Community Club Recesses for Summer lilt June imclniE of the ifaltnr Community tin held it the home Mrs I silt of Hind Mrs flus pit tried i the meeting was opened the club ode The rill nil answeieri the la members Cards mil jjfis sent to who through ill lies lunation made to lie trie of Hornby for their work with retarded ad ills there will he no club inn tints In Julj Tint August the membm were reminded to do their in gather ins information pertaining to the care or children thro the world member to prepare their own report for the Sept i ember meeting which will be the annual meeting which will be held the home of Mrs Bert Leslie Dunns the hour Mr showed a movie of his trip through the New land states which was very In He also showed an old and classic Charlie Chap mo Me Lunch was served the hostess and a social hour Vera of the Line spent the weekend in with friends The North Trafalgar euchre held their final euchre of the season on Saturday night June at the North Trafalgar Community Centre There were tables of euchre In play with the prizes going the follow ing Mrs Cora Mn Tom Mrs i Salisber Charlie Brown Tom How den and Bill Thomson Tickets were sold on a box of ales and the winner was Donald Douglas Several lucky draws were won by the following win Mrs Nellie Lane Wibon Mrs Leo Mr Ola Robin Mrs Eva Slecn Roy South Mrs Lena Ha Mrs Mrs Clare Mrs Nut Mm Mildred Mrs Annie Mrs Jack Mn Miss Bromndge Mrs Mrs Sinclair Wilson John Roberts Mr Frank Peacock Fan Martha Richard son Frank Jim Hum ton Clare Wilson Linisl Mir tin Following the social was hi Id and much enjoyed Friends of Donne Plant the 1 ine are v to he hi had the all from a trie break an arm A no cry wished for Birthdav greetings are tended the follow ihr who celebrating their birthdays i on June Melville Hamilton on June Bilk Stout on June and on June greetings ire ex tended to Mr and Mrs Henry who will eelebnte then wedding on da Mr and Kenneth Tin lall Laurie and Danny of visited on Sunday with and Leslie Rullcdgf indTXarrtils of the Line Mrs Jim Served Knox Womens Groups Church School A Georgetown since coming from Scotland in Mrs Samuel Harrison died at Centennial Manor Mil ton on June Mrs Harrison was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church she served her church in women s groups and was a Sunday School teacher for over twenty years The former Isabelle she was born at Wig towushire a daughter of Mr and Mrs William Dallej Mr and Mrs Harrison were at Newton Stewirt in 1905 and came to two years later She leave and Kenneth or Her husband died in 1062 Rev Norman Young conduct the funeral service at the Harold C Funeral on June 12 with inter meni following in Greenwood Cemetery Pallbearer were Douglas Acton Brown John Jamei Jack Ken Kirk Jaik New Metro Police Chief Special Speaker to JPs Paul Armstrong of George town a member of the area committee and Warren ham lawyer and area director represented the County Legal Aid Plan at a of the Justices of Peace held at the Mill on June The special guest of honour was Harold the appointed Chief of the Men Toronto police who on the relationship bet the courts and the police SPECIAL GUESTS Other special guests Or R dent of the Lakeshore trie Hospital Dr John White superintendent Harm tin isychialnc Hospital and K director of Forensic Clinic Clarke of Toronlo Among the provincial judges present were Judge James Black Judge Michael J Clon Judge B Greene Judge Robert J and Judge Joieph Addison The Justices of the Tag Day Proceeds Help Km Softball Residents will be given an to assist the men Girls Softball league the Jily 2 3 and weekend when taggers will be touring the town idling They will be easily able as will he wearing their leim eaten This is the only public fund appeal which the league mokes The is not a member of Georgetown baseball association and no grant from lax refunds will be treated lo pop and cookies at the arena foil win their 3 lour shift An I ten dollar prizes an being offend lo the and junior teams with the Ileal turnout of Clark Peace include JP of as will as Alien William Da J William Card Jl John Papuiin IP JP John an I Robert Hart DEPARTMENT HEADS Chief Bud Lowe of the Georgetown Police Force the Is prcsc which led the chiefs police and Provincial Police commanders within the County of Other representatives of the polite forces included Chief Fred Oliver and Inspector I son of the police force Chief Kenneth Skerrett and puly chief Jack Jeffries of tin Burlington police force chief Raj Andrea of the Milton ice force staff Walter Grant of Ontario Provincial polite de laehment Milton and Cpl Ray Mason OPP Acton The Ontario Probation Sen ices was represented by Greenwood Senior Pribili in Officer of SECOND IN CLASS Jane Stiver is Award Winner Juie Silver who from Vaughan Road Collegiate this year has been awarded a University College alum scholarship and will be studying at the University of Toronto this fall I Jaie is thi diuthter or youiiMsl ilnlil if Mr ind Mis Mil of ami I Jim son of Mr and Mrs Ken Harris Ft an dent at University of this year He stood second ini class of 119 in his second year studies In the faculty of dent He received the Ash Tom pie Ltd Scholarship Following graduation from Georgetown High School hi gndu it University of before entering Hit course COTTON BROTHERS DOMINION DAY SAVE SASAVlTbrs Fri Sat Tues CREST Toothpaste 4 DAYS ONLY SHOP EARLY FOR HOLIDAY NEEDS COTTON BROTHERS WILL BE DOMINION DAY JULY 1st LADIES ONE SIZE ERt si so Wire See Dominion Spool I LEAF SOCKEYE Salmon Hlf Tin Reg 75c Limit per JOHNSON S JOHNSON J CLOTHS Compare at LAST CALL BLOUSES fjfieed at DOMINION DAY SPECIAL 149 1 LADIES Swim Wear DOMINION DAY SPECIAL Name Brandt DAYS ONLY Enliro Stock 20 o OFF FINAL CLEAROUT Mens Shorts PERMA PRESS Compare at 4 DOMINION DAY SPECIAL 89 2 Men Name Brand Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Reg to 900 DAYS ONLY 99 MENS KNITTED TShirts and Tank Tops Reg to 400 2 MENS CANADIAN MADE SIZE to Work Pants AND Matching Shirts PANTS Reg 98 388 SHIRTS Reg HOLIDAY SPECIALS BOYS GIRLS WEAR Final Clear OutGirls PLAY SUITS COMPARE AT 2 Were Sailing at 1 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Girls WHITE STAG SPORTSWEAR SIZES to 14 Reg To HOLIDAY SPECIAL SKOOTER HALTER SKIRTS TOPS SHORT SHORTS Boys Size 8 to 16 Press Knitted Shirts Compare at 3 HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2 Boys Sizes 8 to PYJAMA SETS Compare at HOLIDAY SPECIAL GEORGETOWN HOURS OPEN TUES WED SAT 9 A 6 THURSDAY FRIDAY 00 A to SHOP EARLY FOR THESE DOMINION HOLIDAY FEATURES COTTON BROTHERS DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN BRAMPTON CASH CHARGE CHARGEX Guaranteed