Truck Driving Champion Eyeing Ontario Honours Donaldson won both Die champ ion ami grand champion award at the Toronto Itegiun nick rodeo on Saturday mid mil now or Hie whole of Ontario drives for Peel press Brampton and Irs won own company championship June torn there he went to the Toronto Region champ where he walked oil tta straight liuek driving competition tin championship fur tin otal points lit addition to the two large trophies he also won a money I The contests cover not only driving skill over hazardous and demanding obstacle cour but also appearance and written tests lib fellow workers at will be cheering hi in on In the Ontario champion ships which ho thinks will bo I held in Kitchener within the next few weeks OUTDOORS with GEORGE HOARE Good Fishing at and a Georgetown Welcome His truck handling skill has earned awards for Donaldson Hewson Results of Limehouse Track and Field Day Triple Jump 13 Plus Boys Wilson Dam school sports have been run off the past few weeks Most of the winners went on to the track and field meet at the Acton high school last week against winners from side Robert little and Bennett Yard Dash 89 years Boys Jon Lister Doug Bilton Girls Heather Clarke Wendy Brown Karen Long Jump Jell Jon Lister Doug bids Clarke Brum Karen High Jump Boys Jeff Steven Campbell Girls Heather Clarke Carol Majucry Sharon Bon SO Yard Dash 1011 yam Boys Rand Wilson David Moore Eric Girls Leah Turner Mow Laura Stevens Yard 1011 David Moore Bandy glory was spread Wilson Marvin Van at the Hilton Club Girls Leah Jean racmj session last Wed till Snow i night Ten dmcrs took the checked flag for a ride the races Only drivers to count two tones to their credit Kiren rati Aim Allen While Jim Paul Campbell Philip Paul Ryan Wilson Girl Deforest Juslli Girls Justine Karen Betty JUNIOR RELAY Don Hills Jon Lister Randy Wilson Tom Van Sick ler Brian Moore Steve Camp bell Gerald Bergan Matthew Greg Danny Morrison David Hannah Mar in Van Girls Leah Shelley Wilson I Clow Delia Gaskill Snow Debbie Matthews Wcatherall Jean Carol Sales Linda Deb bie Brown Clow Andrea Knoespe Bitty Beverly Karen Slater Outstanding Individual Performances Boys Jeff Paton David Moore 1 first seconds Randy Wilson firsts SENIOR RELAY Jim Morrison Adrian Fnc Danny Gar 1 IU Wilson firsts Weather ill third Jim J seconds Girls Heather Clarke firsts 11 Turner firsts thrd 12 pi ii Deforest firsts seconds Ten Drivers Share Wins At Karting Club Races Running Long Jump 10U Boys Brett David Moore Marvin Van Liere Girls Kathy Cathy Brown Myrna Snow Jump 10 Boys Grieve Gerald Lloyd Brown Girls Andrea Knoespcl Debbie Mat thews Yard Dash Hoys Jim Kevin Girls Karen Gajle Re forest Clou 100 Yard Oath 12 Plus Boys Ryan Wilson Kevin Jim Girls Clow Gayle Deforest Belly Running Long Jump Plus Kevin Jim Schenk Ryan Wilson Girls Deforest Justine Beverly High Jump Plus Boys Ryan Wilson Jim Paul Campbell Girls Smith Keith Hunter in Claw Will in Class Three and In Junior bo A powder pull derbj saw Goldlc Coc chased the finish line by Sandra and Joan Davis Results by events CLASS THREE Heal Will Bob Stevens in Bob Semi Bob Stevenson 11 1 Will Bob Stevenson Bob Gaulhier CLASS POUR Gene Cash John McGuirc Semi Bob McCann Glen Smith John Glenn Bob CLASS FIVEi Heal Dave Morcy Keith Hunter Gerry Whaling Semi Keith Hunter Dave Bruce Walker feature Keith Hunter- Dave Bruce Walker JUNIOR BOYS Stuait Baker Valdls Peter Walker Dave Armstrong tenure Peter Stuart Biker Held Walker Mr and Mrs Harvey Cop land and son Tom former residents operate Marina an Atislrulh Lake at Apslcy Ontario For many years Harvey was very active as a worker and ganlier the Georgetown and Hunters Association Lake is directly north of Lak and just a short jog west from Highway This is excellent country for bass pickerel lake trout and speck led trout Anyone wanting contact Copland Marina should drop a line to Harvey at Apslcy Ont Box Mr and Mrs Bob and family of Norton Crescent have their house trailer at Vic Harbour Thcj spend many enjoyable weekends thci Bob says the fishing is good for big bass in Hogs Bay for big pike and in nearby waters The Rayner family quite of