THE THURSDAY FEB 12th 1970 NATIONAL SCOUT AND GUIDE WEEK AIMS OF SCOUTING Scouting aid In building boys to Into of their country character rttpomlbli th Scouting not compel with church hum or school Scouting recogn- that these Institutions the influences to the building of good character In youth and thai Scout training Is and complementary to them AIMS OF GUIDING Th aim of the Girl Gulda In Canada Guides Canada to from to IB in the formation of char by encouraging ham to be re sponsible It liens of their country and the world by introducing them to ad venture and the outofdoors by train ing them In skills which will help them to become good home makers and to experience the oy of giving service to others FEBRUARY 15th to FEBRUARY 22nd SCOUTS GUIDES AND THEIR LEADERS HELP BUILD A BETTER COMMUNITY Georgetown Boys Are Urged To PARENTS You can further the cause of Scouting in our community by jour interest and sup port or better still accepting leadership or position on one of jour local Scout Group FOR INFORMATION CUBS SCOUTS 8779766 VENTURERS 8532063 ROVERS 8772808 DISTRICT STAFF TOM HIGGINS Ass Commissioner for Leader Training BARRAGER I An Is la nt District Commissioner DAVE HASTINGS District Scoutmaster ROSS COLTER District Cubmaiter KEVIN District Venturer Advisor Become Active In The SCOUTS CUBS VENTURERS AND ROVERS There is room and a warm welcome for any boy to 17 Scout arid sen or boys 17 to arc aged e act in ihe Rover Groups Why not fin out more deta Is today The Scout Promise promise to do my best To love and serve God My Queen my Country and y live by the law The Cub Promise I promise to do my best do my duty to God and the Queen keep the Law of Wolf Cub pack and to do a good turn somebody every day Church Parade at Holy Cross Church Non- Denominational Sunday Feb at 200 Canadian Girl Guides Diamond Jubilee yeiri ago the Ant Girl Quid Company formed In St Catharines Today thore are 12000 Packs and Companies of Brownies Guides and Canada membership of nearly 30X1000 Of these and are active in Nerval Glen Williams and with a total of Brownies 11 Guidei Rangers and leaders February Think Day these girls along with all the others in Canada and In other Member es of World Guide remember the birthdays of their founder the late Lord Baden Powell and the r World Chief Guide Lady Baden Powell On this day a chain of warm friendly thoughts encircle the globe Many of us have never seen each other but we all belong to the same World Family of Guiding DISTRICT STAFF 1970 MRS E South Dlifrlei Commissions J MRS J BRAY South Georgetown District MRS J A REED Credit Valley Dlst MRS JARVIE Sac for MRS M SILK Gtorgatown District MRS C SMITH 10 Chipper Court North Diit Encourage Your Girl To Join The Guide Promise The Brownie I on my honour to do my To do my duty to God the Queen my country To help other people at ell timet To obey the Guide law I promise to do my To do my duty to God Queen and my To help other people every day especially those home THIS PAGE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC SPIRITED FIRMS AS A TRIBUTE TO THE SCOUTS GUIDES AND THEIR LEADERS Apple Products Glen Williams Ltd WILLIAMS Armstrong Insurance JOHNT ARMSTRONG PAULC ARMSTRONG MAIN STREET S Kentner Pharmacy 12 MAIN STREET NORTH Beaver Lumber Co Ltd II WATER STREET E Bliss of Canada Ltd EAGLE SIGNAL DIVISION GEORGETOWN Cotton Brothers GEORGETOWN HAMPTON Dominion Seed House Fine Papers Ltd GEORGETOWN Funeral Home EDITH STREET Trio Discount Mart MOORE PARK PLAZA Mushroom Growers Limited Andrew Murray Motors Ltd YOUR CHEV OLDS DEALER Rod South Abitibi Provincial Paper Ltd GEORGETOWN John Boughton Jewellers CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS 5 MAIN STREET NORTH 8774313 Crest Hardware OWNED BY RICHARDSONS MAIN ST S 3501 Silvers Department Store MAIN STREET NORTH Smith and Stone Ltd GEORGETOWN Stevensons Men GEORGETOWN MARKET CENT 8776661 Stans Restaurant MAIN STREET NORTH Steens Dairy HOME OF BETTER MILK 10 WATER STREET 8773421 Associates of Canada Ltd GEORGETOWN Youngs Pharmacy Ltd MAIN STREET NORTH Georgetown Stationery MAIN STREET NORTH Robert Gougeon Household Furnishing MAIN STREET SOUTH television GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE United CoOperatives of Ontario GEORGETOWN BRANCH 772271 IGA Foodliner STREET QUEEN STREET Holmes 5c 1 Store 11 MAIN STREET NORTH 8772401 Barber Henley Ltd INSURANCE AND TRAVEL AGENCY MAIN STREET NORTH J B Mackenzie Son Ltd JAMES ST BUILDING SUPPLIES MacCormacks Drugs MAIN STREET Jewellers 33 MAIN STREET NORTH 8772411 DELREX SMOKE SHOP GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE