Branch Activities Oriented To Sports in Busy WeekEnd by Ralph Sports sports and more seems to be the prominent thing at the Branch in this column this week Saturday Morning Kid Hoc key supporters turned out In abundance last Saturday encourage their favourite team participating in the annual FourTown Tournament Teams were Fergus Acton and Georgetown Georgetown was ha host club this The Legion teams themselves by subduing all op position The Georgetown team defeated Acton Fergus and in the finals squeezed out Orangeville by 4 goals to In the series vn again came out on top winning over Acton by goals to and Fergus by the Bantams overcame Fergus 121 Orangcville and Acton in the finals The local Midgets won the champion game Orangcvilc by score of In the consolation series Has Acton Novice Fergus a Fergus Bantam Orange- Ville The tournament which com at a m through til after was well attend by fans the evening games were witnessed by over eta tors The lades of the Branch Auxiliary looked after the in man of the hoc players who kept the lad tes busy from am until the lart of the beef stow was con at 115 pm The win of the clock radio was Paul Fergus for the boys sold most tickets for the draw there was a Times wrist watch Richard Hewitt Gcor get own Rick Bag in ski Acton Dave Graham Fergus and Dan Orangcville were the recipients of the watches The ladies pin bowling were away to Oakulle on Saturday competing in re bowling teams com Georgetown teams were teams A Jean Peg Har ley Audrey Weir Roma Timp- Jan Emmerson and Flo B team Ann olson Reta Rudlger Freda Handy Hazel Dumper Doris McCartney and Joan Archibald Goddess Fortuna did not low the Branch Ladies how ever she must have been there for North Toronto were first With With a Close second with 3314 Brant ford won the high triple and high single all was not lost for the Branch ladies Flo Carswell and Roma on returned to town each bearing a door prize Moat ladles of Auxiliary know or have heard of Stella Allen of Auxiliary Who was indisposed for several months Stella wishes to thank the ladles of Zone for kind flowers and cards which he has gratefully received during her illness She to be back competing In Zone ports In the near future More on sports thi men were also bowling last Satur day George Nurse Don Wilkes JFack Bob Nicholson Swan and Brad Little were guests at Branch team were flying at the outset they were 300 pins ah cad but somewhere along thi line to quote George they fell part The team were lead up to the last two games were first followed by Bramp ton and Georgetown In that order moves tip to provincial competition Don Wilkes also qualifies for provincial with his high triple Eighteen teams competed Georgetown a team were quite disappointed for although Wei land has a new Branch none of the visiting teams had the opportunity to sec it Prizes were presented at the Bowling Alloy and then home What more sports This time its bridge not structure cross a river not the bit that ticks up above the deck of a hip where the captains wan dor around this a card game provincial bridge Bra team qualified to enter provincial contest weeks ago it district bridge Jim and George Sargent with Waller and Tommy Warnes represented Branch 120 at Peterborough We understand competition was keen so much so that 3 teams tied for first place bury Peterborough and will piny off for first spot followed with town right behind them team hospitality A few more words on sports next Saturday the Tykes Hock Tournament will be held In Georgetown David Bow and his stew makers with an odd Welshman here and there will be on hand to slosh gravy around a bit Dave is cat for over two hundred wee hockey players Last Saturday a draw was organized at Branch to help finance tourney Collins J and R wen prizes as a result of the which we understand was high successful Still on Dave Bowman he would have you know thai pro vincial service officer Clare wilt be on hand at Branch Monday March at Clare will be there to assist and answer questions pertaining to pensions etc Is a dart shoot sport Its doubtful however the winners last week were B Hill Wig gins J Garbutt Hamilton McCartney R Wiggins Boyd Russell Car club draw Smith Traccy J Tuck C Saturday night dance but those there enjoyed themselves Bob and Cory will be playing this Saturday come early and then may bo sure Sixty members of Legion Squadron Canadian Air left early Saturday mor ning for Canadian forces Base By m the Cad had arrived at the big base and were split into groups of nine Their names were placed on a manifest and they board a Canadian Forces Otter aircraft and shortly after in the air Many Cadets Georgetown from the air for the first time while were taken on flights to the Oakville Port Credit area After all I he Cadet had flown wer c taken the m or noon lunch which they all enjoyed an excellent day for the light bright and sunny with good visibility For many of the Cadets it was their first In an aircraft and they were thrilled During the flight each Cadet had a chance to sit in the copilots scat and to the feel of the controls and to talk with the pilot and ask him any questions In keeping with the special events and Industrial tours as much as possible Cadets of Legion will be taken tour of the Ford plant at on Thursday evening March The tour will start at the plant at and last about one hour This Is one of se tours that the Cadeu in been taken on this year and will bo rounding out the sche dule in April with a tour of Air Canada Out with Bo Much More Georgetown Rotary has a Birthday Although Rotary Internation celebrates its this year it was not rep resented in Georgetown until January 12 when group of interested business and professional men met tho Hotel to organize a local club Charter night was Monday March with John A Gunn installed as the first pre of the Rotary club of Georgetown with a member ship of Other club and members were as follows Vice president John R Bar secretary Alee Reader treasurer Robert Burke at Arms Stan Hutchison James Ritchie Lome Peters Members Bud Bishop Bob Burns Joe Wheldon Emmerson Bill Ham Ralph Hawes Harold Hutchinson Em Hyde George Bob Jones John Kelly MacCormnck Mai nee Fred Bob Ken Nash There no summer re- truly international now with spoke and slides on entomology to members of Georgetown and District Naturalists Club at their February meeting in First Bap tist Church He pointed out that insects aid In decaying vegetables and animal matter and in polllnat fruits and vegetables while they have drawbacks in carry such diseases as malaria and In eating foliage of trees and plants at a fast rate PHOTO Charles chair many of the pollution com mil tee reported on the progress if the antipollution award Frank Brown convener of a photo contest to be held at the April meeting reported that Robert Olhier Scanlon and Cor TcnHage have agreed to act as judges The contest open to members includes coloured prints and coloured slides Robert Brampton will convene the White s Bush field trip on Saturday May Arthur Von Mrs Nor Entomology Talk For Naturalists RON MICHAELS man Hill and Mrs Robert Hansen arc forming a ing committee Cramp an nounced tint D Hurst will speak and show films of cave ploration at the March meet Mr and Mrs Steve served coffee and cookies coffee hour Recreation Committee Held Euchre Party The recreation committee of the Boyne Community Centre held a euchre party on Friday night March There were tables of euchre in play with prizes going to tho follow winners Mrs Anne Dent Mrs Gladys Crorler Jack Ro bertson and Harry Davis The draw prizes were won by Mrs George Mrs Will lard Bridge man and Howard Winch Lunch was served by the committee a aoclal hour enjoyed The next euchre party will be held on Friday night March 20 North Trafalgar Cotton Tails held their sixth 4H club it the home of Mrs John Cord ley on Monday March Valerie Ella presided for the meeting which was opened with the pledge The roll call One occasion on which to wear aborts was answered by nineteen members present The girls continued to work on their garments The next eeting will be held on day March Jim Moffat of New Liskcard visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs Tom 1 and Mrs Lloyd Marshall of Britannia Road have home from a vacation In Plant City Florida They also visited with Mr and Mrs Roy Break for five days at their cottage in Miami Get well wishes ire extended to Earl Price who is a patient In the MlUon District Hospital Mrs Margaret has returned home from a vacation In St Petersburg Florida are sorry to report she been quite III with severe case of Hong Kong Flu pneumonia since she returned home Get well wishes arc tended by her many friends in this district Miss Shirley Downs of onto visited on Saturday with her parents Mr and Mrs Del Downs of Trafalgar Road A potluck dinner and quilt Ing bee was held at the home of Mrs Jack M on Tues day March 3 when members of the Hornby Women a instit ute gathered to complete their quilt for Summary Day display of quilts cushions and other articles will be held at United Church Mr and Mrs Leslie Rutledgc of the Line spent th week end with Mr and Mrs Irvine Wallace of Mrs Jim NIGHT WITH BOYS As the oldest service club organization Rotary to many people much de pending on their viewpoint of that which Is good or bad cere or hypocritical or worthwhile In service clubs To some such a club regular luncheon meeting with a speaker a night out with the boys or a weekly version of a Shrfner annual convention Babbitt Sinclair Lewis fa mous novel of the sat Hz Rotary as representatives of middleclass businessmen bound by all the platitudes and con mentions of society with regard to politics moralltj religion love and the home singing their songs slapping each other on the back some commentators on modem acene Rotary Is synonymous with such a Superficial Rotary docs appear to fit this Impression It does make a point of stress fellowship of songs to make people come out their shells If they can ing and or hate singing ailing people their first names on first meeting then MANY VOCATIONS the object of is to encourage aid ter the ideal of service Us members represent many In fact to the broad community reprcsenla membership is usually limited to two from any one business trada or profession A