KNSIVENCLUBS THE KINSMEN CLUB OF GEORGETOWN MARKS 13 YEARS OF SERVICE THE COMMUNITY Association Founded in Georgetown Club Chartered in 1957 PARKETTH PLAYGROUND LOCATED ON EDWARD STREET A KINSMEN S PROJECT AIMS OBJECTS of KINSMENSHIP The of this Association shall be to promote and direct fellowship among young men good character within Canada to the That they may be improved and educated In modern business and professional methods and ethics That a spirit of cooperation tolerance and understanding between all nations and all people be fostered and stimulated and the unity of thought and purpose throughout Can ada he established toward this goal sen ice work ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN The Association of Kinsmen Clubs is into districts across Canada Each is divided into or zones Each zone contains from to clubs The Georgetown club meets every other Monday night for purposes of fellowship and to conduct business of money raising projects and service work How the money is raised or what it is spent on is up to the George town club with little or no interference from the National Executive Each Zone has a meeting of it el ilis Lath District has one council meeting in the fill and one con in the Spring The national convention is held in August While one of the main objects of the clubs arc to do service work another objective is fellowship A Kinsman is automatically welcome at any other club To encourage this each year the National executive publish a booklet travelling Kinsmen in which is listed every club time and place of meeting as well as the mines and numbers of scleral Kinsmen to contact This is also help to a Kinsman who changes residence to another town He to leave the ib he simply transfers to another club near his now reulenc PAS PRESIDENTS Georgetown Club CLARE BURNS BILL HEWITT BOB COLEtTT DEAN TOM KENT JACK SPENCE BILL SUTJNUCKS 19663 HARRY LEVY DEAN TAYLOR JACK GARY ALTON 1970 Members Georgetown Kinsmen Club Gary Alton Spar Aerospace Ltd George Bow en Northern Electric Bob Department of Transport Air Traffic Control J rank Bryant State Farm Insurance Burns Transport Ltd John Cochran Department of Transport Air Trallic Control Bob Collett Don Currie American Sterilizer Ltd Dlcgel Industrial Process Equipment Doug Canadian Kodak Elliot Georgetown Centennial Schooi Paul Evans Pilot Insurance Co Beamish Stores a Ltd J Carney Real Estate Bill Paper Ltd Imperial Ltd Super Cities Ltd Georgetown puliation Lid Canada Ltd Georgetown District High School Canadian Imperial Bant of Commerce Curwood Packaging Air Canada Department of Transport Air Traffic Control Murphy Blue Giant Equipment Pete Sports Douglas Aircraft Bell Canada Industries Industries Real Estate American Sterilizer Ltd Standard Products Ltd Norsk Steel John White Douglas Aircraft Honorary Member Life Member Members of the Kinunen Club of Georgetown arc eel an auspicious 13 years of service inasmuch as it coincides with the anniversary of the founding of the Kinsmen Association This is Kinsmen Week throughout the country and it gives us the opportunity to tell just how proud we are of our record of service to the town and of our good standing within the We belong to an AllCanadian service organization which was formed to promote fellowship between men whilst providing a service to the community in which we live The first Kinsmen club was formed ago in Hamilton by a young man named Hal Raters From that inauspicious birth in a Chinese restaurant the Association has grown to its present membership of over in over clubs all across Canada It was the Kinsmen Club of Oakville who were in in forming the Georgetown Club Along with Clare Burns our charter president young men in town assisted and given guidance by the Oakville mem banded together and The Kinsmen Club of George town was chartered at a meeting in the Fischer Hotel Guclph Since then we have enjoyed a great deal of fun and fellowship working at our service projects which started oil with the purchase and Installation of playground equipment at the swimming pool Since then we have donaled Hospital Building Fund built and equip ped a conducted canvasses for the Retarded drcn and March of Dimes to Ihn Legion Poppy Port and NA Disaster Funds minor hockey baseball and soccer We provided awnings for the nursery and surgical equipment for the paid for and personally renovated tho HOPE workshop purchased additional equip ment assisted many needy families and a part in the renovation to the Arena It was in thai wc started investigating the possibility of building apartments for the Senior Citizens If go to Hide Park Road now will sec that those investigations hive turned to reality and very soon the Senior Citizens Apart will be in operation On an annual basis financially support other charitable organizations provide transportation for the incapacitated assist with Welfare Baskets at Christmas donate and decorate trees and generally assist with tthe Christmas parties at the Sunshine School and ARC Indus tries HOPE Workshop and our biggest the organizing and operating of the Softball and the Georgetown International Hockey Tournament To finance all this service work we need an Income This income in the past 13 years totals more than and has been derived from money raising projects as our annual 1000 Stag Dinner which also offers a SI prize our Christmas tree and mixed nut sales the yearly Kin fertilizer sale and Fall Fair Booth sales and various carnivals house trailer and laneous raffles Imperial Hell Drivers Show and tag dajs Added to this list this year is income raised by the del ivcry of over telephone books in the area Bantam Hockey Tournament which costs bout to promote is selfsufficient and is not in the nor la our Christmas float the cost of which is