Close Scores Forecast Good Competition In Kinsmen League by Mary JUNIOR LEAGUE Tuaiday Juna The kicked off first set of names amid ionic confusion earned diamond shortages and conditions While Hie same atmosphere prevailed nights senior times is hoped thai Ihe second sot of tam for the ill proved SENIOR LEAGUE Juna a Iniuranca 14 rhis high scouna effort wis a ice aw bailie for entire table Jets proceeded to fold Ed Stewart Comes on Strong To Grab Feature Race Win by Shaw Alton June feature race for the class lodav was sery well Weir blew the rear end ami had retire in the rate Majucrj had handling problems as well as Lawrence and both had to retire he pits Campbell also had to retire at losing his right front wheel I lion Overland started pole position and held the lead live laps with trank Bill push ing hard was able get pail Overland and the lend for next laps it which lime txl Stewart had worked his way up to second place after stalling in tenth pu siiion Stewart got past Ball on the and led for the next three laps when Frank Hall took over the restart Iawlor v In scratch hit wort t his i of cars to tike the I I CHIT second mid h Tony 1iotlo third Sin No accident League Leading Oaks Too Much for Giants Mast Kan citing start being close up lo senior inning a- tbcv h mind the bag rallk second ind Chuck Iiwlor Game stir went to p honours llowat who phjed in excellent field hid J In al bat in feature saw with scores eluding a home run rhercsa ome action with Howie ones The moving Milton hl the other homer driving car of junior pitch lhc sUrwl ln i i I place but took lead on seems to have Hairtrylti laps tthen c loo Youngs left no doubt from the next couple of laps Oiks in the lint and jnlcliin lie it Hi L itidi tint I hick Ihe lit pine TWO HOMERS Oiks tl atil Mm I jt in iic ill I if lis RELIEVES RESULTS Lata C Haif Day Rondaau Ovarlind Larry Hait Frank Ball La Murray Willi A Barnla Ed BUI Wlr Lait Chuck Lawli Cliff Faryon Tony Sam Ed Chuck Lawlor Ed Frank Ball Chuck Lawlor Murray Richard Bant lay OS Mabla Bar ton Donna Si lit worth John Filki Larry Co Haat Larry Larry Cox Feature Gaorg Larry Glan got off lo Tool and the wh this game Jan lnglis pitched led the game all i w hit the 1 tbp Pn Ki of the game had and took pel feet the game star thi Winning coach Hank announced that losses to Pt lha at Jan thing of pail s game anc Mar This that agar Clan Glint Equipment I a inning match Ihe winners field Mill Start Search for Dairy Princess Pitcher Salmon Is Nemesis for Norval Die bung tin il 1 of the real good lodav starting he took over on sixth lap and held it the hitter end Larry hill he wall on thc tenth lap was able to get back lomTOtfp igh lie did liae the The cute i bumper rubbing against Hie short I thai His bet mi i right front wheel took this season second and George his first ith facan Hitting home runs for Maid ells were starring Dune with innings cacti Sandra The lone home for came and Debbie shared lhc semi saw some die Penny Todd pitcher honours allowing Stewart coming Zuber getting a sound rUn per inning for each of fifth spot to take hi ulatiorts for holding her team Ihe 1st and nothing for llieouis here anil COACHED BY EXPERT till the end last Hamilton will held Chuck Law lor Lawrence Larry Cox I Georgettes Drop Tilts I Georgetown Georgettes to into the Lad Softball schedule tonight sinless In two exhibition starts lo ditc the Georgettes who no Is the Ladies League It title last season not I mil old winning Both losses were at the of coached I y fornipr pitching I ice Milk I Georgettes include in the personnel Gisen Helen Humphrey Young Jane Adcle Ann Susan Stamp Georgia Iwls Jan i Armstrong Johnson Linda Paul Chris 1j in and Judy Cater I are coached Paul Bob inson managed by Bill James mi timr sponsored by Carney and Georgetown Kins Nerval fastball club hive jet to solve John Salmon Hock woods tireless pitching mach beat for the second lime this season In pitching duel with Alii that had a conclusion Ten days earlier threw Wayne against Salmon and had to settle for a shutout Both pitchers fan hut allowed five hits to Salmons two Rock woods big blow was a home run in the first inning by Beat tie TEMPER TEMPER In a bar I fought bill game on Tuesday night June a tern exploded in thc inn and Normal ind benches emptied for i that balled the game were lcadint at the time drew credit for the win was winning pitcher and Anderson is loser POWER POWER In on May il showed heir bat ting power by trouncing Hills- Imrgh for