member missing four meetings in a row can be usually Is asked to resign 60S of meetings must be at tended To help many of those who must be absent on occasion attendance at meetings other Rotary clubs may be ed lo make up Theso dance stipulations help maintain members interest and to discourage the casual joiner A clubs Include naturally community Ono of the main continuing projects of the Georgetown club is the annual Easter Seal Campaign which through thi local public s donations ces the administration of aid to crippled children in Funds remaining at the the year are turned over lo the central committee Over has been rais ed since tho club began YOUTH TOO The club also attempts to as community youth in other ways It sponsored juvenile and midget hockey teams peroncd teen dances uted money to help build the Community Swimming Pool organized a high school stulcnt work week to help businesses and commercial students get acquainted It has dents visits to Ottawa in citizenship and helped students to attend It has worked the local police in safety campaigns in the public schools Exchange visits of local high school dents with those In tho US were also organised The club has even entered the entertainment field For many years the annual Minstrel and Variety Shows were a highlight of the winter season featuring ly local artists More the famous Don Cossack choir brought for a con cert at the Riviera Another feat ire of the clubs year is its annual dinner in honour of the senior zens of the district held just before Christmas TRULY INTERNATIONAL ugh Rotary began In the United which re the centre of Rotary it bocamt on a North American basis in 1910 the chartering of the Winnipeg club It has become Weekly attendance I ESQUESING COUNCIL BRIEFS Peter Bowman opponent of in the north end of the township asked council Monday to bylaw licensing all race tracks similar to recently passed by Erin At the same Council appointed Tom Van to Committee Adjustments to re pi ice Matthews who is moving out of the township The Clerk was asked to prepare a bylaw authorizing charging of a fee to use tho dump The amounts were not discussed A letter to council them that the County Health Unit approved ha washroom installations food concessions planned at Halton Raceway and as far they were concerned had no objection to issuing a bull ding permit NOW IN MILTON 14 clubs In countries and geogrophleal areas each contributing its own particular of ary activity The presidency of Rotary Interna tional alternates between the United States and the Intern Districts with tho an convention being held outside United States ac cordingly in alternate years International Service stressed both In direct between clubs of dif countries and In such as the Rotary to which the local club contributes The Foundations aim is lo further graduate study In other countries of such fellowships are expected in add tion their studies to be ambassadors to the host countries clubs and also lo report on their year to home clubs on their return Rotary Districts have also In the past sponsored visits of teams of young men Rot to other countries to study their economies and conditions Georgetown has twice been host to such groups in recent years one from Aus tralia and one from Germany A local man Paul Armstrong now a was mem of such a team which visit Australia HOSPITAL CHEQUE The clubs efforts have been modest mainly because of the sire of the membership which although the town has grown four fold since the clubs in has not kept pace II president Harry Grcigs ob jective to remedy this considerably Financially under Grcij leadership the club has had a most success ful year so far It recently pros the hospital board with cheque for as part payment of its to the hospital fund club meets Mondays at p m at the North Golf and Country Club Maple Avenue West Members and friends will be celebrating the clubs fiflecnlh on April mark the occasion with a dinner and dance at tho Masonic hall John A Dick Bill Carr Bill Hamilton Bud Bishop 10601961 Ralph Logan THB GEORGETOWN THURSDAY MARCH WO PAGE Bob John Wolf Ken Robertson 10651966 Ed Bob Gougeon Dick Ron Kitchen Harry Grcig ILVERS AMONG ONTARIO 5 FINEST FAMILY CLOTHINO STORES ALL REMAINING Winter COATS SUITS and DRESSES NOW GOING AT HALF PRICE NORTH END Bit Una Road Milton PRODUCE DEPARTMENT FLORIDA SEEDLES5 1079 FRESH WASHED CURLY SPINACH PROD USA or cello bags SPECIAL FRESH r Mushrooms 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER EAST END WEST END ST MOORE PARK SPECIALS FOR MARCH Hill Meat at Moor Park Only MEAT DEPARTMENT FRESH SHOULDER OP PORK SPECIAL 49 FRESH BUTT OF PORK MAPLE LEAF PORK AND BEEF BREAKFAST SPECIAL M Sausage BISCUITS Reg 35 Pkg SPECIAL MIX OR MATCH College- Cream ox GIngsr Snaps ox Crisp Bread 8 ox Creamy Chocolate- 7 ox Royal Scot 7ii ox Rich Tea 7H MAC YUM YUM Orange Crystals OZ PER Regular 2 for Macs KETCHUP To Our First 50 Customers Accumulating in Tapes from our store will receive FREE ten Sheffield Stainless steel carving a value AFTER ANSWERING A SKILL TESTING QUESTION PHILIPS LIGHT BULBS 60w Rag Bulb SPECIAL 2 BULB PKG 39 MACS PURE Vegetable OIL Macs Bleach