftieth grand child It was a boy born to Mr and Mrs T C who live at Line and Steele Ave name Is Sean weight lb The grandchildren are well divided girls and 26 boys Mrs C Mrs Moody of as been spending some time their home here The CGIT girls accompanied by Mrs S Ash and Mrs Hunter attended the Ice Follies in Maple Leaf Gardens last Saturday En route home they stopped it Strcetnille to eat ppcr Mr and Mrs Gordon Spence Mr Jim Hill who was a long and family of the flth Line me village resident passed have sold their home and at the Centennial Manor led to Georgetown We Milton at the a of He was come the new owners Mr and When you sell your house through a Realtor you lave lime energy and headaches Because a Realtor is a pro fessional in the real estate busmen who will introduce you to truly interested people People who want to buy whit you want to sell And through Multiple Lilting a number of work hand in hand so that you have a wide range of pro spective buyers All of whom do business through a Reittor because they know he handle the kind of property they interested Fairly and squarely When you re aellinj your house do it tht simple wav Get in touch with your Realtor a professional in real estate who subscribes to strict Code of Ethics as a member of the local board and of the Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards W F HUNTER REAL ESTATE BKOKER rttwn jally for thli tlma year hat sadly REAL BUY This comfortable frame home in the central part of tovn his a nice lhing room separate dining room kitchen down three bedrooms and bath up Very economical low taxes 16 00 ECONOMY HOME This room home on a quiet street has three large bedrooms and excellent kitchen pee Tilth up and down with fan Basement roughed In for apartment Carres for I Taxes This should go fast fiO CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING This five roomed brick bungalow with finished room is situated on a large corner lot with of room and a lovely garden Double Cranio garage Owner leaving town ATTENTION COMMUTERS Just two miles from an four miles south of Georgetown surrounded by excep tional homes Country rancher brick and stone 3 bed rooms large kitchen shaped livingdining area Only rs old and custom built Attractive to base ment with corner fireplace Lot Is beautifully treed on four fifths acre with circular drive double garage Public and separate school busies the Owner lias purchased business and must sell 34500 LOW PRICE ACREAGE in area acres with three springs and stream combines workable land with rolling hills and beautiful hardwood walkthrough bush Older home and small barn Thla type of property Is difficult to acquire Make appoint MISSISSAUGA miles north of Typical Old Homestead on two acres completely renovated liful big living room with hand hewn exposed beams and cutstone fireplace rooms In all four bedrooms All furnishings ind TV included Substan tlnl BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT Hilltop acre overlooking valley lovely close to Georgetown Maple and apple trees Hurry for this INDUSTRIAL LAND Nearly one acre of land with ISO ft frontage on paved road This property can be divided if desired Low down and owner will assist with financing Start that little business always drenmed of in LOT GLEN WILLIAMS 8774441 Ann Plan Tyara 32U Kan 8773552 Zlllo 8776302 Choose Officers for Church Womens Guild Members of St Johns Angli can church guild held their an meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas with a good a tendance Officers elected for the year are Mrs John dent Mrs Cecil president Mrs Jim Ross sec Mrs Carl Deforest treasurer Mrs Jim Stewart Mrs John Dickenson flower committee Mrs Cecil Smith Mrs J buyers Jilxs Fred Armstrong Mrs Howard Briggs auditors Mrs Thomas telephone convener Plans were made to hold a hot turkey luncheon on Feb ruary at the church Full particulars may be found in the Coming Events column of The Herald Mrs J E Maxwell ass stcd the hostess with lunch and social half hour was enjoyed I Mrs C A Grant WHSHORTILI Ltd REALTOR Trnt WONDERFUL ACRES Tw ACRES flOO workable bank barn driving shed good stream and spring pond road front age on 3 sides school bus at bedroom home current ly divided into apartments I Investment See today with Irene LIVE IN ERIN Retlramant Hem Immaculate bed room bungalow features room combination sunshine bright kitchen full basement paved drive attach ed garage many extras Ins pect with Irene Douglas The Brampton Real Estate Board Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In Of JAMES BROWN ALL PERSONS having claims against the of James Brown late of the Township of In the Countj of Hilton who died on or about the 24th day of May I 1969 are hereby notified to send part leu Ian of same to the underalgned on or before the of February ter which date the estate will be diitrlbuted with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersign ed not be to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice AND SOPINKA Barristers and Solicitors Street George own Ontario Solicitors for Stanley Albert Allen Administrator of the Estate of James Brown the new SHOWCASE Of FINE HOMES 32page FULL COLOR CATALOG Lelth catalog you can build your now and un up to Earlyblrd by May Slit and living roam by Stradwlclu HALUDAY HOMES LTD Burlington SEND THI COUPON WITH OR TO B Hamilton CONSTRUCTION LTD Ganaril Contractor Print Charlaa G J MANN RE ALTO ACTON BARGAIN Reams pi rata Garage All large rooms ideal for large Lot ft ft on town aervlces Easy access to School ours Excellent business investment Ed 7035 GEORGETOWN DOWN Lot 36 Room 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow extra large lot dining area finished in antique knotty pine Total heating cost yearly Near schools and shopping Low down- Al Wilkinson MORTGAGE Solid BrUk Bunaalew Carries for monthly including taes features a large kite hen dinette area and a room In basement Clean a pleasure to see Near all facilities Room Hi Family Room Bathrooms Aluminum aiding Separate dining area two bedrooms family room insulated addition to back Grounds well treed and shrubbed and and ready to into Beautiful residential area Priced for quick sale Treen or ACTON FACING LAKE 4 BadrMm Antique Brick Split Modern bedroom with on overlooking lake No need to travel to the cot swim and catch bass and pike right at your door step restoring two piece baths Colourtono built In oven and fridge Excellent value easy commuting to Toronto via Highway Bob or HOCKLEY VAUEY ACRES kanlc Trd n No Hawaii 30 minutes to Toronto near ft frontage on Hockley Owner take back first gage to suit your down payment Wilkinson ACRE FARM Thriving Batf Farm Must nil due to retirement Largo 11 room solid brick farmhouse ln spotless condition gleaming hardwood and Includes feet steel implement shed SO ft 120 ft barn in excellent condition Located north of conservation and swimming beaches on excellent investment potential Ed GEORGETOWN ACRES Ft Ideally located building site with picturesque view of country Excellent Investment opportunity ur TORONTO