ten drop over to res at Victoria Harbour Mr and Mrs Frank are former Georgetown residents They are always pleased to someone from down here doubt crank can give out good tips on he fishing near by Tom of In formed me recently that a nice catch of brown trout caught by him In the Ganaraska river This river ha been noted for years for its good brown trout BELIEVE IT OR NOT Mr and Mrs Jim of Arietta Street saw a starling chase a mother robin from her young ones start feeding them The next da ihe ling was seen walking over the lawn with the young robins apparently leaching them the art of worm picking George Smith of Victoria was a good friend of ray late father Charlie They had many hunting trips together and was the reason he had for clipping the article about my dads Barney from the Georgetown Herald a few issues back The conversation changed ler a few minutes and George told me about hunting rabbits a ferret This was quite Hon in those days Well anyway George holes with rabbit tracks around them George like myself was sort of puzzled as to just what holes to plug up and which ones to put the nets over Finally after plugging some with rocks which were scarce an old black chrlstic hit like my father used to wear was found on a nearby garbage dump This was stuffed In the last open hole and the arid George covered Ihe others A short time after the ferret was released George heard crash and turned his head In time to sec a big cotton tail taking off on runway his head stuck through the tup black bowler hat Om other bunny was caught in To quote George I was si rprised at seeing that bunny with the bowler hat on that I Just plum forgot to watch my spot More about ferrets in later columns Also fishing tinning and fly fishing Thais all for this week Safe journey enjoy the outdoors and tight lines HORSESHOE LEAGUE BUI Collier 18 Bob Harrison 13 Brendan Brown Bill Lane TEAMS Cliff Ed Gerry Clayti 11 Jim Stanford KEEP IT IN MIND Georgetown Fall Sat October 2 and 3 DRAPER DOBIE CO Ltd MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Your Nearest Branch Office Queens Squire Building Brampton Phone Brampton or Melton and Toronto Fast accurate quotations and service on any exchange Visit our modern office If can However you can open an account by telephone SUCCESSFUL INVESTORS AND TRADERS KNOW DRAPER DOBIE David Chappie Beatt HUNTING and FISHING LICENSES AT PETE SPORTS 17 Main St STRAWBERRIES PICK YOUR OWN 3 for 100 Quart Picking Boxes Only Bring Your Own Or Purchase at Pitch PLEASE No Children Under 12 in Patch TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS Bam to 6pm to 9pm FRIDAYS to 9 p SATURDAYS am to SUNDAYS am to pit BRAE FA 2 Norval HOW TO GET THERE TEL 8658670 I 1 No Hornby Picking To Start June 23rd Berries to Last For 3 Weeks Air Conditioners AT 32 Main North start at mod Is to choot from YOUR COMPLETE SPORTS SUPPLY CENTRE BIKE REPAIRS GEORGETOWN CYCLE SPORTS Walar BOAT MOTOR THE LARGEST SELECTION OF BOATS MOTORS AND ACCESSORIES IN THE AREA MERCURY Outboard and Outboard Inboard Motor CREDIT RIVER BOAT CO SWIMMING LESSONS i TUES WED OF EACH WEEK AT Terra Cotta Conservation Area Commencing July to August 13th for all groups year of age REGISTRATION WILL BE ON JUNE AT THE TERRA AREA FROM 10 AM TO TELEPHONE 8779650 Foe For Instruction to include Parking For Student During leiioni LUMBER MAR GEORGETOWN R R4 GEORGETOWN TORONTO OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY 8AM TO FRIDAY A TO P SATURDAY 8 A M TO P C PANELS Green and Yellow SAKRETE For Home Repairs and Building Mi Mix Mortar Mix lbs SI 98 lbs Ibt 45 35 80 lbs 45 lbs lbs 49c ROLL TOP COUNTERS Ideal for Home and Cottage 2340 2925 Step from JUST ARRIVED LARGE SHIPMENT ALUMINUM LADDERS LIGHT IN WEIGHT TO I Stools I Push j from IN WEIGHT EASY TO HANDLE VERY STRONG Step Ladders from 1181 Extension from 2670 SAVINGS ON DURATEX 12 304 12 Wide Foam Rubber Back Over q yds Golden Spray Olive Forest Green Ruby Rod Copper ALUMINUM Embossed PreFinnhed COMBINATION PANELS WE ARE HERE 17 DOORS and English Brown Oak 2695- 585 Mo For the Convenience of Our Customers We will be OPEN on Wednesday July 1st 8 am to 6 pm