CHATTING nth MARY Either the sunlight Is wrong or the is turned In the wrong direction If is not Charlie I know that Charlie hid still time to Live wild tho way It was meant to be Charlie Brown Now Back In His Groundhog Habitat WHETHER OR NOT the saw its shadow on 1st isnt tht most important aspect Groundhog is fir as the Art 128 Confcdir fltian Street Oth Lint Glen Williams concerned thorn more just stung the groundhog Not ju groundhog mind but spun I one Chirlic Brown name Chirlie Brown a do llghlful of their litis two ago and interested to where she him of an project for the Youn Club of which she was a Now a student at Slewarttown c Karen wis it tending I School when she wrr lint a ONE HOT DAY IN JUNE 1DC7 mother wis ins jirdm she almost trod on a small brown I wis wall hone at tin time from whin cur 1 it up to have tr look A little investigation that it wis a baby groundhog and furthi wed sillier ten off VL tarried it bilk the house and to phi in front of it all the food tint would ever wan There wis shredded apple lettuce tomato and cucumber He began lo nib ble on sonic tomatoes and cue umber hut turned ha back lo it the rest of We rcilired il could not cat solids yet so we gave him bread in warm milk when he licked off our fin gen Later him a bed in a h held a hot brittle and scleral towels to him warm He soon with a and Went to sleep THAT AFTERNOON my sis tor and I searched am I our found a plas I baby bottle We enlarged the hole in the nipple and into the bottle wc poured some and milk mixture We spread a towel on the floor of the kit chin and let him hind legs and hold and feed from the like human After wc some water on him and named him Charlie Brown IN MANY WAYS HE like a human He loved to be cuddled and attention If he get his own way he waddle grumbling and tail straight up in the a burner were afraid tint cats ihtn owned would thaac poor Charlie and our suspicions were confirmed but in the op iti direction Chirlic the cits until the cat Tiger look refuge on top of the piano an tin smaller Smokij on tin fortumteK for it was not a for long Char lie soon how to scram up the hearth of the lire pi ii el mind it for Ins em this understanding Charlie often went on Ihe heirth to listen to Mom play the piano ind off rocking lo the rhjthni or a picrc whistle No bo was safe in our house Charlie climb up the arm of our couch and pull do in box he wanted and then took the to slorc in his cave under the touch One lime mv tester was dolls and then left the doll clothes on the couch When came hick the were gone looked and fi found them under the ouch formed into a nest which the tissue boxes a pair of Dads socks and Char lie sleeping in the middle of It Chirlie had an old blanket which he used to tote htm the place He wouldn t lear it or wish it In stead he it Charlie hid i sweet tooth and doled on licorice and marsh mallows He especially liked but had a tough tune eating them because they stuck lo the roof of his He also a Ilk ing for beer and Dad would few drops of it in the bottle which Charlie i happily j WE THOUGHT IT WOULD be nice if we could take Charlie it on a leash Wc obtained harness we get him collar he had no neck ind could nut of it and altered it slightly to and buckled it on then took It with Charlie outside Aside from flattening to the ground and refusing to go fur he acted quite gentleman We decided to let him of the harness to sec what ild Charlie waddled I ilosc to Dad that Dad hid pread his feet apirt to let Charlie through Charlie was getting mature a and begin to use his teeth us more frequent l We de cided to our veterinarian he would bo able to ivc Charlie a rabies shot now he was getting around The vet said that would be to let him go as he would not be able to hibermte in our house all agreed that this would be the best thing to do WE BEGAN TO LENGTHEN Charlies walks so that he ht find a home for the win ter He did one to tin ho ise first he spent a little time In his bun on but be gradually ger until time he did come back when we called him This was in September knew he wis getting ready to hibernate The snow fell and he disappeircd spring he and rccog ni7ed us But towards the end of June he scampered off when s coning ind seldom came out of his irrow We pre sumed he was a family man now AGAIN THE SNOW FELL and this spr there Is a hog who lives in Char home but we dint is him watch through binoculars to sec the place where the left car should be I TAKING BREATHALYZER COURSE LETS PLAY BRIDGE BY BILL COATS CST ARNtE VANCLIEF A Georgetown cons libit Vineluf his completed a two week course the irio Proline Police School in Toronto which will him to op onto a George Police Department has they will hi equip nuke ihnks of drivers of being paired latir this month No trump contracts are sup posed to be the most difficult contracts to play This is why most bridge players prefer to play in suit contracts At however the extra ten points difference for the first no trump trick acts like a mag net It attracts duplicate play to no trump At duplicate all that matters Is that you get better score than other play who hold the same cards How much better t matter even ten points better can bring a good result Last week at Acton Bridge Club the no trump bidders were brought to Justice on a certain hand Three pairs tried six no trump on a hand and all