was Bill with three hits and Brian and Kick with homo runs terrier pitched six inn and got the win with Neil finishing up was the loser had 15 hits ind made two errors while had two hits and seven out on the short end of a 12 I gimc in on May hid 12 runs on hits and two errors while producer their run on two hits and honied flic STUMP LOGS DOUSED Only two fires called out the lire department last week Last at a firemen put out i blize in stump fence at testis I farm on the Line On June clipped as terrier pitched a strong gamd sinking out nine bit white up runs on in losing Larry Bradley led tin ill While afternoon offense with two hits inelud I thev a pile a home run and a walk burning logs at Hungry Hollow I the milkint irfoiti net Mi i A memorable camping experience awaits your boy this summer at YMCA SoRVAL For boys CAIL OR WRITE COLLEGE TORONTO who hed from centre field to 1st base or the final innings took the tame for some fancy catches of fly balls and a gen j strong ning today saw Chuck top point man spin three and four lip line Giants tagged r for Bar a hole in bis and retue for the hut 1 DESPITE RECORD FIVE SCHOOL WRESTLERS IN CANADA CHAMPIONSHIPS The look chances as they grabbed off lead and allowed no ral for the lies to threaien nigh at bat home run for the was enjoyed alia l She earned herself lhe n il3RR the game star by belting out home runs for times it bat The other half of the aw BASEBALL went to pitcher Mane Mane managed TO EXPLODE innmgj and gave up a in thc entire inning The only other homer for the hough have I winners came off at of heir games keep an Arlene Homers for the on base high were hit Diane ball tenn Its loaded with ta wrestlers will be in thick Bratkin Lynn Scarborough and lhat is bound to start com t the to SI lhe w ln 1 Williams Mike Forbes Mike Mctantlless the pitchers Bnan tcrKU50rl base Gourlie 2nd hue Vmc1 of the Robbie and h1 honour Webster short stop Doug Tarn Robbie Mosop and fielders Dick and Dean lo lhf and Bob fthlc lhere Hie team is coached Man ciachlng elm ley and Don Dens managed Cirl Pel l If local have just receullvi successful will stay in acquired Park Motors west for a shot in the world their sponsois wrestling championships their reg the following w Home runs for home sanies on Monday even They are being flown out went to a Ma the of ind Donna Evans For the inl and Barbara terris each scored two Hunter Realtor Dairy Gaorgctown Game star was toss up be gals on team all for defensive Centre iicldei Pam a fly at a crucial time and had a for at Short atop Cathy made a ly force play 2nd and held for at bat Preston an enviable bis and added a single a and a triple for a for hat I Halton County Senior Baseball STANDINGS including gam of Sunday Juna minion Hunters did their new name up ah they puller this squeaker nut of the lire While winning Enman credits clutch pilch ing of Butler for pulling thc last innings to the Hun he also gave a lot of j first scir Men Is trom who turned in an excel lent game Three home runs went the Dun Queens from ihe bats of 1 McAusland and Milton Susan also in defensive firl for her learn and Hal hit a double to in I runs Both team turned in such a credible game that they all Reserve to be congratulated lt was a different game to and the makes the league proud I aside GEORGETOWN BATTING including of Friday Jur Rick Rcpta tar Chester Burlington Dundas I at I liner iinphclUille Din le Joe Individual Ieatlcis At Doug Lang id Huns George Hits 10 Doubles Campbell John Winter 2 Home Huns Fen players tied at one each Strikeouts Walks G hint Hamilton PITCHING LEADERS including gamat of Friday IP ER H SO BB This match held to a close one for the 1st two then the Super lnrs pullerrah with runs This proved enough tu put game their win column The game only saw one home run for each team Joy 1st base for Superior game star tagged her seasons first while April Sacco hit the loner lor the 12 1 Ralph fi Bill Bemla Dora G own 11 4 1brne Carson Lcaside Ron 111 Mitchell 7 Coughlin Preston Trevor Madden George McDonald Bur fl If ERA 7 tin 2 1 111 1 1 500 1 WO 1 2 2 12 Lenders Innings pitched Madden 2fl Strikeouts George McDonald 11 Walks Ralph Water down 18 Wins George McDonald Burlington at least TUB ICSS SIZE S 3 IS n AOOlOtubglypa sue no 13 It 11 13 14 eiji W i 91 PRICE FOB FACTORY J BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE J MURRAY LAWTON LIMITED ST BOTH STORE SERVICE DEPT OPEN THURSDAY FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL PM