borne by Club members We have of course had our money raising failures namely several Monster Bingo nihta which we promoted in our early years The paled profits from these bingo games appeared in he wrong column of the ledger and were written in red rati than black However this is a occurrence and try not to make the same mistake twice Our service work goes on but its not all work One of the basic reasons for our existence is the or Kinsmcnship We the pleasure of moetinf every other Monday nijht for our dinner and business meetings at Stans 030 Its during the of our meeting that wc have the fun and hi jinks and during the business portion we buckle down to discuss now best We can be of service to our community Our meetings of course provide a chance for us to meet our fellow Kin but they also provide an excellent opportunity for the members to gain assurance and poise by standing and speaking to a group of men learning how to conduct a meeting and also learning fun damental Parliamentary procedure Election time for Kinsmen like everywhere else Is big time Campaigns slogans signs and the usual chest thumping abound The similarity with political elections ends there It is good fun and the good of our club and our community is our prime concern We Kinsmen are proud to advertise our town and our country worldwide Wc do so belonging to the World Council of Young Mens Service Clubs We com the Round Table Clubs in K Europe and South Africa the Apex Clubi in Australia ind and the Active Clubs in USA Our Club bulletin which call and is published before every meeting is sent to every club member additional bulletins arc exchanged with other Clubs ill across Canada and they ore also sent to other World ic Clubs A few years wc filmed and tiped one if our meetings and sent this to several Clubs in and Round Table Clubs in South Africa Just two ago we were happy to host for a few dijs from various parts of the world whilst these members were in Canada to attend an International Conference As wc have stated before wc Kinsmen of Georgetown all 3d of us arc extremely proud of our club ml we happy to take this opportunity to tell about that you may share this pride We would also like to ex end the w of to any voting men in an rounl town between of who would 1 to join us in our fun fellowship whilst our cam And any one of tho Kinsmen listed- would too eager to Introduce those Interested In celebrating our own birthdaj and the anniversary of our Association have re to con to live up to our motto of Serving O Ctinrmui Hi Greatest Need so that the residents of Georgclo in will continue to hold us in high regard Our future plans include the possible assistance with renovitions to the Rose Room the develeopment of at least one lighted dnmond to give cuch as can to the new Municipal RecrciUon Committee generally We know that with your help all things an possible DID YOU KNOW THAT WHEN WAR OUT IN 1939 The first mobile dental clinic In the Array wis built and financed by Kin tons of magazines were to the Merchant Hostess home for the levies and families of troops were built at Manitoba and Scotia Throughout the war War Savings were sold peaking over per week The Milk for Britain Fund raised resulting in over million quarts of milk being shipped to the children of Great Britain 106000 00 wis raised for Food Parcels for Britain ALL THINGS WERE DONE BY KINSMEN HAL ROGERS FOUNDER OF KIN This month member of the Club of Georgetown along with 000 Klnimen In mors than 430 clubs alula their founder Harold A Hal Rogers and celebrate the Annlver- of Association of Kinsmen Clubi The BIG Day Fer the Association Is Friday February This Is the day that the Kinsmen Institute an Mental Retardation will be dedicated and officially opened at York University in Toronto The day Prune Min and Province of Ontario boating a special luncheon In honour of this occasion Of particular note is the fact that although invitations to this luncheon are very limited with only Kinsmen from District One in the province of Ontario in attendance the George town has been honoured by one of its members having received an invitation to attend Then later the same evening the Anniversary Dinner will take place at the Hotel in Dallviry of Bill Directorial 1 Kin Fund Railing Bob Al Murphy Harry Levy am John Taylor Kinsman Senior Apartment protect on Park Drive between tha hospital and park The Kinette Club of Georgetown wives of ara known at and Kinette Club of was chartered in One of objects of the to assist the Kinsmen with their projects as well as to undertake projects of their own In this the Georgetown Kinetics have excel and included in the the list of successes are such projects as An annual bursary to three high school students transportation for retardates and the needy collection and repair of used toys for redistribution at Christmas to welfare families supplying the various needed equipment to the Georgetown Hospital organizing and helping with tho local March of Dimes now The y Fund canvassing for the Red Cross Blood Donors Clinic tho Retarded ilion and the CNIB assisting local Health unit in its polio oral vaccine campaign and cancer the and assistance with feeding of players during Bantam Hockey Week Tha Kinsman ara of their KInettes without Kinsman would not be Without a doubt one of the most progressive ladle group In Georgetown ASSOCIATION ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE GEORGETOWN KINSMEN District award winner Sam Meltier Zone Public SpeaWng award winner 196363 Kinette District Bulletin award winner Kinette District Bulletin award winner District Deputy Governor Efficiency Award Zone Public Speaking Award Winner 106860 District and National Bulletin award winner Mary Cooper Eva Middleton Harry Levy Hugh Powell Harry levy