were defeated One oven managed go down tricks One pair however bid a grand slam in spades and proceeded to make the contract Here are the hands North a Void D A K CJ Wait Gait 111 87 A 3 II 10 J a C 7 5 South J I H A J 10 A K 10 East West 1st Art Nor rls Frank 2nd Olive Logan Margery Mackenzie 3rd Gloria Coats Betty Ashley Mr and Mrs Mondays results North South 1st Betty Ashley ant Bill Coats 2nd Cam Sinclair and Kay Campbell East West 1st Lillian Law and Duke Wilson 2nd Tom and Ivan Harris APTITUDE TESTS FOR UNEMPLOYED applying to Manpower in the Georgetown Brampton area will receive more personalized thin they may be asked by their counsel lor to tike a number of specialized aptitude tests in a pre red testing room The local centre which Is located Brampton giving in under the direction of lest Mrs Nellie and alter Mrs Simpson The test roim was completed at the end of last yenr and is now in regular Set from the other offices the tr area Li partially sound proof Social Personal Mrs Wilier leek Street has returned from a visit in Dartmouth Novi Scotia with son Hoy his wife and famil During her there she ittindcd the wed ding of her Christine leek in I who will be living in where he is on the staff Thiy came west for their honey moon ind visited in town with Mr and Mrs Do iglis Normamlv is now senior count 1st for the province of Novi Scotia MOORE PARK PLAZA MAIN STREET NORTH Open Daily Until 10 Days a NYLONS With Every purchase Bordens ICE cream REG REG OR ONE SIZE FITS All Ladies Panty Hose Reg 198 Value SAVE 50c FAB KING SIZE SCOTT TOWELS Reg 63c Rolls PEPSODENT Toothbrushes WITH EACH PURCHASE OF TOOTHPASTE Any Brand or c SCHICK RAZOR BLADES 3 or I Anacin oos Reg 135 SAVE 70c COLGATE MOUTHWASH Reg 169 99 KleertexorRoyale200s FACIAL TISSUE Reg 43c or 00 PLUS- OVER 2000 ITEMS AT EVERY DAY DISCOUNT PRICES OPEN DAILY TIL PM INCLUDING SUNDAYS HOLIDAYS North Eait South Witt 1 I Pass C Pass Pss 3 S Pass 4 Pass NT Pass All Pass Opening lead of hearts There are two bids worth commenting on Souths re sponsc of 3 clubs to north op- cuing bid is called a jump shift II jumps one level of bidding and changes to another suit It dcscnbis a hand of at least IB high card points You should never use it just to describe a interested in a void In clubs a suit that he bid strongly in I would probibly bid only sin spades myself since you should not bid seven on a finesse The of opening bid strength The other unusual bid isj North a reply of diamonds to Souths no trump ace asking bid Five diamonds shows one ace so does six diamonds show It shows one ace as well but It also shows a void suit I The void should be In hearts since South would likely be pair who bid seven dropped the queen of or took the finesse in the right direction If the no trump bid ders the spade they too could make their con tract but week at the Ac ton Bridge Club they were all wTong How did one go down six winning the heart king with his ace ho cashed diamond queen and entered dummy with spade Declarer took two hih diamonds discarding a heart and a club When din failed to break ha took the spade finesse When the dust had cleared he had lost one spade one diamond and five heart tricks One last point Declarer should lose no club tricks With three clubs in dummy even if declarer plans to finesse clubs he should play the ace or king first just in case This is one of those hands where the just n case pays off BRIDGE CLUB The flu epidemic had some ffcel of lost week meeting of Georgetown duplicate club when attendance dropped to thirteen tables Club director Wilson and his wife were both home III Associate director Bob Dick son of Erin had Just suffered a family bereavement when his mother died so Harry Allen a member of the club who Is also director of a Brampton club filled In NorthSouth winner Bill Hamilton Mrs Pat Williams 2nd Cam Sinclair Mrs lis Campbell 3rd Mrs Sue Sullivan Bill Barbour Jim Lakeview Discount Centre 126 Main N Acton Wallpaper Panels Carpata 853 1190 Open Sat to JO FREE DELIVERY CONCRETE GRAVEL BUILDING SAND ROAD GRAVEL FILL and TOP SOIL GARNET BUD HAINES Gtin Williams 8774303 and has special lighting THE GEORGETOWN HERALD t aid the clients Up to persons can bo tested at tune I PAGE I THURSDAY FEB Bills got you buffaloed See HFC be stampeded Get help now with an HFC Bill Payer Loan Pay at once Then have just one payment a month to HFC smaller than the monthly total youre paying now For bill paying or for any other good purpose borrow with confidence from HFC Need up to Apply for your loan by phone Well supply your loan by mail HOUSEHOLD GEORGETOWN 41 Main Street NorthTelephone Dpartmn Ask about our Quitting Business I A JAWIXJUII J WEAR Main St ONLY A FEW WEEKS LEFT TO LIQUIDATE THE ENTIRE STOCK of quality Ladies Teem and Childrens Wear In eluding FAMOUS BRANDS SUCH AS BEST FORM LOVABLE SHAMROCK SPORTSWEAR CARLA JANE SCOUTTEX BELLS IADY BIRD TEMPLE TOGS SPORTSWEAR ETC I PRICE LESS Every Item EARLY SHOPPING IS A MUST FOR BARGAINS LIKE THESE HERE ARE A PEW EXAMPLES SPECIAL GROUP LADIES DRESSES Assorted styles good quality tome one of a kind etc REG UP TO 15 Your Choice SPECIAL GROUP LADIES JACKETS COATS Quilted and Hooded Jackett Coats In assorted fabrics colors etc REGULARLY TO Early shopping a must for this one 00 ANACIN FAST PAIN RELIEF Limited Quantity Bottle of 100 Tablets Price 67 c bti