Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Company Limited Main South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Publisher THURSDAY JUNE EDITORIAL COMMENT Project of trio Maple Ave d a simp engine pis set a major J sec pre i pJ2s a ic yr a r I hill jti wen ran reel ut a year ego lorn up and ma have us per what I a v road to re and more a ecu neighbourhood and destroy much of v a fine res area Plebiciis Sersiblz lion of a I up As Her Morrow a sole vole do any ico s fecli lgs r or approve I en loun palily rather en vote wilh the elec orate dec we should or law demands su a fore this type of liquor Which today seems her a town which allows the sale of three locations within town and Surely CSS ry things fuse been don a of uproot and a Ira lion of ic tremendous ex pen to ily nd province I Whals do do of course and ll 1 then wounds and look on the But ps learnd and as a res den we will be a wary eye on luture road proiec Queen nor of our older a la thoroughfare for ay alien and n Williams Wilh Iran to and from some industries par rig allowed on one s only there is room for wo ng cars It IS 1 ti owe pie and As one will be or lor ih- axe when our ONE HORSE POWER recreational facilities give a social widen then experiences If such a program fiulded and enlarged to needs of the people of this Town that Is a worth while expenditure jus I as good roads water police and fire protection are and Just u surely meeting the needs of a village several years ago cannot be related to meeting the needs of a Town of over 18 people Those who have become residents of this Town mast re I than those of you who have been residents for a long time People who attempt to the quality and the function of Iheir residency in this town are not attacking a community that older residents arc attached to and to place such an interpret lion upon it is both unfair and Change is not always a bad thing nor is It destructive It is for the most part an ex of the concern that people have for Ihe way they live or want to live Yours sery truly It It Dodokin NEWS ECHOES From the Ho raid I of and 30 Yean Ago decades about n i any so much a pirt a throwback la lave politicians if Ii they in ghl IN THE MAIL BAG Deplores Poor Surface For Arena Roller Skaters liter Scott wrote There person sale of liquor in ihrco bs and a one me I for which can fork over ess r i an application Tie Joy of Booh occasional blasts at people a the is nothing for children to to we have failed to n en great oys reaJ Th is ma p i proviccnce has provided for lo cparalc them from a I And is in j one of best libraries possible with obi and a of f biography technical In our days was never dull hour which be lld 1 Sawyer or Finn the Bobbse ins and Horatio Alger books Thorn THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE Hill IjUlJl Ilt in lint i 1- held His It on June Hi attend ind of Inn of 1111 111 school or init on to ui of rs Sin is tin fir pre in in the pi ice riiey ILTON Mill take lirm out Mr dm jlhuriday and 1 rid PLAN HOMES I til pin duut is ON SEYHUCK FARM it Lull plans fur lending Just The would go into effect on mUny uil 17 1 say tint todays on liquor 1 good do say ha we through iuve accepted that To the a of I from which In lite June Imuc of Tin iix revenue is derived then we tor Herald a picture and a and lbw 1 to be sold g filarl other The law provides of roller In lis d to It hi skiing not be If hs should be few who would Says Editorial Misconstrues Function of Town Council Paid Recreation Director Investment For Any Town A flu tow Well 1 have tendance because of the drop tins ippt the 1ioplc ttith their kites rr goin lake the of ru them on certain pirls rfacc which look Inu iuI ler the firal and let time or thin and shall nut to back a pa In until has done ith the surface Most people their own and transport itmii now patroniM rinks In and Alton the arc of a better So now 1 if roller skit of reading j has been so ii it believe any young 1 Georgetown why do I on recri in aid I that 1 your on trie Too often hat local vermin to prowde ft delight Rice Burroughs I like ihe tales I la he Sir Inch arc t mloss I an even boiler j in did They regular visits to town our high school itself has iful library abounding with books to 1 lint accept of us do feel essential police lire nicd to view of of I thr Mm which a local foil ill be pro hie Chief full tun di of recreation who lei Hi fill ilintu in community tin will fiie the a me for pi pi The lliei i f d enough iliat he si to do try a book of formal books to able the skating keep It popular Steve A The be 1 arc iin tuwiihi S in il told II- 1 is and a bush extended in into Ihe corner a Id The of I put the Plans were an 1 I jomllj tins week by batons and count 11 hat linns been completed and the two stores will open bran in the city con- tic It will be the esl store the centre the cor of ihin and Dixie FALL FAIR Inns in a ire ihe ihles for Ibis tall I an which will be held as usual 1 the town park tj in a ilnif or to without TO i homes plus town houses farm were tt lo iinnin board at if Milton In la ay mutiny lln Wul hotisti and ERIN RATEPAYERS Up A THIRD ItOLKWOOD I in Ullage rs wmc a pei foi flays ir 1D7U tax bill due to cost of In the county The rates has been set at and ORGANIZE HOME AND SCHOOL he fifth will rrldij June 10 with a ly by Junior urn era Theme of this ii Around the World which hip will be lefleclcd in Hie variety booths and other attractions in Rock wood ball park program will Hilton Lust Jim Snow of ll I Georgetown has de nied close connection with dieted Mafia Union Duke but ad he hid the millionaires e I iti several times lo the Legislature laot Wednesday by Morton nnn of alleged Duke the Mafia and Provincial Police In the legislature Snow said that he met in IRISH or when he to Ihe to on extensive that something a pctsons life and incieaac bis zest life While results of devel oped tall for any inleiist in the community prove to be not miisurcble Ink that police statistics can prove purebred cow bred he of an Bond St Thorn program in curb as and now in the herd of A Inh some of the trouble that II Ins our incomlir with the recently been I Seal pioduction to tin Ihe out Main ilreci of Canada In He Such piofithss tvpc of iorui on twice a daj could be replaced by rf differ Annie produced 101141 Ibi I form of that milk containing lbs fat wholesome and test 3H muL inn the In her latest is a individuil While i en jar old she produced should not he seen is lbs milk fill panacea for all the problems average test 3 14 youth jet it could prove This rciord lias a i an in Average of for milk the reputi for fal Annie is that to surround the icd Very Good for body con youth of this town formation A director may be seen as an Investment for the future of all people of this town should Ion net Is not a rcnllon jital as is tin other by Ion I mimic ipil Donald Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Company teorfiotovin Visited Duke No Close Ties Snow The first parade noon a Snow said that his I construction firm bid built the house for another owner and that Duke had la tcr purchased it added that he v Is the house again in as one of at a lawn arty and In was l persons to display of lawn ment manufactured by Dukes Burlington He said that since both fin we bus naturally 1 made with Duke on other occasion In statement two weeks ago warned that It just the opening In revelations of Mafia In Canada C Publisher Production Superintendent Advertising Irank News Editor Accountant Terry Bradley Valeric Caruso Anne Leslie Clark Dave Hastings Myles Gilaon John McClcments Brian 15 Park Ave Dear Sirs 1 read with sonic measure of disappointment your editorial of tin of June I in the interest of balance With l c As I have indicated to in li the past I feel you base ml construed your function as a newspaper editor and the of your paper It seems now that have ilso the purpose of the Mumci pal With respect to function as the editor of the only local newspaper it seems lo me inherently unfair to con the virtues of a time past in irfiumcnt against the changes proposed the lime present when you will not take the time to inform yourself about the actions of the muni council that represents us have in the past said that council as such or through its committees meets too frequent I to list for l0 rcporl heir taken that those rathcr attitude you failed in your first obligation as a newspaper to inform your readers of the scope and ity of the activities that round and affect them When aome of those activities are 1 to the mention the individual persons their only method of them to the attention of others Is way of correspondence such as this That correspondence may or become prominently particular issue option your comment is always pro minently displayed and has ab out it the aim of final comment Willi the respect secondly to function of Gov it should be evident the of that character The the of Province cutes the general leg Islntion within its territory but 1 the other hand It performs duty of regulating the net and fulfilling the wants the population of lis locality local news is in a sense a protector of public rights Juris prudence has investigated that mpositc chancier of pa Government and concluded It Its Corporate for Ihe benefit of In habitants and foi Inch parti interest Its function therefore is not simply is you put it to provide essential but it is as well to im quality of life of Hie rtfildciits within Its environs Surely a council em barks upon a prog ram the of which Is an approximately it Is not In of its obligation when It seeks em ploy a pinfcsslonal recreational director a net cost to the municipality of approximately Recreation Is not simply entertainment as you would have us It docs nee have a cultural aspect People who learn artistic or craft skills arc not simply entertained but have as well en their life function of Georgetown third Baptist urch will start some me next week 1 was decided a meeimg of congregation officials last Tuesday Tie new church will be located on Road of Avenue The chairman of St Paul Baptist Church steer ing committee George Tracey will turn first sod a sod turning ceremony this Sunday Despite a drizzling rain and a wet ng mist The Hon Ray Ontario minister of works cut the ribbon signifying the opening of Terra Conservation Area on Tuesday afternoon June 14 The area first of a number to be established by Ihe Volley Authority sprawls over acres and includes five ponds The f rst drowning in the in several years claim I of a years old Doris who drowned in a hole at the br on the far of Glen lliams The g rl and her Sh were on a with the r uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Edmund Shaver of A banquet and presentation in St John church hall la honoured Iwo members of the public school staff Misses Hazel Harrison and May Langan who rolired this week after teaching for over years Miss son received a wrist and Langan a radio from the school board and both were from follow members of the staff 1940 I J Harl popular accountant at the Canadian Bank of Commerce for tl past five and a half years has been moved to the Sarnia branch of the bank Mr and Mrs Hart Dav d and Peter left Thursday morn ng for their new home Replacing Mr Hart in his duties will bo Mr C who comes here from Waterloo In response the call for volunteers by Lome ts passed medical lion at Brampton and left week for training in other centres Local boys included In the group Bruce Harley Ted Hickon C H Mills Palerson Parry Albert Reeve Tom Clarence Wnfield Bud Hill and J F BUSINESS DIRECTORY H CARR I Provisional Engineer Comultlnn Ontario Land Surveyor Office 8773300 Home REPAIR SERVICE L C Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Georgetown Residence JOHN B0UGHT0N JEWELLERS Certified Watchmaker Main St D0DD CLINIC OF CHIROPRACTIC St Appointment Necessary BARRAGERS Clemen Shirt Liunttarert Main S All work dona on premise OPTOMETRIST Brown R0 Mam St N For Appointments phone Wallace Thompson 3rd Division Court Clerk Commissioner OPTOMETRIST RR Hamilton Building For Appointment MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL ON III IjilLST inspect our work in Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Street North GAIT CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional and Upholstery Cleaning Your Homo or In our Modern Plant tree Pick Up and CARPET CLINIC 4594140 PRINTING OF DISTINCTION ilAlMlLNTb ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS Georgetown Herald Main Street South Goo rgo town 8773101 THIS SPACE FOR SALE