Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 12, 1970, p. 17

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ADS GET RESULT HIRE- BUY SELL- RENT SWAP HIRE BUY- SELL RENT- SWAP HIRE BUY SELL- RENTS CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS words BO Extra each CLASSIFIED DISPLAY BO per column inch 3 plus for each line of poetry CARDS OF THANKS words additional words each DEATHS MARRIAGES S3 FOR SALE FIREWOOD for sale all hard wood VACUUM CLEANER in excel lent condition GAS FORCED air furnace and duct work DOUBLE BED box spring and mattress POODLE PUPPIES small attires purebred i son able 3IB FRIDGE AND STOVE In good condition 70 for the two FOR SALE FRIDGE AND STOVE new reasonable or 877 7365 PHILIPS NEW LIFE hearing 3 to choose frum Supplied and fitted by Kent aw Pharmacy ON BEAVER STARTER HOMES Priced from Erected on your foundation S6 plans to choose front Split level 2 storey and ranch type homes BEAVER LUMBER FREE BROCHURC RANGE 30 ton automatic In excellent con ditlon 8774807 12 GAUGE pump shot Eun so pound bowling ball and has 8778321 BRUNSWICK pool table and accessories for sale call WEDDING GOWN and gold bridesmaid gown sire after 5pm HOOVER vacuum cleaner one year old good condition 8771806 after pm inch wheel banana seat dinette set table chairs FOR SALE Hypo Allergen Cosmetics specially blended for sensitive akin Kcnti Pharmacy MACINTOSH for sale bushel basket Notre Dame Main St S tf DRESSED CAPONS not water soaked eviscerated free of charge Mrs A Stark AN AUTHENTIC aauna Is Installed jour home Sauna Kins Sales 8770108 KITCHEN cupboard- four windows double panels and screen and alum frame Best offer FIAT Clarinet as student instr imcnt Bought new St used four weeks will sell half price 877 WANTED WANTED Mans bicycle 3 speed 5002 or WANTED inert furniture and used items of all kinds no thing good cash prices paid Margarets 7480 3 WANTED Round knitting also for repair also semi auto malic knitting machines and repairs John Manitoba FOR RENT THREE ROOMS and bath ail only no children avail able immediately Call before am or after m THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY MARCH 1970 PAGE 17 HELP WANTED TWO BEDROOM upstairs on farm one child only garden separate entrance responsible family please COOPERATORS Insurant auto fire anil farm liability accident and sickness 877 FOR SALE Sunbeam Repair Regina vacuum clean era and floor polishers Trade Ins accepted Used vacuums for sale and rent 877 8501 3 Dead Stock Removal LTD Hi best cash puces for dead cows and horses I Hour Service Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or Top prices for Old Horses Call Coll act License 49RP47 WARM looms with and private bath cooking facilities available Winter rates Beckford s Motel halfway between Gcor and Brampton 3751 FOR RENT Downtown oil space feel ground basement or feci md floor lour choke rent Call wanted mat lady or pensioner or worn an with one child STOW CLERK part time no experience needed apply Cad Cleaners March 13 to Moore Park and Highway 7 Georgetown experienced in re tall supplies wanted for Brampton store Good op for advancement in person Queen St I 4507700 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK required for small camp near from April to May Hours am to 3 Monday to Friday Apply to UPPER CANADA COLLEGE 4SB7543 or REAL ESTATE GEORGETOWN ding lots serviced In ooi area photic TWO LOTS for each close to Ma nun vcr in Burks Talis if call USED TV SETS reconditioned at 39 TV A APPLIANCES Main St N Windows for OR COTTAGES Reduced for Quick Salt MOST HALF PRICE Twins Woodworking 9933 3S NEW SINGER feather weight sewing machine for sale all detachments BEAGLE PUPS from field trial winning Yellow Creek breeding 8775009 BRUNSWICK snooker table slate bed new cushion new cover complete with cues rack markers Baby grand piano antique white 700 or best offer COFFEE TABLES step table book Clearing all sec onds and discontinued lines Call Delta Craft Factor River Drive open Monday to Friday am to tf PENNYS PARLOUR for Pampered Poodles or WE CARE butterfly doll delightful small Intelligent pet suitable for the whole fam ily A few puppies available at this time Wynfleld Kennels PASSPORTS Advice and assistance with of any nationality Travel Service at He to You Barber Henley Ltd Main St USED TV SETS Complete I y reconditioned starting at WIGO TV A 33 Main St SPECIAL FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT White Pink for Carusos Fruit Market Stmt CHESTERFIELDS FOR SALE SPANISH MODERN SUITES RIGHT AT THE FACTORY Open Monday to Friday a to m 7am H H FURNITURE LTD A matron a Avenue ESTATE SALE coat flne like full length sue china Co pattern pieces Cash S Patterson BOATS CARS TRUCKS CAMPERS Gibsons Dead Stock Service Up to for cows and horses 5c lb for old healthy horses We can tell you the cause death Call Fergus collect or or Brampton 451 License 346L C43 HELP AVAILABLE LADY WANTING day ALTERATIONS of women and child ens clothing DAY CARL available In home Moore Park I 877 TRAVEL TRAILERS and truck campers for sale and rent 1969 VOLKSWAGEN del radio new snow tires with stud excellent condition Price 1650 4 door sedan 8 automatic all tirea mechanically checked after m FALCON two door sedan for sale in power steering power brakes excel lent condition VOLKSWAGEN needs brake Job and now windshield also Viking electric range luxe model with exhaust fan attached used two years after 1968 HEAVY DUTY Ford truck with stake plat form only 16 miles as good as new MINI COOPER engine In parts head reconditioned new valves including gear box and carburetor Best 8531165 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury n cubic Inch power very low mileage newly undercoated asking 2 600 Please call after 7805 MOVING SALE We have to move our entire stock out of present showroom therefor we offer BOOKCASES and BUFFETS Slight Defects AND UP COFFEE and LAMP TABLES AND UP 50 LIBRARY DESKS EACH Open Dally Including Saturday to Delacrafts Co DRIVE Transportation Wanted RIDE WANTED arrive Amcr lean Drive 8 30 am leave for Georgetown 4 Accommodation Available FURNISHED ROOM for gentle man centrally located ROOM AND BOARD available for girl In newly remodelled room 8775955 SINGLE ROOM or room share In quiet home 877 7253 Guitars Amplifiers Drums etc Records Sheet Miule NEILS MUSIC CENTRE Mill St ONTARIO ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD IS MA PUR of the application United Limited for the approval of j proposed la number JO GO for the Corporation of the Township of granting unto the said Com piny the right to me or cup highways of the Munic ipality for the purpose of gas for dlstrlbu lion in the said Township of and for an Order directing that the assent of the Municipal electors of the said Township of is not necessary and may bo dispensed AND IS THE matter of the Municipal Franchise Act Chapter NOTICE OF HEARING The Ontario Energy Board hereby appoints Wednesday the day of March at clock In the forenoon cat time at the Board Offices Room Bay Street Toronto for the hearing of the above application and ill per sons Interested therein Copy of the Application by law and franchise agreement may be Inspected at the Board Offices further particulars at the office of the Clerk of Township the ap plicant or the Solicitors for the applicant Evans Philip on and Evans 39 Jam Street South Hamilton 10 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO DISPENSE WITH VOTE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TAKE NOT7CF that at above public hearing the Board will be asked to an order declaring and direct that the assent of tho Iclpal electors lo the passing of said by is not necessary DATED at Toronto this daj of February 1070 A B Jackson vice chair man I C MacNabb vice chairman WILL CARL for home line No I road research is looking for re I assistants to gather op on virions products and services This of work in door to door interview ing the daytime and Ideal or I cartel housewives in a profit and man sting use of tree tune Worthwhile earnings for those who can spare a few hours wick on our public opinion studies Nothing to sell Nothing to demonstrate Use car mn prove an asset but not further informilion plcise CANADIAN FACTS CO LTD St E Toronto THREE bin a appliance fi i basemen GOO I at Experienced Waitress We require an experienced waitress who would be willing to train as a night super Good wages apply in person to STANS RESTAURANT Main St Georgetown Male or Female Help wanted pari time or full lime lo sell Booklets Age no barrier Paid samo day by Students welcome DOUG ROGERS Room Hotel 3 BEDROOM bin 1 o near basement is fin I RELIABLE das care pleasant home enclosed area nourishing meals WOMAN WANTS work at home typing Mini sorting etc Can pick up deliur CAR my home fenced in neari George School 5830 DUTCH LADY would likci house cleaning preferably on wecklv basis Available Wednesday HERBS YOUR KEY TO A BIG INCOME MAIL TODAYI The W Co Ltd ABC2I4HY Mont nil Quebec 1 interested in the world s line on a I art I il time to Monday 4 A T TOM REED as Manager Mr Reel has reside FOR THI BEST IN Georgetown for the eighteen y of you will rcmemler from a ftw s he was in i inois in GEORGETOWN HERALD nee Is GLEN WILLIAMS NURSERY SCHOOL Full days and Half Children to HALTON HILLS MAINTENANCE for HAPPY DAY NURSERY SCHOOL Government Licensed Ages 3 to Transportation Available call MRS E REGENT hill til Janitorial Services Must he able to drive van and be of making decisions For appointment HOSTESS HOUSEKEEPER red for TERRA INN Experience an advantage WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN FOR OUR EXPANSION PROGRAM Exclusive new prestige homes res dential rural and commercial ties You It rece free com training managerial ass stance liberal etc JOIN A PROGRESSIVE FIRM with 15 offices For confidential interview call MR ANGUS or it BILLS AUTO BODYSKOP MILTON Experienced Aulo Body Repair Man Wanted RATE PER HOUR Good working conditions and all employee benefits Telephone 8782721 Evenings 8783854 WANTED QUALIFIED LIFE GUARDS MALE Minimum ago years Metro Conservation Authority ONTARIO FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment for rcnl available immediately ONE healed apart for rent available im mediately DLCORATtD two bed room apartment close to down town Phone TRY AN AD IN THE HERALD ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent heated SI monthly aihblc now In Georgetown Phone Erin BACHELOR apartment ate entrance wood panelled fully furnished downtown park vicinity three room furnished apartment for rent main floor adults please Phono 877 afternoons OFUCF SPACE avallible in modern electrically heated air conditioned office building For detail phone OPENING SOON STREET AT ROAD NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR Hostesses Kitchen Personnel Numerous Shifts both full time and part time not necessary Training provided IF YOUi need money enjoy working In pleasant surroundings and meeting people and are mature and rttpenilbie PHONE Mr Bealty or Mr Voonanger at between hours of a and 5 m Friday and Saturday Only March 13th and SECRETARY REQUIRED FOR GEORGETOWN DISTRICT COUNCIL FOR BOY SCOUTS OF CANADA Part Time Hours Flexible Salary to per year Ideal position for housewife or retired BOX THE HERALD School Bus Drivers MALE OR FEMALE Georgetown Transportation CLERK TYPIST INTERESTING POSITION Good typing on Electric Typewriter Dictaphone Adding Company Paid Medical Benefits BLISS CO Canada Ltd Guelph St

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